Medical Master

v5 Chapter 592: Open the door!

on site.

All Chinese, all media reporters, and all the Americans who have been attracted have focused their attention on Fang Qiu’s actions.

Some foreigners who like Huaxia Kungfu have begun to learn.

And here.

Fangqiu is a serious face, carefully treating each other.

When I first arrived in the United States, what he needed most was such a patient. Only a patient who did not trust Chinese medicine practitioners really felt the power of Chinese medicine and truly realized that he had misunderstood the Chinese medicine practitioners. Recognize Chinese medicine.

Fangqiu believes that the charm of Chinese medicine is not to conquer a patient, but to let the patient involuntarily promote it for Chinese medicine, so that more people know and know Chinese medicine!

and so.

Even if the other party's previous performance made Fangqiu very angry, Fangqiu was still treating him patiently and wholeheartedly.

Finger click.

Strong mindfulness, directly at the fingertips into a fine needle that ordinary people can't see at all, and then according to the acupuncture treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, use the power to stimulate the acupuncture points in the patient's body, thereby arousing the energy in the acupuncture points and activating the whole body of the patient. The meridians, let the internal gas in the body begin to be led by the acupoints, and gather toward the source of the disease, so as to achieve the purpose of treating the disease!


When Fangqiu was treated.

This American middle-aged man is a disdainful look. Seeing Fangqiu is like watching a fool.

"You are teasing me?"

The middle-aged man is cold and unhappy.

"When I finish the treatment, you will know."

Fang Qiu said with a disapproval.

on site.

From the whole incident to the present, everyone can clearly hear that the American middle-aged man’s nephew is a little abnormal, and often hears that this person’s nephew is stuck, so everyone is very curious, don’t know How does Fangqiu cure the other party in the end, and what results will be cured!


All the Chinese people on the scene have great confidence in the other side.

They have a very deep understanding of the deeds of Qiu Huaxia's practice. If they don't, they will not go to the airport to pick up the plane on time.

In particular, the Chinese middle-aged man who caught the person and asked for an apology, dressed in a black suit and temperament, was standing beside Fangqiu with confidence and did not feel any unexpected situation.

Under the expectation of everyone.

Fangqiu was soon treated.

"All right."

Fangqiu closed his hand and said something to everyone, then turned to look at this American middle-aged man.

When I heard Fangqiu, this person was very disdainful and snorted. It seemed that Fangqiu was playing tricks and was laughing.

Can be the result.


When he was preparing to speak, he suddenly discovered that his throat seemed to be really painless!

It was still very painful just now, and there was a lot of irritating tingling in my throat. How can I not hurt now?

Although my heart was shocked, in order to save my face, the American middle-aged man still held his face, Zhang mouth said: "This is good? You lied..."

When he didn't finish talking, he stopped himself.

Because he found out that the voice of his own speech was completely restored to normal!

Everyone on the scene, after hearing his voice, actually all squinted, and the faces were all unbelievable.

There is no doubt that they also feel that the throat of this middle-aged man is really good!

"how is it?"

Fangqiu asked directly.

This American middle-aged man, his face was slightly sunk, and he did not know how to return. He could only say nothing at all, and he did not admit it or deny it.

"I think that Americans should be dare to be dare, because they believe in God, God never tells lies, God will punish lying people, then this gentleman, trouble you tell me, Chinese medicine treatment How effective is it, under the eyes of God, I hope you can tell the truth!"

This is the case.

This American middle-aged man suddenly became dumbfounded.

He did not expect.

Fangqiu even moved out of God. Although he is not a Christian, there are many Christians in the United States, and they are very strict. Once he tells lies that Fang Qiu is demolition, he will inevitably be strongly The sniper will definitely be embarrassed by countless people, which he can't afford!


Others are still standing here, there are so many people on the sidelines, the most important thing is that there are reporters present, what else can he do?


He continued to be silent and said nothing.


The silence at this time represents the default.


Standing next to the Chinese, middle-aged, temperament, clapping hands.

All the onlookers of the Chinese people have applauded.

"Fangqiu is really amazing!"

"Fangqiu Niubi."

"It's too powerful. I used to think that Fang Qiu's medical skills were very dreamy. I didn't expect it to happen right before my eyes."

Chinese people who have not returned to China for a long time are amazed.

of course.

In addition to amazement.

Many people are also proud to introduce to foreigners nearby.

"This is our Chinese medicine in China. It is the crystallization of medical technology that has been inherited for five thousand years."

