Medical Master

v8 Chapter 209: Pick the first piece of wood!


Just as the Great Savior and the Da Huo were entangled in two beasts, and Fang Qiu took the opportunity to rush toward the first Tianmu, a loud scream came from afar with a burst of sound.

Fangqiu didn't have time to turn around and look at it, still rushing to the first piece of wood quickly.

At the same time, the great sages and the big guards who were entangled in the two beasts turned their heads in the direction of the sound. They discovered that a large number of martial arts people were rushing here, and they A person's hand holds an artifact with a powerful energy and a variety of shapes.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the great sages and the big guardian law can not help but illuminate a layer of fine mans, it feels like it is catching a life-saving straw.


The great lord shouted at the large number of martial arts people who rushed over: "Come on the first piece of wood and be taken away by him later!"

This is the case.

This large-scale martial arts person couldn't help but squint, and his eyes moved back and forth between Fang Qiu and the big lord.

In the end, everyone has set their sights on the Nirvana and the Dafa.


I do not know who shouted, all the martial arts people suddenly waved all kinds of artifacts in their hands, madly rushed over to Nirvana's great sage and the big guardian law, and did not reasonably direct the attack.

In this case, the Nirvana and the Dafa are suddenly dumbfounded.

I didn’t expect it to happen.


Both of them are crying in their hearts.

They really don't understand, why is this?

"The first piece of wood is in front of you. Don't you want to **** it?"

"What is the use of you to attack us? The first day is the real treasure. You should go and **** the first day."

Both the great sage and the great Guardian are rushing to vomit blood.

They thought that they could use these people to deal with the kid who made the sword, and could interrupt the kid's action of picking the first piece of wood.

But who knows.

This group of people actually put the first piece of wood to not fight for it, but instead shot them.

This is totally unreasonable!

However, just after the shouts of the two people’s grievances spread.

The martial arts people who took various kinds of artifacts and stormed over, also began to shout.

"I saw you killing my companion. I really got the artifact today. With the opportunity of revenge, I will never give up this opportunity. Even if I lose my first talent, I will kill you. !"

"Yes, killing you is better than getting the heavens!"

"I don't want you to be yours. Do you think Laozi will be used by you?"

"I told you that the meat is Chinese, even if it is rotten, it will be rotten in the pot of China!"

The martial arts people rushed to attack.

the other side.

Fangqiu has already rushed to the tree of the first heavenly material through this time.

At this time, the Qinglong and Suzaku beasts, which have been entangled with the great sages and the great guardian law, seem to have sensed what they are, violently turning their bodies, throwing away the great sages and the big guardian, toward Fangqiu. The storm rushed over and tried to stop Fangqiu.

The Great Savior and the Dabao Law tried to take advantage of the two tails to rush up with the two beasts, but they were surrounded by dense martial arts people from all sides.

Because of the large number of people, this place is not enough for war. Many martial arts people in the periphery saw the two beasts rushing toward Fangqiu, and immediately chased them up to help stop the Qinglong and Suzaku beasts.


Fang Qiu, who has already come under the tree, saw this scene of the martial arts people helping themselves, and immediately immediately thanked everyone, and reminded: "Do not stay in the airflow driven by the beast for more than three minutes."


Immediately step forward toward the first piece of wood.

Going under the tree, the silver-like area like a moon, Fangqiu found himself as deep in the mud, and suddenly felt a huge pressure on his body, this pressure pulled himself and made himself move very much. difficult.

This situation makes Fangqiu very surprised.

Before, Da Dafa clearly went to the tree very easily. Now, if you want to go, how can it be so difficult?

Think about it.

In the past, the Dalong and Suzaku animals have not appeared.

I want to come, it should be the emergence of two beasts, which triggered this difficult field to walk.

Although it is difficult, Fangqiu does not mean to squat, but still very hard to go forward.

Every step.

Fangqiu can clearly feel that the natural gas in his body is extracted by the silver light in the area under his feet, and is poured into the first heavenly material hanging on the branch.

The first day of the material, not yet mature!

Fangqiu discovered this, although it seems that the first piece of wood is fully mature, but when you look closely, you can see that the first piece of wood is not perfect gold, and some areas are flowing with a touch of variegation.

Obviously, it is necessary to wait until the whole fruit has completely changed into gold.

