Medical Master

v8 Chapter 66: One hundred special funds!

no doubt.

The microblog published by Fangqiu has caused a great sensation throughout the country. Paying attention to Fangqiu’s Weibo is not only fans of Fangqiu, news media from all over the country, but also various v celebrities on Weibo. Of course, there are those who know that Fangqiu is an unknown person.

For example, Father!

Originally, the old man didn't like the network very much. Even if you need to understand some of the latest developments, it will take a long time to go online.

Since the Mayan gas source explosion, the old man did not leave the source of the gas to find Fangqiu, nor did he let Sima Zen divination, but he went online every day.

at last.

When he saw the news about Fangqiu on the Internet, he personally logged into Weibo and saw Weibo from Fangqiu, and he immediately relieved.

"Bad boy, still alive."

Standing in the place where the source of gas is only a place where Fangqiu cultivated alone, the old man received the mobile phone and his face showed a gratifying smile.

Although I don’t know why Fangqiu is alive, why didn’t he show up for so long, but the father didn’t look for Fangqiu’s plan.

Father is very clear.

Everything that Fangqiu has has his own reasons. If it is a reason to say, Fangqiu will definitely tell him. Since Fangqiu does not show up for so long, it means that Fangqiu has something. Say.

Therefore, the father did not ask or say that the other side of the hill is still alive, the news is pretending not to know.

Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In two days, not only the media reporters from all over the country rushed in, but the whole school began to get busy with the moment when Fangqiu posted Weibo news.

For the students of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fangqiu is their idol, and even their belief.


The number of times I saw Fangqiu in the school was really too little.

On average, it is already good to see Fangqiu in school once a year, and this time it can be more than one year apart.

Fangqiu has not appeared in school for a long time.

When the students in the school saw Fangqiu’s news of the press conference at the school, everyone immediately knew that Fangqiu must have returned.

For a time.

Many students have rushed to Fangqiu's dormitory to check.

During the period when Fangqiu was absent, his dormitory has become a fixed sightseeing spot in the school. The purpose of many people entering the Jingjing University of Chinese Medicine is to go to the dormitory of Fangqiu.

It is a pity that Fang Qiu is still in the principal's office at this time. I don't know at all that my dormitory has become a tourist attraction.

After obtaining the approval of the venue from the president of Chen Yusheng, Fang Qiu began to chat with Chen Yusheng, and the two talked a lot, including the development of the school, the learning situation of the students, the current development of Chinese medicine, etc. topic.

Until the afternoon.

Fang Qiu left the principal's office.

In the evening, when Fang Qiu returned to the dormitory to sleep, he found something wrong. He found that many people deliberately ran to the front of their dormitory to check and sneak before turning off the lights.

In this case, Fang Qiu couldn't resist the bitter smile and could only hide it as much as possible.

After getting up in the night for three days, after running around the lakeside island of the school's playground, he left the school directly and went to the mountains to practice. He turned off the lights at night and returned.

The third day.

Two days after Fangqiu posted Weibo.

All the media reporters from all over the country have already arrived. They gathered at the entrance of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine early and started various live broadcasts.

Because the school is not open yet, the media reporters simply can't get in.

Like the media reporters across the country, they gathered at the school gate early, and there are many students from Jiangjing University of Chinese Medicine.

the difference is.

The media reporters are outside the gate, and the students at the school are in the gate.

“Yes, Fangqiu’s press conference is today.”

"You old iron, pay attention, don't get lost."

"The press conference should be held at 2:30 in the afternoon. Now the venue has not yet started preparation. You can have breakfast and eat breakfast."

"Audience friends, do you know how media reporters report on the spot? I will let you see it now."

"Look, media reporters from all over the country are now outside our school, and one can't get in."

"Fangqiu? Fangqiu has never appeared, I think he should appear when the afternoon press conference is held."

Look carefully, standing at the entrance of the school, many students at Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, each holding a mobile phone in live hands.

For college students, the cost of each semester is a lot of money, so many college students choose to work and study, so now is a good opportunity to use the live broadcast to pocket money, how can they let go?


At the time of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it was divided into two camps with the gate of the school as the dividing line. On one side, it was a media reporter and the other was a student in the school.

The most funny thing is that the two sides are actually shooting each other.

