Medical Master

v7 Chapter 270: Run while sucking!


Hundreds of Chinese masters who are better than no name?

At the thought of this, the faces of these people on the scene suddenly changed.

If things really develop in the direction of the nameless, their final result can't escape a dead word!

For a time.

All the masters of the world are silent.

No one knows what to do now.

The two sides began to stand still.

Although I am worried in my heart, the masters from all over the world have no intention of retreating.

After a long time.


Suddenly, a person opened his mouth and said: "The gas in the heavens and the earth here is not right. He is guiding a lot of heaven and earth."

This is the case.

Everyone's face was amazed and they looked unnamed.

And here.

Fangqiu did not think of it at all. Someone even noticed what he was doing, and immediately raised his eyebrows.


"I am leading a lot of heaven and earth."

Fang Qiu’s course, Zhangkou said: “Or else, if you suddenly touched me, how can I blow up the gas in the first place?”

Everyone obviously did not think that the nameless would be so refreshingly admitted.

Can be next.


Suddenly a shout came from the crowd and said: "Everything he said can happen, but only if he is not dead, we only need to kill him in the shortest possible time. Time to deal with the Nirvana organization that is likely to hit again. We are a group of hundreds of countries all over the world. Even if Nirvana can destroy a Europe, it can ruin the world?"

"As for China... As long as there is no name to die, the Chinese people will come, and they will take us helpless, because they simply don't know where the nameless is!"

"No name is guiding the gathering of heaven and earth energy, which means that he needs a lot of energy to blow up the gas source. If he is allowed to continue to guide the gathering, I am afraid he can really blow up the air of the heavens and the earth, the sooner Killing him, the sooner you can stay away from the threat!"


The masters of the world all understand that they seem to have been played by the nameless.

It is because the nameless name in the world is too big, which led everyone to dare not act rashly from the beginning, but did not expect to give the nameless time.

Once the nameless guide gathers enough energy in the heavens and the earth, I am afraid that it will not blow up the source of the heavens and the earth, but directly use his energy to guide the gathering, killing everyone on the scene!

"Can't wait any longer."


I figured out this point, the masters of all the countries in the field were not hesitating, and immediately swooped up toward Fangqiu crazy, one by one revealing a picture, to be swallowed up by the nameless.

of course.

Because of the nameless after the gas source, the masters of various countries dare not use the energy attack, for fear that it will have a bad influence on the gas source of the heavens and the earth, so all people are swarming up like a wolf who is very hungry.

Facing this circumstances.

Fangqiu certainly won't sit still!


Seeing everyone slamming into it, Fangqiu immediately turned and flew out quickly.

While fleeing and flying, it continues to absorb the richness of the heavens and the earth in the land of the gas source.

in fact.

It is very difficult for the other side to blow up the gas source of the heavens and the earth. Let alone use all the strength. Even if it is absorbed in a large amount of heaven and earth, it will be difficult to blow off the source of the heavens and the earth.

Think about it, even if the meridians in the body are expanded to be wider, at most, the degree of the arm is thick.

In the case where the internal airflow can be obtained by the addition of the power method, it can explode up to ten times the total amount of the internal air.

Look at the mouth of the gas source.

Even if only one-tenth of the size of China's heaven and earth gas source, the diameter of the mouth of this gas source has reached tens of meters, and the richness and purity of the heaven and earth that rushed out from it is not comparable to that of Fangqiu. .

It is said that this force is extremely aggressive, and that the power is extremely terrible. Even if Fangqiu is fully committed, it is not necessary to be able to make a short-lived flow of the heavens and the earth, let alone blow it up.

Therefore, the air source of the world was blown up, but Fangqiu took it out to scare people.

While flying fast and rushing out, Fangqiu did not try to escape, but instead rushed directly into the jungle, which was growing vigorously.

A group of people, followed by crazy pursuit.

"Keep all the exits and kill him here!"

I don't know who shouted.


Dozens of people have risen to the sky, and the land of the gas source has been surrounded by a circle, all blocked by the prohibition of the source of the gas source, in order to prevent the nameless escape.

Not to mention, Fang Qiu really did not plan to escape.

In fact, when I came to the place of the gas source and sat down to cultivate near the mouth of the gas source, Fangqiu clearly found that the gas of the heavens and the earth that was absorbed near the mouth of the gas source was very pure. The kind of purity that I have never seen before, and the speed of absorption is very fast. After the gas in the world is inhaled, it can not only be quickly converted into golden gas, but also has a very effective strengthening and lifting effect on my body and Dantian. .

