Medical Master

v6 Chapter 45: An admirable doctor

While cheering for Fang Qiu.

Netizens in the United States have also turned their attention to tomorrow.

"This is only one day, Fang Qiu successively compared the ancient Egyptian doctor Aria, Cuban doctor Sam, Indian doctor Sinde and South American tribe doctor Antun, all of them have won, and won the bright, the gap is not One star and one half."

"I don't think it's Fangqiu. The only one who can compare with him is the Mayan ancient doctor who represents Antonio!"

"Fangqiu and Antonio, who will win?"

"The four doctors are really ridiculous. I didn't want to challenge Fangqiu when I was not famous. When I was interviewed yesterday, I didn't even put Fangqiu in my eyes. Now? I think they can't wait to find it. Have you gotten into the hole?"

"Haha, I finally understand why Fangqiu has been reluctant to compete with them because the medical skills of these people are too low. Fangqiu is not interested in comparing them."

"The four of them are completely asking for their own troubles. Originally, they wanted to use the reputation of Fangqiu to smash the heat of Fangqiu, but they lost all of them!"

"Now wait for tomorrow."

"The world's five most terminally ill, Fangqiu has solved four, and it is an AIDS. Will there be AIDS patients tomorrow?"

"Even four of the world's five terminally ills can be cured. The only thing that can prevent Fangqiu now is probably AIDS!"

"Yeah, if there is no AIDS tomorrow, Fangqiu will be in an invincible position. Anyway, all diseases can be cured, and tomorrow is the last day. If there is no victory or defeat tomorrow, then It’s hard to have such an opportunity to check who is better with Fangqiu and Antonio!"

"Calling AIDS patients, you must go to Fangqiu and Antonio to treat tomorrow!"

Hot discussion room.

The Internet actually launched a campaign to select AIDS patients to find the topic of Fang Qiu and Antonio treatment.

It seems that I saw everyone’s expectation for the competition between the two tomorrow.

Cnn shot again.

This time.

Not only TV news, but also online, it instantly attracted the attention of all people in the United States.

"Because of the challenge of all the intractable diseases issued by Fangqiu and Antonio, cnn decided to make a very meaningful event for the United States and even the whole world. We found a pair of AIDS patients twin daughters, this pair of twins from Maternal infection carries HIV. In order to meet the expectations of netizens all over the world, we hope that tomorrow, Fang Qiu, representing Huaxia Chinese Medicine, and Antonio, who represents Maya ancient medicine, can treat this pair of twins separately, each treating one!"

The news was sent out.

The United States suddenly became a sensation.

Countless people are praising cnn, and CNN is the largest TV network in the United States!

Other media companies saw it, but they all forwarded it one after another, and there was no one step behind. After all, other news media could not have done cnn, and cnn had already seized all the opportunities, even other media immediately. It is absolutely impossible to find the same AIDS patients in one day.

Under the forwarding of major media.

More and more people are aware of this incident. People who have never paid attention to traditional medicine have also begun to pay attention to Huaxia Chinese Medicine and Maya Ancient Medicine because of the action of CNN.

Many people, therefore, specifically to understand traditional medicine.


In the manor.

"This cnn is too good to do it, even doing this kind of thing?"

When I saw the news, Zhang Yicheng suddenly couldn’t help but angered. He said directly to the other side: "You can rest assured that although there is a very large freedom of speech in the United States, you also have the right to refuse him. If you do not want to treat AIDS patients, or If you are fully satisfied with treatment, you can completely reject them. No one dares to say anything about you!"



Fangqiu shook his head with a smile and said: "Although AIDS is not in the history of Chinese medicine, in the record of Chinese medicine, there is such a big doctor who has studied AIDS."

"His surname is Zhang, and his name is Zhang Zhen. People in the Chinese medicine profession respect him as Zhang Lao."

Speaking of it.

Fangqiu smiled and said: "Zhang Lao is the founder of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a senior researcher. He has a very high academic attainment. He is a pioneer in the study of syndromes. He left the country. After decades of careful research, he proposed the innovative theory of the hierarchy of syndromes. His clinical experience is very rich, he is unique in the treatment of common diseases, he is good at treating incurable diseases, and is devoted to the study of Chinese medicine for difficult diseases. The law has created the school of Yunling Chinese medicine to jump off the human body."

"According to his research records and transcripts, Zhang Lao, who is 80-year-old in the face of AIDS ravages and the urgent need for treatment in many patients, has resolutely accepted organizational arrangements to lead the scientific research on AIDS treatment."

"Zhang Lao believes that the characteristics of Chinese medicine and sometimes the overall concept and syndrome differentiation and treatment, to treat AIDS, must be clear about their syndromes, pathogenesis, and the law of incidence."

