Medical Master

v2 Chapter 8: It’s a flying man!

I heard the words of Gao Fei.

Fangqiu shook his head in disdain.

Losing can't be more shameful than winning!

"Don't worry, there are still below."

Teacher Ma appeased and then hurriedly announced: "Next, it is a 200-meter run."

He wants to see how the power of Fangqiu is so strong!

Do not wait for Fang Qiu to answer, directly look at Gao Fei.

"Give you some time off, how long do you need to rest?"

Teacher Ma asked.

"Give me five minutes."

Gao Fei coldly glanced at Fangqiu and said, "After five minutes, I can definitely!"

The mouth is not forgiving, but in his heart he has already become a rival to Fangqiu!

I didn't expect this kid to have two brushes!

However, just did not follow his expectations. At the beginning, Fangqiu fell far behind, but let the other side go over, which made him chaotic and running rhythm.

The results are not as good as imagined.

Really running, he believes that he will never be worse than Fangqiu!

In the next game, he will concentrate on running!

"it is good!"

Teacher Ma nodded.

He also didn't want to watch his trained students being compared to an ordinary student.

That proves that his training is too failed!


Five minutes passed.

Fangqiu and Gao Fei, once again tied for the starting line.

"I won't let you again this time!"

Gao Fei turned his head and said to Fangqiu, which is separated by three tracks.

It was also requested by him so far.


Fangqiu said.

Gao Fei snorted and looked up.

The look is serious and cold.

This war can't be lost!

"Two hundred meters speed run, start!"

As the whistle sounded, the two men rushed out again.

It seems that because of the five minutes of rest, Gao Fei actually ran faster than before.


Just as he sprinted wildly, thinking that he could win the square hill!

The figure of Fangqiu appeared again in front of his eyes, and in a very short time, he was left behind.

"Can't lose, I can't lose!"

Gao Fei’s biting teeth, for fear of being disturbed again, quickly adjusted.

No longer consider other.

Struggling forward.


Didn't wait for him to catch up.

Fangqiu has stopped.

The game is over.

Two timekeepers ran over, shocked to see the stopwatch on hand, and then announced the results.

"Goofy: 20 seconds 57."

"Fangqiu: 19 seconds 59."

When the results came out, the audience was shocked.

Because of the distance of two hundred meters, everyone is not sure who is the first to reach the end, so they are waiting for the results announced.

This achievement instantly ignited the audience.

"How is it possible, how can he run for 20 seconds? Can he still break through 19 seconds?"


"This explosive power is absolutely perfect."

"The sprint relies on explosive power, and Fang Qiu’s explosive power is very strong."

The special long-term students all looked at Fangqiu with a shocked look, and they couldn’t help but marvel at it.

no doubt.

Gao Fei's two hundred meters, 20 seconds and 57 results, is already very scary.

To know the National College Athletics Games, the 200-meter record is 20 seconds 47!

Can Fangqiu actually run for 20 seconds? ? ?


This is simply horrible!

This is impossible!

When Gao Fei heard the results, his face became extremely ugly!

How can this be?

How can Fangqiu run so fast?

Won't it be wrong when timing?

20 seconds 57 is already his best 200 meters, but now Fangqiu is actually faster than him!

This is impossible!

He simply can't accept this reality!


Must be more than one!

I will definitely win!

The teacher Ma is more excited.

"A hundred meters is even, running two hundred meters, this kid can still insist, and the faster you run?"

Under normal circumstances.

The sprinters are all about explosive power. The performance of one hundred meters cannot be used to measure two hundred meters, because the explosive power of people has a certain duration.

The duration of explosive power is directly proportional to the score.

"More than one!"

When everyone was still in shock, Gao Fei said with a gloomy face and biting his teeth, "This time, four hundred meters!"

Four hundred meters?

Everyone took a deep breath.

I looked at Gao Fei deeply.

Then there was a deep look at Fangqiu.

Although it seems that the 400 meters is not far, just a circle.

But before that, Fang Qiu had already ran 100 meters and 200 meters at a time.

Explosive power, the so-called explosive power, is the maximum strength that a person can explode in a short period of time.

This kind of power cannot withstand the explosion of several consecutive times.

Although in the 100-meter and 200-meter speed run, Fangqiu's performance is better than everyone's imagination, but once again running 400 meters, Fangqiu can hold it?

As everyone knows.

Those who have not been specially trained can't stand this kind of toss.

As a track and field student, Gao Fei insists on four hundred meters, and there is definitely no problem.

Can Fangqiu?

He is just an ordinary student of a Chinese medicine school. Although he has sports every day, although he can beat Gao Fei in the 100-meter and 200-meter speed races, can he still do it in the next 400 meters?

For a time.

Everyone did not dare to judge.

Everyone knows that the most important of these three games is the last four hundred meters speed run.

Knowing the difficulty of the last ratio, everyone can't help but look forward to it.

This time.

It will be Fangqiu to continue to win and become the biggest dark horse.

