Medical Master

v6 Chapter 389: I am looking for a doctor!

That night.

After arriving in Jiangjing, Fangqiu received the information sent by the reporter.

The interview time is set at 8:00 the next morning, and the location is set at one of the most famous hotels in Jiangjing.

After receiving the information, Fangqiu came directly to the hotel to open the room.

Have a rest for one night.

At 8:00 the next morning, when the phone rang, Fangqiu had already arrived in the hotel lobby.

It is a young reporter who came to this interview.

See the moment of Fangqiu.

This reporter immediately rushed to meet the excited and excited, and held the hand of Fangqiu tightly.

"I, I have rented a meeting room here."

The reporter said excitedly: "We can go to the conference room to talk."

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded for course.

Later, under the leadership of the reporter, Fangqiu went all the way to a conference room on the first floor of the hotel.

There is no conference table in the conference room, only two square sofas, and a coffee table.

"I let them send breakfast first."

The reporter said.

"No need to."

Fangqiu shook his head and said, "Get started."

"okay then."

After calming down from the excitement, the reporter quickly went over.

Fangqiu has already settled down.

The reporter sat down directly opposite Fangqiu, and immediately took the recorder from the briefcase that he carried with him and placed it on the coffee table.

"You can rest assured that I will be responsible for the people and will report it!"

After starting the recording pen, the reporter took the lead to say one thing. After seeing Fangqiu nod, he officially entered the topic. Zhangkou asked: "We all know that you are the top Chinese medicine practitioner in the Chinese medicine industry today. You have been a **** doctor by many people. Even in the world, there is a very big reputation, so how much do you know about Yangjian health care products and what do you think of this?"

"Actually, I just learned about this incident."

Fangqiu Zhangkou replied: "I was very busy before yesterday. I didn't have time to pay attention to the news on the Internet. I didn't know what happened on the Internet. Everyone knows that I am a person who doesn't like the Internet until Yesterday, after I sent a message to a friend, I learned about it."

"I also inquired carefully, and almost all the information about this matter on the Internet has been read."

Said here.

Fangqiu took a soft breath.

"In recent days, the news about Yang Jian has been flying, and according to all the reports and analysis I have seen, Yang Jian’s evil lies in his use of traditional Chinese medicine and health care products as the basis for gimmicks. The case "to deceive the public, causing grievances of patients with the disease."

"Of course, the consequences of this incident are very serious. Our doctors are saving the people and seeing patients suffering or even dying because they have not got the right treatment. I am also very sad!"

The reporter nodded.

"So, what is your opinion as a real, best-known Chinese medicine practitioner recognized by the world, who misled the patient in the name of Yang Jian's malicious use of Chinese medicine?"

The reporter continued to ask.

"The incident itself is not the fault of Chinese medicine, nor the fault of health care products."

Fangqiu thought about it and said: "As a sugar, his market value is only five cents, but some

People say that the sugar he sells can live forever, and Yang Jian’s behavior is based on feedback from various channels. It is this path and concept. ”

"In order to prove that my sugar is really different, there are reports on the Internet that Yang Jian has a lot of tricks, he will not hesitate to make up stories, create cases, use marketing methods similar to MLM models to make his products reach a high price, such as Yang Jian. A pair of health insoles can sell for thousands of dollars and so on."

"Actually, such an absurd plot, you don't believe, I don't believe it, but the world is too big, and many people believe it."

"If this is the case, Yang Jian’s accident is just a matter of morning and evening!"

"But no matter what the fate of Yang Jian's future, its ridiculous absurdity can't replace the whole of Chinese medicine and health care products industry!"

The reporter nodded and continued to ask: "So, how do you define health care products and Chinese medicine products?"

"The concept and role of health care products is only an effective direction, method or approach to "treating the disease" and "treating the disease". That is to say, health products can neither be eaten as food nor used as medicinal products!"

Fangqiu Zhangkou said: "The same is true for traditional Chinese medicine. The two can be said to coexist, but they are also opposite."

"Since the decades ago, the Chinese medicine field and the health care products market have been mixed up because of management confusion. They have been imagining all kinds of things, especially the health care products manufacturers who are quick and eager to make a fuss. However, it also drinks the chemical syrup of the undead. With a variety of magical effects, it can be used to cure all kinds of diseases, and to buy medicines for Chinese medicine."

