Medical Master

v8 Chapter 92: Fangqiu won, wait and wait for money

(Today, forgive me)

"Smoking can not help but endanger health, but also interfere with drug metabolism, reduce drug efficacy, and even delay the disease."

Western medicine expert Zhang Kou said: "Few people will notice this point on weekdays. Because there are too many smokers and the difficulty of science is too big, this daily health knowledge point has gradually become a The knowledge of the partial door, first of all, I would like to thank Fangqiu for giving me this opportunity for everyone, and I hope everyone can listen carefully."

“Why does smoking affect the efficacy of the drug or even delay the condition?”

"Because, the nicotine contained in cigarettes will affect the metabolic enzyme system in the liver after entering the human body, causing the process of drug metabolism to accelerate or slow down, resulting in a decrease in the effective concentration of the drug in the blood, which cannot play its due role. ""

"The impact of smoking on medications mainly includes reduction and toxicity."

"This so-called reduction, as I said earlier, requires a lower concentration to cause a decrease in efficacy. When smoking, peripheral vasoconstriction, elevated blood pressure, resulting in reduced drug absorption, and the extent of this effect is not light."

"And the increase in toxicity is to increase the toxic side effects of the drug. Nicotine in tobacco can promote the body to release antidiuretic hormone, so that metabolites can not be excreted in time to accumulate poisoning."

Said here.

The Western medical experts paused a bit, and then added a serious look: "Below, I will introduce you to several commonly used drugs, which may be affected by smoking."

"The first is acid-suppressing drugs. Patients with stomach diseases take acid-suppressing drugs. If they smoke at the same time, they can cause blood vessels to contract in the stomach. They can also delay the gastric emptying time and slow down the absorption rate of acid-suppressing drugs in the small intestine, thus affecting the drug. effect."

"There are also antipyretic and analgesic drugs, such as painkillers and so on."

"And vitamin C, vitamin b6 and vitamin b12, etc., these drugs will be affected to varying degrees by smoking."

“Therefore, I hope that more patients can notice these problems, and the best way to quit smoking is to eliminate the serious consequences of various types of smoking.”

After that, the Western medical experts once again thanked Fang Qiu for a sentence and then sat down.

“Thank you for the science of the judges.”

The host quickly replied and said: "I didn't expect that Fang Qiu's last question actually contained such a deep medical principle. With the science of the judges, I believe that all the audience members will definitely be in the daily life. I will keep this in mind."

"So, after the judges' science popularization, we also invited Fang Qiu, the final winner of the challenge, to say a few words to everyone."


Hand the microphone to the front of Fangqiu.

The result is a microphone.

Fangqiu paused a bit and then looked at everyone in the elimination zone. Zhangkou said: "In fact, I have no room to continue to improve, so I hope that you don't take the weight to win, because you still There is room for improvement, and you still have a lot of time. I believe that each of you will become a good doctor for the benefit of the people in the future. I look forward to your growth and come on!"

This is the case.

Under the field, all the Chinese and Western medical students who were eliminated were speechless.

In their view, Fang Qiu’s words are not like encouraging them, but they are showing off to them.

What is it that you have not continued to improve the space, and we have?

Doesn't this understand the human dish?

this moment.

The Chinese and Western medical students who have been in a state of dispute have once looked at each other and once again have a tacit understanding of each other, and then brushed their hands together.

I saw it.

In their hands, I don’t know when they actually held a blank sheet of paper.

These white papers are spliced ​​together, and you can clearly see that there is a big line on the top: Next time, you must defeat the Fangqiu Devil!

See this scene.

The audience laughed.

Only Fangqiu, standing in the middle of the stage, was speechless.

In this way, the third phase of the "Life is priceless" pilot program, completely in the laughter of everyone slowly fell off the curtain.


With the scream of the general director Wu Mou, everyone on the scene suddenly relaxed.

Although it was no different than before, but in the process of recording the program, everyone is tight, because no one knows what will happen in the process of recording the program, can you achieve the desired effect? Wait, everyone has every point of concern.

The only person who is not tight all the time, I am afraid that there is only Fangqiu.


In the hot discussion of the whole scene, Wu Mou's director quickly rushed to the stage, took the microphone from the host, shouted, and immediately attracted the attention of all the people.

When everyone looked at themselves, Director Wu Mou quickly raised his right hand and signaled that everyone should not speak.

See you.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the director with a puzzled look.


