Medical Master

v2 Chapter 98: Weibo trumpet!


In a fairly good community room, a young man in a white shirt with trousers and glasses, about thirty-seven years old, is sitting in front of the computer and laughing.

This person is Li Wenbo.

The prompts of the telephone, WeChat, and Weibo private messages continued to sound.

"More than a day, no one dares to... oh."

Looking at the private letters on Weibo, Li Wenbo couldn't help but smile.

His purpose is to make this thing a big deal.

As a result, after waiting for more than a day, I did not expect that no one dared to fight.

Although this was beyond his expectations, with the hot event, his fans not only got a crazy growth, but also hanged in the top ten of Weibo's hot search list all day long.

This makes him very happy.

Nowadays, almost all of them come to the advertisers who advertised by calling private letters to come to the door.

The quotation of a microblog advertisement has reached a height of 3,000 yuan, and even a forward advertisement can have a revenue of 1,000 yuan.

This is simply naked stealing money!

Li Wenbo is very excited, but he is not in a hurry to pick up the advertisement, he is still waiting.

In his opinion.

The sooner the Chinese medicine industry drags on, the better. It is better to continue to spread the heat and cause concern for the whole people.

At that time, an advertisement will not only cost this price.

He can take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Just right.

Now no one really has signed up to fight.

He also thought about it. Now, for the time being, let the public opinion ferment for a while. After two days of public opinion weakening, send a microblog to the Chinese medicine industry again and copy the heat.

Anyway, in any case, I am definitely not allowed to fall.

At this time.

In a place unknown to everyone, a Weibo user named "You are a root!" quietly registered successfully.

Although no one noticed the registration, the next move caused an uproar.

Direct @李文博发微博.

"@李文博, not in the Chinese medicine industry, there are people in the Chinese medicine industry who have medical ethics and morality. Everyone goes to cure the disease and save people. For those of you who are entangled in this kind of enthusiasm, everyone is too lazy to take care of it, but I see you jumping like this. It’s not good, you count the roots? You have to fight, then you can fight!”


Just as Li Wenbo was happy to look at his comments under the microwave, it was growing wildly.

Suddenly, the message prompts again.

“Advertisers are coming again?”

Li Wenbo habitually opened a private letter, I thought that there are advertisers to come to the door, but I did not expect that @我的自己是 is a trumpet.

I saw the speech of this trumpet.

Li Wenbo gave a slight glimpse, and suddenly he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly changed his mind.

Since someone is coming to the door, what are you waiting for?

Without any hesitation, Li Wenbo immediately forwarded this Weibo and made a statement.

"At last, someone stood up and fought, but unfortunately it was just a hidden head of the Tibetans. Is there really no one in the Chinese medicine industry?"

This microblog is a turn.

Immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Comment on the growth of 唰唰唰.

In less than ten minutes, the number of comments actually broke 100,000, and the number of reposts reached 10,000.

And with more and more people forwarding.

The trumpet named "You count the roots?" also followed the fire.

In less than half an hour, the number of fans has soared to more than 8,000.

The only Weibo of this trumpet has also attracted countless people's onlookers and messages.

"Li Wenbo responded to you, bloggers, you quickly explain your identity!"

"Isn't it a chance to take the opportunity?"

"It's actually a trumpet. No certification, no one can believe it?"

Everyone has a message asking the trumpet to reveal his identity.

Not long after.

The trumpet once again forwarded Li Wenbo's Weibo, and postscript.

"When the Vietnam War is over, I will fight more. I should fight, but dare to pick it up!"

Li Wenbo took a look.

Suddenly I laughed and opened the flower.

He would like to send a few more microblogs to help him heat up!

What you want is this kind of person who can cause a topic!

Immediately, forward again.

"The Tibetan head is exposed, but the people in the Chinese medicine industry are just like this. If you dare to meet me, I will dare to pick it up!"

The two came one after another.

The heat of the whole event has reached a new high.

Many people have begun to question it.

"Who knows who he is?"

"I don't even dare to show up my identity, what war is it?"

"If you don't dare to show your identity, you can wash and sleep quickly. If you sign up for a trumpet, you want to be a net red?"

"Don't insult the people in our Chinese medicine industry. Who knows who he is? Who knows if he is a Chinese doctor? Is it a big deal for you to squirt?"

Netizens are questioning the identity of the trumpet, while the people in the Chinese medicine industry are yelling at Li Wenbo.

After all, these days, Li Wenbo can do it too.

Now, as long as you say a bad word, it will lead to the madness of everyone in the Chinese medicine community.

It’s just when everyone is in full swing.

The trumpet released Weibo again.

"This battle is bound to fight! Tomorrow's identity! You count the roots!"

Three consecutive exclamation marks.

Suddenly pushed the atmosphere to a climax again.

"Bloggers domineering!"

"Sit and wait for the identity! The blogger can't run! I am still waiting to watch the show!"

"You count the roots? Haha."

"The blogger said this well. Is Li Wenbo afraid that he is not too angry?"



On Weibo, most people are watching people who are not too busy.

Those who believe in Chinese medicine, as well as those in the Chinese medicine profession, have expressed their worries about their fears. They fear that this person will not be a Chinese medicine practitioner at all, or that they will not be good at Chinese medicine, leading to failure. As a result, they have lost the face of Chinese medicine practitioners.

Accompanied by the appearance of "you are the root onion".

