Medical Master

v6 Chapter 400: Enzymes are not as good as lettuce...

Everyone on the entire TV station was thrilled and excited when everyone saw a real-time rating of 2.

Because of the characteristics of the program, no one else thought before this time, such a program of nature can achieve such ratings.

To know.

In the relatively ordinary time period of this TV program, even if it is an old-fashioned entertainment program, at most, it can only get a rating between 1.5 and 2.0.

But this "small party forum" actually reached the top ratings when the first program was just started live.

This situation is completely beyond the expectations of all staff of the TV station.

Zhongzhou TV station.

Whether it is a senior leadership or an ordinary staff member, they are extremely excited and excited at this moment.

The entire TV station was in an unexpected, crazy state.

the other side.

More than the leadership of Zhongzhou TV Station, paying more attention to the ratings of the "Little Party Forum" is the leadership and staff of other TV stations.

After all, this is also the program they once tried, but was snatched away.

At the beginning, everyone felt that the whole program would definitely not have too much ratings, just like they thought that there would be no Chinese medicine companies to invest in this program.

But now.

When the ratings came out, the people of the major TV stations were all shocked.

"What? Broken 2?"

"Impossible, even if it is a gold file, it is absolutely impossible to break 2!"

"This program is only in the first period. It didn't take long before it started. How could it break 2?"

“Is Fangqiu’s own traffic already so large? When the new program opens, the ratings will break 2?”

"What is this fairy rating?"

"Is this really a legendary show that one is holding up?"

"This data is too horrible?"

"Awful, Fangqiu's own traffic is really terrible."

"We still looked down on Fangqiu!"

"If you know that Fangqiu's own traffic is so big, let alone 10 million, even if it is 30 million, you must win it!"


On the TV.

The "Small Side Forum" is still playing.

With the completion of collagen, under the attention of everyone, Fangqiu took the lens and walked to the side, and soon came to the front of another white table.

Same as the first table.

On this white table, there is still a row of products.

I saw the product on the second table.

All the viewers in front of the TV, I was even more looking forward to it.

no doubt.

Just now, Fang Qiu's collagen is a modern straight-sell health care product. The next thing to say is definitely another direct-sell health care product.

So, what will this be?


The very common science program is to let all the people who are watching suddenly feel nervous, as if it is particularly exciting, especially attractive.

Because everyone knows.

Fangqiu is doing a program on the bright side, but actually it is to use the action in the health care products straight-sale!

It can be said that what everyone really expects is not what Fang Qiu said on TV, but what he did, but while watching Fangqiu live broadcast, he constantly imagined that those health care products were straight-selling. Qiu Yu can't say anything, and when he thinks, he feels cool!

“Everyone saw it. There was another table in front of me. There was also some modern health care products on the table.”

Fangqiu guided the camera by hand and swept it over the table to let everyone see the packaging and style of these products.

of course.

The trademarks of these products are also the same as the previous collagen products, which are pasted with white tape.

Everyone is very curious.

What are these products?

"So, what are these products?"

When the camera swept all the products and then lifted it up against Fangqiu, Fangqiu smiled and said, "These are the enzyme products that I will explain to you next!"

“According to the process, we now look at the efficacy of these enzyme products.”


Fangqiu picked up the first one. This is a red-capped oral liquid bottle. He said: "The effect of this is very simple, and it will die: repair the organization."

"the second."

Fangqiu took a second smile with a smile, similar to the product of a beverage bottle. He said: "The effect of this is also very simple, just leave a word: adjust the body environment!"

Finish, let go.

Pick up the third one.

"This is normal."

After reading it, Fang Qiu handed the text on the third product to the front of the lens and said: "Adjust the intestinal probiotics, promote digestion, accelerate the absorption of nutrients, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial."

"Fourth: Participate in various biochemical reactions of the human body to maintain the normal function of the body."

"The fifth one: clearing the stool, conditioning the body environment, purifying the blood, purifying and repairing the various functions of the body, improving the body's metabolism, improving sub-health, is the necessary nutritional supplement for the body!"

As he spoke, Fangqiu couldn’t help but laugh.


Put down the product in your hand.

"So, what is an enzyme?"

Fangqiu faced the camera, Zhangkou said: "In recent years, the enzyme has also set off a wave of enthusiasm in the country. It can be said that the enzyme is boasted as a "magic bullet". Is there any use of the enzyme?"

Said here.

