Medical Master

v8 Chapter 208: Universe, galaxy, behemoth!

The energy fluctuations of the fusion of two beasts are swaying on their own.

Fang Qiu suddenly gave birth to a sense of weightlessness, as if he had fallen into a huge abyss, and his body fell rapidly.

I don’t know why I closed my eyes and slammed it in the sense of weightlessness that kept falling.

Fangqiu saw it.

I actually entered a universe of void.

In all directions, there are dark universe voids, and in the distance there are dense stars shining, but no planet or meteorite is seen.


Fangqiu’s heart moved and quickly turned around.


He himself has fallen into the illusion.

"what happened?"

After looking around for a circle and determining the environment in which he was located, Fang Qiu asked with a puzzled question: "The combination of these two beasts can produce a fantasy?"

"Or, are they also teamed up with a magical array?"

Fangqiu was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the beast was so strong.

Strong enough to even the illusion can be arranged.


It is not once or twice that Fangqiu is trapped in the exchange. It seems that it is not difficult to solve a magical array.

Therefore, Fangqiu is not afraid.

Start observing immediately and look for ways to break this magical array.

It is at this time.

Fang Qiu suddenly felt that his perspective began to shrink, and everything he saw was slowly receding and falling.

"Fly up?"

Fangqiu looked down and looked down.

I thought it was caused by the rapid rise of the air, but I saw that I did not fly, but continued to expand, the whole body began to expand and become bigger, and the speed was very fast.

After a while, Fangqiu became a giant.

As the body grew larger, Fangqiu also entered the starry sky that was previously only visible.

Just now there was nothing in the darkness of the darkness. At this time, there were dense meteorites floating in the void, each moving along different trajectories.

Some are on the move, they collide with each other and burst into bursts of energy shock waves.

Just when Fangqiu was attracted by this wonder.

far away.

The galaxyes that are shining are suddenly moving.

On the move, the dense galaxies are gathered from all directions, and in this dark void, they form a dragon and a huge Suzaku.

Overall look.

These two beasts, which are composed of galaxies, are more dazzling and more amazing than the two beasts that Fang Qiu has just seen.

See this scene.

Fangqiu was very shocked.

Carefully, I took a look at it. He suddenly found that the combination was a dragon. It was a seven-night star in the East.

Because I saw the book first closed.

Fangqiu is very clear.

The Seven Sevens of the East include: horns, owls, owls, houses, hearts, tails, and owls.

This is the product of the combination of ancient Chinese mythology and astronomy.

The great powers of ancient times felt that the positions of the stars were constant for a long time, and they could be used to mark the positions of the sun, moon and five-star running ropeways. After observing the sky, the ancient powers selected twenty-eight places near the equator of the ecliptic. Stars are the coordinates, because they are listed in the four sides of the day, the moon, and the five stars, much like the places where the sun, the moon, and the five stars live, so they are called twenty-eight.

According to the orientation, the season, and the four elephants, the twenty-eighths are divided into the four palaces of the east, the south, the west, and the north. Each of the seven palaces is named as an animal, which is considered to be the "Spirit of Heaven." Being square."

In the dynasties of the ancient times, it was to predict the good and the bad with the working images of these stars.

According to the ancient books, "The dragon is connected to the left, the white tiger is on the right, the Suzaku is in the front, and the turtle is in the back."

Oriental Seven.

It is like a dragon flying in the spring and summer, and it is called Donggong Canglong.

On the other side, the southern seven nights, like the Suzaku appearing in the sky in the early winter, is called the Southern Suzaku.

Fangqiu dreams will not think of it.

One day, I will fight in the sky with Donggong Canglong and Nanguan Suzaku!

Although he is very conscious, he knows that this is a fantasy, but it is a blessing to enter this illusion. After all, from ancient times to the present, it is possible to enter this illusion including Fangqiu. There are only three people.

This is definitely a great blessing.

It’s the experience of other people, even if they spend ten lifetimes.


In the void.

The huge dragons and Suzaku began to move and attacked Fangqiu.

Fangqiu is still confused.

These two huge, beasts made up of galaxies, when they started the attack, they saw it, and the huge Suzaku opened his mouth.

A blazing flame that has been burned to the beginning of the emptiness is like a wave, madly rushing toward Fangqiu.

One wave after another.

The hot and incomparable breath instantly shrouded the entire Fangqiu, and it felt like it would take a long time for the body to be completely dried.

the other side.

A huge green dragon, sweeping the tail.

Subsequently, all kinds of horrible meteorites, like the dense swords and rains, came from the sky in the sky, all aimed at Fangqiu.

