Medical Master

v5 Chapter 300: Medical organization is coming!


Union of Comoros, Grand Comoros International Airport.

People from medical organizations all over the world gathered together immediately after they got off the plane because they had the same purpose.

That is to open an investigation, whether Fangqiu really found a way to cure malaria!

of course.

Before that, the major medical organizations had already notified, and they were also recognized by WHO. Of course, WHO also sent inspectors.

Although the prescription for the treatment of malaria has been determined, and the Union of the Comoros has applied for a patent, what WHO has seen is only a few data before and after treatment for several malaria patients. For this prescription, and for these drugs, No detailed knowledge.

Before the arrival of these investigators affiliated with major medical organizations, WHO greeted the Comoros officials in advance.

Therefore, after the plane was down, everyone followed the WHO investigators and walked out of the airport together.

Just got out of the safe passage.

These investigators saw that some soldiers were waiting in the airport hall to meet them.

Even the slogan "Warmly welcome the expedition team" was played.

Because of poverty.

There are no people in the airport, so the emergence of these soldiers did not cause any commotion.

"Hello, I am a WHO inspector, Martin Graff."

The white-haired middle-aged Swiss, who led the way, walked out of the safe passage and immediately walked over to a man in a military uniform with a military rank and extended his hand.

"Hello, I am a Comoros military officer, Abra!"

The officer shook hands with Martin and said, "Do you go to the presidential palace first, or go to Fangqiu?"

"Go to Fangqiu."

Martin said.

"Well, Mr. Fangqiu is now at the medical assistance base, and we can go now."

Let me talk about it.

The officer, Abra, immediately took everyone out of the airport and sat on the already-prepared, seemingly outdated car, rushing all the way to the medical aid base.


Within the medical assistance base.

Fang Qiu is working with Jiang Miaoyu and others to provide medical assistance to local people.

In the past few days, people with malaria have come to treat them, but they are all patients with sudden illnesses. Other people who have been infected but have no sudden illnesses do not even know that they have no malaria. So everyone has no blindness. Come to seek medical attention.

Of course, one of the most important reasons is that Fangqiu’s backing medicine from the side of Egypt has already used more than half of it. Now there is not much left!

The locals know that the drugs in the medical aid base are limited, so they will not go to help for less than a last resort.

Just when everyone is busy treating patients.


A roar of a bomber suddenly came.

Everyone looked out the door.

A large group of people came down from the troops' cars like the tour group and came in to the base.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone is confused.

The captain of the medical aid team immediately greeted him.

The result was told that they came to Fangqiu.


"I am Fangqiu."

Fangqiu immediately went up and looked at the Comoros officer who led this large group of people. He asked with a puzzled look: "You are?"

"Hello, Fangqiu."

Without waiting for the officer to answer, WHO's inspector Martin immediately stepped out and took the hand of Fangqiu and said: "I am an inspector of the WHO. These are all medical organizations from around the world. Clerk, this time we came over to examine in detail, the method you are looking for to know whether malaria is really effective."


Fangqiu a trip.

He did not expect that this matter has spread so widely that even people from medical organizations all over the world have come to Comoros.

Is this speed a bit too fast?

"This is what the president means."

The Comoros military officer stepped forward and the other side said: "Although the patent for the drug has been applied, our drugs have not been recognized by the countries of the world, nor have they been recognized by the WHO, so we need to be investigated."


Fangqiu nodded.

"Fangqiu, you can rest assured."

Martin smiled at the other side and said: "We all believe that the treatment you are looking for is absolutely effective, and we are going to look at this effect. We need to know in detail how much the effect of this method can be achieved, the cure rate. How much, etc., is the detailed data, and then the drug is imported into the World Pharmaceuticals."

At this time.


A running sound came.

"Fangqiu, Fangqiu."

A Chinese shout, coming from outside the base gate, sounded particularly anxious.

Everyone turned to look at it.

I saw it.

A young man from a medical aid team was rushing to carry a few bags of vegetables into the base, waving his hand and shouting at Fangqiu: "Someone has a sudden malaria, and you are ready to go, the patient will send it immediately. come."


Jiang Miaoyu and others immediately set about preparation.


Investigators from medical organizations around the world simply don't know what happened.


