Medical Master

v4 Chapter 469: Break through the seven products and pul

With the twelve swells, the last glimmer of gas.

The strength of Fangqiu Six Pinfeng Peak was officially completed.

In case of overflowing internal gas is sufficient.

A strong sense of breakthrough immediately hit.

"It’s finally here!"

Feeling the sudden break-through feeling, Fang Qiu took a deep breath and then pressed the whole breakthrough.


I immediately took out my mobile phone and ordered a high-speed rail ticket to return to Jiangjing.

In these two days, under the invitation of Yang Ningyuan, Fangqiu has always stayed in Jianghang. While waiting to see the marketing effect, he also learned some marketing techniques with Yang Ningyuan.


The effect of this marketing has already come out. Everything that will happen next can be fully predicted. Therefore, Fangqiu has no need to continue to stay, not to mention the breakthrough soon. At this point in time, stay in Jianghang. I am afraid it will cause some accidents.

In this case, Fangqiu can only leave quickly, take the Tiancai, find a place where no one is, and make a breakthrough!

When I returned to school.

Three friends, are in class.

Fangqiu took out a small wooden box in the closet of the dormitory.

This wooden box is filled with.

It was the last time that Fangqiu went to the Geiranger Gorge in Norway after he got the treasure map in Beyond, and picked it at the top of the snowy mountain. The 17th Tianmu, Tianlingjing!

"With Tian Lingjing, this breakthrough has rebuilt the Eight Classics, and I am sure."

As soon as I got Tianlingjing, Fangqiu had an inexplicable peace of mind.

Because of the unique characteristics of Tianlingjing, it is really suitable for him.

no doubt.

If all the martial arts in the martial arts know that martial arts can be rebuilt and the meridians can be reopened, then this day Lingjing will not be ranked only 17th in the Tiancai list.

Because this thing can give the meridian "tough" characteristics, it is too suitable for the meridians to reopen.

Get Tianlingjing.

Fangqiu immediately rushed to the airport.

On the way back to Jiangjing, he had already booked a ticket to Beijiang.

Thinking about it.

Fangqiu still feels that only the depths of the desert in northern Xinjiang is his best breakthrough.

After all, no matter how much noise in the depths of the desert, it will never attract anyone's attention and there will be no accidents.

of course.

The reason why I am so worried is that Fangqiu once broke through seven products, so he knows that the heaven and earth vision caused by breaking through the seven products is too strong, not to mention that he is still rebuilt, and the vision generated when the breakthrough is made. It is definitely bigger than when he first broke.

Therefore, before the breakthrough, he must be fully prepared.

A few hours later.

The day is dusk.

Fangqiu has been alone in the depths of the northern Xinjiang desert.

In the case of unmanned smoke within a hundred kilometers, Fangqiu chose a fairly high dune, sat down on the top of the dune and began to break through!


With a long breath, accompanied by the strong winds in the desert, Fangqiu opened the wooden box and put the one, thumb-sized, three-dimensional diamond-shaped, transparent crystal-like fruit gently into the mouth, ready to be swallowed.

next moment.

Fangqiu has a double eye.

Immediately, the feeling of being about to break through, which has been suppressed, will be liberated instantly.


Just let go of the suppression, Fangqiu body naturally came a burst, the low-pitched wind.

at the same time.

The air of heaven and earth between the heavens and the earth immediately seemed to be greatly attracted by the general, and began to form a swirling flow, which came to the frenzied surge in all directions and was infused into the body of Fangqiu.

The gas of heaven and earth enters the body.


A huge gas explosion sounded loudly.

A powerful and incomparable momentum, bursting out from the square mound, will get the surrounding yellow sand, blowing like a wave, fluctuating toward all sides.


Fangqiu took a deep breath and closed his eyes.


All the internal gas that overflowed from the twelve positive menstruation all condensed together and directly condensed into an invincible internal gas blade.

Under the control of Fangqiu.

This sharp blade, in a circle of twelve classics, and then immediately rushed to the past.

This pulse is the pulse!

The pulse is one of the eight classics of Qijing, which can regulate the blood of the twelve meridians, so it is called the sea of ​​the twelfth century.

It is precisely because of the important role of the regulation of the twelve positives in the pulse, so Fangqiu will choose the first first impulse pulse!

of course.

At the last breakthrough, the father was also the pulse that made him rush.

This shows the importance of the pulse.


Father told Fangqiu.

There are eight representative acupoints in Bamai: Gongsun, Neiguan, Linqi, Waiguan, Shenmai, Houxi, Lishui and Zhaohai.

Therefore, the ancients handed down an "eight-point song!"

Gongsun Chongmai heart and chest, Neiguan Yinwei under the same general; Lin Chong bile with veins, Yang Wei Rui 眦 outside the customs; Houxi Du mai 眦 neck, Shen mai yang 跷 亦 ; ;; The lungs and yin are in the throat of the sea.

