Medical Master

v5 Chapter 465: Causes great attention!

Countries all over the world.

I was shocked by this video from China!

The news of the emergence of the Ebola variant virus in Africa has already spread around the world. Therefore, countries around the world have been vigilant for a while, and a series of warnings have been made to avoid the infection of the Ebola variant virus. Measures such as preventing the entry of Africans, various health checks, etc.

Countries around the world attach great importance to the Ebola variant virus.


After learning that the Ebola variant virus turned out to be a "crazy" organization deliberately created and spread in Africa, the leaders of the world were completely shocked!

Especially the five major countries.

Huaxia will not have to say much. From the very beginning, Huaxia’s top management knows that Africa’s affairs are likely to have a relationship with Nirvana. Therefore, when this news was received, although it was treated with caution at the first time, it was not too shocked. !

Different from China.

When the video was sent to the top leaders of the countries, the top leaders of the five major countries shook in an instant, and immediately urgently rushed to the major figures of the leadership to start an emergency meeting!

United States.

The presidential palace, a conference room that is not too big but can accommodate dozens of people.

A full-length blonde, dressed in formal attire, a middle-aged man in his forties, sitting on the chair of the conference table with a serious face. This conference table is very large, with more than ten seats on each side, and all of them. Already full.

On the innermost wall of the conference room facing the chairman, a screen hangs.

The projector at the corner of the conference table is working!

"finish watching?"

After watching the screen of the projector, the middle-aged man in the chairman’s position, Zhangkou, who is very serious, said: “Now, let’s express your opinion!”

The high-level people sitting on both sides of the conference table all turned back, looking at the middle-aged people in the chairman's position.

"I think we need to continue to strengthen the control of the Ebola variant virus and carry out the necessary strict scrutiny of all traffic routes!"

One person said.

"These are necessary."

At the chairman's position, the middle-aged man glanced at the person who spoke and added: "What I want you to say is for this matter, for this crazy organization!"

This is the case.

Throughout the conference room, everyone’s face became dignified.

"Nirvana organization? Have you ever heard of this organization before?"

"Yeah, we don't know what organization this organization is, how many people, how much strength, and the scope of regular activities, etc."

"From the video materials given by Huaxia, the organization named Nirvana has always been particularly mysterious. Even the Chinese side has not yet figured out their bottom. We can only start from scratch and target this nirvana organization. Conduct an investigation."

"According to the Chinese side, Nirvana has a lot of people, it is very secretive, and it has always been hidden in the crowd. It is difficult to find out. We want to investigate this nirvana organization, it is not a simple matter."

"This matter requires the joint military and special capabilities departments to work together to make targeted investigations step by step!"

Listening to the sayings of the people in a few words.

In the position of the chairman, the middle-aged man nodded nonstoply, and finally made a direct decision: "From today on, we must be highly vigilant against Nirvana, and include Nirvana in organizations with top threats, and at the same time, proceed from various aspects and conduct detailed investigations. The information related to the Nirvana organization, the three feet of digging the ground should also give me the information of this organization!"



"Africa's Ebola variant virus is actually an organization?"

"There is such an organization in the world?"

"The people in this organization are too evil, don't look at people at all!"

"Don't let me see this organization, or I will definitely smash his head!"

"I believe that there will be no such people in our country. If there is, he will definitely die."

In the conference room of the presidential palace, Russian high-level officials are madly discussing that the environment in the entire conference room is obviously much stronger than the United States.

Almost everyone is talking non-stop, expressing their hatred and anger at Nirvana!

Russia’s policy makers did not hesitate to directly order: “Immediately clean up the country, arrest all members of the Nirvana organization in our country, and do not allow one to stay. At the same time, we will conduct a detailed investigation of the Nirvana organization immediately. If you need the information, you can submit the application. Book, apply to Huaxia!"


United Kingdom.

"These people really should go to hell."

"The paradise they think is the **** of the injured!"

"A group of wolves with sheepskins!"

"There is a horror to kill, this organization is really terrible."


In a heated meeting.

The British high-level officially issued an order and immediately began to investigate the Nirvana organization!



Not the same as the other three countries.

The French party also joined the special capacity department.

