Medical Master

v4 Chapter 410: Fangqiu appeared!



The phone is connected in seconds.

"What happened to the school?"

Fangqiu asked for a mouthful and said: "Long story short, my phone has just been charged for a while, not enough for too long."

"it is good."

Zhu Ben was right, and then quickly said things again.

Listened to it.

After Fang Qiu understood the whole thing, he did not say anything, but simply smiled.

It’s coming, it’s coming!

"Daddy, where are you going?"

At the end of the phone, Zhou Xiaotian’s question was heard.

"Go to the retreat."

Fangqiu said with a smile: "You should not be too anxious, this time may be a good thing!"


Sun Hao said, "You are closed and stupid? It’s a good thing on the Internet."

"Don't say it first, go back and say."

Fangqiu said.

"Well, you guys have been dying in the past two days, and you have to call your parents. The school has already contacted them. They are also anxious."

Sun Hao reminded.

"it is good."

Fangqiu sighed and hung up.

He did not expect it.

This matter, even went to where his parents went.

I have disappeared for four days in a row, and there is no news. My parents must be mad.

Do not hesitate.

Fangqiu immediately dialed the phone of his mother.


The phone was also picked up by the second. Fang Ma’s voice said: “Is it Xiaoqiu? Is it Xiaoqiu? Are you kidnapping our Xiaoqiu, don’t hurt him, my son can make money, how much do you want? Don't hurt my son.

"Yes, right, don't hurt my son, I promise you all if you want."

Fang Da’s voice also came.


The second is really anxious.


When I heard the words of my parents, Fang Qiu’s nose was sour, tears could not help but rush out, and almost came out. In order to suppress tears, Fang Qiu even used internal gas.

"Parents, it is me."

Taking a deep breath, Fangqiu said, "I'm sorry, I am worried, I am fine. I just ran outside for a few days. The phone is out of power. I am on my way back to school. Don't worry, I will go back to see you when things are done."

"Hill, is it really you?"

Fang Ma’s tone changed, and the nervous nerves slackened. He also said with awkwardness: “I’m not afraid to scare my mom in the future, no matter where I go, I have to keep the phone usually, do I know?”

"Bad boy."

Fang Dao is also a big sigh of relief. The other mother said: "You also know that you are worried all day long, and I am also worried."

"Parents, it's not good for me, I won't be in the future, I promise to be able to contact wherever I go."

Fangqiu said.

"You said it."

Fang Ma said wrongly.

"Well, I said."

Fangqiu nodded heavily.

There is something in this world that is more important than the commitment of parents.

"Parents, my phone has just turned on, I have to call back a few calls, I will not tell you first."

After obtaining the consent of the parents, Fang Qiu hang up the phone.

Then call Jiang Miaoyu.

"Where are you?"

Another second.

"Reassured, I am fine, that is, the phone is dead. I am on my way back to school and I will be there soon."

Fangqiu said.


The two of them talked a few more times before they hung up.

The call was made.

Some people, Fang Qiu also returned information, so that everyone can feel at ease.


Everyone has notified, Xu Miaolin Fangqiu has no notice.

Because Fangqiu is ready to return to school, he will go directly to the Chinese medicine hospital to see Xu Miaolin.

Return to Jiang Jing.

Fangqiu took the suitcase full of swords and walked down the car. When he appeared at the gate of the school of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, all the people who came in and out were stunned.

Following the children, a school is sensational.

"Fangqiu is back to school."

"Fangqiu finally came back to school!"

Classmates, rushing to tell.

Fangqiu is all the way, quickly returning to the dormitory, locking the suitcase filled with swords into the closet.

This is only a few minutes.

Everyone on the Internet also learned about Fangqiu’s appearance and his return to school.

I heard this news.

Fangqiu fans, suddenly relieved a big breath.

"Finally home."

"Fortunately, it was not kidnapped or missing."

"These days have really scared me. Where did this party go?"

The fans all acted like the rest of the robbery, and they all made their own speeches, and the tone was much easier than before.


Vice President's Office.


A staff member rushed into Chen’s office and said to Chen Yusheng, who was sitting at his desk and frowning. "Come back, Fangqiu is back."


Chen Yusheng’s face changed awkwardly.

I was pleasantly surprised immediately.

"Really come back?"

Chen Yusheng asked.

"came back."

The staff nodded affirmatively.

Chen Yusheng quickly called Fangqiu.


The phone was finally connected, and the words of Fangqiu came.

"It’s good to come back, just come back."

When he heard the words of Fangqiu, Chen Hao grew his export and said: "Come on a few words?"

"I am coming to the Chinese medicine hospital."

Fangqiu said.

"it is good."

Chen Yusheng nodded and said: "Handle things first, and others slowly."

