Medical Master

v4 Chapter 491: Two more places, this time give money!

"Users have set me down?"

Xu Mulin's words, Fang Qiu is more and more inexplicable.

Immediately, log in to Weibo.

I don’t even have to think about it, the things that happen on the Internet, it’s definitely the first time to search on Weibo, so going to Weibo is the best way to view the news.

Log in to Weibo.

Fang Qiu immediately looked at Weibo hot search first.

Sure enough, it is a topic related to him.


"National tour?"

Fangqiu was a glimpse, and immediately smiled and said: "It’s not a star to open a concert. How come a national tour?"

"What is a star?"

Xu Miaolin looked at Fangqiu with a serious look and said in an education tone: "They are entertaining the public, and we are reliefing the public. Is the two comparable? Which one is more important for medicine and entertainment? Not to mention the whole country. Touring, if it is really sick, even the world tour is necessary!"


Fangqiu was stunned by Xu Miaolin.

"Is not it?"

Xu Miaolin said with a sigh, "Which star is going to open concerts everywhere, it will be welcomed by so many people. Why do we doctors go to the north and south to cure people? In the end, we can only get the title of Jianghu Langzhong. Isn’t it better to save people than to entertain people?”

Fangqiu knew that Xu Miaolin was serious.


It is undeniable that what Xu Miaolin said is the fact.

The present world is like this.

"In this case, the teacher thinks I want to promise?"

Fang Qiu asked: "Is it always good in one place, or is it going to go to a place every month?"

"Go to the national tour!"

Xu Miaolin didn't even think about it. He said directly: "This way, not only can we prove that Chinese medicine is also based on the masses, but it is also worse than the stars. It proves that Chinese medicine has not fallen to the point where even the opera can't match. After all, now You can do this kind of tour and have a high degree of influence, and you are alone."

"On the other hand, if you go to the country, you can also expand the influence of our Chinese medicine."


Fangqiu nodded.

The national tour is not the same as the concert of the stars.

The spread of famous doctors on the national tour is far greater than that of stars, especially Fangqiu. The fermentation of word of mouth must be unprecedented.

In this way, the reputation of Chinese medicine practitioners will become larger and larger, and the influence will naturally be even greater.


Xu Miaolin added Zhangkou: "There is one thing you should not forget. You have to prepare for medical certification. You have only one more time left, but if you can't take the time to complete the assessment criteria of the doctors. Then you can only take a harder path, that is, get 15 more doctors' certifications, but if you want to get the doctor's certification, you must first get their recognition and get the best they admit. The way is to challenge them. Are you choosing to take the time to complete the criteria for major medical examinations, to conduct a major medical examination, or to challenge the major doctors to obtain certification?"

"I remember the time."

Fangqiu nodded and replied: "When the time is down, I will start this matter. If it doesn't work, then I can only challenge them."


As if I had expected it, Xu Miaolin suddenly laughed and said with a smile: "There is more need to be prepared. It is good to go to a place every month, at least for you to challenge them. Convenience, you can challenge a person every time you go."

Looking at Xu Miaolin smiled very happy, Fangqiu not only a bitter smile.

It turned out that this is Xu Miaolin's abacus. It is no wonder that he promised to be so smooth. He decided to go to the country for a tour. In fact, it is simply to stimulate Fangqiu so that Fangqiu can become a doctor as soon as possible.

"If that's the case, then I promised?"

Fangqiu asked.


Xu Miaolin nodded.

"What about the hospital?"

Fangqiu looked at Xu Miaolin and asked: "I signed the contract as a hospital person. Every month, I am in the name of the hospital. If I am not in the hospital, there will be losses on the hospital side. The president can let me go. Is this a national tour?"

"How can't you?"

Xu Miaolin snorted and said: "You go to the country to tour, the long is that we respect the hospital's face, not to mention the registration fee? Are you the leader of our hospital is a fool, as long as you propose a national tour plan, They will definitely contact the Chinese medicine hospitals in various provinces and cities, and cooperate with those Chinese medicine hospitals to gain some profits. As a result, they should earn money, and they will not cause one day in the hospital. The disease can be seen, the hospital is still a normal clinic, you go out to sell cool, go to the province to make money for the hospital, how can leaders not be happy?"

"Although this is the case, but..."

Fangqiu hesitated.

"No, but I talk to the Dean."

Xu Miaolin said with a big hand.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded immediately and said, "So I will post Weibo now?"


Xu Miaolin nodded affirmatively.


Fang Qiu, who had originally landed on Weibo, did not say anything, and quickly wrote a microblog to send it out.

"Between the calls of the majority of netizens, I decided to go to a province and city every month starting next month. I would like to recommend a place to sit next month!"

