Medical Master

v6 Chapter 70: Driving, too!

"Boom, bang..."

The roar of the engine, in the heavy rain of the patter, sounded for a while.

The driver tried to step on the gas pedal and control the car to move forward, but he was afraid that the car would move deeper and become more difficult to launch.

at this time.

Nearly 30 people around the car, they are struggling to push the car from all angles, and want to cooperate with the driver to push the car out.

"Hey, hey..."

The torrential rain continued to drip on the sand.

As the rain penetrates, the sediment becomes softer and softer.

under these circumstances.

The waves on the far beach are also approaching here a little bit. If you don’t push the car out early, when the waves arrive, this area will be completely covered by the sea water, and all the cars will be completely trapped. Go in.

Everyone is very anxious.

Standing at the end.

Fangqiu made a move, and with the strength of everyone, he pushed it.

Immediately, the car was pushed forward for a while, so that the tires of the car were pressed onto the stones that had been previously laid, and then the force was applied.

The entire car immediately rushed out of the silt area and was pushed onto the road.

Everyone has a look.

All eyes are bright, one by one is full of enthusiasm, and then continue to push the second one.

"Don't crowd together."

Fangqiu shouted and said: "If you don't want some people to find some big stones to get on the road, you only need some people to stroll."

“The first time the rain gets bigger, the speed must be increased!”


Seven or eight people took the initiative to find stones.

Each person took a piece and came over, and soon filled the hollow sand where the first car was stopped.


Under the leadership of Fangqiu.

Twenty people, make a cart.

Very smooth, I pushed the car out of the sand.

Then a few turned to the third.

At this time, the drivers of the dozen or so rescue vehicles had been wet all over the body.

I saw one of the drivers' feet erratic and his face pale. Fangqiu quickly took off his raincoat and put it on.

"You have to take a break in the car first, this state will not work."

Fangqiu touched the driver's forehead a little and found that there was some fever.

I glanced around.

Fangqiu saw a Chinese doctor who came with him. The western doctor of Huaxia immediately said seriously: "You take him to the first car for a while and observe his situation at any time. Although the relief supplies are important, life is more important!"

This young Western doctor also knows the meaning of Fangqiu.

Since he had a patient, he did not dare to neglect, and immediately pulled people to the first car that was already safe.


Under the greeting of Fangqiu.

Everyone continues to cart.

After a while, the third car was also introduced, and then continued.

Although the people who came with Fangqiu were wearing raincoats, it was somewhat protective, but the drivers of these rescue teams did not.

The torrential rains are getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature is falling.

Seeing some of the drivers, they were already cold and shivering, and Fang Qiu’s heart was tight.

I dare not delay any further.

Do your best at once.

When the cart is pushed, the muscles of the whole body are pushed directly, and even the t-shirt is broken.

The people around him saw the appearance of Fangqiu's blue veins, and saw Fangqiu's desperate appearance, and each one made a sense of feeding.

at last.

It took nearly an hour.

Everyone pushed all the cars out of the sand. When the last car was launched, the sea water had already rushed to one meter away, and it might be flooded in the next few minutes!


The car was all launched, and everyone was relieved.

It is at this time.

"Oh no."

In the first car, the Chinese doctor of the Chinese rushed out and said: "The driver has a fever and the condition is very serious. We don't have emergency medicines and tools now. What can we do?"

"Can you support it back?"

Fangqiu immediately asked.

"I'm afraid not."

The young Western doctor shook his head and said: "It may be too cold, the body is out of temperature, I wrapped everything in the car and wanted to help him bring the temperature up, but it was useless."

"Now, it’s almost impossible to see!"

This is the case.

Everyone on the scene was shocked.

"Don't panic, I am a Chinese medicine practitioner. I have a way to cure people."

Fangqiu hurriedly appeased and said: "Have you heard the sound of the waves? The waves will not rush for a long time. Everyone will get on the bus and go to the temporary rescue station. If we cross the bridge outside Sanli, we will be safe. It!"


Fangqiu rushed to the first car.

In the co-pilot position, I saw the driver who had a fever.

The young Western doctor also followed.

"can you drive?"

Fangqiu asked.


Western medicine replied.

"Well, you are responsible for driving."

Fangqiu nodded and said: "Open the rear compartment door, I brought people to the past treatment, and the space here is too small."

Western medicine young people find the car keys from the sick driver and then quickly open the rear compartment.

I saw the rear compartment filled with supplies.

Fangqiu did not say anything, immediately took out a lot, quickly rushed to the front to the co-pilot's seat, and an area in the rear compartment.

