Medical Master

v7 Chapter 257: Shake the world!


Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the man’s chest suddenly exploded and the heart burst directly.

See this scene.

All the high-level Europeans on the scene were at the same moment, and they stood up fiercely, and they all looked at the scene in front of them.

No one can think of it, he would choose to commit suicide, and he still committed suicide so hard that even a little bit of reaction time was left.

Seeing the other person committing suicide in front of him, Fangqiu is also very helpless.

Because the other person’s suicide came too suddenly, and even Fangqiu could not stop himself.

Silence for a while.


Fangqiu stood up and said: "You are the only one left in the European coalition. Now all of you are safe, so I hope that you will not give up. You not only have the hope of living, but also the hope of revenge! ”


One of them said bitterly: "It is easy to talk about it. Nirvana is too strong. We are not their opponents at all. Even if we go back to Nirvana, we will still find opportunities to work for us. We will still die when we get there."

Others also silently nodded.

Looks like.

Everyone has been scared by this war!

"You still have your country and the people of your country to protect."

Fangqiu Zhangkou said: "Are you really willing to do this?"

Everyone listened.

Some are moving.


Each of them is patriotic. Each of them is for the country. For their own hard work, nowadays, although so many people have died, they are still not dead. Their war is not over yet.

"Europe has lost a lot of people in this battle, but Nirvana has also killed a lot of people."

Fang Qiu continued: "Do you really want to give up your relatives and friends and watch them being slaughtered by Nirvana?"

When this was said, everyone was moved.

"Don't forget, you are just the first area."

Fangqiu gently vomited and said: "We have been fighting Nirvana for hundreds of years. After Nirvana destroyed Europe, it will also work in other areas. You need to cheer up. You have seen Nirvana through this war. The evil, also sees the power of Nirvana, to deal with Nirvana, only we can join hands to completely eliminate them and make the world peaceful!"

Speaking of this, Fangqiu stood up.

"According to the direction of our actions, Ju Li is not far away. It is a military base of the Mi military at the seaside. You follow me. I will go up and inquire about the situation. After confirming the safety, you will come up again."

After all, Fangqiu jumped and jumped directly into the underground river and continued on.

All the European masters followed, and everyone did not speak, thinking about the words that the nameless had just said.


Under the nameless leadership, the people went through an underground river and came to a wide river connected with the ocean.

Fangqiu first came out and released his knowledge. He carefully explored the situation on all sides and determined that there was no danger before he flew up and rushed into the military base.

When I saw someone rushing into the base, all the soldiers in the base of the military base were stunned.

They are stationed here all the year round.

I have seen it there, and some people dare not dare to break into the military base so brazenly?

The most terrible thing is that this intruder is flying in!

In the military base, all the soldiers were in a slap in the face, Fangqiu did not stop at all, but all the way directly into the headquarters of the military base.

The nameless suddenly appeared, and the general in the command post was really shocked.

"you you you……"

Ordinary soldiers don't know, but the generals of this military base have already seen the nameless.

So when he saw the nameless suddenly appearing in front of him, the whole person was suddenly stupid.

He even wants to pretend to die.

Because he thought that the nameless only destroyed the base and never killed people!

"The European coalition people fled here, I want you to ship them and leave."

Fangqiu said directly.

This is the case.

General Mi Jun was a glimpse first, then did not dare to think about it, and immediately nodded.

For him, as long as the nameless is not to destroy, everything is easy to say.

At this time.

All the European coalition forces have also emerged from the river.

The two sides did not even negotiate.

The representative of the British country stood up and explained a few words. The Mi army immediately dispatched a warship and escorted everyone to leave. After all, the military base was built in the land of the country.


The masters of the coalition forces were escorted and left. Before leaving, they all expressed their gratitude to the unknown.

Of course, Fangqiu did not get on the boat.

Although the war on the European side has ended, but the Nirvana people have not left, for now, everyone in Nirvana should still be in the territory of the Kingdom of England.

Fangqiu chose to stay, just want to have a good look, what Nirvana wants to do!



The news of the defeat of the European coalition forces quickly spread to all parts of the world.

No one knows who the news is, but perhaps the person who knows the situation, perhaps the one who is Nirvana.

