Medical Master

v6 Chapter 353: The purpose of the encirclement!

"I hope he is lucky."

The man nodded his head and hang up the phone, picking up the ID card from the ticket seller who could not buy the ticket.

Look carefully.

Take the ID card, two of them are written: Qingyun!



Deep in the Australian desert.

Yuanyang fruit is mature and there are more than ten hours.

Seeing the Yuanyang fruit, which is guarded by the Australian official, the red-red light is brighter and brighter, and the only remaining candlelight is like the night breeze, which is swaying and swaying. Maybe the next second will be completely extinguished, and it will turn into a dazzling red.

Surrounding, the surge of energy in the heavens and the earth is very obvious.

The original cloud cover that existed in the sky and condensed by the gas of heaven and earth has gradually shrunk with the passage of time and disappeared into the sky. It seems that all the gas of heaven and earth has been given by Yuanyang. Smoking is normal.

Because of the disappearance of the cloud cover, the immature Yuanyang fruit still needs to absorb a lot of heaven and earth to grow up, which leads to all the heavens and the earth between the heavens and the earth, all attracted by the Yuanyang fruit, constantly from all directions. The tide is coming.

Feel the change of the heavens and the earth.

Everyone in the desert has a very dignified look.

Not only the Australian official who guards the 120-meter area around Yuanyangguo, but also all the Chinese New Years and forces that surround this Australian official, are also staring nervously at the nearly mature Yuanyang fruit!

of course.

In addition to Yuanyang fruit, these people are most concerned about underground.

Each of their forces occupies one side, and each force sends a person to sneak into the ground to eliminate the bomb.

This matter is about their life and death.

Therefore, they are definitely not willing to give it to other people.

Before doing so, the various forces also divided the areas that belonged to them, and the bombs in their own areas were excluded by their own people.

Other forces must not interfere.


Every force has paid special attention to the underground movement of this side, waiting for the bomb to empty.


The Australian official did not notice this because the people sent by the various forces were very careful and there were often desert sands in the desert.

After a long time.


I don't know who shouted, and the people who have been surrounded by the forces around, suddenly all together, rushed to the Australian official from all directions, once again!


Seeing the surrounding forces suddenly surrounded, the Australian official can not help but a glimpse of the face, and then everyone's face changed dramatically.

They know that there is no way for people on their own side to confront these countries and those who are powerful.


In the moment of being surrounded.

As the official leader of Australia, Mason immediately shouted: "Follow me, rush out together!"

The shouts spread at the same time.

In the case of Mason taking the lead, all the Australian official people immediately red grass 120 meters away.

the strange thing is.

This time.

The people of all major forces who came from all sides, did not even start with them, but rushed in directly.

This scene.

Let the Australian official people frown at the same time.

"No, no."

"They are not afraid of being killed?"

The Australian official spokesperson raised his brow and a doubtful question.

Look around.

The people of all major forces rushed in. Although the scene seemed confusing, each force occupied an area that seemed to be divided in advance.

However, the chaotic scene makes it difficult to see the situation.

Look carefully.

In the midst of chaos, there is actually an individual who emerges from the sand inside.

There are all forces in the camp!

The first time they came out of the sand, these people immediately nodded to the people of their own power, and then several people worked together to fill the sand on the ground, as if nothing had ever happened.

At this time.

I really can't see the situation inside, and the official Australian spokesperson who is worried about the maturity of Yuanyang fruit can only immediately pull out the remote control detonator.

"It seems that you all want to be killed!"

At the same time as the remote control detonator was lifted up, the Australian official spokesperson snorted.


The people who have already rushed into the power, after hearing the cold drink of the Australian official spokesperson, immediately turned around.

When the Australian official spokesperson held the remote control detonator in his hands, the people of various countries in the country suddenly stumbled.

Then, quickly ran out of the 120-meter range.

See you.

The official Australian official, Qi Qi sneered, one by one, stepped back and continued to stay around Yuanyang fruit.

And here.

People from all walks of life in each country return to their own position.

After coming back.

These people looked at each other and those who came out of the sand all nodded and said they were successful.

After confirming.

People from all walks of life can't help but see the excitement in their eyes.

they know.

The bomb matrix of the 120-meter area officially arranged by Australia has been broken!

And the reason why they received the bombs from their own side, they all returned, the purpose is only to create an illusion for the Australian official.


