Medical Master

v1 Chapter 92: Sell ​​medicine in the village!

"Can you grow so big, don't eat less natural treasure?"

Looking down on the ground, and immediately turned up, staring at his own clouded leopard, Fang Qiu gently shook his head: "Unfortunately, these heavenly treasures are just a long body, you can not go to the sky The absorption of heaven and earth in Tidibao."

Speaking of it.

A word suddenly popped up in the square thalamus.


If this clouded leopard really absorbs the energy in the heavenly treasures that have been eaten, will it be like the warrior, can you mobilize the internal gas to fight?

If it is true, can it be called a demon?


It seems that I saw Fangqiu’s absent-mindedness, and the cloud leopard was angry.


in fact.

It has long come, but it has always been hidden in the distance, because the atmosphere of Fangqiu makes it very scary, so that it does not dare to approach.

So it is waiting.

After Fang Qiu left, go and eat the newly ripe red lingering date.

I did not expect.

The red Lingzao hidden in the grass group was actually discovered by Fangqiu.

In desperation, it can only come out.

But when it was just out, it was played by Fangqiu, which made it very angry.

"Not satisfied?"

Looking at the raging clouded leopard, Fangqiu raised an eyebrow.

However, the clouded leopard couldn't understand his words. Once again, it was a fierce leap, and once again swung up toward Fangqiu.

This time, the clouded leopard did not jump too high, for fear that Fangqiu would turn him over again, so he simply rushed to the lower part of Fangqiu and bite it.

"If you can catch a pet, how good."

Fangqiu sighed.

This kind of thing, he can only think about it.

After all, the cloud leopard is a national-level protected animal, let alone such a large clouded leopard. If it is really caught back as a pet, then it should not cause a national sensation?

I thought about it.

At the same time as the cloud leopard flew in front of him, Fang Qiu quickly reached out.

Accurate and fast.

A slap, press on the head of the cloud leopard, the giant force on the arm, press it down like a mountain, and instantly put the strong body of the clouded leopard in the inertia, directly on the ground.

It is a squat.

However, this time it was not pushed, but it was lying on the ground.


Being pressed by Fangqiu, the clouded leopard struggled and whispered, and his feet continued to squat on the ground, trying to break his head out of Fangqiu's hands.

But no matter how he struggled, Fang Qiu’s hand did not loosen a point.


The clouded leopard stretched out the front paw and grabbed the arm of Fangqiu.

As a result, Fangqiu's arm moved and flashed through the claws of the clouded leopard, and once again, he pressed his head in a quick and accurate manner.

Clouded leopard continues to swing its claws.

Not satisfied!

Just don't accept it!

Fangqiu simply let go.


Just fling out of Fangqiu's claws, the clouded leopard slammed into the body and jumped out.


An angery snoring came from his throat.

Standing three meters away.

Staring at Fangqiu, the Clouded Leopard did not dare to continue attacking, so it was confronted with Fangqiu.

But Fangqiu did not pay attention to it at all.

Directly squatting down, it is to grab the red Lingzao on the ground.


The clouded leopard slammed forward, posing in a position to slay, crazy roar.


Fangqiu smiled at the clouded leopard and said: "There is no time to play with you."

The voice just fell.


For a while, it was like a gust of wind, suddenly bursting out of its body and swaying out on all sides.

With the emergence of this strength.

The entire temperament of Fangqiu changed instantly.

From the gentle and refined Confucianism to a sword!

Feel the breath of Fangqiu.

Yunbao didn't think about it. He ran away and ran out three or four steps. He turned his head again and touched Fang Qiu's gaze for a moment, and once again screamed.

Fangqiu’s eyes are slightly stunned.

A flash of light flashed.

The cloud leopard seemed to be scared. He never dared to stop. He jumped into the mountain forest on one side and quickly disappeared.

Collapse the momentum, Fangqiu smiled and immediately began to dig red Lingzao.

Same as said in the Tiandibao volume.

Carefully digging the soil, Fangqiu found that under the cardamom, it really has a thumb size, crystal clear and red, like a red jujube fruit.

This fruit, connected to the cardamom above, is good-looking.

"Is this thing taken out, afraid that it will be treated as a jade ornament?"

Looking at the red spirit date, Fangqiu smiled.

He was not far away from the purpose of running Taishan for a long time, and now it is completed.

With this red spirit date, the 270,000 yuan debt is finally a hope of paying off.

“First sense, what is special about this red date.”

Stand up and come.

Fang Qiu first observed the red Lingzao in the sun and found that there was nothing special, and then placed it in the palm of his hand, and began to sense it in secret.

This induction.

The absolute feel, as well as the induction of the internal air, appear at the same time.

Under the induction of internal gas, Fangqiu can clearly see that in this red Lingzao, there is a small group of heaven and earth, like being bundled, swimming in the jujube.

And with absolute touch.

The situation of this red Lingzao is incomparably clear in front of Fangqiu.

