Medical Master

v4 Chapter 321: Because you are jealous!


Look up.

The separate building under the Yunyunxuan stone monument has now become a magnificent passageway. The ancient calligraphy and paintings originally hanging on the walls on both sides are gone, showing that it was originally carved on the wall, similar to the mountain vine. The general golden grain.

On the top, the seven-inch lotus heart lamp is still on.


When Fangqiu came, only the lotus heart had a fire, and at this time, there was fire on each lotus leaf!

of course.

It is impossible to make this room so bright with this seven-inch lotus lamp. If you look closely, you can clearly see that under the corners of the walls on both sides, a yellow bean-sized lamp is lit up. There are also.


With the opening of the other branch, Lu Zhiyuan smiled slightly and said to Qian Qian and Zhan Lin: "Two, please."


Zhan Lin faintly sighed and walked straight in.

Money is not falling behind.

Lu Zhiyuan also rushed behind the two.

But early in the morning, the Wu Ying, who are in groups of three or five, are afraid to take a step because the big forces are entering one by one. These people are all at the same level as Qian Jia, Zhan Jia and Xi Jia. If you want to say the gap, I am afraid that there will be a little bit of a shortage of Zhan Jia and Qian Jia in Kyoto.

As for the West, although it is thousands of miles away, there is also a Western Union Chamber of Commerce in Kyoto!

If this is really worthwhile.

The Western family has also taken advantage of it in Kyoto.

Just when everyone started to enter Beyun Xuan, one person was not far away, but one person secretly shook his head and sighed.

"Lin brother, what are you shaking your head and sighing?"

Next to him, a burly young man in a taekwondo suit asked.

"This is not, I am envious."

Fangqiu sighed softly, and said in his heart: "There are so many people, the Qianjia and Zhanjia, who are famous in Kyoto, have called their big lady, even the Westerners who are thousands of miles away. Looking for someone, plus so many large forces later, this battle is called a scene. I knew that he would call He Gaoming. He should know a lot about these people from all major forces."


Except for Qian Qian, Zhan Lin and Lu Zhiyuan, the other major forces, because they did not speak, and the side people did not discuss too much, causing Fang Qiu simply did not know what these people called, from what forces.

Even the money, Zhan Lin and Lu Zhiyuan only know a simple background.

Want to enter the martial arts.

First and foremost, the major forces in the martial arts must be clear first.

"It looks like you can only get to know it slowly."

Fangqiu smiled.

"Lin brother, I am advanced."

The young man wearing a taekwondo suit, hugged his fist and Fangqiu greeted him, and walked into the other cloud.

This person, Fang Qiu did not even know his name.

When Fangqiu arrived, he happened to meet him and got off the taxi. He heard that he was a Taekwondo coach. He just came over after finishing the class, and even the clothes were not changed.

Don't say, if it weren't for him, Fangqiu Lian Qian, Zhan Lin and Lu Zhiyuan didn't know who it was.

Look at each other to enter.

Fangqiu is also taking a step and is ready to enter.

Just a step.


A slap, suddenly fell on his shoulder.

"Haha, I was finally caught by me?"

A familiar voice came.

Fangqiu a trip.

Turning around and seeing it in the eye, it’s a high name!

however. When Fangqiu turned his head, He Gaoming was a sly glimpse. He quickly took his hand back and said, "Brother, you are imitating the mysterious person, no name, how to wear the same clothes as him. There are pants, 咦?咋 Even shoes are the same?"

Fangqiu looked at He Gaoming.

"Sorry, I have mistaken people."

It seems that Fang Qiu looked a little embarrassed, He Gaoming said with a smile, and then quickly went.

It’s just a few steps away.

I immediately turned around and fell down from the top and slammed Fangqiu again, then frowned and said: "No, how do you feel like my master?"

"Height, size, clothing, and... eyes!"

Speaking of it.

He Gaoming immediately reached out and blinded Fang Qiu’s face, only to see his eyes.

Because usually, when he met Fang Qiu, Fang Qiu was wearing a mask, he could only see the eyes of Fangqiu, so the eyes are the body parts he is most familiar with, Fangqiu.


Looking at the eyes of Fangqiu, He Gaoming was shocked.

“It’s too much like it’s too much.”

Taking back his hands and staring at Fangqiu, He Gaoming muttered: "No, it’s not like it, it’s exactly the same!"

Fangqiu laughed.


He Gaoming took a step back and looked at Fangqiu: "My master's true face is definitely not like this. It is definitely not like this."

"What should it look like?"

Fangqiu asked with a white eye.

Seeing Fang Qiu’s white eyes, He Gao’s name is stupid.

Really are.

This person in front of him is really his master, mysterious person is unknown!

