Medical Master

v7 Chapter 250: Nirvana secret weapon, Voldemort!

Second theater.

In an alpine valley less than ten kilometers from the first theater.

As before, when Fangqiu entered the second theater, he found that the situation was not very good for the European coalition forces, and immediately began to work.

At the same time as the European Union's coalition forces, they will kill all the Nirvana people in the second theater without any mercy!

A super master suddenly appeared, killing all the Nirvana people, helping the victory in the second theater, and also the first time to win, to the European Union headquarters.

Another good news came.

The people of the European Union headquarters were overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the situation that had been extremely difficult, even in a very short period of time, there were two consecutive reports, which was so exciting.

There is no hesitation.

The headquarters of the European Union immediately transferred the two newsletters to various small theaters, so that the members of the European coalition forces who are participating in the war zone must support them. The people in the first and second theaters will immediately rush to the reinforcements.



Resolving all the Nirvana people in the second theater, Fangqiu immediately rushed to the third theater.

The third theater is a snowy mountain, incomparably barren slopes. The ground has many natural cracks. It looks like a string of tassels placed under the yellow background.

This position is already in the theater circle.


Fangqiu is faster than before.

Go directly to the theater.

The situation in the entire theater is very similar to the previous two theaters, and even more **** than the previous two theaters.

The nirvana masters in this theater are obviously a little more than the previous two war zones, but the number of the same European masters has also increased a lot.

The appearance of Fangqiu.

Once again, it became the weight of breaking Libra.

Because of the inner-circle theater, the counterattacks of European masters have already been very fierce. In the presence of the upper hills, the situation immediately reversed.

twenty minutes.

All the nirvana people in the third theater, one does not stay, all kill!

After killing, Fang Qiu immediately rushed to the fourth theater.

at the same time.

The mysterious master appeared, helping the winning news, and the third time to the European Union headquarters.

The appearance of this news completely shocked everyone in the European Union headquarters!

"The third theater?"

"That is a battlefield where the intensity of the battle is particularly high, and it has won."

"Who is it?"

"Where is the master who came from, is it so powerful?"

"Great, there is such a super master's help, we will be able to defeat Nirvana!"

The entire European coalition was suddenly full of hope.


Nirvana’s offensive is almost desperate.

At most a week, they will be completely crushed by Nirvana!

I did not expect.

At such a critical moment, such a mysterious savior appeared.

no doubt.

All the European coalition people are full of gratitude for the emergence of the entire mysterious savior. Everyone secretly vows that as long as they can win this war, they must find this person personally after the end of the war. The mysterious savior must thank him personally!

the other side.

Somewhere in the Sulan Heights, a high cliff in the foothills, occupied by Nirvana.

Here is the command headquarters of Nirvana!


A black man quickly ran outside a tent and fell to the ground.

"Come in."

A familiar voice came out of the tent.

The black man got up and entered.

In the tent, the two sit on each side.

Take a closer look.

These two people are the three and six of Nirvana.

"Report three people, six people."

At the moment of entering the tent, the shadow immediately fell to the ground. Zhangkou said: "The battle in the third theater is over. We have not received any news and cannot contact anyone."

This is the case.

The three people and the six people looked at each other and the old faces of the two could not help but twitch.

"what's going on?"

The mouth of the three-person-speaking Zhangkou said: "The first and second theaters are all right. Now even the third theater has this situation. Why?"

Hearing the words, the people who came to report to the land, did not dare to move very nervously. After hesitating for a while, Zhang mouth said: "I heard that it is a very powerful person, that is, the appearance of that person. Breaking the balance of the battlefield."

A person?

Upon hearing this, the three and six people changed their faces at the same time.

Silence for a long time.

"Go on, have any news, come over and report for the first time!"

The six people said in a blink of an eye.


The black man in the depression responded and quickly retired.

"A person?"

When the talents just left, the three people looked at the six people and said: "This is based on your battle plan. According to your statement, the final winner of each theater will be us. In this case, only one person How can it completely change the situation?"

"I am afraid this is not easy!"

The six people squinted and muttered, "Mute the power of one person to change the whole situation, and in such a fierce confrontation, I have never seen this situation before."


The three of them are a glimpse.


The six people hesitated and said the nameless name.

"Does he dare to come?"

