Medical Master

v4 Chapter 487: Fangqiu’s madness is forgotten!

I heard Xu Miaolin’s explanation.


Chu Yunqi first glimpsed, and immediately asked with suspicion: "You said that the purpose of his doing is to protect the whisper?"


Xu Miaolin immediately nodded and said: "I don't even have to think about it. The motive of this kid is definitely this, but treating the sick and saving people is also one of his main purposes!"

"You think about it again."

"With this document, even if there is official protection of the state, then in that country, who else dares to move the river, it is simply to ask Jiang Miao a yellow horse!"

Speaking of it.

Xu Mulin couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed, feeling: “Hey, I didn’t expect my students to be like me, it’s a kind of love!”


Chu Yunzhen suddenly gave him a white look, and said with a look of dissatisfaction: "I don't mean, you can be a student better than you. You look like that, you look at your student's silly, you know when you run." You look at your students. In order to protect your girlfriend, even if you solve malaria for a year, you can give it up. This is really a slap in the face. I hope that Xiaonizi, a whisper, can understand Fangqiu’s mind."

While talking.

Chu Yunxiao secretly whispered in the heart: Once understood, the worry in her heart, it should be gone.

As a teacher.

She is naturally very clear, Jiang Miaoyu's heart is worried.


And this time.


Fang Qiu, who has not heard of the news for a long time, has caused fans to stir up.

"What happened to the Great God, why didn't you move?"

"Yes, Fangqiu Dashen is a qigong, and the refining is too good."

“Fangqiu Great God is not a pet at all, and the pet patients are more than the pet powder.”

"No way, we have to understand and understand God. After all, he is a doctor. His profession is to save lives."

"Speaking, I really hope that Fangqiu God can turn to the entertainment circle, at least we can see his dynamics and news every day."

"Which entertainment circle, Fangqiu God relies on medical skills, although singing is also good, but what really makes people on the powder is his kindness and strong medical skills. If I switch to the entertainment circle, I am sure he will definitely lose one. Big wave powder, I think it is quite good now."

"Yeah, if you want to be a god, you can find the news on the Internet and give the gods some hot search resources."

For a time.

At the call of everyone, Fangqiu fans began to search the Internet for information on Fangqiu.


I searched for a long time with a domestic search engine, but I still couldn’t find it, or I didn’t know what the news was.

Some fans did not give up, began to turn over the wall to find information on the Internet, even if you can not find the dynamics of Fangqiu, at least you can translate the big things that Fangqiu has done in foreign countries, and then smash a wave of heat.


In this way, I was actually found by a person from the Internet, the official website of the Comoros country, and found a document signing message.

of course.

This person did not deliberately go to the official website of the Comoros, but used a foreign search tool to search for the name of Fangqiu. As a result, the search found this news.

Look at it again.

"The trough! Fangqiu actually went to Africa?"

Seeing this document, the fan was shocked.

After reading the complete news report, he finally confirmed that Fangqiu is the Fangqiu from Huajing Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Because, what was written in the signing of this document is Mr. Fang Qiu, who represents Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

How many square hills does Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine have?

Just one!

Who is this person not Fangqiu?

What shocked him the most.

Fangqiu not only went to Africa, but even represented the president of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Comoros, and also signed a document agreement to help the Comoros solve the malaria that has been plaguing them for a long time within one year!

What is malaria?

This person searched online, and suddenly shocked!

Such a terrible infectious disease, Fangqiu to be completely resolved within one year?

How can this be?


This fan did not dare to delay, and after quickly translating this news, the screenshots were reprinted on Weibo, not only @头方丘丘后会's fan head, but also @江京中医大学, Huayuan Pharmaceutical, each A large number of celebrities such as famous Chinese medicine practitioners.

no doubt.

This microblog is out.

Immediately caused the crazy hot discussion of Fangqiu fans.

"The trough, the bulls!"

"It is our great **** of the square, and we all go abroad when we are quiet, and we have brought Chinese medicine out of the country."

"Using Chinese medicine to help poor countries, this is the glory of our Chinese people!"

"Fangqiu God is always like this. No matter how big the good things are, they never let others know. They are all sneaking and doing it. Such Fangqiu, I love you!"

"I heard that malaria is a particularly powerful infectious disease. Can Fangqiu God really cure it?"

"God is cheering, we believe in you!"

It’s hard to hear the news of Fangqiu. The fans all expressed surprises and praised Fang Qiu’s move.

After all, it is not just a person who can take Chinese medicine out of the country.

At the same time.

Many famous Chinese medicine practitioners have also praised Fang Qiu’s actions.