At the same time of excitement, the people of all forces are very vigilant to look at the people around them.

Before, they have been vigilant against the Australian official and have been staring at the Australian official.

But now.

The Australian official is no longer a threat.

What is really threatening is the people of the major forces around them.

As the bomb matrix is ​​destroyed, these people have turned from allies to become **** competitors!

Field center.

The official Australians who were kept in the dark were still watching the surroundings with great vigilance. Colleagues also observed the Yuanyang fruit with great care.

For them, the only thing they need to do is to take Yuanyang fruit off immediately when Yuanyang fruit matures.

Even if you can't bring it out, you will never let Yuanyang fruit fall into the hands of others.


Yuanyangguo is also a chip they use to deal with these people outside!

As long as you get the Yuanyang fruit, you can force it with Yuanyang fruit.

Those of these foreign forces will certainly not come hard!

Both sides have their own plans.

Soon, the world came to twelve o'clock in the evening.

The Yuanyang fruit is mature and there is the last twelve hours.

All countries have various channels to calculate the maturity date of Yuanyang Fruit, so everyone knows that the final maturity of Yuanyang Fruit is at 12 noon tomorrow!

on site.


Everyone is preparing, and they are adjusting their own state. They want to keep themselves in the best condition when Yuanyang fruit is mature.

After all, when Yuanyang fruit is mature, the competition that each of them will face is not a joke.

Below the sand.

Quietly came to a place about 100 meters away from Yuanyang fruit, Fangqiu also secretly adjusted in the sand, while adjusting the interest and carefully observe the situation around him.

Among them, Fang Qiu's most concern is that it is hidden in the ground, and that is a very powerful atmosphere.

Before this.

Fangqiu has faced countless guardian beasts, and there are many powerful ones.

For example, the big snake in the Egyptian ruins.


Fangqiu is very positive.

The energy that he felt under the sand was definitely the most powerful guardian beast he had ever encountered.

To say that it is powerful is not because the energy emitted by the other party is too strong, but because he can very clearly feel that the guy hidden underneath seems to be adjusting his state.

This guardian beast, who doesn't know what it is, is obviously very familiar with the maturity date of Yuanyang.

Not the same as other guardians.

This guardian beast is not in a hurry.

Just like thinking about it, I also know that I will adjust myself to the best state before Yuanyang fruit matures.

At the beginning.

When Fang Qiu sensed this, he was still amazed. He did not expect that a guardian beast could be so smart.

But think carefully.

This is Yuanyangguo, which is the super-natural material that ranks third in the Tiancaibao volume.

According to the sheepskin roll obtained by Fangqiu, this piece of natural wood appeared in this place. It seems that it has been a long time. In such a long time, if this piece of wood is rarely found, it will eventually be paralyzed. To protect the belly of the beast.

According to legend.

A Yuanyang fruit can make people directly upgrade to the ss level, so if a guardian beast eats one, two, or even three yuan Yangguo?

What kind of situation will it reach?

Fangqiu also knows.

There is news of Yuanyangguo in this place. It must not be known for hundreds of thousands of years. In the case that it is very likely to be known, this guardian beast can also emit such a strong energy, it is very likely People who discovered Yuanyang fruit before were dead!

All died in the mouth of this guardian beast!

Think of it here.

Fang Qiu feels more and more that this Yuanyang fruit fight is definitely more difficult than imagined!

Around the Yuanyang fruit.

Australian official side.

Everyone's face is not good looking.

They all know very well what kind of situation they will face!


The official Australian spokesperson directs the food to everyone.

As locals, they get absolutely more information than people in other countries.

They also know the exact maturity of Yuanyang Fruit.

and so.

Everyone understands that it was their last time eating.

After eating this meal, what will be faced next is the dead battle!


The food has been sent.



Just a handful of spirits from the official Australian spokesperson, the phone in Mason's trouser pocket suddenly rang.

Escape it and see it.

Is a text message!

Seeing the phone number that sent the text message, Mason brows tightly and immediately clicks on the text message to view it.

"It is recommended that the top spirits be destroyed and everyone will be evacuated from the scene immediately. It is absolutely impossible to let the situation develop to the point where it is out of control!"

See the text message.

Mason's brow wrinkled even tighter.

At the same time, the Australian official spokesperson’s mobile phone also rang.