Director Wu Mou looked at everyone in the audience. Zhangkou said: "Today, all the programs of the Pioneer Sanqi have been recorded. Before the recording of the program, everyone signed a recording agreement, which clearly requires everyone to record the program. The content is strictly confidential. After all, the program will be broadcast in a few days, so I still have to ask everyone here. In any case, we must strictly keep the content recorded in this program."


Everyone nodded.

If they signed the contract, how dare they disclose it at will, once it broke out, it would be legally responsible.


Just when everyone thought that the director’s speech was over, Director Wu Mou said again: “I want to announce to all the contestants that today is actually just a warm-up match. Everyone knows that this is the pilot period, although we recorded It is the last issue of the pilot period, but it also means that the official content of the program is about to start recording. Now I would like to congratulate all the participants on the scene, congratulations on all of you entering the "Life is priceless" player group."

This is the case.

All the Chinese and Western medical students who were eliminated at the scene were all stunned and then excited.

They always thought that the meaning of their existence was the first three pilot programs of the show, but they did not expect that the program group had already made them members of the player group of the official program of "Life is priceless".

"As a full member of the "Life is priceless" player group, you will face challengers from all over the country in the next official program. Your goal is to defeat them and win the final prize!"

This is the case.

Everyone thought of the final prize of the program "Life is priceless", but it is 50 million!

"If we beat other players, is there a chance to challenge Fangqiu?"

A student asked about it.

"This one……"

Director Wu Mou took a look and quickly turned to look at Fangqiu and then responded: "This question, I can't answer you for the time being."


The director smiled and said, "Okay, I want to say this. I hope everyone can be prepared to meet the next challenge, come on!"

After that, the director threw the microphone to the host and quickly greeted the six teachers on the judges' stage.


no doubt.

Director Wu Mou personally banqueted the six judges and the other students, under the arrangement of the program group, recorded the interview screens needed to record the editing of the program, and explained to the audience their heart reaction at those key points in the game. .

at night.

Life is priceless official Weibo, issuing a short Weibo.

"The recording is over, crazy editing."

This microblog was sent out.

The enthusiasm of countless netizens was immediately ignited.

"Review is over?"

"Is Fang Qiu Da Shen participating in the show?"

“Who ultimately won?”

“Is Fang Qiu won? Or is the challenger winning?”

"Who won in the end?"

For a time, countless netizens have commented on this Weibo.

Everyone is guessing, who won this last episode.


Guessing can only be guessing.

Going through the comment area, no one can give an accurate answer.

under these circumstances.

Various gossips on the Internet are flying all over the sky.

Some people say that Fang Qiu won. Some people said that Fang Qiu lost. Some people even said that Fang Qiu lost to Western medicine. From the day when this program was broadcast, Western medicine would replace Chinese medicine and become the mainstream!


These gossips have no credibility. Although netizens all want to know what is going on, everyone is not stupid, knowing what to believe and not to believe.

In the case of high heat, some people even offered a reward of one million on Weibo, asking for results.

In this era, all things related to money are very hot.

A simple tens of thousands of dollars in lottery can make a lot of money, let alone the reward of this million. Although everyone knows that this reward is not necessarily effective, there are still a lot of people who are drilling inside.

"Fangqiu won."

"Fangqiu lost."

"There must be one of the above two, wait for the money!"

The answer to the first three articles makes people feel awkward.

Next, netizens are even more eccentric, and one by one is starting to ridicule.

at the same time.

#方丘 won? #

This topic has also been quickly pushed into the top three in the hot search list, and the heat is still rising, and the momentum of the hot search is the first.

Even with so many people's attention, there is still no exact news.

Not just netizens.

Even the reporters have started to use their own relationships to inquire. They want to first listen to some insider information. It is too strict to block the news. No matter how they inquire, they can not find out a little bit of news.

In desperation, everyone can only discuss while waiting for the show to go online.


The 100 rare disease foundations, collectively known as the "Sunshine Angels", are also official microblogs of the Foundation dedicated to the congenital heart disease of poor children. They also announced the news on the same day.

"The 100 rare disease foundations initiated by Fangqiu are also the official website of the Foundation for Congenital Heart Diseases for Poor Children. They will be officially launched tomorrow afternoon, and 100 rare disease foundations will be officially put into operation. !"

Compared with the "Life is priceless" program, the popularity of this Weibo is not high, but it also attracts a lot of people's attention, which also caused a heated discussion among netizens.