The reason why the classics are called the classics is because they are not directly dirty, and there is no matching relationship between the two, and they do not follow the line, not only can regulate and communicate the relationship between the twelve classics, but also ten The two dying blood has the function of accumulating and seeping.

Among them.

The pulse, up to the head, down to the foot, throughout the body. .

Therefore, it is the best choice to take the lead in breaking the pulse!

The gas is rising.

Fangqiu controls the blade of internal gas, rushing to the top of the head, officially opening the vein!

Just in the moment, the moment it touched the pulse.


Between the heavens and the earth, a sudden, loud explosion sounded.

It’s like a thunder on the ground!

at this time.

Fangqiu was deeply involved in the breakthrough, and there was no slight awareness of the vision of the outside world.

With the sound of thunder and thunder.

In the sky.

The dark clouds are coming.

I couldn’t see the thunder, but I could hear the bursts of sounds as if the giants in the sky were roaring.

Deep in the desert.

Focus on the body of Fangqiu.


The horrible wind whistling, and a huge tornado was formed in the blink of an eye. The sky was surrounded by Fangqiu. Around this huge tornado, the wind swept across the four sides.

Just three minutes.

Deep in the desert, the yellow sand is full of sky, it seems to have encountered a dust storm, can see the poison is low and terrible.

at last.

After three minutes.

In the dark clouds of the sky, the horror-like light began to flash, like a grid, completely covering the entire sky.

A devastating breath descended from the sky and was heavily pressed against Fangqiu, trying to stop his breakthrough.


One hundred kilometers away.


A bearded middle-aged man driving a jeep, preparing to cross the desert, saw the clouds in front of him, the wind raging, the scene of thunder and lightning, immediately stopped, standing in the car and overlooking.

"This is, is someone breaking through?"

Feel the breath coming from the depths of the desert, and the feeling of oppression that fell from the sky, even in the distance of a hundred kilometers, the beard frowned and said: "Impossible, I When breaking through the seven products, there has not been such a big vision of heaven and earth, and eight products are even more impossible."

"Perhaps, it's just an ordinary natural phenomenon. It's just that the pressure on this place is too strong. You have to avoid it first."

This is the whisper.

Bearded, drove away.



Fangqiu has begun to reopen the pulse.

Because it has been washed out once, this time Fangqiu does not need to pulse, only need to control the influx of internal gas, and then re-open the pulse.

Only the thickness of the chopsticks, with the influx of a large amount of internal gas, was instantly bulged in a round, as if swallowing an antelope python, almost bursting.

of course.

Not one of them, but a whole pulse, all are expanding.

As the internal air rushes more and more, Fangqiu will completely close the valve port of the other veins. In this case, the pulse vein expands abnormally quickly.

Between the blink of an eye.

It has already swelled to the thickness of the thumb, and under the impact of such a large amount of internal gas, a first tiny crack appeared above the rushing pulse.

Just like the ice of the Antarctic.

As soon as the first crack appeared, it began to spread to the madness of all sides with a completely unstoppable trend. The cracks in the blink of an eye spread throughout the vein.

"Tian Lingjing!"

The pain came in, Fangqi did not hesitate to immediately bite Tianlingjing.


At the moment of the break, Tianlingjing immediately turned into a thin stream of water, flowing in the throat of Fangqiu.

After entering the body.

This water-like energy flows directly into the veins, wrapping it in tenths, and then the other nine tenths of energy, then flowing into the twelve orthodox, and several other unreturned odds. Through the eight veins.

This scene can scare Fangqiu.

Can be the next moment.

Fangqiu saw it with his own eyes, that is, the energy of one tenth is like ice, freezing all the veins, and in the freezing, the cracks on the veins are healing rapidly, and Fangqiu can still feel that under this energy package, other meridians of his body are undergoing some extremely subtle changes.

That's right.

It is tough and reinforced!

This is the case.

It has been going on for about fifteen minutes.

When the energy of Tianlingjing in the body was completely consumed, Fangqiu discovered that the pulse was successful!


The gas of heaven and earth, like the top of the sputum, comes from all directions, is poured into the body, and fills all the meridians in the body.

at the same time.

Fang Qiu fiercely opened his eyes and flashed a touch of fine mans.

"Seven products and one pulse!"

Standing up, Fang Qiu pinched his fist and a smile appeared on his face.

Seven products.

As long as the seven passes and eight veins are completed, because of the fact that it has already been washed once, Fangqiu’s breakthrough can be said to be a matter of course, and the internal gas has completely broken through the pulse.

After the opening of the pulse, the strength of Fangqiu reached the level of seven products.

"Two veins open the veins, three veins open the veins..."

Fangqiu secretly calculated a bit, whispered: "Yunyangzi has nine products and one pulse, and his pulse is the opening pulse."

"Renmai is indeed stronger than any other meridian. This is why the nine products are much stronger than the eight products. The next nine products and two veins are to open the Du Meridian. On behalf of the twelve serious and the eight classics, only after these veins are fully opened, can they become masters, but the last step is the Scorpio!"