The three people shook their heads and did not think it was nameless.

"Can not be sure."

The six people shook their heads gently and said: "The people who may be the holy places of the ancient Greek country are not excluded."

"In less than two hours, this person has subverted three theaters. If this situation continues, it will not be a long time, and the situation will be greatly reversed."

The three people chilled: "You can't let it go any further!"


The six people nodded and said: "From the position of the first theater, the second theater, and the third theater, I can almost determine the walking route of this person, according to his walking route to judge, he The next theater to be moved is not the fourth theater, but the fifth theater that is closer to the third theater!"

Said here.

Six people have a row in their right hand.

A black energy chain immediately sprang from the palm of his hand and shot directly into the ground at the center of the tent in front of him, then yanked it.

A piece of square meter of land, like a piece of wood, was pulled directly.

On the ground, a square black hole appears immediately.

The blackness of the hole is so dark that nothing can be seen clearly.

The six whispers whispered, mourning a rather strange spell, and then raised his hand fiercely.


Three black shadows, one after another, continuously emerged from the black hole on the ground.

At last.

Neatly arranged in a row, standing in front of the six people.

Cover the black hole on the ground.

In the eyes of the six people, there was a scarlet stare in front of the three bodies that appeared in front of the body. The skin was dry and close to the bones. There was no blood in the whole body, and there were no eyes in the eyes.

"Go to the fifth theater immediately, see the people who have turned the situation, and immediately kill them!"

The six people said in a voice.

The words fell.

In the empty eyes of the three men, a red light suddenly appeared.

Then, there is no courtesy.

The three turned around together, and then the body shaped, and the slamming sound turned into a gust of wind and rushed out, instantly disappearing in front of the six people.

"Three volts, you really can see this person who can reverse the situation."

The three people laughed.

"Be careful to make the ship a million years old."

The six people smiled and added: "However, how do I feel that these three volts seem to be coming back?"


The three of them are a glimpse.

"If it's true to him, the three volts are really not enough for him to kill."

The six people blinked and muttered: "However, this is just a temptation. If it weren't for him, the three sorcerers would be enough to solve the top players in Europe. If he was, the game would be more interesting. ""


The brows of the three men could not help but wrinkle.

On the face, it seems that there is a little disappointment, as if I have thought of something, and some do not want to face it.


Leave the third theater.

Fangqiu continued to use his knowledge to explore the location of other theaters.

As a result, within the scope of the exploration of the gods, the existence of two theaters was simultaneously sensed, and the two theaters were still in completely different directions.

One of them is 15 kilometers away from Fangqiu and the other is about 25 kilometers.

No hesitation.

Fangqiu immediately rushed to the theater 15 kilometers away.

There is the fifth theater!

Came to the fifth theater.

Fangqiu directly tore into the ban.

Hidden on the edge of the theater, Fang Qiu first observed the battle situation in the theater.

It was found that the battles in this theater were even more intense than in the third theater, not because of the emergence of more powerful masters, but because of the increase in people.

After understanding the situation in the theater, Fang Qiu immediately started.

This time.

He still uses the wind blade to fight.

However, in order to end the war in this theater more quickly, Fangqiu also used the golden internal gas in the body.

The golden internal gas originally had a very strong suppression effect on the people who cultivated the magical power, plus the strong suppression force of the upper hill, just entering the battlefield, they could not stop.

It is strange that.

Under this circumstance, Fangqiu discovered that the situation in the entire theater had not changed much.

Take a closer look.

Fang Qiu discovered that the battle of this battlefield was fierce. It turned out that there were many European masters in it, and they were all controlled by Nirvana. They were attacking their own people insanely.

Seeing this situation, Fang Qiu immediately searched through the theater.

Sure enough, I found two people who are hiding in the corner and mourning the curse.

There is no hesitation.

Fangqiu immediately started to kill the two.

Then, try to use your own knowledge to forcefully suppress the spiritual consciousness of those who are almost demented.

In the case of mental consciousness being suppressed, those debauchery European masters are struggling in the same place, gradually waking up a little.

At this time, Nirvana also found the arrival of Fangqiu, immediately immediately split a team of people, quickly attacked Fangqiu.

However, Fangqiu was a flash, directly rushing toward the group of European masters who had just recovered from the loss of wisdom!