Medical Master

v1 Chapter 96: Good past!

"This lyrics seems to be inconsistent with the title."

Fang Qiu sang and touched his nose, some unnaturally said. .

"Who said no?"

Jiang Mengxi turned his head and jumped briskly on the runway. He turned and said to Fangqiu: "I listened very well!"

Fangqi smiled.

He felt that he seemed to be fooled.

Because this song sounds, it is not in the memory of the student era, but in the memory of the student's love, even a confession can not be overemphasized.

"When you have been a high school classmate for three years, I know for the first time that you can sing as well. You can be very good at high school. You have been very good at Tibetans!"

After a few brisk jumps, Jiang Mengxi stopped and looked at Fangqiu three meters away. He said, "If you know it early, you will be able to sing to me every day."

"I don't know myself."

Fangqiu said something like a joke.

"Now think about it, I really miss the life of high school."

Jiang Mengxi walked down to the grass on the playground and sat down, remembering, "At that time, we were in the same class, and we went to class together every day. After class, we watched you play in the classroom. It felt very fulfilling. It is boring now. Compared to college life, I don’t know how many times."


Fangqiu nodded and sat down beside Jiang Mengxi, saying: "But we can't always go to high school."

"You still don't remember that when we were in high school, we had a female classmate in our school. We had a senior class from the third grade of high school to the first year of high school. We stayed in the school for six years before we went to college."

Jiang Mengyu asked.


Fangqiu nodded, and some regretted, "At that time, her study was the hardest thing in our school. The first one went to school and the last one left. Unfortunately, there were some problems in the brain, and the results were not good. You seem to help her. ?"


Jiang Mengyu nodded and said: "After school, after finishing the homework with you in the classroom, I will go to give her some lessons, but fortunately, she finally dreamed of becoming a college student."

"You have done a good thing."

Fangqiu said with a smile.

He did not say that in fact he secretly helped the female classmate to clear the meridians in his mind.

"As soon as I mentioned this, I couldn't help but laugh."

Fang Qiu went on to say, "Every day we both do their homework in the classroom. The aunts in the cafeteria are all collecting up. We only went to eat. The whole canteen is left with us. Now I want to come, very good."

"Are you embarrassed at the time?"

Jiang Mengyu asked.


Fangqiu a trip.

At that time, he really didn't feel embarrassed.

People, when you look back at what you have done before, there are always a few flaws.

"I don't think so anyway."

Jiang Mengxi smiled.

"It was not at the time."

Fangqiu nodded and said, "Otherwise, how can we get into college so easily, it is not all the efforts at that time. If there is no such period, you may not be able to become the top student in the city."

"It's all you are modest."

Jiang Mengyu looked at Fangqiu and said with doubts, "I don't even understand it now. 1 You are so enchanting learning speed, so powerful, how can this college entrance examination champion fall on my head?"

"bad luck."

Fangqiu laughed.

"I do not believe!"

Jiang Mengxi shook his head and said, "You are so modest, I will not be merciful."

Fangqiu laughed.

At that time, he really did not want to cause any big movements, so he grasped the score, but also did not think about what to do the college entrance examination champion.

"I want to ask you a question."

Jiang Mengyu opened his mouth.


Fangqiu asked.

"What is the most outrageous thing you have done in high school for three years?" Jiang Mengxi asked with a chuckle, but there was a hint of ambiguity in his eyes, as if he had already known the answer.

"This one……"

Fangqiu thought about it and said with a smile: "It should be our class, the horse cell outside the window, what about you?"

"The most out of my work is the theory of the director."

Jiang Mengyu said.

"Have you done this?"

Fangqiu was surprised.


Jiang Mengyu nodded and said, "On the day of your horse."


Fangqiu a trip.

He faintly understood what.

When I was in high school.

His class is on the corner of the second floor of the school building. At the back of the school building, there is a horse cell outside the front window.

That horse is not big, but there are many bees.

The wasps are all toxic. They go to class almost every day. As long as they open the window, there will be a wasp flying into the classroom. At that time, sitting next to the window is Jiang Mengxi.

In order to study with peace of mind, Jiang Mengyu had to close the window every day, and he was sweating every day.

It is also because of this.

Fangqiu was looking for an opportunity. After class, he went to the abandoned ditch behind the teaching building and found a bamboo pole to smash the horse.

Because of this, he was also given a training by the class teacher, saying that it was to be reported to the director for treatment.

As a result, I lost my knowledge.

At the beginning, Fang Qiu thought that the class teacher was scaring him.

Now, it seems that Jiang Mengyu is looking for the teaching director theory. It should be for this matter.

However, neither of them broke.

"lets change a topic."

Seeing Fang Qiu's appearance, Jiang Mengxi shook his head with a chuckle.

That was her first time against the teacher.

However, things have been going on for so long, and now I feel that it is not appropriate.

"then you……"

Fangqiu mouth.

"Right, do you know why I have to apply for a Chinese medicine university?"