Fangqiu picked up a bottle of enzyme product and said: "Actually, to put it bluntly, the enzyme is a fermenting enzyme, but this kind of thing is called an enzyme in Japan. This statement has also been transmitted to the country, so it is also called together. It's an enzyme."

“In fact, enzymes are also a highly efficient biocatalyst that accelerates the activity of human cells...”

I heard the words of Fangqiu.

All the witnesses watching the show couldn’t help it.


"Even the names are from the Japanese?"

"Not a joke?"

Although not all, there are still many Chinese people who have a kind of resistance to the Japanese.

On the TV.

Fangqiu continued to speak.

"So, is the enzyme useful?"

"I have read a lot of news and said that in this era, people eat less and move less every day, leading to overnutrition, slow metabolism, and health often starting to report to the police. To solve this situation, we must eat a kind of enzyme called enzyme. Things, as long as you eat one can detoxify and nourish the skin, lose weight and cure the disease!"

"I carefully checked the Internet. On some shopping websites, as long as I entered the two words of enzymes, there are nearly 180,000 related products in search. There are enzyme powder, enzyme tablets, enzyme liquids, etc., and it looks like The price is very high, but the sales of these products are very good."

"There are also sales people who have recommended it to me, saying that these products are inside

Enzyme is the enzyme that supplements the body's body. Enzyme is the enzyme. All the enzymes you drink are enzymes. The enzyme is the best in health care products. Even the face is anti-cancer and anti-cancer can achieve certain effects. ”

“There are sales people who told me that these enzyme products have a beauty effect because they contain sod, superoxide dismutase, sod is an antioxidant, and the ability to resist oxidation is very strong.”

Speaking of it.

Fangqiu shook his head again and said: "Actually, after my test, the sod contained in each milliliter of these enzymes has a total of 428 active units, and the content of sod in one gram of lettuce leaves and one gram of tomatoes. , 466 and 524 active units, respectively."

“That is to say, the main active ingredient sod in the enzyme products you buy, in fact, the content of each box is not as high as that of two pounds of lettuce or tomatoes.”

"And, most of the so-called enzymes are in the form of proteins. After digestion in the gastrointestinal tract, their activity is almost completely destroyed."

"In addition, as a doctor, I am very responsible to tell you that the enzymes in the human body are generally self-sufficient and do not require additional supplements. Even if they need to be supplemented, they cannot be taken orally!"

Said here.

Fangqiu paused a little and continued: "So, some people will say that existence is reasonable. If the enzyme is sold in a foreign country, then there is value in his existence."

"Indeed, the enzyme originated in Japan, and in Japanese, the enzyme means enzyme."

"So, what about the sales of enzymes in Japan?"

"There is a very authoritative report on the Internet. It is a battle between the National Institute of Life and Environment of the University of Tsukuba. He is sure to say that enzyme drinks and enzyme products are a trade name. It is right to understand it as a commodity. These things are two different things from enzymes!"

"In Japan, the enzyme was originally referred to as an enzyme, but some people later called this fruit and vegetable fermentation product an enzyme. Although the enzyme has the same name, both the merchant and the consumer understand that the two have nothing to do with it."

“The enzyme product itself is a general nutritious food. The main consumer group in Japan is the elderly. However, after entering the Chinese market, some merchants have put on the concept of enzymes, and even more have packaged them into Bao Zhibai. The magical tonic of illness."

Speaking of it.

Fangqiu picked up the table, the most effective enzyme product, sighed and shook his head.

"Here, I want to tell everyone."

Facing the lens, Fangqiu said directly: "In fact, the enzyme has no meaning for the human body, because the human body can not absorb the external enzymes, so the news about the enzymes that are madly spread online is almost false."

I heard this.

All the people in front of the TV, who are watching the show, were shocked.

Is such a hot enzyme product sold in China that is useless to the body?


Like the products of the Japanese country, it is not a real enzyme, but something fermented by some fruits. The nutritional supplement to the body is not even as good as some homemade vegetables.

If it is true, then it is terrible, right?

Just when everyone was shocked.

On the TV.

Fangqiu put down the enzyme product in his hand and said to the TV screen: "In the back, I will send all of these products to the test, and the results of the test will be made public in the next program!"

After that, Fang Qiu continued to guide this lens shift.

And in front of the TV.

All the female audiences have once again received a 10,000-point crit!

Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Mobile version reading URL: m.