On Weibo, the topic of pulse diagnosis and pregnancy was quickly entered into a stage of white fever.

The heat continues to grow.

This challenge event also rose from the top ten in the hot search to the top five.

Become a hot topic.



Li Wenbo, who is browsing the microblogging, is suddenly secretly receiving a call.


Hesitated in the heart, Li Wenbo connected the phone.


He wants to be gradual, let the incident break out bit by bit, put himself at the apex of this paradox, put the quotation of the advertisement, and then advertise.

However, the appearance of "you are the root onion" made him have to dispel the original plan.

Someone has already fought.

Well, now is the time of highest attention. At this time, you will not receive the advertisement, when will you pick it up?


Li Wenbo connected the phone.

“Is it Mr. Li Wenbo from Weibo Dawei?”

At the end of the phone, a female voice was heard.


Li Wenbo nodded.

"This is the case. We are Tianren Glucose Meter Company. We would like to ask you to do a microblog advertisement for our blood glucose meter. The price can be negotiated. Do you know if you have this intention?"


Li Wenbo’s eyes lit up.

Blood glucose meter, this does not exactly match his identity as a Western doctor. It should not be strange to send such an advertisement.

However, if the advertisement is directly advertised, then the event that he worked so hard to plan will not become commercial speculation?


Li Wenbo thought about it and replied, "However, I will not write Weibo myself, only forward it."

"We are here, it is like this."

At the end of the phone, the female voice said: "If you write Weibo yourself, it is 5,000 yuan, and if you forward it is 1500, you see?"

"Just forward it."

Li Wenbo should have a voice.

Then find the Weibo of Tianren blood glucose meter and forward it directly.


1500 yuan, it hit Li Wenbo's card.

“It’s easy to make money, but it’s easy to be a celebrity.”

"In any case, your Chinese medicine practitioners are not likely to give up the joys and let me make a profit."

After receiving the money, Li Wenbo was full of joy and laughter, and the heart was more determined to make the pulse diagnosis and pregnancy bigger, the bigger the better.

Here, the Chinese medicine industry is still silent.

Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

501 dormitory.

After eating my lunch, several people in the dormitory are going to have a lunch break.


"Someone is fighting!"

Sun Hao, who was sitting at the desk and staring at the computer, suddenly screamed.


"who is it?"

Zhou Xiaotian and Zhu Benzheng immediately turned around and asked.

At the desk, Fangqiu, who was reading the book, turned his head and looked at it.

"A trumpet, telling you to count the roots?"

Sun Hao’s face is somewhat inexplicable.


Zhu Benzheng sighed with disappointment and said, "I won’t be Li Wenbo’s own work, in order to sizzle?”

"Should it not be?"

Zhou Xiaotian shook his head and said with disappointment. "Although Li Wenbo is stupid, he will definitely not be stupid enough to do such a thing. But who is this trumpet? Our Chinese medicine industry can go big. If this is a Chinese medicine practitioner, it is mad. If the blood goes to the battle, it will be troublesome."


Sun Hao nodded and said, "Now, everyone is talking about it, I am afraid that this trumpet has no ability, and it will discredit our Chinese medicine practitioners."

"Oh, yes."

Zhu Ben turned his head and looked at Fang Qiu. "Daddy, you are a student of Xu Miaolin. I must have learned the pulse with him. Is this happy?"


Zhou Xiaotian seems to suddenly think of something, the eyes of the fundraising, staring at Fangqiu said, "We haven't even found you in this matter. Let us tell you, are you worshipping Xu Miaolin as a teacher?" ”

There are too many things this week.

As a result, everyone forgot about it. Now that Zhu Ben is mentioning it, he immediately hooked up the curiosity of several people.

"I don't know that happy pulse."

Fangqiu said to Zhu Benzheng, "I learned the pulse with Teacher Xu, but I haven't touched the pulse of pregnant women yet, so I don't know very well."

"As for how to worship the teacher, I will talk about it later."

Let me talk about it.

Wait a few people to ask.

Fangqiu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Xu Miaolin.

He is also very curious, is it really so difficult to touch the pulse.

Although he has not expressed his position, he is also very concerned about this battle. After all, he is also a member of Chinese medicine practitioners, and he has already experienced the magic of Chinese medicine on the bones. He is convinced that Chinese medicine is not so simple on the surface.


The phone was connected, and Xu Miaolin’s lazy voice came.

"Mr. Xu, is it difficult to touch the pulse?"

Fangqiu asked quickly.


Xu Miaolin paused and asked, "Do you also pay attention to the online battle?"


Fangqiu nodded.

"You have learned a lot about the pulse. As for this happy pulse, if you want to know, then come to me tomorrow afternoon. I will give you a good talk."

Xu Miaolin said.

"it is good."

Fangqiu nodded and hung up.

"how is it going?"

Sun Hao immediately got together and said, "What does Xu say?"

"He didn't say it."

Fangqiu shrugged and said: "Let me go tomorrow, he taught me."


The three men looked envious.

"Where is such a good teacher to find, what to teach if you want to learn, but also does not limit the freedom of students at all, just like what reading machine, where not to point."

Zhou Xiaotian exclaimed.

Fangqiu shook his head and smiled.

"Daddy, you are going to tell us how you are a teacher. You are not saying that you want to learn by yourself. How can you worship Xu Miaolin as a teacher in a blink of an eye?"

Sun Hao asked about it.

The three men immediately came together and were curiously waiting for Fang Qiu’s reply.