"From the situation on the video, the power of this nirvana organization should be very large, and the people in this organization should have a very strong strength. Facing such an organization disguised as a priest, but actually killing people, We must be careful!"

A person wearing a robes, completely covering his face, leaving only a pair of eyes, even those who are not aware of men and women, stood in the conference room and watched the video while walking back and forth: "I hope this organization has not infiltrated into China." Otherwise, the trouble can be big."

"The style of doing things in this organization is too secret. According to the news of the Chinese side, this organization has existed for a long time, and has been absorbing people from all over the world. This is an international criminal gang and a capable An international terrorist organization that threatens world security!"

"It seems that they must be delegated."

In the conference room, the main high-rise openings are one by one.

The chairman is on.

A middle-aged person who looks quite young and looks very good, slightly nods and said: "Huaxia has already conveyed this video to all major countries, but this kind of thing can never be made public. It has caused panic in the world, so we can only investigate it in secret. From today, all the news about Nirvana must be reported upwards, and we must do our utmost to find and destroy this organization in the shortest time!"


of course.

Not just these four big countries.

At the same time, countries all over the world have entered a state of high vigilance.

among them.

The most vigilant, no doubt is the African countries.

When getting the video.

The top leaders of African countries are all angry.

Not the same as other countries!

The Nirvana organization is doing things on their sites.

Originally, the appearance of Fangqiu brought new life to Africa. As long as malaria was thoroughly cleaned up, Africa would enter a new environment of development and survival.

When the Ebola variant virus appeared.

All African countries are very distressed. They all mutate the Ebola virus. In the hot weather, in the dirty environment, and even in order to solve the Ebola virus as soon as possible, countries have allocated a lot of research funds. Ebola variant virus was studied.


As soon as I heard it, it turned out to be a ghost of Nirvana.

The top leaders of the major African countries feel that they are being played as if they were being played. There is a feeling that someone has personally fed a thorn and stuck in the throat!

among them.

The most angry, unintentional is the high level of Egypt.

The ruins are just over, and one of their masters is still unconscious. This has made them very angry. After learning about Nirvana’s affairs, the Egyptian high-level officials are completely unacceptable and even The infection of the Bora virus is linked to the event of the ruin of the battle for failure, and all the anger is piled up on the Nirvana organization!

no doubt.

With full of anger.

The Egyptian official immediately ordered that all the people in the country should be thoroughly investigated. Once they discovered that they might be Nirvana organizations, they immediately arrested them.

I would rather catch 10,000 and never let go of one.


Several troops were also dispatched to patrol the country and look for traces of Nirvana.

At last.

The African countries all joined together to form a patrol army, began a detailed search and search for Nirvana in the African savanna, vowed to drive Nirvana out of Africa!

And here.

Just as the top leaders of the world were shocked by the video given by China, Fang Qiu, who was a video shooter, was a big truck that had been driving a jade and came to the hippo tribe.

Two days passed.

The effect of Fangqiu on the venom of the hippo tribe has been completely dissipated.

People who had recovered a little bit of strength, and because of the expiration of the efficacy, fell into despair again.

Back to the tribe.

See everyone's situation.

Fangqiu did not hesitate to hesitate to immediately take out the herbs picked up along the way and start pharmaceutical peony.

It took more than an hour.

After taking the medicine, Fangqiu took the infected patients in the tribe and waited to see the effect.

turn out.

This drug, although better than the drug side, but it can not cure people, the efficacy of the Ebola variant virus, and no killing effect, can only delay the onset of the virus!

"It seems that we have to find other ways."

The patient was examined for the body, and Fangqiu shook his head and sighed.

At this time.


The phone suddenly rang.

When I came out, I saw it.


Fangqiu immediately connected the phone.

"The video you sent has already reached the hands of the top leaders of the world, and it has already attracted the attention of the top leaders in the world."

Li Wei’s words came.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded, and his heart was a little relieved.

The Nirvana organization is too mysterious and too powerful. The video can be highly vigilant and valued by all countries. It is good news for anyone who is or will be persecuted by Nirvana.

It will not be so difficult for countries all over the world to deal with Nirvana.

“Do you have a way to treat the Ebola variant virus?”

Li Wei asked.

"Not available for the time being."

Fangqiu shook his head and said: "However, I will try my best to try!"