Medical Master

v8 Chapter 65: Fangqiu wants to make big news!

in fact.

Fangqiu also wants to visit the underground forces forum and the martial arts network forum to learn about the latest news.

No, as Li Wei said, he can't be that much.

Because once he landed on the network, it is very likely that he will make a difference.

It is definitely not possible to log in with the previous account, even if you log in with a new account.

After all, all the world's countries have sent a variety of top hackers to monitor the underground power forums. Everyone who is responsible for their grievances will be monitored and investigated by them. If they are not careful, they will reveal their whereabouts.

"No action?"

Upon hearing Li Wei’s negation, Fang Qiu immediately asked: “What do you mean, what post did Nirvana send on the underground forces forum?”

"The book of war."

Li Yan took a deep breath and said: "The content of the gauntlet is very simple. It is to tell the world that Nirvana will challenge all the world's capable people after half a year. When it is time to fight with all the world's capable people, it is said that this half year. The time is reserved for the world!"


Fangqiu eyes have a look.

He was also very surprised, and he did not think at all that Nirvana would have issued such a gauntlet.

The appearance of this gauntlet is completely beyond the expectations of everyone in the world, including Fangqiu.


Fangqiu raised his eyebrows and asked: "Nirvana clearly won a big victory, but not only did not win the pursuit, but also declared war on the world with great fanfare?"

"After receiving the news, we are also starting to discuss the first time."

Li Wei Zhang said: "The final conclusion is that Nirvana is likely to want to use the Maya gas source to shock the world, so that all countries in the world dare not act rashly, and they are under great pressure. ""

"As for the purpose, it is very likely that some of the top leaders in Nirvana, even the Nirvana Lord may need to take this time to break through."

Said here.

Li Wei paused a little, and added: "Nirvana's blatant announcements, on the one hand, have been done in one battle, on the other hand, in order not to disturb people's cultivation and breakthrough in key moments!"


Fangqiu nodded a little, and added: "It is very likely."

Say it.

Fangqiu is more clear than others.

He knows that Nirvana's great sage has already gone out of 80,000 miles, and Nirvana has reached 30,000 miles, and the Nirvana Lord has probably reached the point where it is infinitely close to the top of the three flowers.

Before, Nirvana robbed the European gas source, robbed the gas source of the country, and robbed the Maya gas source for the purpose of supplying the Lord.

Continuously absorbing the essence of the gas source among the three gas sources, the strength of the Nirvana Lord must be improved.


This time, Nie Wei’s blatant purpose of issuing a placard is to shock everyone, thus giving Nirvana the Lord a great opportunity to break through.

In other words.

Nirvana Holy Lord is likely to break through to the highest level within six months!

If that's the case.

Then, the decisive battle after half a year.

In any case, Nirvana will crush the world.

Mind and this.

Fang Qiu’s mood was a heavy one.

"How is the plan over there?"

Fangqiu asked.

"It is not clear at the moment."

Li Wei shook his head and said: "After the Nirvana's tactics, the countries of the world began to contact each other and prepare for a good discussion. What should be done next? After all, it only takes half a year."


Fangqiu nodded.

It is clear.

This is a crisis group that is ubiquitous in the world.

Only when the real danger comes, these people can really hold together.


I have already tried Fangqiu, who is warm and warm, but I don’t believe these people.

In his view, the so-called countries of the world, even in the case of panic in their hearts, must have their own plans, each playing a small calculation.

When death is not close to the eyes, these people will never easily hand over all their trust.

"okay, I get it."

Fangqiu said.

"Your situation is not optimistic, it is better to keep hiding. If there is any news, I will inform you at the first time."

Li Weidao.

"Reassured, I know what to do."

Fangqiu responded and then hung up.

Collapse the phone.

Thinking that Nirvana will launch war on the world after half a year, Fang Qiu feels that time is particularly tense.

"Half a year, but only six months."

"It has been more than half a month since the Maya gas explosion."

"I still have a lot of things to do."

This is the whisper.

Fang Qiu’s face could not help but emerge a bitter bitterness and muttered: “According to the current situation, there is no way to recover from the six-month period.”

"But, time waits for no one!"

From the time he stepped into the martial arts, from the day he knew that Nirvana was an organization, Fangqiu set himself a very clear goal.

It is to guard the Huaxia Wulin, to deal with Nirvana!


He knows it very clearly.

After the final battle half a year later, even if he could not fully recover to the peak state, he would certainly come forward at that time and fight Nirvana in the end.

"This war, the life may not be."

Fangqiu looked out the window.

