Medical Master

v3 Chapter 93: The first person ever!

(The next chapter is updated at 7:00 in the evening. I am going to the driving school to train the train today. The coach said that this is the main test day of our driving school on the 22nd of this month. It is not a quick registration. You can test 350 people in a single day. On the 13th of the morning, I quickly climbed up to make an appointment to register. I saw that I was the first to register, serial number 1, I thought it would be stable, and I will be able to check it on time. However, four days have passed..... I look at the phone again, the serial number has been squeezed to the number 342, and immediately squeezed out, this sad reminder......)

"Although Tiancai Dibao can strengthen the meridians, it is still dangerous when it opens up and expands the meridians. Even if there is a heavenly treasure, it can only reduce some dangers."

Looking at Fangqiu, Yi Lao’s face was dignified and said, “As for danger or not, it’s still necessary to look at personal creation.”


Just when the old voice was just falling, Fang Qiu, who had never spoken or acted, was violently reaching out and grabbing Yi’s arm and began to carefully inspect it.

Easy old is a shock.

Immediately relax.


"From the perspective of your physical condition, you can barely become a three-product martial arts, but if you really have the kind of help that you can say, it is basically no problem to break through the three products."

After the inspection, Fang Qiu said.


Easy to be happy.

"for sure."

Fangqiu nodded.

"Then, the next step is to help the seniors."

Yi old excitedly said with a smile.

Since the mysterious person has taken the initiative to read the notes of his ancestors, it means that he has already promised to help, so it is not polite to be old.

"Every one needs."

Fangqiu said.

"In this case, how about three days later? And Tilian should be mature in these days according to my observation."

Yi old said.

"it is good!"

Fangqiu nodded.

"A word is fixed"

Yi old immediately smiled and nodded.

Talk over.

Fangqiu did not ask much more. After meeting with the elders for three days, he flew directly away.


In the manor, the dense warriors are still not scattered.

Everyone is still waiting for the mysterious person to appear again.

Can be the result.

Waiting for it, it is a notice that a mysterious person has left.

Extremely depressed everyone can only scatter while brushing the forum.


Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Quickly shuttled in the darkness, Fangqiu returned to school, and changed back to the usual clothes, only to face the dormitory with satisfaction.

It’s too worthwhile for him to go to the conference today.

After a few hours, his harvest was great.

Before rushing to participate in the discussion, Fang Qiu also got a new idea breakthrough from the acupuncture secret, which also made Fangqi more deeply aware of the power of the mind.

of course.

The most important thing is the Dan knot flower.

Dan Jiehua, who did not have a clue, has now found the answer and knows exactly what he should do. This makes him very excited.

The most important thing is.

Even in the notes of the Yi family's ancestors, there is no mention of the super-powerful two flowers and three flowers, that is to say, there are not many masters of that level.

Before this, most people in the martial arts did not know the importance of the three knots and the expansion of the meridians, so few people could reach the limit.


Under the full understanding, Fang Qiu felt faintly that he might be able to step out, and the previous generations had never come out.

Don't say anything else.

Simply because, in history, only one of them defeated Wu Ying by the warrior!

Only one of them can beat the inner gas with internal strength!

back to dorm.

Fangqiu just pushed the door open and saw Zhu Benzheng three people, sitting around his desk.


Fangqiu asked.

The three immediately turned back.

When I saw Fang Qiu’s moment, the faces of the three people changed, and it was called a hate!

"Daddy, I can't think of killing, you are such a person!"

Zhu Ben is staring at Fang Qiu, a serious face.

"Daddy, you are too disappointing."

Sun Hao kept sighing and sighing, looking very vicissitudes.

"I, I can only say that I really look down on you and despise you."

Zhou Xiaotian also screamed at Fangqiu with serious seriousness.

Fangqiu was forced.

What are these three guys?

What is the situation?

"What the **** are you talking about?"

Fangqiu asked inexplicably.

"What else can you say?"

Zhou Xiaotian snorted.

"Do you do good things yourself, come and ask us?"

Sun Haozhen’s white Fangqiu glanced.

"Daddy, I am not saying you, nor blaming the third and fourth. You have done this too much, and I can't help you."

Zhu Ben is lamenting.

Fangqiu is even more stupid.

"What the **** are you talking about, how can I not understand?"

Fangqiu shook his head and smiled.

"You don't admit it?"

Sun Haoyiyi stood up in sorrow and walked up to Fangqiu's body. He asked, "I don't believe that you are afraid that this is not what you got?"

Look at Sun Hao’s palm.

Fangqiu found.

When Sun Hao didn't know when, he even solved the twenty coins he had just finished hanging at noon.

"this one?"

Fangqiu asked awkwardly.

"What, isn't it enough?"

Sun Hao sighed and said, "You are a bad boy, this is twenty dollars, twenty dollars! A full twenty dollars! It is enough for my daily food expenses, you are so bad?"

