Medical Master

v8 Chapter 55: Nameless... dead?


The source of the gas source.

"No name... dead?"

Almost all the people who had seen the nameless were shocked when they heard the news.

Especially in the guardian area of ​​the sword court.

From the Huaxia Wulin, the four masters who came with the nameless, the people of Liyuan, and Qingyun and others, when they heard the messenger came to report the news, they could not believe it.

Qingyun is an exception.

Four masters and Liyuan, that is, looking at the nameless step by step to grow up.

They have seen countless times of disasters in the nameless response. They have seen countless times in the nameless, and they have heard countless times in the dead.

However, every time no name is alive, come back.

No matter what kind of opponents, no name wins.

How can you die without name?

How can this be?

No one is willing to believe that nameless is really dead.

However, everyone's heart is very clear, this name is the Nirvana Lord, and the entire Huaxia martial arts has dealt with the great devil for hundreds of years.

The last time, when the nameless escaped from the Holy Master's hand, everyone was very surprised.

No one thought of it.

The nameless can survive from the pursuit of the Nirvana Lord.

It is precisely because of the previous surprise that although everyone is not willing to believe now, but I know in my heart that the nameless death has become a fact.

After all, if the Nirvana Lord is really going to kill, even if the entire Chinese martial arts rushes up, I am afraid that it will be wiped out.

How can you live without the name of one person to deal with the Nirvana Lord?

In the case of being extremely unwilling to believe, everyone is in silence.

A mountain facing the source of gas.

Here, it was originally a place of unnamed cultivation.

On this flat mountain top lawn, the two old men stood in the nameless cultivation place, overlooking the incomparably thick and powerful air.

"Just heard the news, no name he..."

Standing next to the old man, Sima Chan, who had recovered from the sneak peek of the sky and was seriously injured, said with a sigh: "If you need it, I can calculate for you to determine his life and death." ”


Sima Chan raised his right hand directly.

A touch of starburst suddenly appeared at the fingertips.

Just in this smudge, when trying to break through his fingertips, the old man who had never spoken, suddenly reached out and pressed, and suppressed Sima Chan’s arm.

"Life and death have a life."

Looking at the strong source of gas in the distance, the old man shook his head gently and said: "If he is still alive, even if you don't calculate him, he will still be alive. If he is dead, even if you calculate the result, he will still die. It is."

"Maybe, I can try to calculate his position."

Sima Chan said.

"No need."

The old man shook his head again and said: "It is not necessary to use your life to calculate a result that will not have much effect, whether you know it or not."

"And, I don't think he will die like this!"

Sima Chan looked at the old man, and in the face of the old man, he could not see the slightest mood swings. In the end, he could only help but sigh: "Hey."


Sword Court.

"Three old, no name, is he really?"

Twelve swords stood in the back hill, and the three old men meditated outside the wooden house, and looked at the three old men sitting in the wooden house and asked.


The old man with white hair and black eyebrows opened his eyes and sighed long.

"What sigh?"

The black-and-white-browed old man’s face was cold and cold, and his face was lightly stunned and he said: “It’s just a message. Although it has been proved that the Maya gas source has been destroyed, no one has seen the nameless!”

"See what see you?"

The old man pouted, and said with great regret: "The Nirvana Lord has shot, there are several people in the world who can escape. If you give it another name for a few years, maybe he can be that kind of person, but it is still too early. Pity."

"not necessarily."

The old man who has never spoken has also opened his eyes at this time and said: "Life and death have never been a thing that can be guessed by people since ancient times. Some people live well, and walk and die. Some people have been buried, but they have survived."

"Every power is struggling from the line of life and death."

Speaking of this, Qian Lao was a little bit paused and continued to add: "He lives as Nirvana. When he dies, he is depraved. Everything depends on himself. We cannot guess."


Laozi ruins.

This one is an unknown monument. When the news of the nameless death came, all the martial arts people in the entire ruins were silent.

The original noisy relics seem to have been blocked by all the volume, quiet and terrible.

Every martial arts person in the depths.

All have received the nameless favor.

It is not only the secret of this ruin, but also the namelessness has brought a quick success method to everyone in the secret world, so that everyone's strength has been greatly improved.

Moreover, the nameless has been preaching here.

Let all the people who listen to it benefit a lot.

this moment.

When I heard the news of the nameless death, everyone did not know what it was. Anyway, it was very difficult.

Above the clouds.