Looking at these people, Fangqiu Zhangkou said: "A member of the medical aid team who went out to buy food for everyone to lunch, told us that he had a patient with malaria, and now the malaria person is sending to us. Come over, everyone can take this opportunity to look at it."

I can hear this.

All the medical organization's inspectors couldn't help but look forward to it, and all of them retreated to the side.

Fangqiu also immediately prepared.


The patient came and was placed in a separate room to avoid infection.

And here.

Because the medicines brought from Egypt have been used for a small amount of money, Fangqiu can only make it himself, and take it out from the Wumei Pill brought by China.

"This is produced in China, Wumei Pills."

Fangqiu took the medicine out and gave it to all the inspectors, and then immediately fed the patient according to the method of taking it.

Then, use the internal gas to motivate the drug.


The patient with malaria is getting better, standing up from the bed like a okay person, okay!

See this scene.

These inspectors were all shocked.

"Is this all right?"

"Impossible, he just had to be so painful because of the malaria episode. How could it be just a blink of an eye?"

"Huamei's Wumei Pill, is it really amazing?"

"Is this too great?"

"Huaxia Chinese medicine is really amazing."

Everyone was amazed.

"What you just saw is that our Wumei Pills in China are a kind of medicine that has a particularly good effect on malaria. It can not only cure malaria, but also produce antibodies in patients, thus completely eliminating malaria recurrence and re-infection."

Having said that, Fang Qiu pulled out a few sheets of paper from his trouser pocket.

On the first piece of paper, the prescription for malaria was recorded in Egypt, and the second finger was recorded on the person who used this prescription to cure malaria.

"The effect of Wumei Pill on malaria is very top-notch, but the cost of using ebony pills is too great, so this method of treating malaria announced by Comoros is not Ume Pill, but this. ”

Fangqiu handed the Egyptians to the hands of the WHO investigator Martin and said: "This recipe was what I found in an ancient book in Africa."

"I have seen this recipe, but the book does not record that this recipe has been proved invalid after it has been tested?"

Seeing Fang Zi, Martin immediately asked.

Others have also met.

They are sent to visit because most of them have studied malaria, so they are familiar with this recipe.

"The original experiment was not complete."

Fangqiu shook his head and said: "Because they did not use the essence of the herbs in this recipe to the best in the trial, but in order to maximize the efficacy of this formula, they must go through China. Chinese medicine can only be processed!"

Everyone obviously does not believe.

Chinese, Chinese medicine processing?

Where is the supply and marketing of herbal medicines? Can it be processed by Chinese medicine, and the efficacy of the medicine can still be improved?

See that everyone does not believe.

Fangqiu can only return to the room and take out the last remaining herbs.

"This is the medicine that I have personally processed."

Fang Qiu first took the medicine to these people and said after reading it: "You can go to the hospital with me now, I will use this medicine to treat a malaria patient."


Under the leadership of the officers, everyone came to the hospital together.

Came to the hospital.

All the inspectors looked at Fangqiu cooking medicine with their own eyes.

After the medicine was finished, he looked at Fangqiu and took the medicine to the patient.


Not long after drinking, the malaria person turned out to be really good. Under the inspection of the hospital, it was clear that the patient’s malaria was completely better.

This situation makes everyone very surprised.

did not expect.

This recipe, after being processed by Chinese herbal medicine, can actually cure malaria.

"Looks, the effect is very good."

Seeing the effect, Martin nodded with satisfaction, but opened his mouth and said: "However, this is only a single case. If we decide that this medicine can completely cure malaria, it is still somewhat rash, as WHO. Investigator, I suggest that at least 100 experiments should be conducted before we can give the final assessment."

"Yeah, if you have a patient experiment, it is a bit too simplistic."

“Although it looks good, every patient’s physique is different. What we need is a drug that can treat malaria for all physiques.”

"It is already very good to be able to do this. If you can do better and achieve 100% cure rate in 100 patients, it would be great!"

The inspectors of major medical organizations have expressed their opinions.

"it is good."

In the face of these people's requests, Fangqiu did not hesitate. He said directly: "We can conduct 100 trials, but since the herbs I brought from Egypt have all been used up, I have to wait for new herbs. Send it!"