Medical Master

v5 Chapter 460: Biochemical base in the tribe

"It's done."

In the house, there was a respectful voice from the young man, saying: "All tribes in the north, one does not fall."

"Well, it’s done well."

The person in the room nodded with satisfaction and said: "Accelerate the speed, before the dawn, transfer all the jade away!"

"I am already urging."

The young man nodded quickly and then bowed and asked: "Six people, do we want to continue to expand Ebola? I know that there is still a primitive tribe not far from here, do you want to do it?"

"No need."

The person known as the Sixth Man shook his head, Zhangkou said: "This tribe is already using herbs to sell money. It is a person who is in line with modern life and no longer lives in human purgatory, so we don't have to turn them, our The purpose is to get rid of people living in the world of purgatory. For those people, death is a relief, and all we have to do is help them!"

Outside the house, in the grass.


I heard that Fangqiu knew it right away. This is the person of Nirvana.

Because, only Nirvana organization, will say ferry!

"Six people?"

Fang Qiu’s heart moved and immediately thought of the seven people who had been killed before.

"Just kill a seven-member, and immediately come to a six-person, this Nirvana organization can really do things!"

The heart secretly spit.

But even know.

Fangqiu is only interested in looking for an opportunity to say it again. It is obviously not a good time to show up now.

at the same time.

The person who observed in this area was also immediately revealed in the square thalamus.

That person may be the person of Nirvana.

Although in the end, the man ran into the military base of Egypt, but when he thought about it, the person seemed to be sneaky when he entered the military base.

Perhaps the reason why the black shadow entered the military base is probably to hide people's eyes and ears.

Listen to the conversation between the two people in the room.

When Fangchudun couldn't help but think of the hippo tribe, he thought of those who were killed by the virus in the hippo tribe, and those who had died because of the virus.

In my heart.

An anger suddenly surged.

He even wants to do it right away and kill the two individuals directly!


Fangqiu resisted.

It is not only the two nirvana people, but more importantly, the clues about Nirvana.

From the dialogue, Fang Qiu clearly understood that Nirvana certainly has a deep understanding of the jade mine, so they can't wait to hurry to dig away the jade mine, and even sent a six-person to be the supervisor!

under these circumstances.

After the jade mine has been dug out, where will it be sent?

This is the point that Fangqiu needs to pay attention to.

Will it be the old nest of Nirvana?

After all, this magical jade is not a thing, even if it is a nirvana organization, it will definitely be a treasure.

Even if it is not good again!

Will these jade be sent to at least one branch?

Whether it is sent to the old nest or the branch, there is no doubt that Fangqiu is a very important clue to the Nirvana organization.

As long as you can find clues, it is very likely that you will find out the information of Nirvana organization a little bit!

no way.

The Nirvana organization is so mysterious that even the state does not have much knowledge of the Nirvana organization. If you want to investigate, you will not find an opportunity, and you will not find a clue.

Therefore, this rare opportunity, Fangqiu is definitely not to be missed!

Compared with investigating nirvana organizations, it is too simple to kill two nirvana organizations.

In comparison, even if the anger is rising at the moment, Fangqiu can only forcefully suppress the impulse to rush out and start, and the forbearance secretly waits.

Waiting for these people to dig all the jade out, waiting to see where they will eventually transport the jade!

that's it.

Fangqiu has been waiting here.

After waiting for a few hours, Nirvana’s talents finally finished the jade mine.


After a few cars and all the jade mines were loaded, Nirvana’s talents drove away.

Wait for the car to go out for a few minutes.

Fangqiu began to trace along the trail.

On the way to tracing, Fangqiu was very careful to hide his breath. Even the energy of the atmosphere was not exposed. When he needed to catch up quickly, he would wait for the car to drive a certain distance before urging the air. A short distance.

And over there.

The six members of the car have also been observing the situation on all sides. As a result, nothing has been found, and no one has noticed that someone is following behind.

Not long after.

Fangqiu followed a car carrying jade and came to a small tribe.

A large truck with jade stopped at the periphery of the tribe.


The man in the car jumped.

In addition to the six people, all the people who mined the jade mines came out of the car pockets, followed by the six people, came to the middle of the tribe, and entered a room similar to a small tower.

“Is there a tribe here?”

Fangqiu doubts.

People who are living in this tribe are worried that they should immediately take out their mobile phones to check.