It was a red gleam.

It feels like a candle, just as glaring as no candlelight.

"There is a heaven and earth energy!"

The induction is complete.

Fangqiu nodded with satisfaction, but also relieved a big breath.

All of this is for the illness of the father.

Otherwise, he will not study medicine, will not have an intersection with Xu Miaolin, and will not come to this mountain to find the treasure of heaven.


Although this red Lingzao can not cure the illness of the father, it can make Fangqiu go further in medicine and learn more, and prepare for the future cure of the father.

"The time is almost the same, it should be gone."

Because I spent a day and a night in the cave to practice, Fangqiu had only two days left. It took about half a day to go out and go back to Jiangjing. It will take a day. .

Therefore, Fang Qiu did not dare to delay.

Carefully put away the red Lingzao and immediately leave.

Under the guidance of the mobile phone map, Fangqiu rushed out of Taishan.

"There are two mountains."

After jumping over several mountain peaks, Fang Qiu stopped and took a closer look at the map.

There is a mountain village behind the two mountains.

The destination of Fangqiu is there.

After all, he sneaked into Taishan, although he left the Taishan Scenic Area, but if he was found to have stolen into the Taishan Mountains, it would not be very good.


Fangqiu can only go to the mountain village first, then leave by car.

Take a break and move on.


Fangqiu came to this mountain village marked on the map.

This mountain village is not big, only 20 households, but the atmosphere is much more lively than the ordinary mountain village.

Because of the closeness of Mount Tai, there are many foreigners in the village to visit, and others are specially organized to play in the mountains, but only in the nearby mountains, dare not go deep.

Many tourists also took a few stones and took them back to make the town house stone.

Be aware that Taishan Stone is the best stone in the town.

It’s even more perfect to engrave “Taishan Stone Dare”.

However, according to Fangqiu, Taishan Stone has not been mined, and more Taishan Stone is not the stone of Mount Tai.

"I don't know if there is a station."

Muttering, Fangqiu shook his head with a smile of self-deprecating.

Such a small mountain village, where to come to the station, but the bus is definitely there, or there will not be so many people in the village.

At the end of the village, Fangqiu walked toward the village head and went around looking for a car.

Go to the center of the village.

A shout from a big horn suddenly came into the ear.

"Receiving the mountain goods, collecting the goods, the price is fair, the virginity is not deceiving..."

I heard this shout.

Fangqi immediately stopped.

I heard it.

A young man in a pair of pants and a sweatshirt is sitting at the back door of a van and shouting with a horn.

Just in his hand, there are Ganoderma lucidum and wild ginseng.

It is OK to change some money.

“Wild Ganoderma lucidum and wild ginseng, can’t you accept it?”

Fangqiu immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Receive, of course!"

When I heard Fang Qiu’s question, the young man’s eyes lit up.

Quickly jumped out of the van and asked as he walked toward Fangqiu. "Brother, luck is good, you can find wild Lingzhi and wild ginseng! This thing has not been encountered for many years!"

"Good luck."

Fangqiu replied with a smile.

"Get it out first, as long as you have the heart to sell, I guarantee that the price is fair, and the nursery rhyme is not bullied."

The young man laughed.

Fangqiu did not hesitate, immediately took out three wild Lingzhi and two wild ginseng from the backpack.

Just got it out.

The young people raised their eyes.

Then he looked at his brow and didn't reach for it. He looked at the things in Fangqiu's hand and said, "Brother, you are indeed wild Ganoderma lucidum and wild ginseng. But these things are not quite the same. Ok, and the year seems to be a bit lighter."

"You said, how much is these things together?"

Fangqiu asked directly.

"This wild Lingzhi has a total of 3,000 pieces, wild ginseng two thousand, how?"

The young man looked at Fangqiu and said casually.

It seems that they are not very good at these herbs.

Wen Yan, Fang Qiu smiled and shook his head.

"not enough."

"I am studying medicine. I am still clear about the value of these herbs. The price you gave is too low."


The young man smiled and said: "But the quality of your medicinal herbs is really bad, and the years are not enough!"

"There is a prescription in the medicinal materials? It is about the efficacy!"

Fangqiu looked at the young man and said, "These medicines are all intact and the medicine is not lost. As for the year, although it is not long, it is not short. You just received it in this place for one year, and you don't have to receive it. ""

"Brother is an expert."

The young man smiled and said, "That way, I have all the medicines for these five herbs, and there are 5,000 pieces. How about?"

"One in one."

Fangqiu simply back.

"One in one is too expensive. If I accept it, then I have to lose money?"

The young man shook his head and put on some disgusting gods. After meditation for a long while, he said, "Eight thousand, the highest, you can't help if you don't sell me."

"That's all right."

Fangqiu should have a voice, then turned directly, and while walking, put the medicine into the bag.

Can Fangqiu go this way.

The young man, suddenly anxious friends, you can search "", you can find this site the first time.