Jiang Mengyu interrupted Fangqiu and asked curiously.

Fangqiu is also very confused about this issue.

Because, Jiang Mengxi’s college entrance examination results are really good, and the college entrance examination champion is not everyone who can do it. With her achievements, she can go to China, even the top universities in the world, but she chose one. Not very famous Chinese medicine university.

To know.

Her college entrance examination scores allow her to easily enter the University of Hong Kong Medical School.

However, she did not.

"I still think that you should go to Tsinghua University, Peking University or Hong Kong University."

Fangqiu said.

"But I chose one, not so famous Chinese medicine university."

Jiang Mengxi smiled and turned to stare at Fangqiu. With a smile in his eyes, he asked, "Do you know why?"


Fangqiu immediately asked.

"you guess."

Jiang Mengyu stood up and walked a few steps forward, then turned around and said to Fangqiu's sweet smile.

Fangqiu thought about it and said: "No guess."

"Then continue to guess, when I guessed it, tell me."

Jiang Mengyan flashed a disappointment in his eyes, but his face still smiled.


Fangqiu nodded.

The two men stepped side by side on the playground again.

Nothing to talk about, talk about it.

Most of them are reminiscing about life in high school. Jiang Mengxi’s detailed memory of high school life is so strong that Fangqiu is incredible.

However, it was precisely because of the details that had been ignored by him that they changed the bright smile on their faces today.

Very good memories.

Life that can't go back.

The two talked while walking.

Time flies by.

An hour passed quickly.

"We seem to have seen it..." Suddenly, Fang Qiu’s phone rang.

Fangqiu took a look at the phone.

It was from Jiang Miaoyu.


Fangqiu connected the phone.

"Fangqiu, are you still on the playground?"

Jiang Miaoyu’s slightly curious words came from the phone.

"Well, still."

Fangqiu nodded.


Jiang Mengxi smiled and blinked, whispered, "Have she called?"

Fangqiu nodded.

"Oh, well, that's it."

Hearing Fang Qiu’s reply, Jiang Miaoyu said, “It’s already dinner time. I want to invite you to dinner with Jiang Mengqi’s classmates, mainly to thank you for your care of me, and also to Jiang Meng’s friendship with the landlord. ”

"Your feet can't move, or..."

Fangqiu opened his mouth and wanted to refuse.

I haven't finished talking yet.

Jiang Mengyu suddenly reached over and took the phone away.

"I am also hungry. I am going to the cafeteria with Fangqiu now, thank you, awkward words."

Jiang Mengxi said with a smile.

"Okay, I will be there soon."

Jiang Miaoyu smiled and responded.

hang up the phone.

Jiang Mengxi returned the phone to Fangqiu.

But Fangqiu is a bitter smile.

“Is it better to ask you to eat alone?”

Looking at Jiang Mengyu, Fang Qiu said.

"Do you feel bad about others, or are you afraid?"

Jiang Mengxi smiled.

Fangqiu is speechless.


Jiang Mengxi walked a few steps forward, then looked back at Fangqiu and said, "Isn't it just to eat a meal, look at what it is like to scare you. Where did the old man who was not afraid of that day go?"

Fangqiu’s smile, went up.

Go through the playground.

The two quickly arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"She is so badly hurt, can you pick her up?"

Jiang Mengyu said.


Fangqiu glanced at the direction of the female dormitory and said.

Jiang Mengyu turned to look.

I saw it.

Jiang Miaoyu is holding a cane and carrying the injured foot and slowly coming.

"I still pick her up."

White Fangqiu glanced, Jiang Mengxi immediately greeted Jiang Miaoyu, but found that he did not intervene at all, because Jiang Miaoyu took the crutches, she wanted to help can not help.


When he came to the front of the dining hall, Jiang Miaoyu smiled and said: "Let's go to the second floor."

"You are on this foot, or you are on the first floor."

Fangqiu said.

He knows that the dishes on the second floor are better, you can order food, and the first floor is a big pot of rice. Compared to the second floor, it is much better.

However, with the current injury of Jiang Miaoyu, it is quite difficult to go to the second floor.


Jiang Miaoyu replied, "It’s just one floor, it doesn’t get in the way."


Under the insistence of Jiang Miaoyu, the three walked toward the stairs leading to the second floor.

at this time.

There are very few people in the cafeteria. Although it is a holiday, because there are students staying in school, there are still masters and aunts working in the cafeteria, but the workload is obviously much easier than when working normally.

"Let Fangqiu carry you up."

Just after two steps of stairs, Jiang Mengxi looked worried at Jiang Miaoyu and said.

"No need to."

Jiang Miaoyu said with a smile.

At this point, she had a thin sweat on her forehead.

Because this is the first time she used crutches, she is not used to it, and it is normal to feel strenuous.

"You look at it like this?"

Although Jiang Miaoyu said no, Jiang Mengxi did not agree. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Fangqiu. He said, "She is a wounded person. Hurry and carry her up to friends, you can search for "", You can find this site in the first time.