Medical Master

v8 Chapter 93: Eliminate one tenth

“In this question, a total of 78 challengers chose the correct answer, and three challengers chose the wrong answer.”

Accompanied by the voice of the host.

Among the 81 challenger seats, three of the answering tables suddenly turned red.

At the moment when the red light was on, the three people stood up in disappointment, turned around and turned away, walked off the stage, sat down in the prepared area and continued to watch the challenge.

"The answer to this question is c, three points of hunger and cold."

The host read the correct answer, then turned to look at the judges' seat and said: "This is a Chinese medicine topic, so why is the answer to this question c? We have asked Zhuge Yan Sheng doctor to explain to the audience. ”

"it is good."

Judging from the judges, Zhuge Yan, who was sitting in the middle position, immediately picked up the microphone and nodded with a smile. He said: "In the Song Dynasty, there was a famous pediatrician, Qian Yi, who wrote in the "Pediatric Drug Direct Decision": "If you want Children, often need three points of hunger and cold. This famous saying has not only been widely circulated so far, but has been used more and more to guide childcare."

"Infants and young children develop rapidly. Although they need a lot of nutrients, their digestive functions are not yet mature, such as digestive enzymes, lack of stomach acid, and insufficient gastrointestinal motility."

"The motherland medicine has made this physiological function of children "dirty and delicate, and the shape is not filled". That is to say, children are naive and not perfect on material basis or physiological function, if childcare Improper, that is, become susceptible, easily lead to indigestion and colds and fever, and will recurrent."

"There are a lot of parents in our country who lack scientific parenting knowledge, love their children all the time, don't hesitate to spend big money to buy high-end foods, and try their best to stuff them into their stomachs, lest the supply is insufficient, and some children have not eaten properly. Eating cold drinks, sweets, and gradually forming digestive disorders."

"On the clothes, the weather has changed slightly. I put on the three-layer and three-layered clothes for the children. The masks and hats are also worn early. I am afraid that I will get sick from the cold, and I will not let the children go outdoors and lose exercise. Physical ability."

"As a result, children's gastrointestinal dysfunction, stunting, adaptive ability and resistance to disease resistance are reduced, often suffering from colds, fever and diarrhea."

Said here.

Zhuge Yan’s doctor turned to the camera and added: “It can be seen that it is very important for parents to raise their children reasonably. Of course, what we call “hunger and cold” can only be limited to “three points”. Excessive hunger and cold can also cause diseases, bring children, diet can not be full, nutrition can not be too strong, clothes can not be too warm, cold drinks, candy should be strictly controlled, such a method of raising is most in line with the physical fitness of our children of."


Zhuge Yan Sheng doctor, smiled and put down the microphone.

"Okay, thank you very much for answering Zhuge."

The host thanked him and said, "We will continue to answer the questions, and then the challenger will be asked."


Hear the host's words.

Fang Qiu, who was sitting in the position of the Big Devil, immediately hooked the remaining 78 people on the opposite side and smiled and said, "Come on."

See this action of Fangqiu.

The 78 people here, immediately brushed the square to raise the little finger, the action, it is called a neat, see Fangqiu again speechless.

How many routines have you prepared for this group?

"Please listen to the question."

The third issue is also a Western medical student.

“What kind of substances are common in x-legs and chicken breasts?”

"a vitamin d, b vitamin b, c vitamin e."

I heard this question.

Fangqiu was slightly stunned, and then he shook his head and said: "The question you came out is really unexpected. It’s a pity that I really can answer this question. The answer is a, vitamin d."

Said here.

Fangqiu turned his head to the camera and said: "In addition, I want to give everyone the same popularity, especially those otaku who don't go out all the year round. You must remember to get more sun, because ultraviolet light can promote the body's synthesis of vitamin D, so often Sun exposure is good for human health."

Say it.

Without waiting for the host to speak, Fangqiu volunteered: "It’s time for me, I don’t know if I will brush it down this time."

As he said, Fang Qiu was still laughing.


The remaining 78 hours on the field were tense.

After all, the elimination has officially begun. On the previous topic, Fangqiu has eliminated three people from their large units. This question is definitely more difficult than the previous one, so everyone must be prepared and answer questions carefully.

"From the perspective of Chinese medicine, which of the following is not the cause of stone formation?"

"a overworked, b emotional internal injuries, c diet preference, d physical differences, e medication is not appropriate."

There was a problem.

The host starts timing directly.

The remaining 78 challengers here have also begun to answer.

For those Chinese medicine students, this question is also very simple, but for Western medical students, this question is not as easy as before.