"In order to study and treat AIDS, Zhang Lao led the staff of the project office to go to various cities and states in southern China, conduct field research and personally treat patients."

Speaking of it.

Fangqiu said with an admirable tone: "Zhang Lao, regardless of his age, ignores the risks and directly communicates face-to-face with AIDS patients, hands-on questions, masters first-hand case information, carefully collects information on AIDS and Chinese medicine, and leads staff to summarize And analyze the unique pathogenesis and pathogenesis of AIDS, change the law and prognosis, and propose that the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS should focus on strengthening the righteousness and evil spirits, and combined with many years of experience in diagnosis and treatment, personally developed two Chinese medicine kitchens for treating AIDS, free of charge. Available for use!"

"Since then, Zhang Lao has not relaxed his exploration and research. He believes that the treatment of AIDS by Chinese medicine is an exploratory work. Without mature treatment techniques, treatment options and therapeutic drugs for reference and use, It is even more important to carry out relevant research work in depth."

"Therefore, for more than ten years, Zhang Lao has always insisted on the post of Chinese medicine to prevent and treat AIDS. He has carefully known that the future generations have carried out research and clinical treatment of AIDS treatment for AIDS, and have achieved very good results!"


Zhang Yicheng nodded.

Because it is almost not in China, and there is no research on Chinese medicine, Zhang Yicheng has never heard of a similar story about Chinese medicine.

"Occasionally, I am at my teacher's house and I saw Zhang's research."

Fangqiu smiled and said: "AIDS people are also people, but also my patients. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, no matter what kind of patient I face, I will do my best and use all my strength to treat patients."


Zhang Yicheng nodded and said with emotion: "This is a good Chinese medicine for Mr. Zhang Lao. So the age is still willing to fight for the patient in the first line, even in spite of his own safety, this spirit is really admirable."


Fang Qiu nodded in agreement and said: "This is Chinese medicine, this is the virtue of Chinese medicine people, this is the benevolence of the doctor!"

"Come on."

Zhang Yicheng patted Fang Qiu’s shoulder and said: “I believe that you can do it. There are so many good Chinese medicine seniors in Chinese medicine to explore the road. I believe that the future of Chinese medicine must be expected!”


Early the next morning.

The day was still not bright, Fangqiu was in the morning exercise, trotting all the way to the Chinese Medical Museum, and was ready for everything.

It is time to visit.

The door of the medical school has just opened.

Outside, it was full of dense onlookers and countless media reporters.

The leader, still the first two days to interview Fang Qiu, the beauty reporter from CNN.

Did not make any explanation.

The media reporters went directly to the medical center and began to prepare photos, reports and on-site witnesses.

at the same time.

A young girl of about 20 years old also walked into the medical hall. It seems that the girl is very confident, has no sense of inferiority, and does not care about the eyes of others.

"Hello there."

Fang Qiu sat at the desk and was smiling with a smile.

"Hello there."

The girl sat down at the desk and looked directly at Fangqiu. "I am one of the twins who have AIDS."

"You are very strong."

Fangqiu smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

The girl smiled very happily and said: "My strength is because my first two decades have met many people who are not ashamed or afraid of me, I am very grateful to them, of course, I am also very I hope that you can really help me cure the disease."

"I will do my best."

Fangqiu nodded.

The media reporters began to take records.

At this time.

"Your sister has already been there."

Cnn's beauty reporter walked to the patient's side and appease the patient's shoulder with his hand. He said, "You will receive treatment at the same time. Try to relax. You are a confident girl. You must believe that you will be good!" ”

"Thank you."

Girl thanks.

And here.

Everyone on the scene knows that Maya doctor Antonio has also received an identical AIDS person at the same time.

Everyone has a special expectation in their hearts. I want to see what happens in the end. Who can cure AIDS!

of course.

In the twin girls suffering from AIDS, while visiting Fang Qiu and Antonio, all the media reporters sent the two doctors to the Internet at the same time.

Soon, it has attracted the attention of countless netizens.

“Really AIDS?”

"I didn't expect that cnn really brought AIDS people."

"This disease, although there are drugs that can be controlled, but once you get sick, you can't get rid of drugs for life. Fangqiu and Antonio, can you really cure this disease?"

"look forward to!"

"Get started soon."

In the expectation of netizens.

Chinese Medical Museum.

Fang Qiu took a deep breath and then began to diagnose the girl with a smile.


After receiving the patient, Antonio was also confident in the scene and told everyone that his medical skills must be the strongest, and AIDS must be cured!

After all, under the attention of all the onlookers and all the media, they officially started to see a doctor.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Mobile version reading URL: m.