Medical Master

v8 Chapter 91: The hero is a teenager, winning!

This time.

The neurological reactions of the eight challengers on the stage were significantly slower than before. Their answer speed was no longer as fast as before, but they began to consider and consider it.

No matter what, the answer time is only ten seconds.

As the answer countdown sounded, 8 people at the scene pressed the final answer.


as predicted.

At the end of the answer time, the familiar alarm sounded again.

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the big screen.

Look at this.

Everyone instantly stunned his chin.

The correct answer: d.

Of the eight white icons, five of them turned red at this moment, and the answers of the five choices can be clearly seen on these icons.

They even chose c, only three people chose d!

"I rub, isn't it?"

"And brush down five?"

"How come, how can I brush down so many people at once?"

"Mom, this knowledge of psychology is evil, and attention has been made to four obstacles?"

The Western medical students in the audience are in a state of utter disappointment.

Not only them, but even the three Western medical expert judges on the stage were shocked at the same time.

They did not think that such a problem could actually eliminate so many people.

Immediately, they shook their heads.

On the stage.

The remaining three Western doctors forced to calm down and continue to issue questions.

This time, they came out with a more normal type of practice, and Fang Qiu no doubt once again answered correctly.

Next, the Fangqiu made a question.

"It seems that you don't seem to be very good at psychology?"

Fangqiu smiled.

Although he knows that there is a psychology student on the field, the other party is still a student. The Western medicine books that students need to learn have already been read. The students do not need to read the Western medicine books. He also finished reading, so Fangqiu has confidence. And then a psychological problem, the effect will never be bad!

"You can't get the subject of psychology."

Seeing that Fangqiu was going to open his mouth, a Western medical student quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead, and Zhang said: "You are so unclear."

This is the case.

Fang Qiu was laughing.

However, with a smile and a smile, Fang Qiu’s face became serious.

After a little silence, Fangqiu said, "In fact, I found that in the rapid development of science and medical medicine, other diseases will be solved, and mental and psychological problems will soon become the biggest problem of this century, so I am out. The reason for the question is to alert everyone."

This is the case.

With the extremely serious look of the top of the hill, it immediately made everyone on the scene awe-inspiring.

But it is here.

"Do you think I am noble?"

Fang Qiu looked at the remaining three Western medical students to ask a question, and then smiled, Zhang said: "In fact, it is not, my main purpose is to win, since in order to win, why don't I fall into the stone?"

Some people in the whole place, suddenly speechless.

"Please listen to the question."

Fang Qiu smiled and said: "In order to better strengthen memory in learning, teachers can instruct students to use what knowledge about memory?"

“a declarative knowledge, b procedural knowledge, c strategic knowledge, d common sense knowledge.”

This problem is coming out.

Among the three people in the opposite, the student who studied psychology immediately chose the answer.

But the other two people, the two eyes are black, I don’t know.

Even the previous question, they are all right, let alone this topic.

Moreover, Fangqiu also deliberately

There is a lot of questions with a lot of answers, which makes them less likely to be matched.

Fangqiu this time.

I really want to kill them!

Ten seconds.

The answer is over.


The alarm that represents someone being eliminated is ringing again.

Everyone looks at the big screen in the first place.

The correct answer: c.


With a total of forty icons, only the last one is left.

The only correct answer is that only one psychology student, the other two answered the mistake and eliminated on the spot!

When the two of them stepped down.

Very helpless.

If you ask questions from other disciplines, they may be able to support them again. However, Fangqiu grabbed a wound and kept sprinkling salt. They really couldn’t stand it.

With these two people being eliminated.

In the challenge area on the stage, there is only one challenger, the psychology student.


It also came to an end.

Looking at the two people on the stage, the scene everyone could not help but nervous.

no doubt.

Next will be the last battle.

Western medical students will definitely use all methods to win Fangqiu, Fangqiu will never give the other side a chance, just see who the deer died!

On the stage.

Western medical students took a deep breath.

Now, it is his turn to ask questions.

On the big screen, the time of the question is counting down.

Looking at Fangqiu, the Western medical student was silent for a while, then opened his mouth: "Excuse me, what is the English name of psychology?"

"a: psychologist."

"b: psychology."



I heard this question.

Everyone on the scene was thundered.

Everyone thought that it had reached the current level, he should pick one in a million, choose a very difficult Western medicine topic to test Fangqiu.

But who can think of it, he actually had such a problem.

