Medical Master

v4 Chapter 215: One hundred media witnessed together!

On the TV.

Roger first entered the room and began four consultations.

The picture is also cut from the main stage to the room.

Through the lens, the audience can clearly see everything in the room.

Enter the room.

Roger immediately walked to the desk and started four consultations for the patient.

The picture at this time looks a bit serious.

Can be the next moment.

Just as Roger opened his mouth to say the first word, next to his head on the screen, a message appeared immediately.

These confidences are all discovered by Roger in the four clinics.

Some information will appear in each clinic.


After the four clinics are completed.

On the TV screen, there are also the final conclusions of Roger's four diagnoses!

under these circumstances.

While paying attention to Roger's performance, I have to look carefully at the lines that appear next to me. Although Roger and the patient will talk during the recording process, their dialogue is not very nutritious to the audience. Seeing words is more practical.

In front of the TV.

The audience is very tired.

Attracted by the contestants, they were attracted by the words of the line.

But even in the line of sight, I feel very tired, but everyone still can't stop, every time a line of words will immediately turn around and stare.

It seems that I think this will happen.

The subtitle group of the program also conscience with a line of subtitles to remind everyone to rest more, prevent eye fatigue, and recommend some eye-catching ingredients to all audiences.


Fangqiu appeared.

When I saw Fangqiu, everyone was staring at Fangqiu for a second.

I did not expect.

They were very tired when they saw Roger. When they saw Fangqiu, they were even more tired.


Under the lens, Fangqiu looked even more careful than Roger, and the information that appeared in the blank space of the TV screen was obviously more than the previous ones.

After observing.

The picture jumps directly to a separate interview with Fangqiu.

In the interview, Fang Qiu directly stated the final conclusion of his four consultations.

This is listening.

Everyone immediately discovered that Fang Qiu’s conclusion was exactly the same as that of Roger, but in terms of details, Fangqiu was much stronger than Roger.

This look, high judgment!

All the people who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were crazy to brush the curtains. The barrage of the strips was like a dense bullet, covering the entire screen completely.

"Fangqiu is amazing."

"It's too strong. Compared with Fangqiu, the conclusions of the previous people are too rudimentary."

"It’s not a big god, it’s invincible."

"Champion, Fangqiu!"


At the beginning, everyone was not very good at brushing.

After all, Fang Qiu’s appearance is ahead of him. There are still many people behind him. What if someone is more powerful than Fangqiu?


Looking at it, everyone found that the strength of these contestants is similar, and the results of the four clinics are also very accurate, but compared with Fangqiu, it is not at one level.

This time, everyone brushed even harder.

Simply brushed out a pair of square hills that have already won the championship in advance!


In the enthusiasm of everyone.

The show ends.

At night, at twelve o'clock.

The statistics of the ratings are also smooth.

Because of the microblogging publicity before the start of the program, coupled with the attention of the live broadcast tomorrow, director Li Huawen has great hope for the ratings of this program.

Although from the show itself, there is no good looks in the previous period.

However, even if the difference is not much worse.

In the conference room.

The staff of the column group are waiting for the ratings report.


The ratings report was just printed and sent to everyone.

"The ratings for this show are coming out."

A staff member with a rating report was very excited to walk into the conference room.

"how is it going?"

"Is the score good?"

"The last period was too great. This is almost nothing."

Everyone stood up one by one and said a word.

"What is supposed to be good, it is just too good, okay?"

The excitement said.


All the staff members were stunned and many people were confused.

The previous period has broken 6 years. Even if the ratings are high, the program will not be able to keep up with the previous period. Since there is no comparison, what excitement is there?


The two took the ratings report to the conference table.

Everyone immediately concentrated on the past.

first row.

“Young national doctors, the average audience rating is 6.5, and the highest audience rating is 6.7.”

See this number.

All the staff were suddenly stunned.

This figure is what they didn't think of when they killed them. They didn't want to think about it, but they didn't dare to think about it!

To know.

When the last period broke 6, it was already a miracle in the art world!

In this period, it has increased by 0.5!

This is simply a miracle in a miracle!

this moment.

Everyone stared at the ratings report and couldn't help but start to tremble.

This achievement is really too strong!

Not just the staff present.

At the moment when the audience rating was known, all the people in the entire CCTV column were all excited and excited.

Young Chinese doctor.

This is a record!