Or is it a strong counterattack of Gao Fei, which proves the true strength of sports specialties?

On the side of the horse teacher heard Gao Fei's words, I can't wait to kiss him.

How did he know that he still wanted to see the strength of Fangqiu.

So I waited for Fangqiu to speak again and immediately said, "Take a break for ten minutes and start again!"

Fangqiu was forced to agree.

Go to rest.

ten minutes later.


Teacher Ma looked at Fangqiu.


Fangqiu nodded.


Gao Fei couldn’t wait any longer.

After the first two speed races, he finally understood that Fangqiu’s explosive power was stronger than him.

However, the other side is just taking advantage of his physical strength. Before he had been trained for a long time, the explosive power was not enough.

Now Fangqiu ran twice, and the explosive power consumption is almost the same.

Now they are really at a level!

Who knows, Fangqiu is still as light as before.

"In place!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Ma teacher went to the side of the field and raised his right hand.


The whistle sounded.

Teacher Ma’s right hand slammed down.

At the starting line, Fang Qiu and Gao Fei rushed out in a standard position.

This time.

Goofy is still very fast, but it is not as crazy as before. Instead, he uses the light to observe the square hill next to him.

The result was discovered.

The speed of the square is still not slow, even faster than before.

In a blink of an eye, it exceeded him.

Gao Fei’s heart suddenly rushed

I don’t care so much.


The strength of the whole body was violently swelled, and at the same time, all the wrapping techniques were used to quickly catch up.


No matter how he catches up, the distance between Fangqiu and him is getting farther and farther.

This is the next.

Gao Fei was completely desperate.

not far away.

All the sports specialties and teachers, all of them were shocked.

Because they saw two different speeds.

Gao Fei is very fast.

It’s so full of praise.

Fangqiu is faster, and Gaofei is opened in an instant!

"This, is this too fast?"

"Is he still a human? It’s a flying man!"

"Chu Cao, this is almost faster than the rabbit!"

"Well, Gao Fei planted this time, and it was planted in the hands of a Chinese medicine school! The name of our sports students is over!"

"Is Fangqiu not a new student? Is this speed incredible? This kid, will not be in the high school?"

Everyone is shocked and stunned, and the words are all in vain!

For the first time in their lives, they saw someone who could run so fast.


Teacher Ma also widened his eyes and was so excited that he was flushed.

"Genius is simply a sports genius!"

"His body, the pace, the coordination of the body, is perfect!"

As a university physical education teacher.

Teacher Ma is very clear about ergonomics. He knows how many muscles are needed and knows what kind of coordination the body needs in order to achieve perfect coordination and thus enter the real running state.

In that state.

Every runner's strength will not be wasted, the exercise will be the best, and the burden that runners feel during running will be reduced.

That state can be achieved by everyone.

But the premise is that a lot of exercise is needed.

For example, a person who loves to run, when he runs for five kilometers, he feels relaxed. When he is five to ten kilometers, he starts to get tired. When he is twenty kilometers away, he is too tired, but he continues to stick to it. At 30 kilometers, the runners will find that the body seems to be doing a jogging exercise, even if it is not controlled by itself, and then continue to run, it will be found that the physical exhaustion will gradually reduce, Then it is powerful again.

But in fact, it is because every person in the long running, the muscles of the body are gradually adapting to the running process.

When the same action is repeated for a certain number of times, the body automatically divides the force according to this action, thereby entering a perfect state of motion.

This is the breakthrough limit that people often say.

When you break the limit, the speed of running will be faster.

Fangqiu is in this state.

He doesn't need to let the body adapt to the running process, and the body can immediately enter this state as soon as it moves.

Such people, in the sports world, especially in the track and field circle, are called geniuses.

Because other people spend a few years, even decades, can barely control the state, in their body, born by.

Is this not a genius?

Teacher Ma is very excited and excited.

Because he found the person he was looking for!

A person who can bring him wireless glory with speed!

It is at this time.

The game has entered a fever.

Fangqiu has already reached a distance of only ten meters from the end.


Instead of rushing to complete the game, he stopped in the same place, turned his head and looked at the flying still 50 meters away, waiting with a smile.

At this moment, Gao Fei is already furious.

His face is blue.

When he was twenty meters from the finish line, he was waiting for his square hill and suddenly smiled at him.

The figure was moving and quickly passed the finish line.

competition is over.

Until Fang Qiu and Gao Fei folded back, everyone’s shock had not dissipated.

"It’s terrible, I thought he couldn’t hold on."

"He just was waiting for the flight?"

"Oh my God, this is a shameful humiliation. Gao Fei actually fell to the point of being waited for?"

"Just, he waited for at least a few seconds?"

"This monster is the monster that ran out of it, and the speed is terrible."

Sports specialties, all look at the monster's general vision, looking at Fangqiu.

"Time to report."

Teacher Ma’s voice came to friends of, you can search for "", you can find this site the first time.