Medical Master

v5 Chapter 338: 琼浆玉酒酒! (second more)

Three days later.

"It should be almost the same."

In the school dormitory, Fangqiu covered the whole body up and down, and left the school with a wine barrel filled with wine, and walked toward the mountain forest outside the city.

Three days ago, after He Gaoming and others came back, Fangqiu took the brothers and came to the mountains outside the city to guide everyone to stabilize the realm.

This mountain forest is very remote, no one comes in all the year round, so everyone can practice here without any scruples.

With the guidance of Fangqiu.

The realm of everyone is also very fast.

In three days, everyone has completely stabilized their current realm. During the period, Fangqiu also practiced several times with everyone and found that everyone's realm is very stable, and then continue to guide everyone to practice.

Because the atmosphere around the world is not strong enough, and everyone has just broken through once, although the realm is completely stable, but the improvement in cultivation is much slower than imagined.

When guiding everyone.

Fangqiu has been calculating the time, until three days have passed, when the medicinal liquor has been soaked, Fangqiu let everyone wait and go to get the wine.

of course.

Soaking wine, naturally, the longer the bubble is, the more fragrant the wine is, especially the medicinal liquor. The longer it takes, the higher the value of the drug.

Fangqiu also understands this.

However, this sparkling wine is still in the experimental stage, so Fangqiu can wait for a few months, and can only calculate the time spent on it for three days. When the effect is played in the wine, he will try it.

If it is ok, then the old wine will slowly soak.

Ten kilograms of wine.

There are not many to say, and there are not many.

More than 30 brothers, divided equally, each has three public and two, that is, more than half a catty.

Came to the mountains.

Far away, Fangqiu saw that the brothers were waiting for it.

Although he was also very curious, Fangqiu did not open the lid of the barrel in advance.


Come to the brothers.

"Master, is this your wine?"

"I can't wait to go."

"This wine looks like it is no different from ordinary wine. It is packed in white buckets. There are quite a lot of herbs inside."

"Boss, open and smell, see this wine is not fragrant."

"The brothers haven't been drinking for a long time. It's really no money to drink. When I see this wine, I will drool and run out."

Everyone has come around.

“Reassured, guaranteed to be good wine.”

Fangqiu laughed and said: "This wine I played is Jiangjing local, the best quality, the most authentic and the best to drink, the medicinal materials are also put in proportion, although only for three days, but only for three days, but It should be a bit more effective."


In the eyes that everyone expects, Fangqiu directly opens the lid of the barrel.

Just opened.

A rich scent of wine was immediately transmitted from the barrel, and it was so drunk that it was so fascinating.

"Good wine."

Everyone was excited when they only smelled it.

Fangqiu can also be clearly heard.

The scent of this wine is obviously much better than the one you just called, and it seems to be much better than before.

"Come on, paper cup!"

It was impossible to accept the temptation of fine wine. He Gaoming immediately ran to the side and ran over with a backpack. Then he took out a new bag of paper from the backpack and sent one to no one.

"Are you prepared quite comprehensively?"

When he saw that Gao Gaoming had brought a glass of wine, Fang Qiu Dun was surprised.

"Just, just bought it."

He Gaoming smiled and said: "You said that you are going to get the wine. I am thinking that you brought the wine. You can't have the equipment to drink. Then you go back and buy a paper cup."

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded and said: "Today is the day of our wine tasting. It is also the first time I have been drinking with you for the first time. I respect everyone."

Let me talk about it.

The right hand carried a vat of wine.

The wine in the barrel was immediately spilled.

Everyone was shocked.

I don't know what the name is, how come it suddenly, and I suddenly splashed it.

Can be the next moment.

The wines that were poured out not only did not fall to the ground, but they also seemed to have long eyes, separated into thirty points, and flew directly into the paper cup in the hands of every brother.

Half a cup for everyone!

The amount of one square and two, Fangqiu control is very good.

"Brothers, I will do it first!"

Fangqiu poured the same amount into his cup, and then raised his head and drank it.

See you.

Everyone is toasting and drinking.

This glass of wine went down, everyone screamed.

"Good wine."

"Good fragrant wine."

"There is really heaven and earth in this wine."

"It's so cool, this wine is the best drink I have ever had in my life."

Everyone is feeling deeply.

"The so-called, wine has three patrols, and the dishes have five flavors."

Fangqiu lifted the wine barrel and poured the wine to the brothers one by one. He said, "There is no food today, let's give it to the tour first."

It is one person and two for each person.

The barrel has gone down two-thirds.

Give a toast to drink.

After this cup went down, everyone only thought that the wine was very strong, but after entering the stomach, it felt like a fire. It burned warmly in Dantian, and people couldn’t help but feel a little numb, sleepy. !