One of the most powerful variety shows, the most powerful one, achieved an amazing 6-point ratings.


The young doctors of traditional medicine have already broken six in two consecutive periods. This period has reached the height that the variety show has never had before, and the high ratings of 6.5.

This kind of achievement has almost crushed all the variety shows in the country!

of course.

The super-burst of only two phases is not the real source of excitement.

Everyone can't help but be excited and excited because they see the possibility that the show may keep the ratings above 6!

Once the ratings of each subsequent program can be maintained above 6, it is the true history of creation, the real industry benchmark, the industry legend!


Although very excited, everyone knows that it is very difficult to maintain such a high level of ratings.

The reason why the last issue can break 6, is because there is a topic, because the big V to kick the pavilion!

This time I can achieve such high ratings.

A large part of the reason is also because Weibo’s advertisements are publicized by the young Chinese medicine microblog. Fang Qiu will open the treatment method tomorrow. The news attracts more attention than the young doctors. Much more, so it will create such an audience rating.


To continue to maintain such high ratings, it is not that easy.

of course.

All the staff in the column group have confidence that as long as the content of the program is kept above a high level, it should be no problem to keep the program's ratings above 5.

Can do this, young Chinese doctors can be said to be the country's first variety!


Young Chinese doctor, still absolutely original!

They are proud of the young Chinese medicine practitioners and are proud of their work in the youth medical doctors' program. They also thank Fang Qiu for their heartfelt wishes.

In their eyes.

Fangqiu is definitely a big killer in the art world!

"Fangqiu is really a square mound, it is too low-key!"

"Is he low-key? I didn't see it when I recorded the show, but his sense of variety is really strong."

"You are right. Fangqiu is a strong sense of variety. If you want to say that you don't have a low profile, you have to look at everyday life. If you think about it, if other people have such a large popularity, I am afraid that the variety show is full of flying scenes. But Fangqiu is low-key so that people can't see it at all. One is not willing to disappear for a while. Isn't this a low-key?"

"If you say this, it’s really low-key."

"It’s a Chinese medicine practitioner!"



Director Li Huawen did not pay attention to the ratings in the first place.

Not even in the column group.


After the announcement of the microblog of the young Chinese doctor, his phone was smashed.

From the afternoon to the present.

Various media all over the country are insanely contacting him. Some people even look for him in various relationships. They must ask him to reserve a place and strive for their media to be present at the press conference tomorrow.

under these circumstances.

Director Li Huawen, where is the time to pay attention to the ratings.

I can only answer the phone without stopping, and I am constantly joking with people, and I keep laughing.

And every media call, he let the assistant write down.

after all.

For every media, it can be regarded as a super big person!

As a director, Li Huawen, after the program of the young Chinese doctors, will definitely do other programs. Maybe he will accidentally shoot a TV series, make a movie, or let these media change the situation. !

that's it.

Li Huawen did not refuse to come, all of them were recorded.

of course.

It doesn't mean that you promised to give them a seat, just write it down for selection.

Until 12:30 in the evening.

Li Huawen’s mobile phone was finally stopped.

After a few hours of phone calls, the phone was beaten, and if it wasn’t because there was no electricity, I’m afraid the phone would ring tomorrow morning.

Originally, Li Huawen could call while charging his mobile phone.

However, for the sake of safety, he gave up this practice.


During the time of answering the phone, he almost passed the words of the famous media all over the country. Now he is calling some small, unnamed, small media that have no strength but want to take the opportunity to turn over.

These little media don’t come.

Anyway, the current number of media has exceeded the standard.

Next, it is not interesting to filter through the recorded media and continue to record.

I have been idle from the bombing of the phone.

Director Li Huawen immediately asked the assistant to count the recorded media.

This statistic.

Good guy, there are more than 300 media outlets.


There are even a lot of foreign media separated by thousands of miles.

In this case, Li Huawen has no choice but to smile.

"These media are so far away, and they are still busy, even if they promised to leave them a seat, can they come over tomorrow?"

Shake his head and say a word.

Director Li Huawen worked with the assistants to remove all the foreign media that were far away, and then from the remaining media to filter from the comprehensive strength of each family.

The best is that it is not easy to sort out a hundred.

Solve the matter of the media.

Director Li Huawen did not sleep, and immediately began to contact the hospital and the patient.

All of this must be done before tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock!