Medical Master

v8 Chapter 89: Mutual exchange

"Gynecological questions."

Seeing that I had been eliminated three times, the Western medical students who had the problem had a cold scream, Zhangkou said: "The normal menstrual volume is (?) ml, and the excess (?) ml is more than menstrual?"

"A20-60, 80."

"B30-70, 70."

"C20-70, 70."

This question is coming out.

Everyone outside the Western medical and Western medical experts was speechless.

Fangqiu is not a woman.

This topic, under normal circumstances, women should know that unless it is careless, women who do not pay enough attention to their own body will not deliberately understand and observe.

These Western medical students are eager to engage in Fangqiu?

Have you ever raised such a question?


When he heard the question given by the other party, Fangqiu shook his head slightly and then replied lightly: "A."

The answer sounds down.

On the big screen, the correct answer appeared immediately.

Fangqiu answered yes.

Everyone on the scene, including all Western medical students, has a glimpse.

No one thought of it.

This question, Fang Qiu actually answered right?

Does Fangqiu even pay attention to such problems?


All the Chinese medicine students in the elimination zone under the stage have all laughed.

Just now, when I heard this topic, they were nervous and died. They also thought that Fangqiu could hardly answer this question.

Now, when I saw Fangqiu answering the correct answer, and still replied so smoothly, I immediately gave them a great confidence, and let them continue to cheer for Fangqiu in their hearts, thinking that Fangqiu would do.

"I am also a gynecological subject."

After the answer, Fang Qiu immediately said something.

I heard this.

Wu Mou, the general director of the stage, was happy.

This is the effect of the program he needs. In general, the most appealing point is the content of the title and the wonderful performance of the two sides. But he needs more than just these two points. He needs more.

For example, this kind of face-to-face hardship.

In the point of using the answer to the flow, people are attracted by the kind of turmoil that is provoked by the fierce battle, the kind of blood that is generated in the heart, and after they can't help but enter it, add some more intense collisions to maximize the conflict, complete To mobilize the mood of the audience, so that it looks good!

On the court, the smell of gunpowder is full.

After answering the other party's topic, Fang Qiu immediately opened the question: "Women are 17 years old, have been overweight, regular menstruation, dieting after entering college, weight is 30%, closed-menstrual, which type?"

"A, pituitary closed-menstrual; B, uterine closed-menstrual; C, ovarian closed-menstrual; D, hypothalamic closed-menstrual."

The title is out.

There was a slight commotion on the field.

Some of the remaining 35 challengers couldn't help but frown, as if they didn't expect Fangqiu to have such a problem.

But even so.

They can only answer.

Less than ten seconds, the answer is over.


An alarm sounded.

The answer immediately jumps out on the big screen.

The correct answer: D hypothalamic closed-menstrual.

Below the correct answer, those icons representing 40 entrants were five more red when they were already red.

This time, the topic of Fangqiu, even directly brushed down 5 people.

This is the third question!

All the Western medical students who participated in the challenge were all together, and there were 40 people in total. Fang Qiu only made three questions, and even went down to 10 people.

In this case, let the remaining 30 Western medical students, such as the enemy.

They expected to be.

The scene of the oppression of Fangqiu did not appear, but instead they were beaten by Fangqiu.


This time, a problem must be solved.

On the challenger's side.

A Western medical student's gnashing teeth quickly made a question.

“What is the most common cause of food poisoning in high temperature environments?”

"A bacterial food poisoning, B plant food poisoning, C animal food poisoning, D chemical food poisoning."

The title appears.


Fangqiu directly replied.


"My topic is."

“While eating meat, what is the most appropriate cooking method to minimize nutrient loss?”

"A braised, B steamed, C fried."


Everyone was speechless.

Not just Western medical students, but everyone in the audience.

Because in their opinion, this knowledge of the subject should be mastered by the chef and has nothing to do with medicine.


Think about it.

Everyone thought of the purpose and original intention of Fang Qiu to make this program. It is also a question.


Within a few seconds.

After the party’s Western medical students have chosen the answer, the alarm sounds only when someone is eliminated, and it sounds again.

Everyone immediately looked at the big screen.

The correct answer: C.


The red icon has been added five more.

Five more people were brushed down.

I swept away.

These five people are all boys.

"It seems that boys are not very likely to cook."

The host took the opportunity to laugh and then immediately excused: "Below, the Western doctor challenger."


A Western medical challenger who got the right to ask questions did not hesitate. Immediately, Zhang said: "This is a multiple-choice question. It must be correct to choose the right one. It is wrong to choose one or the other."

"Please listen to the question."

“The following dietary behaviors have proven to be very effective in knowing teen weight loss, such as?”

“A: Eat only in a fixed place (like a dinner table), whether it is a meal or a snack.”

