Medical Master

v5 Chapter 504: Real purpose, planting technology! ! !

A few days later.


A roar of the engine sounded outside the planting base.

After a detailed investigation and inquiry by several soldiers, a car quickly entered the planting base.

A very young man who looks like a mall elite, walked down the car with a briefcase, and then led by a staff member to the front of Fangqiu's office.

In the office.

Fang Qiu sat at his desk and searched the Internet for something with his computer.


A knock on the door came.

"Come in."

Fangqiu responded with a random voice.

"Fang, someone is looking for you."

The staff came in and the other side said a word, then the man wearing a famous brand suit, wearing a brand-name glasses and carrying a brand-name briefcase, called the office.

This person has just entered the door.

Fangqiu immediately raised his brow.

"Hello, Mr. Fangqiu."

The man walked to Fangqiu's desk with a smile and said: "My name is Yang Wenjun, which is from the major Chinese medicine companies that have previously cooperated with the Foundation."

"You go ahead."

Wen Yan, Fang Qiu turned his head and said to the staff.

After the staff left.

The man named Yang Wenjun has already sat down at the desk of Fangqiu.


Fangqiu looked at Yang Wenjun indifferently and asked.

"of course."

Yang Wenjun smiled professionally, and then Zhang said: "I am negotiating with you on behalf of the drug dealers. Of course, they represent the drug dealers. I believe that I don't need to say more, you understand, so let's not talk nonsense. Go straight to the topic."

"I accepted the commission of the client, they are willing to continue to provide medicine for your foundation, according to the amount of the original medicine, and to ensure that there will be no fake drugs."


Fangqiu still looked indifferent, and said nothing, waiting for the other party to present their conditions.

he knows.

Those black-hearted drug dealers finally couldn’t help but have to showdown.

Just right, he can take this opportunity to take a good look at what the true purpose of this group of black-hearted drug dealers is.

See Fangqiu did not answer.

Yang Wenjun shrugged his shoulders and continued to look at Fangqiu with confidence. "But, right, my client also needs to get something from you. This kind of thing is Cistanche, Tianshan Snow Lotus, and There is a complete planting technique of stone sarcophagus."

"Attention, it is not the cultivation technology of common medicinal materials, but the cultivation technology of top medicinal materials!"


Yang Wenjun looked at Fangqiu and waited for Fangqiu to react.

I heard Yang Wenjun’s words.

Fang Qiu finally understands that the ultimate goal of these black heart drug dealers is this!


He smiled.

I am very happy and very angry!

Happy, he figured out the infatuation and grief of these black-hearted drug dealers. These drug dealers took the doctors of the township for the money and took the statement of the patient in the country to make a bet!

These blackhearted businessmen.

It’s just a fly camp shit!

Opposite the desk.

Seeing the square hills that suddenly laughed, Yang Wenjun's look changed slightly, and the color of self-confidence on his face instantly weakened, and at the same time, a sense of unsatisfactory color emerged.

It seems that the performance of the other side of the hill is very dissatisfied.

This kind of person, naturally confident, feels that anything can be easily taken by himself, and once he encounters obstacles, he will begin to be impatient.

"You don't have to ask."

In the absence of Fang Qiu’s reply, Yang Wenjun said directly: “We have verified that the special effects medicines used by Renyi Group are indeed provided by you, so you don’t have to deny it!”

"Then, if I don't give it?"

Fang Qiu asked indifferently.

"Don't give?"

Yang Wenjun immediately laughed and said: "You should know the consequences. If you don't give it, then you won't be able to buy any medicine. I believe you should have seen the rumors on the Internet, not just that you can't buy medicines. It is the clinics of all the 3 billion foundations that can't get the medicine, and in all areas covered by the 3 billion fund, the price of medicines will return to normal and even increase."

"and then?"

Fangqiu sneered.

"with all due respect."

Yang Wenjun stood up and said to Fangqiu: "My entrusted parties have already negotiated carefully. Since you have established a foundation to do charity, you must have the heart of the world and should be yours. The doctor and all the patients under the doctors are well considered."

"Of course, as a Chinese medicine practitioner, you have always been committed to the promotion and development of Chinese medicine, so you should also think about the development of Chinese medicine. So good planting techniques should not be spread out, let the whole world Are people all profitable?"

Speaking of it.

Yang Wenjun confidently waited for Fang Qiu to answer.

In his view, Fangqiu has been forced into a desperate situation, no matter how this negotiation will definitely win!

Can be the next moment.

Fangqiu opened.


A word, from Fangqiu's mouth, came out crisply.

"it is good."