Let me talk about it.

hang up the phone.

"This kid."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yusheng shook his head and smiled.

As the vice principal, he knows that this matter is not easy to deal with, but he believes that Fangqiu, as long as Fangqiu returns, all the problems will be solved!

Take a taxi and come to Jiangjing Chinese Medicine Hospital.

"Excuse me, is Dr. Xu Miaolin's clinic there?"

Wearing a mask, Fang Qiu asked the staff at the front desk of the hospital.

"The fifth floor."

The staff replied.

"Thank you."

Fangqiu nodded and turned to the elevator and went up to the fifth floor.

under these circumstances.

Fangqiu must wear a mask, or I am afraid that Xu Miaolin has not been seen yet, and he was blocked by people. He could not enter the hospital.

Came to the fifth floor.

Fang Qiu quickly found Xu Miaolin's clinic.

This clinic is separate and independent. It is not in the category of general clinics and specialist clinics. The words on the house number are Xu Mulin.

at this time.

Xu Miaolin’s clinic is empty.

It is because of the reason why the number is not enough. Although it is back, Xu Miaolin did not formally start a consultation, but only accepted the couple and children.


Entering the clinic, Fangqiu shouted.

"came back?"

Xu Miaolin saw Fangqiu, first stunned and immediately laughed.

"Thank you, teacher."

Thank you Fangqiu.

He already knows what Xu Miaolin is doing.

If Xu Miaolin stood up, it would definitely be more fierce on the Internet, and even his reputation would be destroyed.

"My teacher, is it great?"

Xu Miaolin laughed happily and asked very narcissistically.

"Give you 10,000 praises."

Fangqiu laughed.


If Xu Miaolin has blocked so many things for him, the development of things will inevitably be uncontrollable, so this gratitude is still necessary.

The most important thing is.

From the comments on the Internet, Fangqiu faintly noticed the taste of deja vu.

Just like last time.

When you find the opportunity, you will be black.

The average netizen can't do this kind of thing.

In other words.

The black hand behind the scenes appeared again.

Last time.

Regarding the work of meridian cg, Fangqiu didn't have time to deal with him. This time it was different. If he wanted to play, he would have to fight with this behind-the-scenes black hand.

"Teacher, where are the patients, let me go and see."

Fangqiu said.

"do not."

Xu Miaolin immediately shook his head and said: "You don't show up, secretly look at it."


Fangqiu a trip.

Immediately, I immediately understood.

Immediately shook his head and smiled: "Teacher, you are not at the level of your students."

"Not at all."

Xu Miaolin shook his head and said: "In the face of disease and life, the strength of the doctor is too weak. If you don't show up, if you are not sure, there will be room for anything, but once you show up, then There is no turning around."

"I know."

Fangqiu nodded and said: "But people can't deceive themselves. I don't want people who are illusory. What is it? If it can be cured, it can be cured. If it is not cured, it will be cured."


When Xu Miaolin heard it, he nodded and said, "Let's go."

"The patient is?"

Fangqiu asked.

"It’s just in the intensive care unit at the end."

Xu Miaolin pointed to the right hand side.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded, left the clinic and walked toward the ward.


Came to the intensive care unit.


Fangqiu knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

In the room, there was a woman’s voice and a footstep.

When Fang Qiu was ready to reach for the door, the door opened.

Reflected in the eye.

It is a man with a slightly fat face and a normal body.

at this time.

Fangqiu had taken off his mask, so when he saw Fangqiu, the man slammed a little, and then his eyes immediately burst into tears.

"Fangqiu, Fangqiu."

The woman in the ward also saw Fangqiu, and immediately burst into tears, immediately ran up, and directly to Fangqiu, pleading: "I beg you, save my child." ”

Fangqiu holds the woman.

"Let me see first."


Fangqiu lifted the woman up and then went straight into the ward to prepare to see the child's illness.


The man walked out of the clinic and forced the crying call to inform his loved ones that Fangqiu was coming.

He informed this.


The thing that Fangqiu appeared in the ward was spread throughout the Chinese medicine hospital.

For a time, the Chinese medicine hospital was up and down.

They all know what happened a few days ago.


Fangqiu finally appeared, and appeared directly in the ward.

However, can this disease Fangqiu really be optimistic?

As the news spread.

Many people are flocking to the scene, want to see the style of Fangqiu, by the way, can you see if Fangqiu can cure this child.

Just a short while.

The outside of the ward is full of people.

During this period.

Many people have sent friends to say that Fangqiu is in the Chinese medicine hospital.

This news has also been screened by many people on the Internet, and soon it is known all over the world.

This is the next.

Everyone is curious.

This time, Fang Qiu is still able to turn the tide?

(End of this chapter)