At the peak, he was so easily "dead" by the Nirvana Lord, not to mention that he did not return to its peak.

The most important thing is.

If the Nirvana Lord really used this time to break through to the highest realm, then when the war is together, even the most peak period of Fangqiu, I am afraid it will not be able to withstand the slap of the Nirvana Lord.

Three flowers gather top.

How powerful is that realm?

Even Fangqiu can't imagine!

"Since you may die, you should not bring money that you didn't bring with you. You should spend it."

Fangqiu thought of his own assets.


Fangqiu has never had too much desire for money. All he has done is natural and natural. His potential is not so important.

Even if it is not important, since it is possible to die after half a year, then the money must be used first.

As for how to spend?

I still have to think about Fangqiu.

Back to northern Xinjiang.

Fangqiu stayed in the planting base honestly, accompanied his parents and Jiang Miaoyu for a few days, and also dealt with some things in the group.

These days, Fang Qiu finally thought of a good idea to spend money.

After a few days of rest.

Fangqiu ordered a ticket for Jiangjing and returned to school.

at this time.

It is already in May.

It is just two months after the start of the winter vacation and two months from the summer vacation.

The students who have completely returned to their studies have built a learning atmosphere throughout the school, so that when Fang Qiu came back, he was not discovered.

Of course, Fangqiu is fully prepared.

back to dorm.

Fangqiu waved directly and cleaned the dormitory with internal air. After he settled down safely, he immediately took out his mobile phone and logged into his own Weibo.

The accounts of the Underground Power Forum and the Wulin Forum cannot be logged in, but Fangqiu’s own Weibo has nothing to do with it.

After all, no one knows that Fangqiu is nameless.

After logging in.

Fangqiu quickly edited a Weibo release.

"Two days later, I will hold a press conference in the school hall of my school "Jiangjing University of Chinese Medicine", which will be open to all media and announce something to the whole country."

This microblog sent out and Fangqiu immediately quit microblogging.

And on Weibo.

Fangqiu, who looked forward to the night, and looked forward to his fans of Weibo, all received the reminder of this Weibo in the first time.

For a time.

Everyone has logged in to Weibo to view.

Among them, it also includes a variety of journalists on Weibo, various big v, some celebrities and so on.

This is not.

Fangqiu’s Weibo was sent out.

Within a short half of the disappearance, it has been reprinted by countless people, and the heat is bursting!


A #方丘 finally sent Weibo ##, in this half an hour, directly on the top of the microblogging hot search list.

"More than half a year, Fang Qiu finally showed up."

"I almost wonder if he was kidnapped. Even if the country is so, then it will be microblogging."

"Fangqiu Great God, you are too home, I am a dead fat house, you can't live. How do you hold back for half a year without playing Weibo?"

Fans of Fangqiu have a lot of emotions.

For a time.

The media of all walks of life are also in the air, and they are not going to investigate what news Fangqiu wants to announce. Even if the tone is not inquiring, they will all set off and they are all busy going to Jiangjing.


The media around the country are very clear, Fangqiu is the heat itself, no matter what Fangqiu does, as long as you keep up, you must be right.

not to mention.

Fangqiu has not updated Weibo for half a year. He has not made any big things in the past six months. Fangqiu, who has been silent for half a year, is definitely a big event to be announced this time.


When the whole network was in a hot discussion, the media reporters all over the country were rushing to Jiangjing. When Fangqiu, who finished Weibo, was out of the dormitory and walked toward the principal's office.

Although I don't often go back to school, Fang Qiu still pays close attention to the various news of the school. After all, the school also has its own forum.

Through the school forum, Fang Qiu knew that the principal retired two months ago.

As a vice-president, Chen Yusheng, because of the great contribution to the development of the school in the past few years, did not have any doubts and was very stable and sat in the position of the principal.


At the door of the principal's office, Fang Qiu knocked on the door gently.

"Please come in."

Chen Yusheng’s familiar voice came from the room.

“Chen Chan, congratulations on promotion.”

Fangqiu walked into the office and said with a smile: "I hope you can accept this late congratulations."

"You kid."

When I saw Fangqiu, Chen Yusheng immediately smiled and said, "I already know the purpose of coming to me. I approved it for you."


Fangqiu smiled and thanked him: "Thank you, principal."

He knows that Chen Yusheng must have seen Weibo sent by himself.

"Talk about it."

Chen Yusheng asked with a smile: "You have chosen this press conference to be held in the school. What do you want to do?"

"I want to do something big."

Fangqiu said.


Instead of asking questions, Chen Yusheng said, "I remember to bring it to school!"