However, they did not comment, and they all reserved their views.


In a particularly famous hospital, a doctor also saw the news of Fangqiu and Comoros signing documents on the Internet. After reading it, he suddenly shook his head.

The heart is moving.

I immediately wrote an article.

"Fangqiu is a little crazy and forgets it!"

The name of the article is straightforward.

"As a doctor, I don't deny that Fangqiu is very powerful. I also agree with his medical skills. He thinks his future in the medical field is bright."

"In addition, I want to declare that I am not a Chinese medicine black. I always feel that as long as the medicine useful to human beings is good medicine, there is no Chinese medicine or Western medicine in my place. Fang Qiu’s medical practice has indeed opened a new one for us. The door, but this time Fang Qiu is really too arrogant!"

"Why do I say Fangqiu is arrogant?"

"First of all, I think it is necessary for me to talk to you about what malaria is!"

"Malaria is an infectious disease caused by mosquito bites or the infusion of malaria parasites into the blood of people with malaria parasites. The disease is divided into four phases: incubation, chills, fever and sweating."

“Once infected, the patient can easily cause various complications, and because the malaria parasite is difficult to kill, the disease is particularly difficult to cure, with more than 40,000 people per year.”

“Ms. Tu’s ability to win the Nobel Prize is because her new antimalarial artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin are very effective against malaria, but even so dare not say that malaria can be completely solved, let alone A whole country of malaria!"

"And, in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, Chinese medicine has obvious shortcomings. In terms of disinfection and imitation, Chinese medicine is not as good as modern medicine."

"Fangqiu is a Chinese medicine practitioner and he should have a deep understanding of these."

"I don't deny that Chinese medicine has the potential to cure malaria, but in this case, I don't believe that Chinese medicine can cure malaria in a whole country within a one-year time limit."

"So, I think it's not just me, there are a lot of people in the medical world, and people who know something about malaria. It should be clear that one year is impossible!"

"This time, Fangqiu is too mad, this time he will suffer from the iron stove!"

"Finally, I have to say one more thing: It’s not necessarily a good thing for young people to become famous."

Write the article.

The person immediately took a screenshot and then sent it out on Weibo. At the same time, he also had a lot of famous Chinese and Western doctors, as well as some malaria experts.


After this article was sent out, it was quickly reprinted and praised by many people.

Previously, I only liked those famous people who did not comment on Fangqiu. I also liked this time and commented on this article.

"The article is very pertinent."

"Malaria is indeed a disease that is difficult to treat with liquids."

"This article is very well written and I hope to be a warning!"

"The control of infectious diseases is indeed a very difficult point, especially if malaria is transmitted through mosquitoes, which is even more difficult to control."

"There are four other types of malaria: falciparum malaria, vivax malaria, three-day malaria and oval malaria. Among them, falciparum malaria and vivax malaria are the most common, and the mortality rate of falciparum malaria is also the highest!"


Although there are many people commenting, because there are a lot of people who have been beaten by Fangqiu before, everyone is afraid to bring any rhythm now, but can only tell the truth.

See the comments of these medical experts.

The fans of Fangqiu also began to play a little drumming.

So many famous doctors have said this, is this time Fangqiu really arrogant?

For a time.

Fans are also worried about it.

After all, Fang Qiu is really young and fame, and this year, he has won too many honors and praises. In this case, Fang Qiu really has the potential to produce arrogant psychology.

"Never, ah."

"I think that Fangqiu God can do it."

"Fangqiu God obviously does not want to let the country know about this, so it is quietly carried out. If there is not enough confidence, will he do it?"

"If you are confident enough, why is he not open?"


Just at the time of the hot discussion on the Internet.


Fangqiu, who was in Comoros, suddenly got a call.

It was Yang Ningyuan’s call.


Fangqiu, who is currently in the clinic, is on the phone.

"You kid, how did you go to the Comoros, and your year to solve malaria for the Comoros, is it too mad?"

Yang Ningyuan said, "You are already a public figure now. You should be cautious when you talk or do things, and you must be low-key!"

"Is this news sent back to China?"

Fangqiu snorted and said: "Do not worry, I have a lot of things about this, thank you for your reminder."


Yang Ning far nodded and said: "Since you have a few in your heart, I will not quarrel with you, and hang up first."

Finish, hang up.


Fangqiu put down his mobile phone and after treating the patients in front of him, he began to check the information on the Internet and observe the hot comments and comments on the Internet.

After reading it.

Directly sent a microblog, just four words: wait and see!

"Is this year a little too long?"

At the same time as Weibo, Fang Qiu secretly asked himself.