Medical Master

v4 Chapter 251: The horrible influence of Fangqiu!

With the release of the letter of apology.

The water forces hired by the six major companies have poured into Weibo, crazy and rhythm.

at the same time.

The research departments of the six major companies have all taken their shots and spent a lot of money to remove the hot search, in an attempt to reduce the impact of the entire incident.

under these circumstances.

Netizens are also obsessed with this matter.

"Yes, this is a good attitude."

"It seems that it should be really a mistake made by employees, it has nothing to do with the company."

"This is what a big company should have. It's a big recognition, it's better than tearing it off."

Some netizens saw that the attitudes of the six major companies were very good. The views of the six major companies were slightly improved. I feel that the nature of these six listed companies is not bad. Otherwise, it is impossible to do it. So big and so strong.

of course.

In addition to this part of the netizens, there are still many netizens who disagree.

"We have been promoting large companies with market capitalization of billions of billions of dollars all day. As a result, we have done all these small moves to harm our consumers. We are now apologizing if we are blown out. If we have not been exposed, then we have been eating the problematic drugs. Don't know until you die?"

"Oh, the road is apologetic. How many people have these drugs? How many people in the country use your medicines? Who knows if they have eaten dead people? Now, if you come out and apologize, you think it's okay?"

"It’s a big listed company. It’s only a night time. The apology letter was also sent. It’s hot for a whole night. It’s the next big one. This is the strength of a big company. This is the big company’s money. Where the flowers are, it’s no wonder that the medicines will go wrong!"

"What do you want to withdraw from the heat, since you really admit your mistake, why do you want to withdraw the heat?"

"This is a ghost in my heart!"


In the hot discussion of netizens, the six major companies remain silent.

At this time.

Many netizens who participated in the hot discussion suddenly became like the hot post that appeared in the post bar last night. Immediately, they immediately went to the national microblogging hot topic list, clicked on, and went directly to the original post of the post. Worship.

"The landlord is really god, all guessed!"

"The landlord is arrogant!"

"I said, these six listed companies will not borrow the way from the landlord?"

"I didn't believe it at the beginning. Now I am very sure that the landlord is really a genius!"

"Although the public relations means of the six major companies are exactly the same as the predictions of the landlord, from the current situation, the landlord has given more predictions. The six companies have not used them, but they do not know whether these major companies will will use!"

"Sure enough, it’s a routine. These six companies are really pretending to be very different. Is this a misguided person?"

“A big company is a big company, and the routine is really deep!”


Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, after Fangqiu morning exercise, I went back to the dormitory early after eating.


Sun Hao looked at Fangqiu and ate the freshly bought noodles while holding a mouthful of mouth. While looking at the laptop on the desk, he said: "This listed company is a listed company. The strength of crisis public relations is really not covered. You have sent this apology letter, and now many netizens have begun to sympathize with them."

"is it?"

Fangqiu smiled lightly.

"The third is right."

Zhou Xiaotian sucked the noodles, walked over to Sun Hao, looked at the Weibo comments on the laptop screen, and then said: "Now on Weibo, I have to ignore the meaning of this matter. I think these responses are definitely problematic. ""

"I feel so too."

Zhu Benzheng also nodded, Zhangkou asked: "Daddy, are you ready to fool?"

"Not urgent."

Fangqiu shook his head and said, "There is no good show yet."

"What a good show?"

Three friends, while staring at the square, staring at Fangqiu.

"The good show is, stock!"

Fangqiu said.


9:30 am.

The stock market opened.

The securities exchanges across the country are much more lively than usual, and a large number of investors have just entered the door.

of course.

In addition to the stockholders who like to go to the stock exchange, there are countless stockholders sitting in front of the computer or holding mobile phones, all of them are scared.

As those stock analysts in the major stock groups expected.

As the stock market opens.

The six major pharmaceutical companies, led by Sage Pharmaceuticals, immediately began to fall sharply. Countless investors were selling wildly. The more shareholders rushed the stocks of these companies, the more they blew.

Just over ten minutes.

Six major pharmaceutical companies, all down the limit!


This trend of stock price madness has not stopped. Instead, it has shifted from these six pharmaceutical companies to other pharmaceutical companies, causing other pharmaceutical companies to start falling rapidly.

A blink of an eye.

The stocks of the entire pharmaceutical industry have become a piece of green oil. Every company has a different degree of decline, and no pharmaceutical company can escape.

This scene.

Let countless shareholders break their hearts.

Among them, there are still many people who want to sell their own stocks, and they are too late.


501 dormitory.