Yang Wenjun immediately nodded with a smile, and took the contract to the briefcase. He just reached into the briefcase, and the whole person suddenly glimpsed. Then he looked inexplicably and looked at Fangqiu and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I let you, roll!!"

Fangqiu said one word at a time.

This is the case.

Yang Wenjun’s face instantly became ugly, and the hand that reached into the briefcase immediately pulled out. He stared at Fangqiu, and the angry one bite his teeth and threatened: “I advise you, better not. Self-incorrect!"

"It’s your fault!"

Fangqiu said coldly.


"You will regret this!"

Yang Wenjun screamed, and he stood up and walked away with a briefcase.

Here, the talent has just left.

Jiang Mengyu immediately rushed in.

"I heard that the pharmaceutical company sent people to negotiate?"

When he walked into the office, Jiang Mengyu glanced at the back of Yang Wenjun, who was rushing into the air, and then asked Fang Qiu with a puzzled look.


Fangqiu nodded, Zhang said: "Next, these Chinese medicine companies will raise prices for Chinese medicine in order to suppress us."


Jiang Meng’s brow, Zhangkou said: “Now the price of Chinese medicine is already high enough. If they have to raise the price, how can the patient afford it?”

"When the notice goes on, once these drug dealers officially start to raise prices, we will start all subsidies here, and we will subsidize how much they raise the price!"

Fangqiu said coldly.


Jiang Mengyu's brow wrinkled more tightly.

If you subsidize this, how much does it cost?


Fangqiu shook his head and said, "Just do it!"



When Yang Wenjun left the planting base in northern Xinjiang, he immediately called the news of Fangqiu's rejection and passed it to the ears of those drug dealers.

Received the news.

The drug dealers immediately started a video conference.

"Is it refused?"

“It’s not just to reject us as simple, but to simply refuse to negotiate with us!”

"Oh, I didn't expect Fangqiu's strength to be quite big."

"Fangqiu is not a fool. Since he can do his job to such a degree, it means that he is still a bit of a brain. If he wants to take him down, it is not so easy."

In the video conference room, the major drug dealers, all face each other.

None of them thought that Fangqiu would refuse to be so simple. Their original plan was that as long as Fangqiu was willing to talk, they could only use one of the medicines for planting techniques, and other medicines for planting techniques. Take it one by one slowly.


The opportunity for Fangqiu’s talks is not given to them, and the negotiators are directly rolled.

This is simply ignoring the pressure they give!

"At this time, you must find a way."

The hair is gray, Luo from the Qiming Pharmaceuticals in the repressed atmosphere, said first: "We are too underestimated Fangqiu this kid, and now I believe that everyone and I have the same idea, are on this kid's body Seeing the crisis, according to the latest information, this kid's planting technology can greatly shorten the drug's growth cycle. Tianshan Snow Lotus can only be used for one month. If this kid transfers all the planting techniques to other herbs. For the cultivation of other medicinal materials, all of us have to finish playing. Without the kind of planting technology, the efficacy of the drugs we produce cannot be compared with that of Fangqiu!"

"Why are everyone getting together to do this big thing, isn't it out of worry about this?"

Everyone nodded.


The reason why they got together, the other side of the hill and the foundation to start, is that the fear that Fangqiu will use the technology of planting Cistanches on other Chinese medicines, causing them to starve to death.

"It can be seen that Fangqiu is already brewing a counterattack, so we can't give him the opportunity to continue to grow. He must get his planting technique when he is still weak, which is a matter of life and death!"

Luo’s words came.

In the video conference room, everyone's face gradually became dignified.

They originally thought that the planting foundation would make Fangqiu wandering a little, and it would be easy to seize the planting technique from Fangqiu.

But now it seems obvious that it will not work!


A group of people spoke and started to discuss.

"I will talk about my proposal first."

Luo Zongkou said, "First: I should continue to find Fangqiu to discuss the conditions. After all, we have not yet reached the point where you are dead and alive. Although it has been rejected by Fangqiu once, it will not be rejected for the second time. It is not necessary. It’s okay to make a small amount of money to bring in the cultivation techniques. This is the best policy."

"Second: If Fangqiu really wants to break with us, then we can only launch a public opinion attack. Starting from the Hong Kong media and foreign media, we will start from the Renyi Group and directly say that the Renyi Group’s Cistanche products are cancerous. Just like the overlord's anti-shampoo in the past, it directly stung the famous spots of Fangqiu, and then found a way to get the cultivation techniques. This is the Chinese policy."

"Third: Continue to target the 3 billion Foundation, joint attack on its accounts is opaque, various policies are not in place, etc. This is the best policy!"


Luo always looked at everyone and asked: "How do you feel?"