Medical Master

v7 Chapter 297: Nirvana, declare the world!

Just as the nations of the world are arguing about Nirvana, a squad suddenly appeared in the underground forces forum.

The title of this placard is only one word.


The appearance of this one battle post.

Immediately in the first time, it attracted the attention of almost all countries in the world.

Underground forces forum.

Anyone who saw this post immediately clicked to view it in the first time.

"Nirvana, declare war on the world!"

"We will destroy all the capable people in this world, and the world will use peace to eliminate all suffering for the world!"

The content of the post is only two short sentences.

See the content of this post.

All the abilities of all countries in the world were suddenly shocked!

No one thought of it.

When the nations around the world were clamoring for the big waves to prepare for the impact on Nirvana, Nirvana even sent a slogan directly to the world, and also slogan to destroy all the world's abilities, and is a peace messenger!

This is the case.

All the people in the world are in a state of disappointment.

Many people are beginning to worry.

The strength shown by Nirvana is too strong, strong enough to make all countries and major forces around the world feel scared.

Prior to this, the sense of crisis in various countries was not strong.

Because it was Europe that was destroyed by Nirvana, not because they were in Europe, nor in the region to which they belong, so all countries except Europe are subconsciously thinking that they are safe.

Even when it is known that Nirvana has the means to influence and control the people who have practiced the rapid success of the world, there is no special panic in the world.

However, this time is different.

Everyone saw very clearly that Nirvana had written a gauntlet to the world because they knew that Nirvana’s goal this time was to kill all the abilities of the world.

In other words, as long as Nirvana does not die, they will always be in danger.

By means of nirvana.

They may appear around them at any time, and they may have their lives at any time, and they may destroy their country at any time!

I thought of it here.

The countries of the world really started to panic.

Nirvana is always uncontrollable. So many countries in the world, who knows which country Nirvana will suddenly appear in, will suddenly die in that country?


All countries in the world have ordered that all problems on the border line be immediately investigated. All kinds of channels for entry and exit must be starved to death. Anyone with problems must check it out.

At the same time, the dispatching ability is guarded at the border, and if any suspicious ability enters, immediately report it!



The source of the gas source.

After half a month of retreat, Fang Qiu was finally completely steadily strengthening the strength of his own flower environment. Although it has not been upgraded, but because of the strength of its stability, Fang Qiu’s use and use of strength and speed. On, it became more handy.

The so-called practice makes perfect, with the stability of strength, Fangqiu's combat power is slightly improved.

"My current strength should be similar to Nirvana."

Waking up from cultivation, Fangqiu clenched his fists for the first time, and flashed the figure of a man wearing a white dress.

When he played against the great lord, Fang Qiu used the knowledge of the gods in great detail to explore the strength of the great sage.

At that time, he knew that although he could make a few moves with the great lord, the power gap between him and the great sage is still real and insurmountable.

With this breakthrough and stability, and when recalling the strength exhibited by the Great Supreme, Fang Qiu found that the power felt in the Great Supreme did not seem so strong.

"If you are right again, you may be able to kill six people under his protection!"

Mind and this, Fang Qiuqi stood up and emerged with a confident smile.

Look around and look around.

Found that the father is not there.

Fangqiu immediately moved and immediately rushed in the direction of the sword.


Come to the location of the sword court.

Fangqiu discovered that the masters from the Huaxia martial arts who had been practicing on the site of the Jiange Pavilion seemed to have dispersed, leaving only a few people, and Qingyun was among them.

at this time.

The rest of the people on the Jiange site are still practicing, but when you look closely, everyone's look is not very good, and the atmosphere seems heavy.

Doubt in my heart.

Fangqiu quickly flew down.

At the time of the landing, Qingyun and others were very alert and immediately opened their eyes. When they saw that the person was unknown, several talents immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you out?"

Qingyun stood up and looked at Fangqiu.


Fangqiu nodded and questioned: "When people come back from Europe, everyone is still practicing here. How can you leave a few of them in half a month?"

"It looks like you still don't know."

Qingyun sighed.


Fangqiu brows and asks immediately, "What happened?"

"Nirvana is off the war!"

Zhang Yun, who is a dignified face of Qingyun, said: "On the underground power forum, you can go to the forum to see the specific situation."

No hesitation.

Fangqiu immediately took out his mobile phone and logged into the underground power forum.