See this scene.

Fangqiu did not move.

He did not take the initiative to fight, and he did not intend to shoot.

Who is he?

He is just a person.

A three-flowered gathering has not been reached, a modern man who can't compare with the power of ancient times. Why does he fight against Qinglong and Suzaku?

Outside the environment, not the two beasts of the body, he can not hurt the hair, let alone the two giant beasts of the galaxy in the universe.

The most important thing is.

This is a fantasy!

Fangqiu knew that all that he saw was fake, so he was not afraid at all.

In this confusing and shocking illusion, if your heart is true, then all this is true. If the heart is illusory, then all this is an illusion.

Therefore, Fangqiu stood in the same place, and his face was indifferently facing all the attacks in front of him, and there was no thought of dodging.

as expected.

This terrible attack, the madness of the impact, when bombarded on Fangqiu, but there is no harm caused by the other side of the hill, it does not work.


It seems to be aware that the attack does not work.

In front, the two huge incomparable beasts began to split.

All the beasts that became the Qinglong galaxy were completely separated at this moment, and then turned into many different forms after splitting.

"Queen, long snake, centaur, her husband, Libra, Scorpio, Jackal, Snake..."

Fangqiu looked.

In the sky, there are many appearances of various constellations that he has seen.

In other words.

In the eyes of this huge dragon, it eventually became a constellation that was combined into it.

Just at the time of Fangqiu’s observation.

The constellation form of Qinglong's disintegration began to launch an offensive. A huge long snake, growing his mouth and revealing scary fangs, biting up.

The centaur pulls the bow sideways, and a long sword condensed by a star bursts out and points directly to the heart of Fangqiu.

The virgin, with her wings, waved her feathers.

The husband, waving the machete and stick in his hand.

The weight on the scales rises in the sky, infinitely magnified, from top to bottom, pressed down toward Fangqiu's head.

The wolf jumped.

The snake snake released the giant snake in his hand.

For a time.

All kinds of different attacks, with huge momentum, madly attacked Fangqiu.

Looking at the other side.

The same is true of the Southern Official Suzaku.

The incarnation of Gemini, Yufu, Cancer, Big Dog, South Boat, Lion and other constellations, also use a variety of different attack methods, all-out attack square hill.

See this picture.

Fangqiu is very shocking.

This is a sight that no one else can see in a lifetime.

The various forms of this meteorite planet, surrounded by the nebula, exude a very magical light, just like the universe as a Colosseum.

Faced with these seemingly shocking attacks, Fang Qiu, as before, did not mean to panic at all.

Instead, they regard themselves as an audience.

It’s like watching a vr movie, and watching it with relish.


Urgently - the great sages and the big guards who have withdrawn from the body, wait for the energy of the two gods and beasts to mobilize and dissipate, and then look up to Fangqiu.

However, Fang Qiu was fixed in the sky above a magical array in a slightly strange posture.

"good chance."

The great sages shook their eyes and said, "Even even God will put this opportunity on our heads, haha!"

In the laughter.

The great sage immediately rushed toward the settled Fangqiu, trying to take the opportunity to kill Fangqiu, and then quickly took the first heavenly material when the two beasts were trapped by the magical array.

But he just got it.

Fangqiu, who was set in midair, suddenly shuddered and woke up.

Wake up for the first time.

Fangqiu turned his head and looked back. He saw that Nirvana and the Dafa forensic rushed from the periphery.

See this scene.

Fangqiu was shocked.

He noticed that the time he had just fallen into the illusion was only a moment, but the time he experienced in the illusion was very long.


Fangqiu immediately slammed, ready to rush toward the first heaven, to pick up the heavenly material.


Upon seeing it, the great sages screamed and, along with the Da Huo Law, attacked Fangqiu far away.

The arrogant energy attack came from the sky.

Almost instantly, I hit the front of Fangqiu and intercepted Fangqiu, who was flying to Tianmu, in midair.


The two speeded up and stormed up, preparing to besiege Fangqiu.


Seeing that the two men entered the coverage of the beast attack, Fangqiu's face sank and waved without hesitation, directly unraveling the illusion of trapping two beasts.

With the disillusionment of the illusion.

The two beasts trapped by the magical array suddenly woke up.

And this moment.

Appearing in front of their eyes, it is a great sage and a great guardian!


The roar of the sky shook.

The two beasts immediately joined the fierce battle between the great sage and the great Guardian.

See you.

Fangqiu was in shape and took the opportunity to rush to the first heaven.