Take the patient into the compartment and lock the door.

Western medicine youths also drove quickly and followed the team to the rescue station.

Inside the train.

Fangqiu put people on piles of relief supplies.

Take off all the clothes on the patient, carefully take the veins and sense the breath of the patient.


The coldness of the patient's body is particularly heavy, and the breath of the whole person is already weak.

The heart is so cold that it is about to stop beating.

Know that you can't hesitate.

Fangqiu immediately pressed his hands to the heart of the patient, quickly into the air, and completely removed the coldness of the patient's heart, ensuring that the heart would not stop beating.

But even so.

The patient's blood is also cold.

Every time the blood wraps around the body, the patient's temperature will continue to drop.

To save people.

It is only possible to expel all the colds from the other side and bring up the body temperature.

Mindful thoughts.

Fangqiu immediately controlled the internal gas, directly in the patient's shoulder and neck of the Dazhui, the chest of the chest, the belly of the goddess, the waist of the Mingmen and the foot of the Yongquan, each injected a gas .

The cold and dampness that Chinese medicine says is to enter the body from these important points.

and so.

Under normal circumstances.

Experienced elderly people will explain to the younger generation, and we must protect these places from being cold.

of course.

Cold gas into the body is these few points, expelling the cold is also starting from these acupuncture points, the best way for Chinese medicine to get rid of cold is moxibustion.

Obviously it can't be done now.

Therefore, the only thing Fangqiu can do is to directly input the internal gas from this point, first cut off the infiltration of cold air, then control the internal gas in these five points, drive all the cold in the patient, and swallow it. !

Spiritual urging.

Controls the five internal gases in the patient's body, starting from the five directions in the patient's body, quickly helping the patient to remove the cold in the meridians.

Then go to the internal organs.

After expelling all the chills together, they also separated an internal gas to mobilize the patient's own gas.

This is all done.

The patient's cold, almost stiff body finally had some warmth.


Fangqiu had a careful inspection.

It was found that although the patient's blood was cold, there was no cold in the blood. It was only cold and chilled before it became cold.

As long as the patient's temperature begins to warm up, it will take long before the blood returns to normal temperature.

The cold air wrapped in the inner air is all raised outside the body and destroyed.

Fangqiu was relieved.

At this time.

The patient's breathing sound gradually worsened.

People slowly woke up and blinked.

It is at this time.


The sound of a sudden brake suddenly came.

"problem occurs?"

Fangqiu was in a tight heart, and quickly opened the rear door and jumped down. Just happened to see the younger Western doctor get off, and immediately ran up to ask.

"What happened?"

Fangqiu looked forward while asking.

"The bridge collapsed!"

Western medicine youth Zhangkou said: "The first car just crossed the bridge, the bridge surface collapsed. The people in front said that they could not pass now. We were blocked here.

Everyone else has come around, one by one.

The patient who was cured by Fang Qiu jumped from the rear compartment.

When everyone saw him, they all sighed with relief.

It’s fine if you don’t die.

However, everyone has no time to celebrate.

After all, this situation is very troublesome now. If you can't go to the bridge, the rainstorm will continue. For an hour or two, the waves will rush here. Even if there is a river to clear the water, it will definitely happen again. An accident.

At the time of everyone's discussion.

Fangqiu went to the rear compartment and locked the door.

Then I took the opportunity to avatar a black shadow.

From the mountain forest on the side of the road, I quickly rushed to the front, and I saw the bridge surface collapse.


Although the bridge deck collapsed.

However, between the collapsed bridge stones, the steel bars were pulled when the bridge was built, so even if they were broken into pieces, most of them were still connected.

See you.

Fangqiu rushed straight up.

"Drive, pass!"


Fangqiu rushed directly under the bridge, and with both hands, he even lifted the collapsed bridge deck and raised the bridge surface parallel to the road surface.

Everyone has a look.

Although he didn't know who the shadow was, he was all scared by his great strength.

"Come on!"

Fangqiu shouted in English.


In this case, how dare you go?

Even if you can prop up a bridge, it will add a few tons of weight to the car. Can you pass it?

"Have it! It’s faster..."

Fangqiu shouted again.

The driver of the second car looked at it and it was a dead stay here.

Immediately, my heart stunned.

Directly driving the car quickly rushed over, although the bridge surface was broken, but it did not affect the car forward, the car rushed over in a blink of an eye.

The people behind see it.

I got on the train and increased my horsepower to the bridge.

Under the bridge.

Fangqiu's arms and blue veins swelled against the bridge deck. When every car came, he felt like Taishan's topping. Even with the support of the inner air, it was still very difficult!