"That is to say, this kind of deception has existed for a long time. It is only the people who use this kind of deception to grasp the habit of rushing to go to the hospital for medical treatment."

"Health care products, the momentum will meet us. We usually change the oil, charge and wash the car. Because of these advanced maintenance conditions, the car can escape for a few years, but if the mechanical parts of the car are really broken, Or the inner parts are badly damaged. Can you solve these problems with simple maintenance?"

"Obviously not!"

"This is the definition of health care products and Chinese medicine, and it is also the gap between the two."

I heard the words of Fangqiu.

The reporter nodded and said: "Really, we have seen so many scams in TV news, but there are still many people who will encounter this kind of scam. You think this thing has an impact on the whole Chinese medicine industry. And what is the impact on the reputation of Chinese medicine in the patient population?"

"I think that the spring and summer exposure of Yang Jian is still continuing to ferment. With the intervention of the judicial department, more and more investigation results will be announced. I believe that the final result will be as everyone wishes. In the end, it will definitely be the truth."

"But what I want to say is that Chinese medicine practitioners are indeed being used by Yang Jian in this matter. This use will inevitably affect Chinese medicine, but Chinese medicine is innocent. One person kills people with a knife. The body, not the knife, let alone this is a scalpel that is used to save lives!"

"Because Chinese medicine is not a self-aware thing, he is a culture, a technology, and a culture and technology that can be used freely by people in China, even the whole world."

"This kind of utilization is something we can't stop."

"So, the impact of Yangjian time on Chinese medicine is to indirectly let some people who do not like Chinese medicine, even if they don't understand things, they don't like Chinese medicine more."

"Some people who like and recognize Chinese medicine,

It will also question Chinese medicine. ”

Said here.

Fangqiu sighed and said: "Our Chinese ancestors of the ancestors used the great medical skills passed down for 5,000 years, but they have been repeatedly used and questioned again and again. This is very important for the development of Chinese medicine. Adverse."

"So, I hope that you can help me to tell everyone in the country that health products have nothing to do with Chinese medicine. Some Chinese medicines have no relationship with Chinese medicine even if they use Chinese medicine. Health products are health products, Chinese medicine is Chinese medicine!"

"I hope that the vast majority of the people can completely separate the two."

The reporter nodded again and again.

"This point, as long as it is a person who likes Chinese medicine, should know everything."

The reporter replied: "When I report on the news, I will definitely mention this point. I hope everyone can see it clearly."


Fangqiu nodded with satisfaction and continued to add: "In addition, I would also like to advise all practitioners here. Do not hang on the name of Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not use the efforts of our sages to defraud money. The world is fair, and paper can't hold fire."

"I also remind the broad masses of the people that they are still ill or seek medical treatment. Don't believe these so-called health products that can cure all diseases!"


The reporter looked at the time.

Pick up the recorder and pause the recording.

Then, I stood up and said, "Thank you for accepting this interview. Thank you very much!"

"I hope that you can convey my meaning clearly."

Fangqiu nodded.

"for sure!"

The reporter nodded very positively.

The interview ended.

Fangqiu left the hotel and went straight back to school to prepare for the exam.

And here.

The reporter took the recorder and quickly rushed back to the TV station, and then began to produce news reports.

The leader of the TV station, after knowing the reporters under his command, really did an exclusive interview with Fangqiu, and was very excited to start propagating on Weibo in advance.

This promotion.

Soon, all the people waiting for Fangqiu’s views were all concerned.


In the fans of Fangqiu, and the reprints and mouth-to-mouth of those who expect Fangqiu, many people began to search for Fangqiu and Yangjian.

Not long after, #方丘 on the topic of Yang Jian time to express the topic of #, rushed to the first place on the microblogging hot search list.

Even the hot search list of other social forums, this topic has all rushed to the first place!

See such a strong attention.

The leaders of Jiangjing TV Station are all very excited.

What they want is this effect.

When countless people began to urge in waiting, the leaders of Jiangjing TV also rushed to urge reporters and rushed to draft.

It took a full four hours to repeatedly modify and listen to the recording.

It was a little later in the afternoon.

The report finally came out.

The public is in the eye.

This report first appeared on the official website of Jiangjing TV, and then was reprinted on the official Weibo.

Undoubtedly, in the expectation of so many people, this report has reached an astonishing million readings in just three minutes.

After reading this report, the Internet once again set off a hot discussion!

Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Mobile version reading URL: m.