Medical Master

v6 Chapter 335: Everything, perfect

"If I am not mistaken, should this person be an American?"

The official Australians turned to look at the Americans.

Every face that looks to the American side is full of contempt and disdain.

"Do we need to return the body to you?"

The official Australian spokesman waved.

The two people beside them immediately came forward and carried the body. They walked toward the United States and prepared to return the body.

"Looks like they shouldn't need it."

Halfway, Mason stood up and stunned the Americans and said: "Dare to break into our territory, always pay a price."


With a wave of his right hand, an energy sledgehammer instantly formed in the hands, and then slammed the hammer.

Directly treating the body as a ball, a hammer flew out and rushed toward Tony.

Tony swung his right hand.

A layer of blood-like energy like blood and blood spewed out of the palm of his hand, and instantly wrapped up the body that came on the surface, and then the blood was boiling.

In a very short period of time, the body was completely swallowed up by blood and disappeared in front of everyone.


To recover the normal energy of blood, Tony screamed and screamed: "No name, we in the United States don't wear the sky with you, let me catch the opportunity, I will kill you!"

This is the case.

At the scene, the people of all major forces obviously did not have any expressions, but in fact everyone sneered in their hearts.

“Don’t wear the sky?”

"Is it worthless to wear the sky with you, or do you not share the name with you?"

"There have been countless times for people, are you now talking about people not wearing the sky?"

"It really is a shameless American."

"It is obvious that I have no name, I am now angry and amnesty? It is really shameless!"

"I have to say that the Americans think of this idea very well, and they really brought out the nameless, but unfortunately they didn't eat them."

"I want to be a nameless person? Are Americans joking?"

"Even no name can't be found, you still don't share the sky with him. Who are you looking for?"

of course.

Although the major forces are very disdainful, they look down on the Americans.

However, they also know that there is no way to live with the United States on the bright side. Even the local official forces in Australia have not planned to settle the bill in the United States. They just scatter the gas on a body.

As foreigners, they are even worse.

after all.

The strength of the United States is very strong, and the United States has already united with the Nirvana Little Lord. Once it really fights, I believe that the Little Lord will be happy to help the United States. After all, in addition to killing the nameless, there is another one. The purpose is to get this top spirit!

Tony is next to him.

After looking at it from afar, and still did not detect any traces of the nameless, the little saints did not give up early and rushed out, looking for the direction of disappearance.

He was shocked!

It is also because of this shock that he will be so anxious, want to catch up with the nameless, and quickly kill the nameless.

prior to.

When the nameless first appeared, and killed a person to leave a person, he was very skeptical, whether there is any hidden breath in the namelessness, can completely hide the breath under his exploration.

However, the incident did not cause him too much vigilance, because the strength of the person who died was weak, and the strength of the other person who was stunned was also weak.

With the nameless strength, dealing with those two people is really effortless!

But this time it is different.

This time.

The US side dispatched the ss-class powerhouse, which can be tied with the only ss-level powerhouse in Australia, and even the other one.

Perhaps for this reason, the United States did not think that the nameless would go to a ss-level master in such a sensitive situation.

However, the nameless has done so.

And what I did did not cause a little bit of movement.

How did he do that?

The little Lord is very puzzled!

According to Tony, the farthest distance that the dead American may go out is five kilometers!

There is no possibility of being seduce to a farther place by namelessness, because once an unnamed person appears, he will certainly call support at the first time.

Judging from this point.

The location where the person died is likely to be five kilometers away.


The little lord came to the area five kilometers away from Yuanyangguo. After careful reading, he immediately smelled a **** smell in the air.

In the past, he clearly saw the blood on the sand on the ground.


The nearby sand dunes were also particularly confused by the flow of energy, and at first glance it looked like a big battle.

"Here is the battlefield?"

"How can this be?"

The little lord shook his head again and again and said: "Impossible, it is definitely impossible to be a battlefield here. It is five kilometers from the previous position. If it is a battlefield, the movement here will definitely be detected in the first time. There may not be a little bit of feeling."


The little lord has been exploring and sensing the situation around him.

However, from the implementation of the plan of the United States, he was very clear that the energy of the heavens and the earth within ten kilometers was extremely calm, and there was no such thing as an abnormality.

and so.

