Medical Master

v5 Chapter 297: I am finally on fire! (first more)

"Hey? Shake the man and send a video again?"

The short video was sent out and was immediately seen by fans of this person.

The nickname of this person on the shaking is called the shaking man.

According to him.

He imagined like a hero, showing fans a world that ordinary people can't see, so he did all kinds of videos, but he was so badly lucky that he could hardly be featured on the boutique, so it was difficult to be seen by other shaking users. , causing him to never get up.

Although not fire, there are still a few fans.

This is not.

The few fans, after seeing the latest short video he updated, were immediately shocked by the content in the short video.

In 15 seconds, they are watching over and over again, and all the text in the video is clearly seen one by one, and even one word is not missed.

After reading it.

These fans immediately got excited.

Start a variety of comments right away.

"This video must be on the boutique!"

“Is the official not recommended for the boutique?”

"I have an oath, this article is not fire, I am eating!"

"Is this really fake?"

"No, Fangqiu has done such a big thing?"

"I have to hurry to search, and the other side is not familiar with it. I heard that he was very hot but he never paid much attention to it. If he did such a big thing, then I have to turn the powder."

"A few days ago, Fang Qiu’s going to Africa to treat malaria seemed to be quite hot. I remember that it was very heated on Weibo. I didn’t expect it to be a blink of an eye. It should be alive for a few days. The method of malaria was found, and Fang Qiu is really strong."

The number of comments quickly broke ten.

Wang Xia himself, when I saw someone leaving a message, immediately took a look of full expectation, and quickly began to interact with a few fans, and wanted to create a fiery image of this short video, which attracted more Many people stop to watch.

"About eleven months ago, Fang Qiu and the President of the African Union of Comoros agreed to help the Comoros cure malaria within a year, until a week ago, Fang Qiu was treated. I did not expect it to take only one week. I found a way to treat malaria, and I got the official compliment from Comoros. It is really amazing."

"This incident is 100% true. In the picture, I cut it over the official website of the Union of the Comoros and it is also translated by a search engine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it."


Almost every comment, Shake Man will reply in person and interact with fans.

of course.

More than just discussion.

This is one of the few fans. While talking about each other, they also praised this video. Unfortunately, everyone can only order one praise, otherwise they can smash the mobile phone screen!

at the same time.

Fans also know that this is a big news, and they have manually helped to shake the man in the comment area.

Hard work pays off.

This short video was quickly seen by the official staff shaking.

First, make sure that the video has not been violated before the trial, and then immediately passed to the boutique recommended editor, edit it.

“Fangqiu, looking for a complete cure for malaria in Africa, thanks to the Union of the Comoros?”

"This is a great thing for the country to glory."

Seeing the content, the editor did not hesitate, immediately put on the boutique label, and directly pushed to the home page.

Although there is no first page to say.

But actually.

Inside the company, the homepage has always been controllable. In general, only the very large advertisers, as well as some special short videos released by the big stars that can help shake the growth popularity, will be on the homepage by default.

The short video recommended by the boutique to the homepage will become the first video that everyone sees after shaking the app!

For those who have been watching the short video, there is also a good chance to get to this short video.


Invisibly, the exposure of this short video has skyrocketed by hundreds, even thousands, tens of thousands of times!


"Boutique, the best!"

When I saw my short video on the boutique, Shakesman was so excited that I couldn’t speak.

This year.

He took so many videos, and today there is finally a boutique, which makes him almost cried!

And his fans have also congratulated in the comment area, waiting for the fire!

Recommended on the boutique.

In just three minutes, this short video pageview has broken five thousand!

of course.

Others can't see the amount of views, only the shaking man can see it.

"Five thousand people browse, and the number of praises is broken."

This is only three minutes.

Chao Wang is completely excited.

You know, the amount of water in this pageview is very large. Although you have to watch it for 15 seconds, it is a browse. However, among those who can read 15 seconds, it is inevitable that some people will not care or pay attention, or simply I put the phone aside and didn't look at it.

In this case, there are more than a thousand praises for the five thousand page views. This ratio is terrible!

To know.

Under normal circumstances, the amount of pageview on the jitter reaches 1000, and at most there are only 25 likes, that is, the ratio of 40 to 1. The ratio of this short video has reached an amazing 5 to 1!

This ratio is really horrible!

Just as Chao Wang was shocked by the explosion of this pageview and the number of praises, the number of comments in the comment area was even more soaring. After five minutes passed, the number of comments has already broken!

