Medical Master

v8 Chapter 89: Rules, offensive and defensive big devil

Just when Fangqiu watched various information on the Internet.

The number of fans has successfully exceeded 4 million "life priceless" official blog, and chose to publish a brand new Weibo at this time point, the hottest time on the Internet.

"The third phase of the rules: offense and defense!"

There is only one sentence that is still cold.


In this one-page microblog, there is also a picture attached.

Click on the picture to see it.

The above is exactly the detailed rules of the third program.

"Offensive and defensive!"

"The 81 people who have advanced from the second program will have one person first, and the "big devil" will answer."

"The "Great Devil" is correct, then the attacking party is converted, the "Great Devil" is issued, 81 people answer together, the answer can be continued, the answer is wrong. Direct elimination."

"Then, one of the remaining correct answers will be re-issued until the "big devil" is wrong, or 81 people are all eliminated, and the outcome is decided!"

The emergence of this Weibo.

Immediately caused the netizens to reprint and discuss.

"Is it really necessary to fight - the landlord?"

"I didn't expect it, I have been in this era, I can still see the real fight - landlord!"

"I said, this is too unfair. The other side is really unfair. It is better to let the computer issue the question, let Fangqiu answer with 81 contestants, and directly eliminate the mistake. In the end, if only Fang Qiu’s words are Fangqiu’s victory.”

"Although it is true that the other side of the hill is somewhat unfair, but the older brother upstairs, according to your method, if there are more than two people left, how can I do even a few dozen people, after all, can participate In this kind of competition, they are all genius figures. Even if they have difficult problems, I am afraid they may not stop them."

"It seems that this rule of the program group is more feasible."

Some people who support Fangqiu are constantly yelling for Fangqiu. Even though the program group has not really announced the name of Fangqiu, it has always replaced Fangqiu with the word "big devil", but everyone already has already Know that the "big devil" is Fangqiu.

Although everyone is very convinced of Fangqiu's strength, but with 81 geniuses to fight Fangqiu, in everyone's view, this is indeed somewhat inappropriate.


There are objections, and naturally there is support.

"I think this rule is very good. After all, Fangqiu is a character called "The Big Devil." The Big Devil should naturally have the look of a big demon. If it is a one-on-one pk, then it is not a big devil."

"Yes, the Big Devil should have the look of a great demon."

"It seems to be fun, or else let Fangqiu one-on-one, it is too boring, after all, no one can win Fangqiu, isn't it?"

"Rules attack and defense? It sounds particularly cool, especially burning!"

"I believe that Fangqiu God, he will be able to do it. After all, this is his own program. This part is also his personal participation in the design. He can't always hit his face?"

Seeing this statement, everyone also nodded.


This is Fang Qiu’s own show.

These program links must also be designed by Fangqiu. If you want to come to Fangqiu, you should be afraid of people saying that he is bullying students. So, do you choose this kind of rule?

When I think of it, those who are fighting for Fangqiu are gradually understanding.


Not the same as the vast network of viewers.

On the side of the medical profession, after seeing this rule, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, many people think that Fangqiu is afraid of danger this time.

Because Fangqiu is a Chinese medicine practitioner, not a Western doctor.

How can a Chinese medicine practitioner know the knowledge of Western medicine?

What's more, is Fangqiu a person who spends almost all the incidents on studying Chinese medicine?

"This time, Fang Qiu is really fierce."

"No way, this is his own choice."

"You said that this program is also done. Why do you have to involve Western medicine? Isn't this a stumbling block for yourself?"

"I really don't understand why Fangqiu put himself in such a dangerous place this time?"

"The influence of this program is too great. According to the rules announced now, Fangqiu must face the Western medicine. Once the degree has passed, Fangqiu’s reputation will undoubtedly rise again, and Chinese medicine will And the attention of more people, but if the degree does not pass, Fang Qiu Xin’s reputation of hard work can be destroyed."

People in the Chinese medicine community are worried about Fangqiu.

after all.

It took Fang Qiu so long to support Chinese medicine. If a small program of this time falls down like this, Chinese medicine will inevitably suffer a great degree of impact, and Western medicine will inevitably follow the trend. Once again, I will step on the Chinese medicine.

Therefore, Chinese medicine practitioners all over the country are unclear about what Fangqiu is doing and why he is taking such a big danger to do this program.

On the other hand, compared with Chinese medicine, Western medicine is already impatient.