This microblog is out.

Netizens, they are all excited.

"Recumbent, I really agree."

"Haha, I have been looking forward to it. I didn't expect Fangqiu God to really agree."

"Fangqiu Great God is very kind to us."

"I saw that everyone has been talking about where is the first place to sit, I thought everyone got paranoia, I did not expect Fangqiu God actually agreed, this is too petty?"

"I think we are very good at the Bohai Sea, at least one of the four first-tier cities in China. There are thousands of patients waiting for Fangqiu to save and ask the gods to come to the sea!"

"We are in Kyoto, Kyoto is the capital, and it must be started in Kyoto to tour the country."

"One side of Kyoto, so many famous doctors in Kyoto, so many world-class instruments, you are sick and casual, and we are also robbing us of Fangqiu, and Fangqiu God should come to our sheep city!"

"Yangcheng walks one!"

"It’s the right thing to come to southern Xinjiang. South Xinjiang is the most remote area. It is also the place where all the difficult diseases are common. The ancient Langzhong has traveled to southern Xinjiang. Although it is modern now, southern Xinjiang is still a remote place, the whole country. It’s sure to go from the most marginal area to the tour. We, South Xinjiang, is the place where you need Fangqiu.

As he spoke, suddenly people started to look down.

"Actually, I think the Huashan Mountain is good."

As soon as this comment appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's crazy praise.

"I don't want to take it, I will convince you!"

"The shackles of Huashan? The patient has not climbed up yet, tired and exhausted? Haha!"

"Actually, the West Lake is really good. It is called: the West Lake is beautiful in March..."

"This Nima lyrics are coming out."

"When you say West Lake, you are afraid that you don't have delusional symptoms. Would you like to have a bridge between Fangqiu and West Lake?"

"Or else, go to Tengwang Pavilion, Yuzhang County, Hongdu Xinfu~"

For a time.

All kinds of unreliable places have been said, there are national 4A-level scenic spots, ancient buildings in the ancient books, mountain gorges, and even said to go to the sea.

Seeing these comments, Fangqiu is speechless.

"It seems that this thing still can't let netizens choose. There are too many choices for people. There are all kinds of wonderful things. This kind of thing is still chosen by yourself. After you choose it, let the hospital say it, so that the hospital can Contact the local Chinese medicine hospital. When you don't let people go, you will be embarrassed."

Fangqiu muttered.

At this time.


The cell phone in the pocket of the square pants suddenly rang.

Take a look.

It was Yang Ningyuan who came over.


Fangqiu answered the phone.

"Just off work? How?"

Yang Ningyuan’s words came.


Fangqi replied.

"Know that you have just got off work, so ah, specifically to tell you good news."

Yang Ningyuan laughed and said: "Yuling Guben Dan has now sold crazy. The new batch has just been pre-sold, and it is almost the same as before. It is almost instantly robbed. This strength is just for me. I feel scared."

"Is this not a good thing?"

Fangqiu smiled and said: "If you have money, you will be able to take medicine. The people who take medicine are better. Both are the best."

"The right pair, the best of both worlds."

Yang Ningyuan was very happy to echo a sentence, and then asked: "In fact, there is another thing, I originally wanted you to rest well, but when I think of this, I can't help myself."

"Say straight, what?"

Fangqiu asked.

“Can you increase the output and give me some Cistanche?”

Yang Ningyuan asked.

"This one……"

Fangqiu thought about it and nodded and said: "Yes, but there is no way to start increasing production immediately, because it is necessary to expand the planting area to increase production."

"This is not a problem. What do you want, I will buy it for you."

Yang Ningyuan directly makes a decision!

"Look, you made money?"

Fangqiu haha ​​laughed and said: "Since this is the case, then I am not welcome, you can send me two plots directly."


Yang Ningyuan’s bold smile: “As long as you don’t be too expensive.”

"That line, I will find the land first, and I will inform you later."

Fangqiu said.

"Well, I am waiting for your message, the sooner the better."

Yang Ning far responded and hang up the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Fang Qiu immediately called Li Wei.


Li Wei answered.

"Help me find two plots, one is best connected to my planting base, and the other is best near the snowy mountains."

Fangqiu said.

Anyway, Yang Ning is far away from money.

This was solved once, and the land of the Tianshan Snow Lotus breeding base was also brought.

"This, I have to check to see if there is any land you want. If there is, I can help you think about it."

Li Wei replied.

"Give this time."

Fangqiu said directly.

"Hey, is there money?"

Li Wei was a glimpse and said immediately: "Yes."


Hanging up the phone, Li Wei went directly to Fangqiu to find the land.

Not long after, Fang Qiu’s cell phone rang again.