He felt that it is absolutely impossible to be a battle scene here.

However, everything in front of him tells him that it is indeed the battle scene.

"how did you do it?"

The little saint squinted and looked around, muttering: "How did you do it, no name?"

He does not believe it.

He does not believe that with his strength, he will not be aware of anything.

Anonymous, he was able to kill a ss-level super master in his eyelids, but he did not feel it at all.

This situation made him very shocked.

He did not think of it at all.

No name has such ability.

In this case, if you don't have a name, he wants to find another name, I am afraid it is not that simple!


After this time.

Anonymous certainly raises vigilance and will no longer easily get caught in a trap.

This time, they are miscalculated!

Fly again.

Looking around for a circle, still can't find the nameless trace, the little lord is helpless, turn and fold back.

Wait for the little Lord to leave.

Fangqiu emerged from the sand full of heads.

Under the supervision of the gods, he determined that the little lord had completely returned, so he was revealed.

After the appearance.

Fangqiu did not hesitate at all.

Immediately, it sneaked into the darkness and quickly left.

Just now.

The reason why Fangqiu hides under the sand is because he guessed that the little lord would definitely chase it up. If he fled directly, it would easily be captured by the little lord, so he chose to evade temporarily.

While avoiding, you can also observe the strength of the Little Lord in close quarters.

After observation.

Fangqiu found.

The strength of the little saint is likely to have reached the point of two knots of Danjie. With his current strength, there is no way to confront the little saint.

Therefore, for the time being, it is still not appropriate to confront the conflict.

in fact.

The problem that the little saints can't figure out, in Fang Qiu's view, is very simple.

First of all.

The most dependent on Fangqiu is the "Man" three!

Before the shot.

Fangqiu directly used the big empty hand to control the energy of the heavens and the earth within ten kilometers.

As mentioned in the "Man" three-style, the big void is not just a simple control of the heaven and earth energy, but a control of one domain!

In other words.

After the implementation of the big empty hand, the area within the 10km range is all under the control of Fangqiu.

Before you start.

Fangqiu carefully planned.

The other party consumes a lot of energy, and then when the shot is taken, try to force the other party to explode all the remaining energy without being desperate for themselves.

This is the reason why Fang Qiu started, crazy attack and chase, not letting the other party speak.

Only in this way, the other party will feel that it is feasible to call people, and will spend energy on shouting rescue!

The boiling and violent energy.

Under the control of Fangqiu, it is directly isolated and all smoothed out.

and so.

Even if the little saint is only five kilometers apart, he is not aware of it, because the gas of heaven and earth in this field is completely controlled by Fangqiu. Fang Qiu wants him to see what kind of heaven and earth, he will What kind of heaven and earth can you see?

Other than that.

According to the ruins of Laozi, Fangqiu also built a separation layer in his own domain to isolate the Americans from the outside world.

It seems that there is a short small relic in general.

No matter what people say in them, they are limited to them and cannot be transmitted at all.

In order to prevent problems, Fangqiu is even outside the area, wrapped in a layer of energy that can eliminate the sound waves. Now, it seems to be superfluous!

It can be said.

When the United States got along with this dirty plan, all of this was already counted by Fangqiu!

Everything, perfect.

No flaws!

Fangqiu returned to the town to rest at night.

the next day.


The major forces are still surrounded by the area occupied by the Australian government.

However, this time is somewhat different from before.

In the daytime.

As the only powerful ss-class super master in Australia, Mason went away in front of the people of all major forces!

See Mason leave.

The ambitions of the people of all major forces immediately began to surge, and they stepped out and prepared to be close to Yuanyangguo.

It is at this time.


The official spokesperson of Australia suddenly came and said: "As long as they dare to rush in, don't hesitate, immediately detonate the bomb!"

This is the case.

The people of all major forces immediately stopped.

They are dumbfounded.

They all know that the detonator is not on Mason's body, but they don't know who the detonator is. Mason doesn't mean they are safe.

Mindfulness, the major forces reluctantly retreat back, for fear that the Australian official will really choose to die!

And here.

As a super ss-class super-master, Mason actually went to the town on the edge of the desert to purchase it, and it happened to be the town where Fangqiu is located!