"Yeah, daddy, you are really overdoing this time. Even if you have money, you can't do it. And it is a crime to destroy the renminbi. Don't you know?"

Zhu Benzheng asked with a serious look.

"I said, old man, you have these twenty dollars. Would you please drink a bottle of soda to eat a meal? Why do you have to do this?"

Having said that, Zhou Xiaotian reached out and took a few coins from Sun Hao’s palm. He said with a sad face: "How beautiful, how lovely the renminbi has turned into a **** renminbi. You touched your conscience and answered me. How can you bear to start with them?"

Fangqiu is speechless.

These three guys are purely looking for something.

"You three, play a stage play?"

Fangqiu asked for a moment of silence.


The three men laughed together at the same time.

"Although it is deliberately scaring you, it is a crime to deliberately destroy the renminbi. I remember that you were hanging copper coins before, how come the renminbi?"

Zhu Benzheng asked.

"Oh, no?"

Fangqiu grinned.

Three people at a glance.

Fang Qiu’s answer is really... let them have nothing to say.

"Hey, old man."

Sun Hao shouted, and then picked up a coin and looked at it and asked: "How did you drill the empty space on the coin? This is too neat. I don't think there is any tools in the dormitory." ”

Zhu Benzheng and Zhou Xiaotian are also very confused.

"I took a nail and poked it out."

Fangqiu shrugged.


The three men rolled their eyes together.

"You try again."

Zhou Xiaotian took out a complete coin and shouted: "If you can poke in, I can eat the nail!"

"In this case, in order to avoid you eating nails, I still don't poke."

Fang Qiu smiled.


Zhou Xiaotian snorted and said: "I am not afraid, you are afraid of awkwardness."

Sun Hao and Zhu Benzheng immediately came forward to join the fire.

It took a while.

The three talents stopped and went to read each other.


Fangqiu also sat down at the desk and took out the acupuncture secrets and continued to study.

In the afternoon, after he had not finished studying, he was attracted by the mind training method recorded in the secretary. It seems that because of the lack of strength, Fangqiu could only vaguely feel the words on the blank yellow paper, but could not Look deeper into what is recorded.

However, it is different now.

After several hours of training at noon, Fang Qiu’s mindfulness has been much stronger. I think it should be enough to see through this secret technique.

In order to avoid doubts.

Fangqiu took out the book of basic acupuncture, and then clipped the blank piece of yellow paper in it, then reached out and touched it.

"The needle of thought..."

This time.

Fangqiu clearly saw the words recorded on the yellow paper, without any slight blur, many times clearer than noon.

The text on yellow paper.

It is like being an entity, and it comes to mind.


After reading the text completely and completely, Fangqiu found the front of the yellow paper, and there was no content.

Immediately turn the page.

The four fingers of the right hand touch the back of the yellow paper at the same time.

Just at the moment the finger is in contact with the yellow finger!

Fangqiu feels like being clicked.

It was a trembling.

Along with this, a very huge figure appeared in my mind. This figure has countless red dots.

Look carefully.

These red dots are actually acupuncture points.

It is all the acupuncture points of the human body!

Without hesitation, Fang Qiu immediately began to look closely.

Although there are also acupuncture points on the textbooks, they are not as complete as they are, and all the acupuncture points are marked at a glance.


The foreground of the eye suddenly changes.

I saw that this huge human acupoint map turned out to be rapidly shrinking, getting smaller and smaller.

When it was reduced to half the size of the original, there was an identical human body next to it.

One changed two, two changed four, four changed eight.


Has been constantly evolving.

I don't know how long it took, when the evolution stopped, there were nearly a hundred human bodies in front of Fangqiu.

After the hundred bodies are formed.

In the void in the air next to each human body, it is a quiet combination of hands.

Look carefully.

There are silver needles on these hands!

Hold the silver needle, these hands or squats, or thorns, or aim at the chest, or face the joints.

The movements of each hand are different.


Accompanied by the silver needles in the hands of the emptiness, each body has a silver wire that illuminates. These silver lines connect the body's acupuncture points, meridians and organs.

Look at it at a glance.

Where is the function of the needle, it is clear at a glance.


The hands in the void are constantly changing postures and techniques.

Just like the previous orthopedics.

These hands born in the void seem to be acupuncture in the hands of the teaching of Fang Qiu, together with hundreds of acupuncture techniques, acupuncture points, etc., all including them.

Even Fang Qiu saw a few pairs, without hands, but a pure seven-color virtual needle, the illusion of piercing the human body, the seven-color virtual needle, and even swimming in the human body, as if he had sick.

"The needle of thought!"

Fangqiu was shocked.

He knows that the seven-color virtual needle is the needle of thought that is condensed with the power of mind!

At the same time of shock, Fangqiu did not dare to relax. He concentrated his mind on every human body in front of him, every hand and every needle.

Look carefully.

ten minutes later.

The picture in front of me disappeared quietly.

Fangqiu also woke up.