Just logged in, Fangqiu was on the forum home page and saw the tactics sent by Nirvana.

Click inside to see.

Fangqiu's face also became dignified instantly.


For a long time no words.

Qingyun did not speak. Although everyone else was awake from cultivation, but only turned around and looked at the nameless, he continued to practice.

Fangqiu put away the phone.

The real purpose of Nirvana is finally revealed.

As previously guessed, Nirvana really wants to kill all the world's capable people, and really wants to rule the world!


No one can think of it.

Nirvana came so fast!

"European gas sources have been destroyed, and the masters of all countries in the world who have cultivated in that source of gas have all died, and even one person has not survived."

Qingyun continued: "The war is coming soon."


Fangqiu nodded gently.

All along, he knows that this day will come, but it is true that when the day is so close, there is still some dignity in his heart, and the emotion that does not know how to deal with it.

at this time.


A broken air suddenly came.

Fangqiu and Qingyun looked up at the same time.

I saw it.

Jiang Ge San Lao and an old man are rapidly swept away in the distance.


Fangqiu and Qingyun did not hesitate. The two men flew together at the same time, followed by the four old men.

See the nameless and Qingyun.

The four old men nodded lightly and did not stop.

Fangqiu stared at it.

The person who is stalking along with the three old swords, is the master of Qingshan, and he is old-fashioned with the nameless.

Although I don't know what the four people are going to do, in today's situation, when four people rush to a place together, there must be something important to do or negotiate.


The group of people came to the land of the gas source, out of the plain on the periphery.

Far away, Fangqiu saw that the masters, the masters of the scorpion, the king and the savage kings in the land of the gas source had already gathered in the plains and waited.

All eyes of the people fell on Master Aoyama.

It seems that everyone is waiting for the master of Castle Peak.

"Old Sima, you can count it."

When a group of people landed, the chopping king directly greeted him and smiled and said hello.

Others have also come forward to say hello.

Old Sima?

When he heard the title, Fang Qiu made a slight glimpse.

Although it has been known for a long time with this person who is called the old Sima, Fang Qiu still does not know his name, and he has always been called "predecessor".

"Sima seniors are the power of your fellow masters, and his strength is very strong."

Qingyun seems to have seen the doubts of Fangqiu, and immediately whispered in Fangqiu’s ear: "The full name of Sima’s predecessor is Sima Chan, which is the inheritor of the Sima family in ancient times."

Fangqiu nodded.


In the encirclement of everyone.

Sima Chan looked serious and nodded to everyone.


"You all spread out!"

With a big hand, Sima Chan said.


The crowd immediately quit immediately and gave the entire lawn site to Sima Chan.

Fangqiu was also pulled by Qingyun, and quickly quit, and went to the father and the master.

"Old man, is this?"

Fangqiu asked curiously.


The old man said a word, looking at the field with a serious look, no longer talking.

Fangqiu also looked at Sima Chan, who stood in the middle of this plain.

I saw it.

Sima Chan, who is in thin shape, is closing his eyes at this time, his hands are behind him, his head is slightly raised upwards, and he looks like a stargazing star.


The knowledge of Fangqiu suddenly sensed that there was an energy in Sima Chan’s body that was quickly venting.

Energy passes through your feet and quickly drains into the ground.

at this time.

The knowledge of Fangqiu suddenly shocked, as if it had encountered a huge impact.

In front of you.

Sima Chan, who had closed his eyes, actually opened his eyes in Fangqiu’s eyes and glanced at Fangqiu’s side.

Fangqiu looked shocked.

At this time, the palm of the hand was always on the shoulder of Fangqiu.

Fang Qiu immediately returned to God, turned his head and looked at it, is the father.

When I looked back at Sima Chan, I found that Sima Chan still closed her eyes and stood still in the center of the plain.

"Don't bother him."

The voice of the old man came.

Fangqiu immediately took back his knowledge and watched it with the naked eye.

At this time.

At the foot of Sima Chan, there was a silvery energy, like a strip of scorpion, constantly swimming out of its body, and it was very cheerful and rushing out in all directions.

These silver energy swims fast.

In just less than a minute, the plain was completely covered.

I swept away.

These silver energy looks like a huge array of images. There are not only miniatures of mountains and rivers, but also flowers and vines, beast rivers, and almost everything seen by the naked eye.

Just when Fang Qiu was full of curiosity.

Suddenly, the energy in this giant figure on the ground began to flow!