The result was found.

There is no tribe in this place.

What happened to this tribe in front of you?

Mindful thoughts.

Fangqiu began secretly and began to observe carefully around this area.


After walking around the tribe, Fang Qiu discovered that the tribe had a total of seven rooms, which were built entirely in accordance with the six-pointed star pattern.

"There are six rooms on the periphery, all of them are guards?"

"The room inside the tower is so small, how can it accommodate so many people?"

Fangqiu is suspicious.

He found.

Although the six outer rooms look quite wide, there is only one person in each room, and these people are standing in front of the window of the room and looking out.

The vision of the six rooms is just enough to see all of them in all directions.


The tower-like room has only one normal small tower size, and it looks like it can hold 4-5 people at most.

“Is this a branch of Nirvana?”

Fangqiu thought.

Judging from the situation he has seen so far, it is really an important place for Nirvana to organize. If it is not important, it is not necessary to build it in such a way and do such a tight defense!

At this time.


A crisp push of the door came.

Look at it.

I saw it.

The door in the middle of the room resembling a small tower was suddenly pushed open.

Then, three people walked out of the room and began to carry jade from the big truck to the room.

"What the hell?"

Fangqiu raised an eyebrow.

Although these three people are all former mining miners, but with a few others, the room should be already crowded, how can you move jade inside?

"It looks like there is no hole in it."

Fangqiu secretly whispered, but also did not move for a while, but released the knowledge of God, directly began to carefully check.

This investigation is incredible.

Fangqiu in the small room of the small tower, actually sensed a huge space, in which the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth changed very powerfully, and there are many people's breath.

The key is.

Fangqiu was inside and found the smell of Ebola virus.

“Is it still a biochemical base here?”

Think of it here.

Fangqiu's body shape immediately began to look around for a suitable position, and then immediately rushed in while guarding the distraction.

Like a gust of wind, it did not cause anyone to be alert.

Instantly rushed into the tribe and came to the big truck with jade. Fangqiu immediately hid the figure and then looked into the small tower-shaped room next to the truck.

This eye.

Fangqiu clearly saw that this room resembling a small tower is not a real room, but a passage.

To be precise.

Inside this room is a spiral staircase.

The real interior is in the ground!


The person who carries the jade comes up.

Fangqiu continued to hide, and when the group walked down, Fangqiu went to the ground.

This goes in.

Fangqiu immediately found a corner to hide.

Looking around and looking around, I was dumbfounded!

He guessed it right.

Here, it is indeed a biochemical base!

This piece of underground space is very wide. He even saw the six guarded rooms outside, which are connected to the underground space. The guards entering them seem to enter the watch tower. They are not actually On the ground, it is guarded at a height.

The key is.

In this very wide underground space, Fangqiu actually saw a biochemical laboratory isolated with floor-to-ceiling windows!

at this time.

Those who carry jade are to pour jade at the entrance to the laboratory.

Someone specializes in helping out and taking jade into the lab.

Because it is isolated with glass.

Fangqiu clearly saw that a group of people wearing biochemical clothes were in the laboratory, using jade to stimulate the Ebola virus, which caused the Ebola virus to mutate!

See this scene.

I will understand when I have a square.

No wonder the gas can't eliminate the Ebola virus.

It was originally stimulated by jade containing seven of the heavens and the earth. Under this kind of stimulation, the Ebola virus is equivalent to giving birth to antibodies, and it has become a terrorist virus that even the military cannot escape!

"I have to look at it, there is still a secret hidden here."

Fang Qiu’s heart moved.

When the people who transported the jade came over, they directly found an opportunity to kill the three people silently, and then began to act boldly in this area.

Because except for the three people, everyone else is busy with all kinds of things, and they simply can’t watch the four weeks.

After all, with the guards of the watch tower, no one can imagine that someone will sneak in, so everyone is not too concerned about the situation around them.

And by this opportunity.

Fangqiu began to investigate four times, and wanted to see if there were any clues about Nirvana in this place besides the biochemical laboratory.


I found a circle, but I found nothing.

It seems that this is a pure biochemical base!

"How come there is nothing?"

Fangqiu was puzzled and came not far from the biochemical laboratory, outside the room with the door closed.

Listen carefully.

Although the sound is small, Fangqiu can clearly hear that two people in the room are talking.