Medical Master

v8 Chapter 8: Surprise the fourth heaven!


Seeing the depths in front, the one that radiated with fluorescence, about the size of a fist, Fang Qiu glimpsed, and then immediately turned around.

Around, in the dark sea.

Layers of ripples, constantly swaying, as if there is an invisible force pushing the square.

In this case, Fang Qiu could not help but raise his brow.

"From the surrounding situation, my current position is at least three kilometers below the seabed. The pressure of seawater at this depth is very large. It is very difficult for ordinary creatures to survive at this depth, let alone stir. Sea water?"

"And, just the thrust of the sea, it's so big!"

I turned to look at it.

Fangqiu found that there was no East creature at all.

Then, how did the water that collided with oneself form, is the undercurrent that surged in the depths of this giant crack?


Fangqiu's body shape moved, and immediately rushed toward the deep fluorescent thing.

Because of the pressure of water.

The speed of Fangqiu was also forced to slow down a lot.


When I came to the distance of about 50 meters, Fang Qiuhe saw that the fluorescent surrounding was floating with a silver thread that was so fine that it could not be seen at all.

Look at the center of the fluorescence.

It was a table tennis laugh, pure silver fruit.

"Nine fruit!"

At the moment of seeing this fruit, Fang Qiu’s face immediately burst into full of shocking colors.

Nine fruit, ranked fourth in the Tianmu list, is known as the world's most impossible to get the heavenly!

Although there are records on the Tiancaibao volume.

However, almost everyone believes that the nine fruit is a piece of heaven that no one in the world can get. According to the records on the heavenly treasure, the nine fruit is only found in the abyss.

Under the nine secluded, in the dark, the millennium is silk, and the silver is eternal!

This is the record of the nine fruit on the treasure of Tiandi.

At the beginning.

After getting the treasure of Tiandidi, after reading it, Fangqiu selectively put the relevant records of the nine fruit peels outside the brain, because even the Tianmudibao volume, the record of the nine fruit is only There has been one!

That is to say, since the birth of the Tiancaibao volume, there has only been a nine-fruit fruit in the world, and no one knows at all what the growth environment of the nine fruit is.

Because of the name of Jiuyou, everyone believes that the nine fruit is a heavenly material that cannot exist in this world.

Even in the treasures of heaven and earth, they are not willing to give more pen and ink to the nine ghosts. Except for the short four sentences, there is nothing else.

There is not even a record of the efficacy of the nine fruit.

Although the record of the nine fruit in the Tiandibao volume is not detailed, but when I saw the size of the table tennis in front of me, the information of the nine fruit that had been thrown out of the square by Fangqi appeared in an instant. In his mind.

"It turns out that the so-called nine secluded is the crack in the deep sea!"

Surprise at the same time.

Fangqiu immediately understood.

Why does the world need to grow for thousands of years and mature for thousands of years? Why can this fruit not be discovered in the growth of thousands of years?

It turns out that it grows in deep sea cracks that no one can reach at all.

"The millennium is silk, the silver is 10,000 years..."

Staring at the nine ghosts in front.

Fangqiu clearly saw that the silver thread floating around the nine fruit, the invisible is rapidly entangled towards the fruit.

In just a short while, the silver thread floating around is a lot less, leaving only three, still entwining the fruit.

At this rate, even 30 seconds is required, and it can be completely entangled.

"Is it true that the millennium time before the formation of the nine fruit is the silver thread, and its growth is the entanglement of these threads, when all the silver threads are entangled and fused together, the result is , is it mature?"

Mind and this.

In the eyes of Fangqiu, the light flashed, and immediately rushed toward the nine fruit, ready to pick up the first time when the nine fruit ripens, and then continue to escape.

at this time.

Under the induction of the gods, Fang Qiu felt very clearly that the Lord had entered the cracks in the seabed and was very close to himself.

However, due to environmental factors, the Lord cannot be chased up in a short time.

Therefore, Fangqiu still has enough time to wait for the nine fruit to mature!


Just when Fang Qiu rushed to the nine fruit.

The undercurrent that hit the square in front of the sudden, suddenly skyrocketing, actually changed like a fierce wave in an instant, and the body of Fangqiu collided.


Fangqiu has a double eye.

I saw it.

In the front, deeper beneath the nine eclipse, a vast dark seabed abyss, there was a huge black shadow.

The shadow is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, I rushed to the side of the nine fruit.

At this time, Fangqiu saw clearly, this turned out to be a huge shark!

The shark's size is the size of a normal whale, and even the fins on the back are higher than the square.