Even so, Fangqiu still gritted his teeth, no matter how he extracted the natural gas in his body, and whether the first piece of wood was mature.

Even if he is not mature, he has to go over and wait until the maturity of the first day.

If you wait for it to mature, it will not be so easy.

Walking hard all the way.

Every step of Fangqiu took a step forward and felt that the whole person was shaking. It was like a vertical mountain that trembled in an earthquake. It was possible to break the waist at any time.


Step down.

The natural gas in Fangqiu was taken away a part, and even the internal gas was also pulled away.

Soon, the natural gas and internal gas in Fangqiu's body were all exhausted.

The whole body seemed to be suppressed by a huge mountain. Without the support of internal gas and natural gas, the pressure suddenly rose.

I almost have to bend the square to bend down.

It is at this time.

It seems that the pressure suffered has provoked the body's resistance. Fangqiu discovered that in the body that lost the internal gas and natural gas, his bones and meridians suddenly burst into a golden light.

Fangqiu thought that his meridians and bones were all golden, and they were all tempered.

as expected.

With the golden glow of the body.

The square body, which is almost to be bent and overwhelmed, is once again quite straight. Although the footsteps are still very heavy, it is still very difficult to move, but Fangqiu still has not shaken a bit, still holding a step. Step by step, moved toward the tree.

On the other hand, the Great Savior and the Dabao Law were broken up in the attacks of countless martial arts people, each surrounded by dozens of martial arts people.

They all clearly saw that Fangqiu was about to reach the tree. They were like to quickly solve the martial arts people around them and rushed to stop Fangqiu.

Why, they can't go out!

Although the strength of these people who surround them is not strong, they can even play dozens of them, but the key is that the artifacts in these hands are strong.

These artifacts are simply too strong, no matter how powerful they attack, they will be dispelled by these artifacts. Some artifacts can even absorb their attacks and release them to attack themselves.

In this case, it is very uncomfortable for the great sages and the big Guardian.


Two beasts, also being held by many martial arts people, were completely encircled.

Because of the reminder of Fangqiu, the martial arts people who surrounded the beasts simply did not stay in place, but continued to swim back and forth. Some people used artifacts to resist the attack of the beasts. Others used artifacts to attack the two beasts, perfect. With the two beasts completely trapped in place, no matter how roaring is useless.

this moment.

The great sage and the great guardian hate!

These artifacts, they also wanted to take it at the beginning, but because they are too sensible, rationally think that these artifacts are illusions of confusing people, so they chose to follow Fangqiu to find the first heaven, not to take these artifacts.

Now imagine that even if you take away an artifact with you at the time, the result is completely different.

Even, without waiting for the arrival of these martial arts people, they have already killed the kid who made the sword and left with the first piece of wood!


It’s too late to regret it now.

Over there, Fang Qiu finally came under the tree, and the first heaven was in front of him.

At this time, on the first piece of wood, the variegated color has quietly faded, completely transformed into a golden color.

Just at this moment.

This fruit, which is only the size of a fist, has suddenly burst into a glaring golden light, just like a round of the sun, illuminating everything in the surrounding area.

this moment.

Everyone closed their eyes.

Fangqiu, standing under the fruit, did not receive the influence of this glare. It is very clear that in the silvery moon-shaped area underground, all the silver rays are replaced by the trickle. From now on, all gathered in the first heaven on the top of the head.

With the infusion of this silver ray.

The glaring golden yellow fruit gradually began to turn into a transparent gold.

When the whole fruit became completely transparent, the surrounding glare was violently collected, and the pressure on Fangqiu was also completely cleaned at this moment.

Everyone looks to the first heaven.

Fangqiu reached out and touched the first piece of wood, and even had no time to catch it. The transparent golden fruit disappeared directly on the branch.

Fang Qiu, Li, is also empty.

Everyone was shocked and didn't know what was going on.

Fangqiu, standing under the tree, is very clear that the fruit that has just disappeared in front of his eyes has entered the sudden body in silence, directly drilling into the position of the pituitary in his mind. .

Feeling the location of the first piece of wood, Fang Qiu pinched the palm of his hand, immediately sensation of the internal gas sense, and then stunned.

He found that after entering the body on the first day, he did not feel a little bit.

Moreover, there is no growth in its own strength.

How is this going?

Is it true that everything that happens in this world is also a fantasy?