Medical Master

v4 Chapter 457: You won, been taught!

In the field.

The stimulating collision is still going on.

On the pavilions around, all the martial arts people who came to watch were wide-eyed, as if they were not willing to miss the second.

In the crowd.

At the beginning, the ten talented people who stood together with Yunyangzi and Wuqian had a different look from other people.

"It's so strong!"

Mu Rufeng didn't blink, watching the big battle in the field, the shock of a face was hard to say.

This match.

For him, there is no doubt that it is the most enthusiastic battle.

On the one hand, he has always been revered, the mysterious person who wants to play against is unknown, and on the other hand, he always likes it, but he does not dare to easily confess, but can only look at the woman far away.

These two people are the most concerned about him.

Not to mention the battle between the two.


Mu Rufeng thought that the mysterious person was no name, and he was almost as good as him. At most, he was better than him. However, in the past two days, the mysterious person’s nameless performance was far beyond his expectations.

Now, when I saw the mysterious person's nameless collision with the fifth Qian, it was so easy to perform, which made him even more shocked.


Feng Yiming, who stood with Chen Yunzhu, was also surprised.

"I didn't say anything wrong?"

Chen Yunzhu smiled and said: "I said, this nameless strength is terrible, you still don't believe it, now believe?"


Feng Yiming took a deep breath and said: "I didn't expect it, the nameless actually reached this point. Although the fifth party can do the same with the Luoyin faction, but in the hands of the fifth Qian, the nameless though Did not prevail, but the whole person performed very easily, did not feel a little bit of pressure, from this point of view, the nameless strength is obviously stronger than the fifth."


Chen Yunzhu nodded and said: "This nameless is really terrible. When he killed the Luoyin faction, he did not do his best. Now he has not done his best. I really don't know how terrible it will be when he uses his full strength."


Several other people have nodded in agreement.

Only Yunyangzi did not say a word from beginning to end, so he stared at the battle in the field, and did not talk about it.

at this time.

The two of the people on the spot, when the battle was right.

On the other side of the attic, one suddenly took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket and was ready to record.

after all.

This is a rare big scene, big collision!

What is even more rare is that there is no one on the scene to take pictures, that is to say, as long as he records the battle and put it on the Internet, it will inevitably gain a very high popularity in a short time!

I feel excited when I think about it.

Turn on the phone and point the camera at the fierce battle that is taking place in the field, ready to start recording.


His hand, when the recording button has not been pressed.

In the mobile phone display, suddenly a figure flew over.

Gaze at it.

Come, it is actually the fifth Qian who is fighting with the nameless!

This person is dumbfounded.

Because he found that the fifth Qian was flying over him.


Just listen to the sound of the wind in your ear.

The mobile phone that was held in his hand and prepared for video recording was instantly captured by the fifth Qian who came from the air.

the other side.

Fang Qiu, who was already fighting, saw the fifth Qian suddenly took the opportunity to grab the onlooker's mobile phone, and he could only step on the footsteps, stopping the one that was about to be attacked!

no doubt.

If he directly hits it, the fifth Qian will not have time to defend.

But Fangqiu did not do this.

He is never a one who will be in danger!

Fangqiu stopped.

The fifth Qian who snatched the mobile phone also turned back and settled in the game.

"Thank you."

Looking at the opposite side of the square to force the shape of Fangqiu, the fifth Qian smiled a little, thank you.


Turned to look at the owner of the mobile phone, and looked at all the other people who were watching, and then unknowingly pinched, directly shattered the phone in the hand.

"This war, no one is allowed to take pictures, I don't want the same thing to happen next."

Fifth Qian said.

I heard that everyone is ashamed.

in fact.

Everyone understands.

The identity of these two individuals is too special, this battle is really not good for video and photo.

This nameless, just destroyed the Luoyin faction, is a powerful figure who does not know the bottom. The fifth Qian is not only the young lady of the fifth family in the South, but also the second person in the martial arts genius list.

Perhaps for the nameless, photography and video have no effect, after all, he is already used to high-profile in the martial arts.

The fifth Qian is different.

The number of times she shot, the number can be counted.


Her identity is special. If she wins, it is better to say that if she loses, the video will definitely cause a lot of discussion once it is transmitted.

The most important thing is.

The fifth Qian is the beauty that many people in the martial arts dream of. If the video is recorded, the speed of communication will definitely exceed imagination. The faster and wider the spread, the easier it will be studied.

In addition, the fifth Qian did not like to show his face, so when he noticed that someone had to take a video, he would immediately leave the battlefield to stop it.

