Medical Master

v2 Chapter 92: The drivers found the school!

not coming?

Everyone listens.

Suddenly all of them stopped.

"Don't come today, when will the doctor return, will come next week?"

The driver asked quickly.

He thought that the doctor was only having something or taking a vacation.

If you can't meet this time, then you will be jealous next time.

At this time, just from the group of people bypassed the sinking, suddenly stopped, when I thought Fangqiu was expelled, the anger in my heart suddenly spewed up and said to everyone: "Don't ask, don't come next week, Not coming next week, he was fired."

This is the case.

The audience was in awe.


Several drivers rushed forward and asked anxiously, "Why do you want to fire?"

"Yes? Yes, the doctors are so good, the doctors are so good, why do you fire him?"

"Yeah, why?"

Originally, I asked about the reason. As a result, everyone said that they were all angry.

So a good doctor, said that the expulsion will be fired.

There is no humanity in the hospital!

"If you want to know why Fangqiu was fired, you should go to the Dean yourself."

Indulge in the next sentence and go straight away.

"I actually fired the doctor, the dean of this hospital is a problem with the brain? No, I have to ask, why did he expel the doctor?"

"Let's this trouble?"

"What's the trouble? We don't fight, we don't lie, we just fight for the doctor." Who do you see for doctors?"

"Yes, there is no doctor in the small square. We are going to cure these diseases. Anyway, except for the doctors in this hospital, I don't believe anyone."

The atmosphere is in the air.

A large group of people went to the office of the Dean.

This time, the staff who went directly to the office outside the office were frightened.

Hurry to stop.

Let others rush to report to the dean.

director's office.

Looking at the staff who was panting and rushing to report, Su Mudong was still preparing to teach the staff a meal, but the staff did not wait for him to speak out.

As soon as he heard it, he suddenly collapsed.

"What is going on?"

Su Mudong looked at the staff who came to report inexplicably and asked, "How can these people find me coming up?"

"We don't know."

The staff said depressedly, "I heard a nurse say that these people seem to be looking for a doctor to see a doctor. After waiting for an hour, they didn't see the doctor. Then they went to ask, and the result was passing. The doctor told them that the doctor was fired by you, let them come to you, don't make trouble in the orthopedics."

Wen Yan, Su Mudong suddenly smiled helplessly.

This sinking, this is dissatisfied with him!

I knew that I would send a notice in advance, and even if someone asks, I won’t be in such a big position.

"Oh... old Shen, you have given me a problem!"

With a bitter smile, Su Mudong immediately said: "You should first calm down the emotions of these patients. If you can't do it, call a few nurses together. I will call to find out the situation first."

"it is good."

With the departure of the staff, Su Mudong quickly picked up the phone on his desk and called Chen Yusheng.

See if you can use this patient to make trouble to force Chen Yusheng to agree to Fangqiu at school.

"Director Su, is there something?"

Chen Yusheng picked up the phone.

"Chen Chen, there is something wrong in the hospital!"

Su Mudong pretended to be flustered. "Now there are a lot of patients coming to the hospital, and they are all going to let Fangqiu go back to the hospital to see them! Now they are coming to the door of my office. Is this something going on?"


Upon hearing the name of Fangqiu, Chen Yisheng, who was originally calm, immediately snorted and said with an angry voice: "Dr. Su, can you handle this little thing?"

"My words told you yesterday, Fangqiu must be fired!"

"And, is this hospital open to Fangqiu? Is he a doctor in the hospital? If he is less, he will not be able to run any more? What other doctors do?"

"And you, the dean, and the leaders of your hospital, how do you do it?"

Chen Yusheng was angry.

"Chen Chan, this is the patient's appeal. As the dean of the hospital, if I turn a blind eye, is it not good for the hospital's reputation?"

Su Mudong said with a frown.

"That is your own business!"

Chen Yusheng said coldly, "You arbitrarily arranged Fangqiu to go to the hospital for a consultation. It is not in compliance with the rules. Fangqiu was expelled for granted. I didn't handle you. It is good! Now he is not allowed to go back to the hospital and the hospital is broken. Rules. In the hospital, you can get this dean!"

After that, the phone is hung up.

Listening to the sound of the disconnection from the phone, Su Mudong was helpless and took a deep breath.

Just don't let go.

Fangqiu, how did you offend Chen Yusheng!

I took the landline on my desk and called a staff member immediately.

"When you tell the patients, you say that Fangqiu will not come to the hospital again. If you want to see a doctor, ask them to go to other doctors in the hospital."

The staff quickly transferred the words of Su Mudong, the original book to the drivers who came to Fangqiu to see a doctor.

When the drivers heard it, they were all angry.

"What is this broken hospital! Say fired when you expel!"