Ten seconds later.

"Time is up, the answer is over."

The host announced directly, Zhang said: "Let us come directly to see the final result."

The words fell.


On the field, a sound similar to an alarm sounded immediately.

At a glance, in the camp of the 78 challengers, there were five positions that lit red light.

"The correct answer is a."

"In this question, a total of 73 people answered correctly and 5 people eliminated."

"Please leave the knockout off."

The words accompanying the host spread.

The Challenger's seat, the five challengers who lit up the red light, all walked down from the answering table with a smile, and looked helplessly at each other. They shook their heads and walked toward the knockout area under the stage.

Everyone has a look.

The five people who were eliminated were all Western doctors.

Seeing this scene, the remaining Western medical students in the Challenger team were not good at their faces.

They thought that Fangqiu would release water.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qiu actually used the knowledge of Chinese medicine to brush the Western medicine, which is obviously targeted.


These are just a few questions.

A total of 81 people in the Challenger League have been brushed down by 8 people, which is one tenth.

How can I do this in this way?

"Next, the challenger is out."

The voice of the host came.

"This is a Western medicine topic."

When he got the Western medical student with a full question, Zhangkou asked: "Water is one of the essential nutrients for the human body. We can't do without it every day. If we are thirsty at school, what kind of water should you drink?"

"a cola, b juice, c tap water, d purified water."

This problem is coming out.

Everyone immediately focused on Fang Qiu’s body.

Although this question sounds simple, the answer to this question is very confusing. For those who have not read Western medicine books, it is easy to make a mistake.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Fangqiu gently took a breath and said: "If this thing happens to me, I will definitely choose b, but this is a problem, so I choose d."

"correct answer."

The voice of the host immediately came and said: "Next, by Fang Qiu."

"My topic is very simple."

“Don't eat food that is not strictly disinfected on the street, is it good to prevent that disease?”

"a hepatitis A, b hepatitis B, c nephritis."

This topic is out.

Originally, I was always nervous. I was worried that Fangqiu once again targeted the Western medical students of Chinese medicine practitioners.

On the contrary, the relatively easy-to-receive Chinese medicine students who have been counted in the answer, can't help but frown slightly when they hear this question.

"please choose."

The host urged.

Ten seconds later.

"time up."

Moderator Zhangkou said: "Please announce the answer."


Another alarm came.

On the court, there were 4 red lights.

"The answer to this question is a. A total of 69 people answered correctly and four people eliminated."

"Please leave the knockout off."

With the spread of voices, four more people left the field in the Challenger camp.

Different from before.

The four people who were eliminated this time were all students of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

This is the case.

Let all the students of the Chinese medicine hospitals become nervous at this moment. They can see that Fangqiu will not be merciful to them, and will not be biased towards them. Everything must be done by themselves.

"The challenger is out."

The voice of the host sounded.

Because the Chinese medicine students who had to make a reservation in advance were just eliminated, the result was followed by a delay, and a Western medical student was replaced.

"Please listen to the question."

“The surface of the object can be disinfected by clearing, wiping, spraying and soaking. Generally, the chlorine disinfectant with a concentration of 500mg/l-1000mg/l should be selected. How long should it last?”

"a5 minutes, b10 minutes, c20 minutes, d30 minutes."

This topic is out.

Everyone on the scene once again focused on Fang Qiu’s body.

This question is very professional.

There are a lot of people on the field who don't know the answer to this question. Even the most traditional Chinese medicine students who have carefully read Western medicine books can only guess.


Just when everyone is watching themselves.

Fangqiu did not hesitate, and directly replied: "d, 30 minutes."

"correct answer."

The voice of the host came.


In the crowd of challengers, Fang Qiu heard this question so quickly, and the remaining people could not help but frown.

No one thought that Fangqiu would even have this.

"Fangqiu has a question."

Time does not give the challenger any chance of reaction, accompanied by the voice of the host, Fang Qiu also did not hesitate to open the mouth directly.


Everyone, such as the enemy.

They knew that Fangqiu began to get serious, because the program has strict time limits and it is impossible to play like that.

"Excuse me: Which of the following is not the main features of acupuncture and moxibustion?"

"a near treatment, b distal treatment, c special effects, d sense transmission."

Listen to the question.

All Western medical students have raised their brows.

Although they had guessed in advance that Fangqiu would definitely have problems related to acupuncture, they also carefully studied acupuncture knowledge, but after listening to the questions, they did not have a correct answer at all.

In their view, there is always one for a and b, and c is also possible, and d is definitely impossible.

Can the answer really be that simple?