Medical Master

v1 Chapter 28: Nice! sounds so good!

"You are so inferior to radically imagining that you can provoke mysterious people. I really don't know if your IQ is low, or if someone else's IQ is like you!"

"How can the mysterious people of the gods know you, wash and sleep!"

"I said that the mysterious man is a coward, and I don't look at you a few pounds. I have Chen Cong who has challenged the freshman beforehand. I can beat him and challenge the mysterious person. If the cat and the dog challenge the mysterious person, it will be It’s too expensive.”

"Strongly support you to challenge Chen Cong and hope to wake up your IQ."


Soon, the one-sided support of the mysterious people on the forum directly gave the few people who provoked the dispute to the body of the shackles, and directly succumbed to it.

I blame, but everyone is still looking forward to the mysterious person can show up again.

Especially those students who will graduate after one year left, I hope that in the final year, I can know who the mysterious person is in the sacred!

Jiang Miaoyu returned to the dormitory to listen to the roommate and said that the mysterious man did not show up, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, the mysterious person did not show up, otherwise I really missed a chance to see the mysterious person.

the next day.

With the end of the big class of more than 100 people in the three majors of medical biology, medical law, and Chinese medicine history, the second day of the course of Fangqiu University came to an end. .

After dinner in the afternoon, under the eyes of the roommate, Fangqiu is ready to go to the small garden again.

The result was walking on the road, and suddenly a person stopped him.

Li Qingshi.

Fangqiu looked at the sudden appearance of the person in front of him.

The other side looked at him with a serious look.

"Fangqiu, are you currently rehearsing the opening ceremony with Jiang Miaoyu?"

Li Qingshi interrogated in a condescending tone.

In his eyes, Fang Qiu is just wanting to eat swan meat.

Fangqiu just looked at him faintly and continued to move forward.

Li Qingshi was suddenly stunned by this sudden ignorance, and then his face was cold. He quickly came to Fangqiu and stopped Fangqiu. He bit his teeth and said: "I asked you, you didn't hear it?"

Who is he?

Chairman of the Institute of Chinese Medicine.

All Chinese medicine students include the head of Fangqiu!

The pride of the sky!

Which student saw him was not respectful, but today he was once again ignored by a freshman!

The playground was ignored the day before yesterday, and today he dared to ignore him!

Really be a root stalk!

Fang Qiu didn't even look at him this time, and walked straight around.

Li Qingshi was angered and burned twice in a row, violently reaching out to pull Fangqiu.

But Fangqiu seems to have known it for a long time.

The arm quietly changed the swinging trajectory, so that Li Qingshi was caught.

This Li Qingshi is even more angry!

I wanted to find Fangqiu to talk about it well, but this time he really couldn’t hold back his inner anger, especially when he saw the entanglement of Fangqiu and Jiang Miaoyu many times in a row, and even made him angry from the soles of his feet. Brainwashing the door.

Li Qingshi appeared in front of Fangqiu for the third time. His face was very gloomy. He glared at Fangqiu’s cold voice and said: "I warned you for the last time, far from Jiang’s wonderful language. This time, the opening ceremony, you better voluntarily withdraw, otherwise don’t blame me. !"

You are welcome?

Fangqiu raised his head and smiled. He looked at Li Qingshi and said, "Please."

Finish, go around again.

Li Qingshi turned his head and stared at the back of Fangqiu. He clenched his fists and finally turned into a roar.

For the threat of Li Qingshi, Fang Qiu did not pay attention to the heart, the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth, he is still afraid of who!

Not yet in the garden, Fangqiu saw a group of people.

One of the crowds was a girl who wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building the day before.

Surrounded by his loved ones, a girl with a distressed face embraced the campus and walked outside the campus.

Not only did Fang Qiu notice this pedestrian, but the students around him also noticed them.

Hearing the surrounding arguments, Fang Qiu knew that the girls’ parents were scared to catch up from thousands of miles overnight when they learned that their girls were going to commit suicide.

The final outcome is to drop out of school.

This is the only choice for the school, for the girl or for the girl’s parents.

It is also a helpless choice.

This is the end of the matter. For parents, academics are no longer important. The most important thing is to keep your daughter's life.

The girl dropped out of school, but the man’s Chi Xiang only remembered a serious warning and temporarily suspended school for one year.

How ironic it is.

Fangqiu did not expect the sentence he had said, see once to play once!

Fangqiu watched the disappearance of the girl at the gate and silently turned and left.

When he came to the garden, Jiang Miaoyu had arrived first, sitting on the stool next to the stone table under the tree.

"Sorry, I am late."

Fang Qiu hurriedly apologized.

It is really inappropriate to let a girl wait for herself.

"Nothing, I just arrived."

"How is Cantonese learning?"

Jiang Miaoyu asked a question, and then carefully observed the expression of a lower hill. He did not see any uneasiness but a calm face, and immediately realized that the other party might have mastered it.

"Basically mastered."

Fangqiu said.


Jiang Miaoyu sighed and asked: "After we separated, you must have done a lot of work?"

"so far so good."

Fangqiu said a little embarrassed.

He didn't dare to tell the truth. He only learned it after listening for ten minutes, and then he never learned.

Jiang Miaoyu only said that Fang Qiu was modest and said: "We sing each other first, listen to what the other party sings, and then we sing several times, how?"

Fangqiu nodded in agreement.

So Jiang Miaoyu first sang a Mandarin.

"My classmates,

Find a place,

This is your opening ceremony. ”

The first sentence of the opening made Fangqiu feel amazing.


Listening to a beautiful person singing a nice song is really a great enjoyment.

"Looking forward,

Imagine how beautiful you are when wearing a square cap.

Earn unforgettable tuition fees first,

I will not be rude in the coming year.