In the garden of the fifth family, Yunyangzi walked side by side with the fifth Qian, and the two were ready to leave and return to the air.

"Do you believe?"

Asked the fifth Qian.

"I don't believe it, but I can't believe it."

Yunyangzi frowned and shook his head and said: "He..."

When the words came to my lips, Yunyangzi suddenly paused, and then he took another breath and added: "Although he came later than us, he always walked in front of us, and you and I even caught up with him. I don't have any qualifications, so I don't know, I can't see his way."

After that, there was a bitter bitterness on the face of Yunyangzi.


The fifth Qian looked up and said: "Our generation of warriors thought that they lived in the age of peace in the world. They thought that they could practice without care, but who knows that there is still a world in this world. So many wars."

"He has seen more than we have seen. Maybe this is why he is so desperate when he is facing everything."

Yunyangzi and the fifth Qian looked at each other and said slightly: "In any case, we all hope that he can come back."


On the square below the clouds.

"No name is dead?"

After getting the quick success method, the strength of Yi Lao has been greatly improved, and the whole person has become younger than before.

"Do not."

"He won't die, he can't die!"

When I thought of the young man who was incomparable in my own estate, I was always shaking my head.

He does not believe it.

In his heart, he always holds a very big hope. He always thinks that no name can never die so easily.


He Gaoming and others know later.

All the brothers who followed the nameless were instantly overshadowed by an unbearable repression and grief.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"How can the boss die?"

"The boss will not die, the boss will definitely not die."

Above the clouds, He Gaoming gathered with all the brothers, shaking their heads one by one, and they were not willing to believe the news.

However, as everyone said, everyone’s eyes were red.

Silent tears flowed from everyone's red eyes.

No sound.

Even if the tears flow, no one is sobbing.

"I am going to practice."

After a long silence, He Gaoming opened his mouth and said in a very hoarse voice: "I believe that the boss will come back. If he can't come back, I will avenge him!"

"Revenge for the boss!"

"We have to avenge the boss!"

The brothers, all of them are clinging to each other, their faces are full of anger, and they are madly immersed in cultivation and training, as if they are magical.


Northern Xinjiang.

Military restricted zone, base.


Li Wei, who was informed of the news, stood in the room where he often contacted the unknown, holding a landline phone in his hand. The whole person seemed to be in the same place, and the microphone was on the other end. The line sound continued for a long time, and he could not wake him up.


He thought of what happened from the first day of knowing the namelessness. He thought of all the contributions and contributions he made to Huaxia over the years. He also thought of the true identity of the nameless.

The scene of the scene is constantly flashing in front of the eyes.

The flashing of each scene makes the heart as acupuncture, used for a painful heart.

This kind of heartache brought him out of the loss of God.


Like a collapse, Li Wei's body is soft, his left hand is slap on the table in front of him, his eyes are red, as if he has got an acute illness, and the big mouth is breathing.

There is no sound of sobbing.

After breathing for a while, Li Wei gradually stabilized his breathing, then put the landline phone down, picked it up again, and shuddered to dial a phone number.


There was a familiar voice coming from the phone.


Li Yi was gnashing his teeth, Zhang said: "Whether about the nameless, do we want to give condolences to the unnamed family?"

This is the case.

The people on the other side of the phone are also silent.

After a long time.

"Once, wait a minute."

There was a response from the phone and then hang up.

the other side.

Located in the planting base in the military restricted zone.


When I was busy with my work, I habitually went to Fangqiu’s office to help Fangqiu clean up the cleaning of Jiang’s language. I just walked to the desk of Fangqiu’s desk. Suddenly I felt a pain in my heart, my feet were soft, and my eyelids began to go crazy. Jump up.

"What's wrong with me?"

Quickly stabilized his body and sat on the office chair of Fangqiu. Jiang Miaoyu breathed a few breaths, then he groaned and said, "How come suddenly so flustered?"

Perhaps it is the sixth sense, perhaps for other reasons, or perhaps because it has not been contacted for too long. Jiang Miaoyu took out his mobile phone and immediately called Fangqiu.

"Sorry, the call you made has been turned off. Please call again later."

At the end of the phone, there was a ruthless reminder.

Jiang Miaoyu hangs up the phone and dials again.

Still shut down.

After waiting for half an hour, the flustered still, Fangqiu’s phone has never been opened. Jiang Miaoyu stood up and looked out. He wanted to find Fang Dafang’s mother, but his feet just went out. Stopped immediately.