Western medical students, a speechless.

On the stage.

I heard the whispering sound of everyone and the kind of depressed and incomprehensible expression that everyone showed. This psychology student is also very helpless.

Compared with this whole game, he found that the knowledge of Western medicine in Fangqiu is too much. Almost all kinds of topics, Fangqiu, can answer.

Therefore, he can only be a sword to go slant, gambling Fangqiu's English is not good.

as predicted.

Just when everyone is overwhelmed by this problem.

"my English is not good."

On the stage, Fang Qiu said with a straight face.

It is said that all the Western medical students on the scene can't help but shine.

Especially the one who made the question, the psychology student, in this eyelid, even at this moment, a flower was lit up.

Under the field.

All the Western medical students clenched their fists, and all of them stared at Fangqiu with hope.

This time, Fang Qiu has to answer the wrong one?

How can someone who is not good at English answer this question?

Will Fangqiu be defeated?

at this time.

Fangqiu, standing on his answering platform, suddenly smiled and pointed his finger at his head and said, "Okay, my memory is good, just remember the answer to this question, so I choose b."

correct answer!

On the big screen, the answer is displayed immediately.

A glimpse of the audience.


All Chinese medicine students were suddenly more nervous.

The square is out of the question.

The following question may be the most crucial one in this challenge.


Under the attention of everyone.

Fangqiu opened the mouth: "Excuse me, after taking western medicine, how long does it take to smoke?"

"a half an hour, b an hour, c one and a half hours, d two hours."

I heard this question.

Standing on the opposite side, this student of Western medical psychology suddenly frowned.

Still can't smoke?

What is the relationship between eating western medicine and smoking?

The smoke is the lungs, the medicine is the stomach, what is the relationship between the two?

he does not know.

Although he is a Western doctor, he has never studied this problem.


After thinking for a long time, he pressed the option at the last second.

The answer is completed.

He moved, and everyone in the whole place stared at him nervously. They were waiting for the final result to be released. They were waiting to see. The only bright answering table on the stage would become red at this moment. ?

After a second.

Just when everyone is very nervous.


The alarm that sounded someone was knocking out.

The answering table of this Western medical psychology student also turned red at this moment.

See this scene.

The audience exclaimed!

"Finally, after experiencing continuous challenges, with the end of the challenge, our winner today is finally here. He is our great devil, Fangqiu."

"Congratulations to Fangqiu, the ultimate victory!"

On the stage, seven colors of light immediately illuminate and the music is celebrated.

At the scene, whether it was the program group, the judges on the stage, or the Chinese medicine students who were eliminated, they all stood up at the same time to applaud the victory of Fangqiu.

Seeing that everyone around me did this, those Western medical students who were still full of dissatisfaction had to stand up and applaud.

Although not convinced, but they have already recognized the identity of Fangqiu's big devil.

After all, Fangqiu is a man who has eliminated them twice in a row.

After all, this man who studies Chinese medicine has eliminated them with the knowledge of Western medicine that they are good at.

not far away.

Wu Mou, the general director who has been supervising, can't help but feel a big sigh of relief when he sees this scene.

Whether it is the other side of the hill, for him or for the cool play entertainment, this is the most perfect situation, the program is good, the results are also very satisfactory, neither damage the reputation of Fangqiu, but also successfully achieved the goal.

This situation is no better.


Music and lights stop.

The host is preparing to interview Fang Qiu.

At this time.

"Sure enough, the hero is a teenager."

A voice suddenly came.

The camera immediately turned and everyone heard it.

I saw and spoke, and it was one of the three national treasures of Western medicine experts on the jury.

"Don't say that it's a college student who is still studying at school. Even the amount of knowledge of Qiu's medical knowledge is amazing, especially this last question."

Speaking of this, the Western medical expert paused for a moment and then continued to add: "This topic usually has no one to pay attention to, so here I want to occupy Fangqiu for a few minutes, to all the scenes and Watching the audience of this show, science popularizes this common sense of life, don't know if you can?"

This is the case.

Everyone immediately looked at Fangqiu.

It is now the glory time of Fangqiu personally, letting the other party not say it, or he wants to say it himself, of course, it is up to him to decide.

"You can answer this question for you personally. Naturally, you can't ask for it. The younger generation can't help it."

Fangqiu nodded with a smile and said: "Please say."

"it is good."

Western medical experts nodded with satisfaction, and then Zhang mouth began to popularize knowledge points.