Because of his white-eyed movements and demeanor, he is exactly the same as the mysterious person.


This person seems to have recognized his identity.

"Sound, this sound is the same."

He Gaoming fiercely raised his right hand and took a shot on his forehead. Zhangkou said: "Scorpio, how can my master grow like this, completely without my handsome!"

"Because you are jealous!"

Fangqiu spit channel.

"Master, have you picked up your mask?"

Determined the identity of Fangqiu, He Gaoming quickly whispered: "You are not afraid to reveal your identity?"

"What do you say?"

Fangqiu grinned.

Then step into the other cloud.

He Gaoming quickly followed, and he laughed: "Yes, if you are afraid of identity exposure, you will not remove the mask. Since you have removed the mask, you are not afraid."

Fangqiu was in front, He Gaoming was behind, and the two of them followed the flow of people, all the way into Beyunxuan.

Through the magnificent passage, the two came to the inner building.

Connected to the passageway is a very wide hall. The hall is semi-circular. The left and right walkways lead to the two sides, with a wooden passage in the middle and a black cloth in the middle of the opposite wall.

“This is the Beyond Restaurant.”

He Gaoming Zhangkou said: "This restaurant is divided into two sides, one side is opposite, one side is this side, you see the passage on the left and the right, respectively, through a building, these two buildings are places to eat, drink, and play, what do you want? There are services, it is Bunyun Xuan turn to the door for the martial arts people, as long as you have money you can stay here, Biyunxuan will always guarantee all your safety."


Fangqiu turned his head and looked at it. I found the buildings on both sides of the building. The decoration was very luxurious.

"There is of course the auction venue!"

He Gaoming smiled and said: "You will know when you look at the past."


The two of them came to the auction and went to the wooden walkway in the middle.

"This walk is an institution."

He Gaoming pointed to the following and said: "Look."

Fangqiu looked down and found that the walkway turned out to be volley. Below the walkway was a round stepped stage. On the stage, a group of people wearing transparent gauze were playing various instruments and performing dances.

"Look at it again."

He Gaoming refers again.

Fangqiu looked up.

I saw it.

Above, there are two huge planks, which are exactly a semi-circle. Together, it seems to be able to completely separate the road ahead.


Fangqiu admired, did not expect the inside of the Yunyun Xuan, there are still so many Qiankun Road.

"Not very good, can you do it so big?"

He Gaoming smiled and said: "When you go, you will be even more surprised!"


The two went to the end of the walkway.

Pull open the black cloth that blocks you in front of you and walk in.

In front of me, it has become another world.

The prisoner looked around.

I found that the place where I came out was actually a door, a funnel-shaped door. At this time, I was in the narrowest place, and the more open I was.

The walls on both sides are giant walls that are three meters thick.

"Master is going quickly, and hurry to grab a good position."

He Gaoming took Fangqiu forward and said: "This is not a general auction house. They don't have vip seats and no VIP seats. All the people who participate in the auction are treated equally. They must have their own seats. Grab, this is the reason for the big forces to fight before, other small forces and the like, they dare not advanced, even if they come in, they dare not grab the seats."


Fangqiu nodded secretly, it was for this reason.

Outside the loophole area, Fangqiu saw a one-meter-wide walkway that looked like a small rooftop.

Came to the aisle.

Fangqiu slightly stunned!

Turning around and looking around, he found that the left and right sides are stairs. There are about ten levels. When you walk down the stairs, you enter the venue. The venue is a very wide and very large square.

On this venue, there is a dense, luxurious and comfortable sofa, similar to a massage chair!

In front of all the sofas, there is a normal auction desk.

In order to ensure that everyone can clearly see the grand occasion on the auction floor, the entire venue is stepped, so that everyone has a broad view.


After sweeping the whole side, Fangqiu found that the entrance to the auction site was not only the one who came in here, because the entire auction site was square, except for the other side, there was also a similar exit on both sides. There are also many people who have come out of those two exits.

“It’s completely unexpected.”

Fangqiu thought.

There are quite a lot of big forces coming in from their own side. Together with the other two entrances, the big forces in this auction site can be said to be dense.

This auction, I am afraid that it will evolve into a battle!

"Great, there is a place over there."

Just as Fangqiu observed the structure of the entire auction site, He Gaoming suddenly pointed his finger at the front, facing the area of ​​the auction house, saying: "The first and second rows have been taken up by all the big forces. There are still a few positions left in the third row, and we can still catch up now."

Fangqiu looked in the direction of He Gaoming's fingers.

I saw that it was indeed the third row, but it was the edge, but because the whole site was semi-circular, the gap between the edge and the middle was not large.

(End of this chapter)