He has already smeared his face, He Gaoming, Zhangkou said: "This wine is too good, it is too strong. Apprentice, I can drink one and a half kilograms at a time. This wine is only two grams, how can it be dazzling?"

Other brothers also nodded.


How do martial arts people like to drink?

However, Fang Qiu made this wine, and the stamina was really amazing.

Fangqiu did not feel anything about himself, but it can be seen from everyone's demeanor that this wine has actually taken effect, and the effect is not bad.

"The third tour, the brothers respect you."

He Gaoming took the wine barrel from the hand of Fangqiu and took the lead to fill Fangqiu before he evenly distributed the remaining wine to the brothers.

"The wine is full of respect, and it is the people who deserve our respect."

Fangqiu looked at the cup filled with wine and looked at the cups that everyone had said. "There is no need for this between brothers. Since it is a brother, it should be equal. I have a glass of wine. One brother!"


Gently wave the palm.

The wine in the paper cup immediately flew out under the inner air, and then divided into 30 parts on average, falling into each brother's cup.

With such a point, although there is not much more wine in the cup, the wine of Fangqiu has come down, exactly the same as everyone.

This scene.

Let all the brothers feel moved!

Fang Qiu’s practice has deeply touched them.

In this world, where can this kind of thing that can help your brothers to ventilate and distribute what they have to each brother's boss?

Although everyone knows that true equality is impossible, but the nameless and the heart have already moved them.

The third cup of wine is under the belly.

Everyone can't hold on.

"This wine is too strong, I can't."

"I feel that my blood is boiling all over my body."

"So hot."

Everyone has a voice.

"The effect is coming."

Fangqiu smiled and said: "Have everyone sit down and diligently digest."

Hear the reminder.

Everyone immediately sat down on the site.

Each one hastened up the work and quickly digested the medicinal liquor in the body.

In the process of digestion, everyone was surprised to find that this wine contains not only the medicinal properties, but also contains a lot of heaven and earth, feeling that the gas of the heavens and the earth is blended with the wine.

With the digestion of medicinal liquor, everyone found that they did not need to cultivate, and when they digested the wine, their own strength began to rise slowly.

Even faster than their own cultivation.

This situation makes everyone very surprised.

When everyone digested the medicinal wine, they all reached the peak of their respective levels.

Even Fang Qiu, after digesting the belly wine, felt that his strength and realm had become more stable than before.

"This effect seems to be somewhat beyond expectations."

After the first digestion, Fangqiu began to think about it secretly. He found that the effect of this medicinal liquor is not only the gas of heaven and earth, but also the efficacy of medicine. The medicinal properties of the three kinds of medicines cultivated by the gas of heaven and earth are surprisingly good. In addition, the hair of the wine, and the fusion of the three medicinal properties, the effect of this wine has been greatly enhanced!

This effect made Fangqiu very surprised.


Everyone has been awake from cultivation.

The first time I woke up, everyone’s reaction turned around and looked at Fangqiu with a shocked look.

Because this wine is really amazing.

It is simply a good medicine for the military!

"How much do you think this wine can sell?"

Seeing everyone’s shocked eyes, Fang Qiu asked with a smile.


"Do not sell!"

"How can this wine be sold?"

"Yeah, such a good wine, which is willing to sell it?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"I think so."

He Gaoming said aloud and said: "The money is not changed!"

"Yes, don't change."

"If you don't sell or sell, even if you are poor, you don't sell it anyway."

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"Five thousand yuan an altar, one altar and one pound."

Fangqiu said, mouth.

Everyone has a look.

In fact, they also know that this wine can be soaked at any time, and it only takes three days to have this effect, so as long as you have the money to buy medicine, then this wine can be produced in unlimited quantities, so it is impossible to sell it. of.

However, this price, we must say it.

"I think it's a little cheaper."

"Yeah, such a good wine, five thousand pounds is really a bit cheaper."

Everyone shook their heads.

"The price is set first, and there are a lot of 5,000 blocks."

Fangqiu thought about it and said: "The most important thing now is that we have to negotiate the name of this wine first. What is the name?"


One person said immediately.

"I still drink wine?"

Another person is joking.

“Not as good as calling the beauty bar directly?”

Li Boqing proposed.

Listening to the name proposed by the big guy, Fang Qiu could not help but smile.

What is the name of this?

"Boss, this wine is what you think of, and it is what you made. You should have thought about the name in advance?"

One person asked.

Everyone listens.

Yeah, the unnamed boss hasn’t commented yet. Is there anything useful for everyone here?

"I did think of a name."

Fangqiu nodded and said: "Joint pulp liquid!"

Everyone listens.

All of a sudden.

Why didn't I think of such a good name?

This wine should only be in the sky. Isn’t the wine in the sky a jade slurry?