After such an episode.

On the pavilion, everyone dismissed the idea of ​​taking pictures and videos.

In the field.


The fifth Qian walked toward Fangqiu.


Fangqiu nodded.

Then take a step forward, a toe on the toes, the body of the city is like a shell, the storm rushed out, and rushed toward the fifth Qian.


The fifth Qian is also not afraid.

I took another step forward, and then I flashed my body, and I greeted Fangqiu, who was coming from the storm!


A fierce battle, continue.

Just for a moment.

Everyone immediately forgot the episode of the previous one, and focused all of their attention on the battle between the two.


"The fifth Qian is serious."

"Although I was very serious, I didn't show all the strength. It seems that it was because the nameless response was too relaxed. This time, she used all her strength!"

"This time, no name can be so easy."

"It’s still six products. It seems that there is no name and no intention to use it. Do he think that he can beat the fifth Qian with the strength he has shown now?"

Headed by Mu Rufeng, several top ten players in the martial arts genius list began to whisper.

Yunyangzi, still do not say a word.

Seeing more concentrated than before.

In the field.

"Do you use your strength?"

Fangqiu also felt that the strength of the fifth Qian is obviously much stronger than that of the previous one. The impact of the internal gas is also a lot bigger, and the overall strength is higher than just now.

This makes Fangqiu feel very satisfied and very excited.



The fifth Qian, who used all her strength, suddenly frowned.

Before, she discovered that her strength and speed were weaker than the nameless, so she would directly explode her strength and want to force her nameless force to fight.

But when she used her full strength, she found that her strength and speed were just the same as the nameless, and there was no possibility of suppressing the namelessness.

This made her very puzzled.

The strength of the nameless display, there are only six products, why can this be done?


The fifth Qian crazy attack.

Fangqiu defended while looking for an opportunity to attack.

Every attack will faintly use a little more power. While stimulating the fifth Qian, it also stimulates the internal air in the body, so that the internal gas in the twelve positives overflows faster.

The warriors have potential.

Some people practice to eight products is the peak, no matter how the cultivation can no longer be promoted, even if the person is stimulated by the big, it is impossible to explode a stronger force, because eight products are the peak of his potential.

Some people have great potential.

For example, the fifth Qian.

Although her current strength is only half a step and nine products, but under the suppression of Fangqiu's slight increase in strength, her potential has been stimulated by little by little.

As a result, while Fangqiu is strengthening its strength, she is also quietly enhancing her strength.

This is the gap in potential.

at this point.

The fifth Qian herself also noticed that she suddenly felt that this was not a test, but that the mysterious person was nameless and intentionally motivated her potential.

In my heart, I suddenly felt a good feeling for the mysterious person.

In fact, where does she know that the reason why the mysterious person is unknown is to make his own promotion.


The fierce battle is still going on.

In a blink of an eye.

The two have already split up hundreds of moves.

Both of them enjoyed this battle.


Just as the fifth Qian is enjoying his own ascension, Fangqiu suddenly stopped increasing his strength, because he found that the battle seemed to have no need to continue, because no matter how he stimulated his body. In the air, there will be no internal gas spills in the 12th.

Keep on playing, just waste time.



Fangqiu and the fifth Qian collided with one palm, and when the two palms collided together, the fifth Qian was ready to swing the left hand attack, Fangqiu's body suddenly twisted, it was like muddy, a sly slip, flashing instantly After the fifth Qian's offense, at the same time directly deceived to the side of the fifth Qian.

In the case of a complete blow to seriously hurt the other party, but just waving his right hand and gently sweeping, took a hair from the head of the fifth Qian, and then slammed the toes, immediately flew out two meters, settled.



The fifth Qian took a step back and looked at the opposite Fangqiu. He said, "You won, you are taught!"

This is the case.

On the pavilion, most of the people who were watching were shocked.

"No name wins?"

"What the hell, isn't it still hot, then suddenly lost?"

"Where is the name won?"

"Oh my God, no name won the fifth Qian, isn't that the nameless can at least rank second in the martial arts genius list?"

Everyone has been talking about it.

Many people didn't understand it, but those who understood it were shocked.

The strength of these two people is too strong, definitely beyond the peak of eight products and three peaks!

It’s just when everyone is hot.

I kept squinting and observed Yunyangzi, who was fighting for two people. Suddenly, I laughed a little and stepped forward. I sneaked into the square and looked at Fangqiu.

"I want to play with you!"

This is the case.

The whole audience, everyone's eyes, all turned to Yunyangzi!