"That is, the doctors who are so good doctors can't stay."

"Other hospitals want to grab it too late, you actually took the initiative to expel the doctor, the leadership of your hospital is really blind!"

"There is no doctor, I will not come here to see a doctor later!"

"Yes, no!"

Everyone is angry and screaming.

The staff heard that they could only smile.

Going, not seeing a doctor, I heard that Xiaofang is still a student. Since he can see us in this hospital, it must be Chinese Medicine University. Let's go to school to find him. ”

One person said aloud.

This is the case.

The people immediately echoed.

"Yes! Go! Go find a doctor!"

For a time, everyone turned and left the hospital, driving their own taxis and rushing to Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Not a while.

All the drivers came to the front of Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

One taxi after another, quickly filled the venue in front of the gate of Jiangjing University of Chinese Medicine.

Great momentum!

All the drivers got off and got together.

Look far away.

Large groups of people are coming to the school with imposing manner.

On the side of the school gate, the guards in the guard booth saw this scene, and suddenly they were shocked.

I thought it was coming.

Hurry to inform the school security office.

When I heard the situation, the guards were still scornful, and the seven or eight guards quickly arrived.

Looking at the door that just came to the door, it was like fighting the group. The impetuous taxi drivers suddenly became like a big enemy and sweated.

"What do you want to do, here is the school!"

The guard captain bravely stood up and asked.

"Let's find a doctor!"

"Reassure, we don't make trouble."

"We are looking for a small party to see a doctor."

Everyone immediately responded with a word.

The guards are dumbfounded.

They are still seeing for the first time. If they don’t go to the hospital, they come to the school. What kind of trouble is this?

"You have to see a doctor and go to the hospital."

The captain of the guard said silently.

"I can't see it."

A leading taxi driver said, "The doctor is not in the hospital today, at school."

"It turned out to be a teacher!"

The guard captain suddenly became awkward. The teachers in the school also had a lot of doctors in the hospital.

"Today, the teachers at the school are on holiday, and you still go to the hospital the next day!"

"We don't look for a teacher, we are looking for a student."

The leading taxi driver immediately said...

This is the case.

A group of security guards, Qi Qi is a glimpse, and stunned.


Many teachers, looking for students to see a doctor?

Still so many people?

You are really sick!

"You didn't get it wrong."

The leading taxi driver said, "The doctor is a student."

Other drivers nodded.

The guards all looked up and didn't know what to say.

At this time.

“How come so many taxis?”

More than 30 meters away from the school, just went to the hospital's finance office to return the one thousand yuan that was paid back to Fangqiu from a taxi.

The one-month class did not finish, and he had to go back to the money. This is his principle.

Fangqiu looked at the clear-eyed taxi sea in front of him, and looked at it a little. Then he saw a large group of people around the school gate and seemed to be arguing with the school's guards.

Take a closer look and there are a few familiar faces inside.

So I quickly went over.

"You are this..."

When the drivers were too arguing with the guards, Fangqiu looked at the taxi drivers and asked.


When the leading taxi driver took a look at Fangqiu and was about to continue to argue with the guards, he raised a shock and then turned his head and looked at Fangqiu. He immediately shouted: "Little doctor! Xiaofang doctor It!"

Everyone has a look.

The person who came is really Fangqiu, and immediately cheered up.


The leading driver quickly explained to Fangqiu about the incident.

Fangqiu listened to it.

I used to find only myself.

Can't let these block the door.

Fangqiu smiled and took out the student ID card and gave the guard a glance. Then he said, "I am a freshman in this school. I used to be a doctor in the affiliated hospital. Today they are coming to see me. You can see me. I can't take them in, show them the disease, I promise not to cause trouble, and they will leave after seeing the disease."

On the side, the guards were so old-fashioned that they carefully looked at Fangqiu from top to bottom.

This is the doctor?

Really a student!

The guards refused first.

But at the thought of this is the University of Chinese Medicine, and so many people are waiting to see a doctor, and the kind of look and gaze that these people have voted for.

In desperation, the guards can only agree.

The school did not say that taxis were not allowed to enter.

In case of disappointment, this group of people drove in and went to work.

It’s just that people are going in, it’s better to not go in.

So Fang Qiu took everyone to the playground and prepared to treat everyone.

Although he is no longer in the hospital, but these people are all directed at him, this is all found in the school, how is Fangqiu so interesting, do not show them?


After waiting for a group of people to enter the school, the guards felt more and more afraid, and immediately reported the matter.

Soon, this matter was passed to Chen Yusheng’s ear.

"Well, you are a square mound, I am clamoring with moths, people are coming to the school, and bringing people to the playground!"

Upon receiving the news, Chen Yusheng was very angry. He immediately called and asked the person who was out of the teachings to call the guard and quickly drive away the person.