"The world is not only a Western medicine, Western medicine is very scientific, but our Chinese medicine is also very powerful."

"You have seen it. Our Chinese doctors in China don't even need to let patients take medicine, they can cure the disease. This is a very, very good medical technique."

"Chinese medicine in China is very powerful?"

Every Chinese is very proud to tell.

Although they are in the United States, although they live in the United States, although they have not returned to China for a long time, their roots are always in China. The blood flowing in their bodies is always the blood of Chinese people. What they can never forget in their lifetime is Chinese!

They are far away from home and have a stronger sense of honor for the motherland!

I heard the introduction of Chinese people.

The foreigners who were surprised at the scene also applauded and praised Chinese medicine!

The reporters who have been around are even more crazy.

Some of them were domestic reporters from China, and the other were local American journalists. After the invitation of the medical association, Fang Qiu, these reporters stayed at the airport early, but did not expect to go all the way. I saw this scene.

As the final result came out, the reporters couldn’t stop taking pictures.

Whether it is for domestic reporters or for local reporters in the United States, there is no doubt that this is a big news!


When the reporter took a crazy photo, the American middle-aged man could only block the camera and hurriedly left.

"Hello, I am Chris."

When the American middle-aged man walked away, dressed in a black suit and temperamental Chinese middle-aged, he smiled and reached out to Fangqiu and said: "Chinese name, called Zhang Yicheng."

"Hello there."

Fangqiu smiled and shook hands with the other party.

"I am here to pick you up."

Zhang Yicheng said with a smile: "Do you have a greeting with you in China?"

"OK, thank you."

Fangqiu nodded thanks.


Before he came, Li Wei sent him a text message.

The content of the text message is that they have contacted a wealthy Chinese businessman who is very close to the Chinese government and is rooted in the United States. This Chinese-born wealthy businessman has a lot of local fame, especially in Chinatown in Chinatown, plus this The business of the rich businessman has done a lot, the US government has to give him some face properly, and he has contacted the country on his own initiative, expressing his willingness to accept Fangqiu and providing accommodation to Fangqiu, so the domestic government has promised.

The name of this rich businessman is called Zhang Yicheng!

Originally, Fangqiu was still preparing to wait at the airport gate for a while.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually came in person.

"Let's go."

After knowing each other, Zhang Yicheng said with a smile.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded.

Then the two of them surrounded by many Chinese, walked out of the airport and sat on a very comfortable luxury car.

"Where are we going?"

Fangqiu asked.

"Go to Chinatown."

Zhang Yicheng said with a smile: "The first place where all Chinese come to the United States should go to Chinatown, where you can find the feeling of home, not to be unfamiliar with the environment here. As long as you stay in Chinatown for a while, it will gradually Get used to life here."



Fangqiu went.

Local American journalists have rushed back to their own companies and started to publish reports.

"The magical medicine from the East!"

"The performance of the Chinese medical master Fang Qiu invited by the Medical Association!"

"Stunning people, you can cure your disease without taking medicine!"

For a time.

Various news headlines about the dynamics of the doctors began to appear on the Internet and major media platforms.

In this era of network-based.

The emergence of these news was quickly spread among netizens.

When we saw these titles, people in the United States clicked and watched, saw the text in the report, and many pictures.

Many American netizens are calling for impossible!

How can there be such a powerful medical technique, how can you cure the disease with a few clicks on the body?


When the netizens in the United States were speculating about doubts, the Chinese people who were on the scene also made their own comments on the Internet.

"Huaxia Chinese medicine, it is so amazing!"

"If it is an average person, can I be invited by the American Medical Association?"

"Secretly tell you that this person named Fangqiu is the raw material supplier of Yishoudi Xianmao who sells a special fire. He is a man who is called the first doctor!"

"He is the best doctor in the world!"

After learning the identity of Fangqiu.

The netizens in the United States are even more surprised. Some of them are drifting along with each other, and the other side is admiring it!

I saw the shock and comments of American netizens.

Chinese people all over the United States are also particularly excited and proud!


Under the notice of domestic reporters.

This news has also spread to the country at a very fast pace.

When I saw Fangqiu, the first day I went to the United States, I did such a striking little thing. The domestic netizens all laughed.

"Sure enough, it's a good start!"

"This lead is ignited, and then wait for Fangqiu God, flying into the sky!"

"Which day, Fangqiu God should directly bomb and blow up the Americans!"

"It’s our god, sit and wait for more news!"

The people who eat melons laughed.