The shark's body is also covered with dense silver lines, each of which has the same energy as the nine fruit.

"Guardian beast?"

Fangqiu frowned.

At this moment, the only three silver silk threads were completely wrapped around the nine fruit, which turned into a complete blend of silver energy and nine fruit.


The giant shark does not hesitate to open his mouth directly. Not only does he have to swallow the newly ripe nine fruit, but he even wants to swallow Fangqiu together.

See you.

Fangqiu did not resist, and together with the nine fruit, was swallowed by the giant shark.

Because the shark's mouth was very large, when it was swallowed into the shark's mouth, Fangqiu immediately grabbed the nine fruit and forced it to stabilize.

Just at this moment.

On the nine fruit, suddenly burst into a dazzling silver light, the entire shark's mouth is illuminated.

After swallowing the nine fruit and the square mound, the giant shark has been closing his mouth, and this dazzling silver light is not leaking out.

"Can't delay..."

Under the illumination of the nine fruit, Fangqiu looked dignified.


He wants to borrow the mouth of this giant shark to hide. As long as he has been hiding in the mouth of the giant shark, he completely suppresses his own breath, and then shields the perception of the Lord with the gods. It is very likely Escape from the chasing and killing of the Lord.


This giant shark does not cooperate.

The giant shark made a very unique scream when it swallowed nine fruit.

Obviously, the giant shark is the snoring of anger.

The appearance of this snoring will inevitably lead the Holy Lord to this side. Originally, because it hides its own breath, it can be a little more relaxed in the dark water. Because of the spread of this snoring, it immediately became tense.


Nine fruit has arrived.


The right hand is pinched.

The Excalibur instantly condenses in the hands and then makes a sharp stroke.

In the realm of Fangqiu, all the guardian beasts in the world have no threat to him. After all, the beast is ultimately a beast, not a demon.

Above the Excalibur, Jianguang skyrocketed.

The golden sword light, directly from the inside, tears this huge incomparable shark directly into countless pieces.

A lot of scarlet blood, crazy ups and downs.

In order to avoid the **** smell on his own, Fangqiu directly used the internal air to block the blood, and then immediately motivated the internal air, and madly fled into the deeper water.

Dive a hundred meters again.

Fangqiu immediately took away the energy of his body, completely shrouded himself with the gods, and immediately turned to another direction, fleeing in the dark.

And above.


A snoring sound like an ancient behemoth is passed to the ear of the sea in the crack abyss of the sea.

Upon hearing this snoring, the Lord immediately flew out.


The Lord came to the source of the snoring.

However, what appeared in front of him was a piece of corpse that was floating up, and blood that was constantly spreading out on all sides.

Gaze at it.

There are silver lines on the skin of these corpses.

On the side of the side of the underwater crack, the roots of a broken plant swayed in the water.

The rhizome of this plant is actually silver!

"Nine fruit?"

Seeing all this in front of me, the Lord squeezed his eyes and suddenly a face of a cold smile appeared on his face. He said: "Although I don't know who you are, in this case you can find nine. The fruit, it seems that you are a person with a good atmosphere!"

"However, it is enough for such a person to have me in this world."

"No matter who you are, you will die today!"

Let me talk about it.

Immediately chasing up the energy of the underwater residual energy.

In a blink of an eye, it came to a hundred meters away.


The Lord stopped.

In his induction, this sly guy, the ultimate energy smell disappeared in this place, just like before, and began to hide with him!


The Holy Lord's face was cold, and immediately prompted the gods to explore.

However, after sweeping a circle, even an abnormality was not noticed.

And here.


In the absence of energy jade, Fangqiu could not hide the energy of the nine fruit and the silver light emitted. In order to avoid the existence of the nine fruit, it became a clue to the Lord's pursuit of himself. Fangqiu directly took it. Nine fruit swallowed in and quickly chewed.

Feeling, like chewing glass, hard and tasteless.

In the chewing of Fangqiu.

Nine fruit quickly turned into a silver energy, flowing down the throat of Fangqiu, did not enter the golden lotus flower of Fangqiu Dantian, but quickly broke into the limbs, and the flesh of Fangqiu The cells are completely fused together.

This is the case.

Let Fangqiu feel instantly that the enormous pressure under the water suddenly disappeared.

Because he did not dare to use the internal air to isolate the water flow, Fangqiu's body was soaked in the sea water. He had been under tremendous pressure before, but the pressure suddenly disappeared at this moment, and the skin on the whole body seemed to breathe. Still feeling sulking, but the feeling that oxygen is not enough, disappeared in an instant.

It seems to be a fish!