Therefore, Fangqiu does not want to leave this place of gas quickly. After all, there are benefits to be able to take, of course, to take advantage of the benefits!

"Want to kill me?"

Hearing the shouts from his ears, Fang Qiudun couldn’t help but smile.

He was the first time he met, and someone wanted to kill himself.

That being the case.

Then take a look at who is killing who!

Mind and this.

In the rapid flight, Fangqiu directly turned back and looked at everyone who was eagerly chasing after him. He said, "You are too slow, and you want to catch up with me at this speed." ?"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly became angry.

No name is in their view, it is already a dead body.

A dying person, dare to ridicule them so brazenly?

This makes them very angry!

"You give me a stop."

An angry man pointed his finger at Fangqiu and shouted.

"I stand to let you catch?"

Fangqiu put on a look of an idiot and stared at the other side and said, "I will let you stand, do you stand?"

The other's face turned into a pig liver color instantly.

Not only being scorned, but also being played?

This makes him able to withstand it!

"You give me to die."

In the roar of the roar, this person who was scorned and played by the nameless, pushed his hands fiercely, and looked at the huge flame tongue. He immediately burst out from his hands, with a raging flame, swooping toward the nameless, trying Use the flame to swallow the nameless!

"Where, is it angry?"

Fangqiu exclaimed, then immediately accelerated and continued to escape.

And the rear.

Everyone is still chasing crazy, but only the only one who is on the other side of the hills to launch a storm, others are just chasing after, and there is no intention to shoot.

I don't know how long it has been.

This person who was ridiculed by the nameless taunts, in the continuous storm, consumed energy, the speed of the whole person became slow, and he was unable to attack the nameless.

"Is it so fast?"

Fangqiu turned around and continued to ridicule and said: "It's too slow, it's too slow. Are you a tortoise, chasing Germany so slowly, it doesn't mean anything!"

Listen to this.

The faces of the masters of all countries have been gloomy.

Nameless is too arrogant!

For a time.

Everyone even had the illusion, as if they had exchanged their identity with the nameless, as if they were chasing them without name, instead of chasing them.

This feeling makes the masters of all countries in the world very wrong and very angry.


The nameless speed is too fast, they can't catch up, and the nameless has been constantly changing direction. Even if people go out to round up the nameless, there is no chance.

"Run, see when you can run."

"You better not stop, when you stop, it is when I break your head."

Some people who are ridiculed are unable to endure, directly open their mouths and vent their anger.

"Just by you?"

Fangqiu smirked with a disdain and said: "You haven't waited for me to stop, you can't run?"

Everyone is angry.

The reason why they do not attack the nameless is to save energy. When the nameless is consumed, it will burst out and kill the nameless!


I have been chasing and chasing, and I have been listening to Fang Qiu’s ridicule. Everyone has always discovered that the speed of the nameless has not slowed down at all, as if there is no consumption at all.

In this case, the masters of the world have begun to wonder.

"Look, the source of the world is shrinking."

Just when everyone was puzzled, a shout sounded.

Everyone turned to see.


The energy flow that rushes from the mouth of the gas source and rushes straight into the sky is really shrinking at a very slow speed. Although the reduction is small, for the z-class, the small amplitude can The induction is very clear.

"It’s a nameless ghost!"

"kill him!"

In the distance, the loud screams of anger came.

Everyone suddenly accelerated, began to consciously spread out, looking for opportunities to surround the nameless.

It is at this time.

The namelessness that has been running forever, suddenly sharply reduced, seems to be over-consumption, and his face becomes a little pale.


Seeing the appearance of the nameless weakness, the masters of the world seem to have caught an excellent opportunity in general, suddenly madly stimulating energy, far from the unknown.

In front.

See the various energies from the rear.

Fangqiu's pale face suddenly became rosy, and then the body slammed, and quickly slammed out, and all the energy attacks launched by the people were all avoided.

This scene, suddenly the eyes of the world's masters are dumbfounded.

They thought that this name couldn't escape this time, but I didn't expect that when I was about to be attacked, the nameless actually ran away?

What's happening here?

The masters of the world are all in awe.

I don't know what happened.

Looking at the unknown in the direction of the front, I was surprised to find that after running out of a distance and hiding all the attacks, the nameless face became pale again and the speed slowed down again.