Refresh it and see again.

Shaking the man, I was shocked in an instant!

After the refresh, he actually saw the short video of the short video that he sent out, and even broke through 500,000, and the number of views reached an astonishing 1.3 million!

Moreover, the data is still on the way!

At the same time, there are hundreds of thousands of comments and tens of thousands of forwards!

This kind of data completely brought the Chao Xia into the incomparable surprise and excitement!

Look again.

Originally only the number of fans of each number, this time has also successfully broken through 30,000!

"Fire, I am on fire, I am finally on fire!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The shaking man is excited and yelling.

He is so excited.

He knows that according to this situation, the data of this short video will increase at least several times, and the number of his fans will definitely continue to grow!

"Continue, be sure to continue the fire."

Without being suddenly stunned by the sudden happiness, Shake Man did not say anything, immediately put down his mobile phone, began to operate the computer, continued to over the wall, to find the news of Fangqiu in Africa.

he knows.

After his short video fire, there will be many other people investigating and reporting on this matter, so he must first explode all the valuable information before those people come to the heat!

Only in this way can he continue to fire and gain more fans to become a celebrity on the trembling!

no doubt.

When Wang Xia tried his best to find the news, he posted this short video on the shaking, which was also continuing the fire, and it was getting more and more fire.

With the rapid spread of this video.

Many people who saw this news have been reprinted to the WeChat circle of friends and Weibo, spreading wildly.

Compared to the more occluded circle of friends, the video that was reprinted on Weibo received more attention!

I saw this message.

On Weibo, it’s a hot discussion.

"The trough, Fangqiu really did it?"

"No, isn't Fangqi not going to Africa seven or eight days ago?"

“It’s no wonder that the 3 billion Foundation was commissioned by the Ministry of Health to recruit 1,000 pharmaceutical talents to Africa. It’s all because Fangqiu has found a way to treat malaria?”

"Malaria, is it really cured?"

"Isn't that malaria is simply not cured, can it be controlled?"

"Strong Fangqiu! Strong my Chinese doctor! Strong my summer!"

"Really, it’s a **** doctor, even the treatment of malaria has been found."

"It's too strong. It's the most powerful Chinese medicine in China. No matter the disease in that country, I can cure all the Chinese medicine practitioners in China. I can't look down on Chinese medicine after watching those foreign devils." !"


Everyone has a message comment.

of course.

Most people are praised and amazed.

After all, in their view, Fang Qiu’s approach is really a big fight for China’s face.

Even passers-by feel that Fangqiu is too arrogant, let alone those who support Fangqiu and Fanqiu's fans.

Other than that.

Of course, there are also some people who are questioning.

"Hey, what is this text?"

"This is the picture from where I found it. How can I not find it on the Internet? Is this picture P?"

"Yeah, a country that has issued such a notice to praise a person, how is this possible?"

"If this is true, then the Union of the Comoros must have expressed something. How can it be said that it will be finished with a single sentence? Now I have not heard any rewards from Fang Qiu in Africa. Is it obviously fake?"

"This is forcing a big hair. Is this kind of thing dare to come out and talk about it?"


In the voice of these doubts, many people have issued links to websites, and even some people have issued a wall-to-wall tutorial. Those who teach these questions are able to turn to the official website of the Union of the Comoros to view this news.


When everyone went to see it, it turned out to be true. Some people even photographed themselves over the wall to find the news and copied the whole process of using Baidu translation.

The final translated text is exactly the same as in the short video, and there is no falsehood.

This can be regarded as a real hammer.

Those skeptics saw each other and quietly closed their mouths, and there was nothing to say.

after all.

This is even issued by the official of the Union of the Comoros. Can this be fake?

After determining the authenticity of the matter.

The shock of everyone has not decreased, but it has become even bigger.

"What exactly is going on?"

“Before, the three billion fund recruited a thousand pharmaceutical talents, is this the case?”

"Fangqiu Niubi!"

With the fever of online public opinion broke out.


The famous director Chen Xiaogang saw the heat that suddenly exploded, and suddenly he laughed.

"Okay, our "Yang Yizhi" is about to be released in less than half a month. I haven't had time to make publicity. Fang Qiu suddenly made a come out, but it was raining in time."

"This kind of heat is so strong that there is nothing to say!"

Surprise, director Chen Xiaogang immediately issued instructions, immediately upload the first wave of trailers!