Tomorrow will always be a new semester.

Lifetime system.


The end of the song.

Jiang Miaoyu smiled and asked: "How?"


Fangqiu sighed with a thumbs up.

"Thank you, it's up to you."

Jiang Miaoyu thanked the Tao and then entered a listening posture.

Whether the success or failure of this song is more or not depends on whether Fangqiu's Cantonese pronunciation is accurate, whether it can be sung and the original song of this song is so wonderful.

Fangqiu cleared his throat and sang softly.

"My classmates,

Find a place,

This is your opening ceremony. ”

Open the first sentence.

Jiang Miaoyu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Good standard pronunciation!

Although she does not understand Cantonese, but this song she listened to countless times, naturally heard that Fangqiu's Cantonese speech is extremely accurate.

No wonder so calm, it really is well-informed!

Continue listening.

She is no longer interested in pronunciation, but is attracted by the song of Fangqiu.

sounds amazing!

Not worse than Li Keqin's original singer!

Jiang Miaoyu no longer thinks about how to recognize the hustle and bustle in the song, but enjoys the beautiful song of Fangqiu.

The end of the song.

"how about it?"

Fang Qiu asked the same words as Jiang Miaoyu.

"sounds so good!"

Jiang Miaoyu said sincerely.

"I like it."

Fangqiu modestly.

"No." Jiang Miaoyu shook his head and said.

She was the first time she saw a boy singing so beautiful.

Whether it is from the tone, the pitch and the emotions in it, it is the perfect grasp of the essence.

At the Mid-Autumn Festival party last week, she did not listen to Fang Qiu’s singing too carefully because of special environmental problems.

For the first time today, I listened carefully to the other party’s voice.

It was really nice to find out.

A nice one.

A really nice one.

Neither of them is a compliment, but a true evaluation from the heart.

"In this case, then we can cooperate?" asked Fangqiu.

"absolutely okay."

Jiang Miaoyu looked at Fangqiu deeply and said: "I didn't expect your classmates to have such a high musical talent. You learned a Cantonese song in such a short period of time and it was a perfect interpretation."

"The music talent is very high, and it will be bones. Fang classmates, you seem to have a lot of secrets!"

Fangqiu Wenyan only smiled slightly and did not answer.


Then suddenly three girls suddenly jumped in front of Jiang Miaoyu and Fangqiu, scared Jiang Miaoyu.

All three of them looked at the two and smiled. "You are here."

Then the spear headed at Fangqiu and said: "Fang, you can't take our school to run away!"

Wen Yan, Jiang Miaoyu's face was slightly red, and quickly stood up and came to the other side of the hill to introduce: "This is my three roommates, Huang Manman, Cheng Lin, Yuan Hao."

Fangqiu also quickly got up and said, "Hello, I am Fangqiu."

"We know you!"

Yuan Zhen, who is tall and tall, looked up and down and said: "You are the one who used our heroic words to save the heroic skills and cure her foot injury, right?"

"I don't want the hero to save the beauty, just raise your hand." Fang Qiu said immediately.

"It's very modest, but if you are prepared to chase our family language, you must be prepared for long-term operations. Our family language is that the first two years of college are ready to learn and not fall in love."

Yuan Yuchong squinted at Fangqiu.

This one……

Fangqiu stunned, and he admitted that there was a hint of love in his heart.

Otherwise, yesterday will not be stunned by Jiang Miaoyu, "Are you not alive?"

Can it be so bright and clear? Is it really good?

Jiang Miaoyu's Jiao Yu was pushed by Yuan Hao, and he was so betrayed himself.

The first two years of college not to fall in love is the bottom line before she went to college.

But now I don't know why it is a little loose.

Yuan Yu smiled and Jiang Miaoyu made a big fuss, and soon the other two Huang Manman and Cheng Lin also joined the battle group.

There is still a boy watching it next to him.

The garden was filled with sings and laughter.

"Daddy, you are here!"

A huge voice that was very surprised was passed over.

Fangqiu turned his head and looked at it. The three friends were hurriedly coming towards this side.

Fangqiu wondered how the three people came so skillfully and prepared to say hello.

As a result, the three directly ignored Fangqiu and directly rushed to the front of the four girls in Jiang Miaoyu. They said helloly: "The four beautiful women are good, we are Fangqiu's roommates, I am very glad to meet you!"

After that, Sun Hao added a sentence, "I didn't expect to see four big beautiful women in the first half of the school. It is a good fortune!"

Zhu Benzheng and Zhou Xiaotian agreed to a serious nod.

Fang Qiu looked at the big odds. The three people now show that the peacetime is completely different. It is absolutely serious.

what is it today?

The four girls who made a mess saw someone coming, and quickly separated.

When I heard Sun Hao’s three words swearing, I couldn’t help but smile.

When I saw the beautiful woman laughing, the three people were happy and ready to show it again.

Fang Qiu came over at this moment, opened his arms and held the neck of the three people and said: "Okay, since you have come, listen to the cooperation and singing of my classmates."


Jiang Miaoyu immediately took his roommate and asked them to sit on the stone bench and said, "This is the first time we have cooperated with this song. You can give us a review."

"it is good!"

Zhu Benzheng responded to the first one, and then did not move to Wang Yu immediately.

Sun Hao and Zhou Xiaotian looked at each other and saw the same regret and contempt in the other's eyes.

They regret that they are one step late, let the boss give it first!

This bench can sit six people, three girls sit together, then the three of them must have sat down together, so there is a man and a girl squatting.

And this opportunity turned out that Zhu Benzheng, who was usually looking at a serious man, was snatched away.

Really despise this stuffy guy!

Fangqiu and Jiang Miaoyu stood in front of six people and prepared for the first chorus.