As all Chinese medicine predicted.

When all the doctors in the West heard the news, they all laughed in the bottom of their hearts.

from their perspective.

Fangqiu's achievements in Chinese medicine are indeed unparalleled, but once in the field of Western medicine, even if Fangqiu learns one month, half a year or even one year in advance, it is absolutely impossible to surpass those talented doctors who specialize in Western medicine.

Therefore, the rules of the third program announced by "Life is priceless" are simply a step that pulls Fangqiu down from the top of the mountain. It is a fulcrum that can shake the earth and let them do whatever they want. They found the right opportunity to step on Fangqiu and let the market attacked by fierce Chinese medicine practitioners return to become the site of their Western medicine!

"Fangqiu, hey! I have to see, who can play this face this time."

"Students who study Western medicine are not easy. The knowledge they know is definitely not more difficult than the knowledge of Chinese medicine. So even if Fangqiu is so powerful, it is absolutely impossible to win the Western medicine genius in the knowledge of Western medicine."

"This rule is good. There is no chance for Fangqiu to cheat. We can even find the Western medical talents before the program starts, give them some questions, let them personally give Fangqiu a question and see him Fangqiu. How to answer!"

"Next, it is time for our Western medicine to debut, Chinese medicine should go on!"

The masters of the Western medical profession, all of them are full of confidence, it seems that they have already concluded that Fangqiu will inevitably lose in this competition.

the other side.

With the broadcast of the first two episodes, the program "Life is priceless" is getting more and more popular nationwide, not only on the Internet, but even many people who are not online, and have been paying attention to this program from old to young.

The focus of everyone's attention is first of all the content of the show is beautiful, the competition is particularly attractive, and secondly because this is the program of Fangqiu, and finally it is because the various knowledge of science popularization in the program is very useful.

Under all kinds of attractiveness, even those who barely access the Internet, or who don’t even know how to access the Internet, have begun to learn to watch videos on the Internet and watch this program.

Such a hot scene has shocked the entire art scene in the whole country.

"The trough, this heat, is really bursting."

"This is the first time, cool entertainment has begun to play like this?"

"The pilot has a total of three phases. According to the current level of heat, the popularity of this program will continue to skyrocket. I think this time Fangqiu and cool play entertainment are joining forces, and I am ready to do something big."

"This is too big to play. Even the single-stage program has been played, and it is still the second phase of the pilot. Even Fangqiu has no face, and the next third party will not only show his face, but even Also with 81 geniuses from major universities, the heat will definitely rise again, and the variety show can still play like this?"

"The second phase of investment has been so strong. How much will this third program attract?"

In the industry, major TV stations, various variety shows, and all relevant industries and programs are paying attention to the program "Life is priceless."

The more you look at it, the more shocked everyone is.

Did not think of it at all.

A variety show can still be used to play like this.

If it is an ordinary variety show, I am afraid it has already been on the streets.


This is the show of Fangqiu.

All over the world, only Fang Qiu dared to bring the show to play like this. After all, the flow, heat and ability of the people are there, and no one can match it.

This is not.

Just as everyone’s rules for the third program were discussed, one sentence captured the top five of Weibo’s hot search.

"Life is priceless" official blog, once again released a new Weibo.

“The third phase of the pilot program attracts investment!”

Just a few words, even the words "welcome to negotiate" are too lazy to write.

But even so.

However, no one businessman feels that there is any problem with this Weibo.

after all.

Now it's not that the program group is asking for their investment. Instead, they need to do everything they can to get involved and try their best to get the right to invest.


Seeing the microblog of the third-stage program of "Life is priceless", the people in the industry immediately began to speculate.

"The second program has already reached 30 million. What kind of price can this program get?"

"From the heat point of view, the second program is 30% higher than the first program. From the current hot situation on the Internet, the heat of the third program should not be weaker than that of the previous year. Thirty percent, maybe even higher."

"That is, the advertising fee for the third program can reach at least 40 million?"

"40 million? Maybe less, maybe 50 million, maybe even 60 million!"

"After all, those who need advertising, there is no shortage of money, what they lack is the popularity of the product, and the "Life is priceless" program can help them raise their popularity, and it is completely out of reach of other programs. Kind of effect."

Hot discussion.

Everyone can't guess for a while, because the potential of the third program is really too big.

After all, the fact that Fangqiu appears alone is enough to raise the advertising cost to a big level.