I heard this news.

Countries all over the world have been shocked!

"The European coalition failed?"

"No, the European coalition forces are the superpowers of how many countries are combined. Even the top players are countless. How can they lose?"

"Nirvana, is it really so terrible?"

"My Scorpio, Europe was attacked by Nirvana, who can think of this result?"

"The Nirvana organization is too scary, right?"

"Europe, many countries, and still on their own land, actually lost to Nirvana?"

"very scary."

"Nirvana can control the people who practice the speeding success method. This is already terrible. With the powerful strength of Nirvana itself, if there is a country in the world that can resist Nirvana, it can only be China. !"

no doubt.

Shocked colleague.

All countries in the world have fallen into full fear, fearing that the next area attacked by Nirvana is their territory.

What can they do in the face of Nirvana's attack?

Fighting to death, being destroyed by Nirvana like Europe, or surrender?

"What is Nirvana doing?"

"Now it is Europe, then it is our turn. They want to kill the whole world. Will they destroy the whole world?"

The top leaders of the world can't help but panic, and even start planning one after another, how to protect themselves, how to escape from Nirvana's hands.

As the second most powerful country in the world.

In the case of several years of cooperation with Nirvana, the country has established some friendship with Nirvana. However, because of the heavy losses caused by the deception of the six people, the country was prepared to go to Nirvana to discuss a statement, but when After they heard the defeat of the European coalition forces, Nirvana swept the news of the whole of Europe, they could not help but panic.

The top officials of the country have made an assessment in an instant.

Their national power is very difficult to deal with the whole of Europe when military bases around the world are not destroyed by namelessness. It takes at least a year or even years to get down.

Nirvana, in less than twenty days, actually swept the whole of Europe!

This strength is really powerful and outrageous!

Reminiscent of the news that Nirvana can control the people who practice the fast-speed success method, the high-ranking countries of the country can no longer hold back.

As the highest level of the powers of the country, Nash Wilson immediately called the six.

Somewhere in the country.

In a luxurious suite, six people are sitting on a luxurious bed with **** discs. I don't know how long the cultivation has been restored.


Suddenly, the phone rings.

The six people slowly opened their eyes and looked pale at the mobile phone beside them. The face was so weak that a sneer was emerging.

The next moment, he pressed the button.

"Six people?"

The voice of Nash Wilson came from the other side of the phone.

"General Nash, hello."

The six people smiled and answered.

"Are you nirvana crazy?"

Nash Wilson asked in a very angry voice: "What do you want to do, do you want to cause the Third World War?"


The six people laughed loudly, and Zhangkou, who had a gentle mood, said: "Don’t worry, don't worry, we will make a statement later!"

Finish, hang up the phone directly.


When the world is leading the European coalition to defeat and panic.

Fangqiu, who had just left the military base of the Mi military, quickly came to one of the cities in the country, and found a place to live.

While resting, take out your mobile phone and log in to the underground forces forum to post.

"The reasons for the defeat in Europe and the crisis in the world!"

"This time in the battle between the European coalition forces and Nirvana, the European coalition forces already knew that Nirvana could influence and control the people who practiced the rapid success method. In the war, the European coalition forces first discovered that closing the hearing can be protected from Nirvana, but in the end. In the war, Nirvana used a very different technique, which can completely abandon spoken and sound waves, and use spiritual spells to control people who have closed their hearing."

"So far, there is no way to solve this problem. Nirvana's ambitions have gradually emerged. Now everyone in the world is at risk, so I hope that everyone can work together to find a solution!"

Finished writing.

Fangqiu immediately sent the post.

The content of this post was also quickly spread around the world.

Everyone in the world clearly saw the contents of this post. Everyone knows that the European coalition forces were lost in the control of Nirvana.

For a time, the panic in the world has intensified again.

But at the same time.

People from all over the world have also begun to guard against Nirvana, and began to count in detail how many people in the country's fast-paced success method, how much is the proportion.

As a result, after the complete statistics, the countries of the world were shocked to discover that the proportion of those who have the ability to cultivate fast-successful methods in each country has reached more than 90%!

This data really scares every country in the world.