Because Fangqiu raised the issue of stocks, Zhu Benzheng, Sun Hao and Zhou Xiaotian have also been paying attention to the stock prices of the six major companies that were broken by Fangqiu. As a result, just after the market opened, the six major companies have all gone down. Others The stocks that have not been broken are also falling rapidly.

"The trough!"

Seeing such a crazy scene, Zhu Benzheng was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Daddy, you are arrogant."

Sun Hao looked at Fangqiu with a shocked look.

"This is really good."

Zhou Xiaotian also saw a glimpse.

"These six companies are afraid of losing money."

Zhu Benzheng laughed.

"How did we not find it before?"

Sun Hao was shocked and walked to the side of Fangqiu. From the top to the bottom, he carefully looked at Fangqiu and said, "We haven't found out, your kid is so arrogant, even this large listed company has Can you be like this, and you have six more at a time, you have to go to heaven?"

"What day?"

Zhou Xiaotian also came up and said to Sun Hao: "I announced that from today on, the old man must have another nickname."

"What nickname?"

Zhu Ben is wondering.

Fangqiu is also confused.

Zhou Xiaotian screamed on weekdays, especially like to give people a nickname.

"Can you call me?"

Zhou Xiaotian swept the three people and said of course: "Of course it is the stock market nemesis. You look at the old man, the six large listed companies, the market value of at least one night will evaporate at least several hundred million, even several Ten billion!"

"The words are like this."

The shocking color on his face turned, Zhu Ben was frowning, and looked at Fangqiu with some worries. He said, "When you do this, how many investors will lose money, and how many people will marry you, you know ?"

"That's right."

Fangqiu shook his head with a chuckle and said: "I am helping them out of the bitter sea. Looking at the drugs of these six companies, even without me, they will soon be blown out, and now they are the six major companies. When the stock rises, there is no news of mine. Those investors will definitely make additional investments. If they add more investment and then break the news, then it will be nothing."


The three friends of the room friends nodded.


Fangqiu said yes, now it is too late to see the true face of these six companies. The later it is discovered, the more disadvantageous these shareholders will be!



In the entertainment circle, it was caused by the incident of Fang Qiu tearing the six listed companies, which caused a very big shock.

In addition to some small stars associated with these six companies, some big stars are also paying special attention to this matter, not because they also buy or use the drugs of these six companies, but because of the influence of Fangqiu. force.

This influence is the real influence!

By one's own efforts, the six listed companies were torn apart, and the share prices of all related companies fell.

This is the real, real impact!

As stars, they can't do it!

of course.

In addition to the big stars in the first line.

However, do first-line stars dare to open up several listed companies so openly?

Obviously dare not!

All China, even the whole world, dare to do this, only Fangqiu.

Compared with the attention of the entertainment industry, the points of attention of the Chinese medicine industry are completely different.

"I didn't expect Fangqiu's influence to be so great."

"He is harming Chinese medicine practitioners. All the companies that are proprietary Chinese medicines have problems. There is no problem with Western medicines. However, he is also a company specializing in the production of western medicines. Is this practice too much for Chinese medicine practitioners?"

"Fangqiu is also a Chinese medicine practitioner. How can he do this kind of thing?"

"There is nothing wrong with Fangqiu doing this. After all, the drugs of these six companies are really a problem. If you look at it for a long time, the drug problem will have a very big impact on our Chinese medicine practitioners. Let's go."

"Chinese medicine is to be orthodox. I support Fangqiu. It is these pharmaceutical manufacturers who use only a little bit of energy to make Chinese patent medicines!"

"Although I don't know whether Fangqiu's approach is good or bad, I have to admit that Fangqiu's influence is really great. This influence is simply the first person in the medical profession!"

"At least, in the impact of the departure, Fangqiu can afford this first."

"The most horrible thing is that Fangqiu is simply saying the law, saying who is dead."



CCTV building.

Yesterday, I went to work very late to go home. Li Huawen, who was eager to read the news when he came to work today, was shocked after seeing the stock prices of the six major companies have fallen.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qiu’s hand actually made such a big deal.


After a brief shock, Director Li Huawen immediately laughed again and smiled very happy.

In his opinion.

Fangqiu is a person who has been introduced by young Chinese medicine practitioners. The greater the influence of Fangqiu, the greater the influence of young Chinese medicine practitioners.

no doubt.

Starting today, the leaders of CCTV, the staff members of the satellite TV stations, and the ordinary civilians in the road should face the young Chinese doctors.

"This time, you should know that our program is amazing?"

"Leaders should also see it clearly?"

Director Li Huawen smirked with a smug look.