The media reporters reported on the Jingjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the students were extremely excited and excited, and the students lived on the live broadcast of the major media reporters across the country.

This is the case.

It continued until 12 noon.

After the school took the morning class, it finally opened the school gate, so that the media reporters who had been waiting outside could also come in to eat at the school.

With the arrival of media reporters, the school cafeteria has become more lively than in the past.

Because there were more than two hours from the press conference, the media reporters not only took the opportunity to report the canteen environment of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also began to randomly interview students after the meal, and raised various questions, but Most of the problems are related to Fangqiu.

Of course, the students of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who have been engaged in live broadcasts, have also sampled and interviewed their classmates with media reporters.

Don't say, the live broadcast is really good.


In a lively and happy time, time came to two in the afternoon.

at this time.

The school hall has also been arranged.

It is said that it is a layout, in fact, it is full of chairs, and a sound and microphone on the stage.

There is still half an hour from the press conference.

The media reporters who came across the country all rushed into the auditorium and began to seize the good positions. For fear of taking a slow step, the good position was taken over by the students who played the live broadcast.

However, these people are professional media reporters after all, and it is really not the ordinary college students who can grab the position.


The best of the auditorium, the position of the first few rows, was all occupied by the major media all over the country. The students who had been broadcasting live only came to the back of the auditorium. Crowded with the classmates who came to join in the fun.

Not long after, the entire auditorium was filled, and even a lot of people were pushed outside the auditorium.

Two and a half.

In the expectation of everyone.

Fangqiu finally appeared in front of everyone.

Under the protection of security personnel arranged by the school, Fangqiu went directly to the auditorium.

Just one stop up, inside the big auditorium, the slap is a slap, the flash is one after another, shaking people without eyes hurt.

"Hello everyone, I am Fangqiu."

When everyone took enough, Fangqiu picked up the microphone and walked to the center of the podium. Facing everyone in the auditorium, Zhang said: "Thank you very much for your media friends to come to my press conference. In fact, it’s not a news. It’s all about trying to announce a message.”

Everyone listened.

It was immediately attracted to Fangqiu.

Announce a message?

What news is Fangqiu wanting to announce?

What kind of news is worthy of Fangqiu personally promoting on Weibo?

Just when everyone is confused.

Fangqiu smiled slightly, Zhangkou said: "I announced that in a few days I will cooperate with Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and come up with 10 billion yuan, one hundred special foundations in the city."

“There are: Leukemia Special Foundation, Rabbit Lip Foundation, Albinism Special Foundation, Gradual Freezing Foundation, etc.”

"This hundred rare disease special foundations are aimed at all patients with rare diseases in the whole country. Any patients who have not reported medical insurance and commercial insurance can apply for it!"

This is the case.

The audience was in awe.

"The trough!"

"One hundred special funds?"

"One billion? I didn't get it wrong?"

"My goodness, Fangqiu is my idol, and I have announced such a big news, let alone Huaxia. If this news is spread, it will definitely shake the world?"

"This is too powerful!"

At the scene, all the students of Jiangjing University of Chinese Medicine were shocked by the news announced by Fangqiu.

They are learning Chinese medicine, so they are more aware of how refractory these rare diseases are, and they are even more clear. This hundred rare disease foundations have people who have 100 kinds of rare diseases. How important it is.

For a time.

All the students present were able to applaud Fang Qiu spontaneously.

In their hearts, Fangqiu’s status rose again.

Even in the same school, even if you are close at hand, even if you are very familiar, Fangqiu has undoubtedly become the greatest person in their heart!

Not to mention the students present.

I heard the news announced by Fangqiu, and the reporters from all over the country were shocked.

Ten billion.

What is this concept?

Three billion, let Fangqiu come up with a foundation that pays attention to rural medical care. Now that this billions of dollars are thrown out, what kind of results will it bring, what a big change will China bring?

Reporters, I don’t even think about it.

This news is simply amazing!

of course.

In addition to students and journalists, there are countless viewers who are watching live TV. The netizens who are watching the live broadcasts are undoubtedly shocked by Fangqiu.

"10 billion, how much is it?"

"The first donation of one billion, the second three billion, this time directly to tens of billions?"

"The trough, the square billion, the bulls!"