"B: Try to slow down as much as you can, and chew slowly."

"C: Eat while walking, and talk while eating."

"D: Don't read books and read newspapers while eating, don't watch TV."

"E: Use a small bowl to hold the food."

Listen to the question.

Fangqiu slightly raised his eyebrows.

Under the field, all the Chinese medicine students couldn't help but panic. In their view, the other party's problem was obviously deliberately to harm Fangqiu.

The most important thing is that the answer to this question must be correct at all. Isn't that what is difficult?


All the Chinese medicine students in the audience are extremely nervous and worried.

Fangqiu was unexpected. Zhangkou replied: "ABDE."

The words fell.

Everyone immediately stared at the big screen.

The correct answer: ABDE.

Fang Qiu’s answer is completely correct.

Seeing the answer, all the Chinese medicine students in the audience suddenly lost a big breath.

"You have a lot of choices, then I have a multiple choice."

When it was his turn to make a question, Fang Qiu smiled slightly. Zhang mouth asked: "About drinking milk, is the description below correct?"

"A, containing - milk drinks are not pure milk."

"B, you can't add milk when cooking soy milk."

"C, drink milk in moderation (2 cups a day, about 500 ml in total.)"

"D, some people will feel uncomfortable after bloating after drinking milk."

“E, if conditions permit, children and adolescents should develop the habit of drinking milk every day.”

Read the topic.

All the Western medical students at the scene laughed.

This question, they have the confidence to answer correctly.

Many of them have studied this problem, and this question is a simple question of health common sense. Anyone who drinks milk should be able to answer it.

No hesitation.

The remaining 25 Chinese medicine students submitted the answers very quickly.

When the last person submitted the answer.


The alarming alarm sounded again.

On the court, 25 Chinese medical students all had a glimpse of it. I don't understand why some people would answer this question correctly, and immediately brushed it toward the big screen.

Look at this.

Some of them immediately opened their eyes and were full of disbelief.

I saw that data appeared on the big screen.

The correct answer: ABCDE.

The five answers are all correct.

Seeing this answer, many Western medical students are stunned.

Sweep down again.

The icons that represent them, he has turned red.

This question, even directly eliminated ten people.


At the scene, a piece of exclamation, countless people took a sigh of relief.

Who can think of this, this seemingly simple topic, can actually eliminate so many people?

25 people, there are only 15 left in an instant!

Of course, looking at the big screen, everyone on the scene knows why these people were eliminated.

Their biggest mistake is because they missed C.

For this type of topic.

Many people think that there will be one or two wrong answers in this kind of question, and even more. Anyway, there should be a wrong answer anyway. This leads to some people going to examine the question very carefully. Once you find 3-4 answers, you will choose to submit.


The ten people who answered the mistakes did not even think that the answers to the questions were all correct.

Ten people stepped down.

Western medical challengers continue to issue questions.

After the super-strong play of Fangqiu's multiple-choice questions, the Western medical challengers seem to find that they want to defeat Fangqiu and rely on multiple-choice questions.

Immediately, there was another multiple-choice question.

"Is there a performance of iron poisoning?"

"A, nausea, vomiting. B vomiting blood. C abdominal pain. D **** diarrhea. E black stool."

The topic is finished.


Fangqiu directly answered.

The big screen also showed the correct answer immediately at the moment of answering, exactly the same as Fang Qiu answered.

After answering the other party's topic, Fang Qiu directly countered the attack and opened the mouth to ask questions.

“What are the main measures to prevent iron poisoning?”

"A raises awareness of prevention of iron poisoning among parents and children."

“B have a cup of coffee and tea before dinner.”

“C stores food without iron containers.”

"D treats anemia and obeys the doctor's advice. If you feel unwell during the medication, get medical attention immediately."

"E iron is not available in children."


Western medical students suddenly became speechless.

Looking at Fangqiu one by one is very helpless, and my heart is secretly saying: "How many questions have you prepared in the end, how can we find a corresponding question for each question?"

of course.

Everyone knows that Chinese medicine does not have knowledge points on iron poisoning, so Fangqiu can make these problems. They can only express their feelings. Fangqiu’s knowledge of Western medicine is really rich.


The alarm sound of the elimination sounded again.

On the big screen, the answers are counted.

The correct answer: ACDE.

Eliminate 3 people!

There are still 12 Western medical challengers on the field.

It is the turn of Western medicine to issue questions.

Western medical students who have obtained the right to ask questions have come up with multiple choice questions.

“How many times can obesity occur?”

"A baby period."

"B Childhood."

"C adolescence."

"D young adulthood."

"E middle age."

When he heard this question, Fang Qiu suddenly smiled.

These Western medical students are also quite sinister!