Medical Master

v8 Chapter 212: Who took the first piece of wood in the

"This is Nirvana's great law?"

"The man who just killed Nirvana and protects the law?"

In doubt, a martial arts person immediately went up to the body of Da Dafa.

Looking closer, everyone immediately determined that the body was the body of Nirvana.

This is the next.

Everyone laughed.

Nirvana protects the law!

What level of people is this?

Everyone pursued it for so long, so many people were not able to kill it with the artifact, but did not expect to be killed by the kid who made the sword?


Many people have taken out their mobile phones to take pictures.


Many people at the scene log in to the martial arts network forum, and quickly wrote everything they had after entering the cyclone center, all of which were written and sent to the forum.

"I am at the center of the cyclone!"

"I am on the way to compete for the first piece of wood."

"A dream for the opportunity of the first heaven."

For a time, various title posts appeared on the front page of the Wulin Forum.

Since the disappearance of the cyclone outside the Hakodate, everyone in the entire Huaxia martial arts is paying attention to the final result of this first Tiancai battle.

The emergence of these posts, no doubt, immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

of course.

The biggest base is the warrior.

After all, for the military, the world experienced and seen above the Wuying level is completely a myth in the eyes of the legend.

This is not.

Seeing the process of competing for the first day in various posts on the forum, almost all the warriors on the martial arts forum were shocked.

"The trough, really fake? Have you gone to the ancient times?"

"This is too arrogant, how can you even see the Green Dragon Suzaku beast?"

"I didn't even get in. This kind of experience can't be met once in a lifetime."

"It’s just too dreamy."

“Is this true? Are the experiences you said really true?”

After reading the first few posts, everyone was shocked.

After all, who can think of it, the battle for the first heavenly material, even the dream, will happen in a completely different world.

As more and more people questioned, people who have experienced the whole event personally have also come to the Wulin Forum to prove.

In the end, this news was confirmed by the official martial arts forum.

The entire martial arts was completely blown up.

This is something that has never happened before in martial arts, and it is something that most martial arts people have never heard of.


After confirming this news, the entire martial arts quickly fell into shock and excitement.

"The Green Dragon Beast and the Suzaku Beast are all long, can you draw it for everyone to see?"

"That is my life's dream. Why are people who see the beast not me?"

"Artifact, what are the artifacts you see? What are the functions, is it really amazing?"

"You actually saw the **** Wang Fuzhen?"

"My goodness, what do you see after the development of the world, the development of this world?"

"Weakly ask, what is the first day?"

Throughout the martial arts network forum, everyone has been talking about it.

of course.

What everyone is most concerned about is still the first day.

"Who was the first day to be taken away?"

“Who finally got the first piece of wood?”

A similar problem, almost occupied the message area of ​​each post.


This is the most concerned issue for all people in the entire martial arts.

After all, the root cause of this war is the first heaven!

of course.

Under the frequent inquiries of everyone.

The martial arts people who participated in the entire competition have also given their answers.

"It's the kid who made the sword."

"Yes, we helped him block the Nirvana, the big guardian and the two beasts, and he got the first piece of wood."

Some people even restored all the things that happened at that time.

See these words.

All the martial arts people were very surprised and moved.

Surprisingly, the one who finally got the first piece of wood was the kid who made the sword.

What is moving is that, in another space, Huaxia Wulin people can unite as one, facing the temptation of the first Tianmu, and can also deal with Nirvana’s great sages and Dafa, and leave the first heaven in China. Human hand.

With the restoration of the whole situation at the time, the martial arts people on the forum praised those who participated in the whole process.

As you like, everyone starts to talk hot.

"Who is the kid who made the sword?"

"I heard that his swordsmanship is very strong and has reached a strong and outrageous level."

"How did he come out?"

“How can there be such a powerful person in the martial arts?”

"The strength is so strong, and it is the sword. Should he be the swordsman?"

"Is it really the person who was cultivated in the secret of the sword?"

"It must be like this. He must have been trained by the sword court. Otherwise, what other forces in China's martial arts can send such a powerful person?"

"I guess, this guy is not ran out of the sword court. It must have been that the sword court has not let him show up before, and he was released when the first day of material competition."

"If this is the case, then we can feel at ease."

"Yeah, the leadership of the world coalition forces are vying for the moment. I thought that without the nameless, we will be innate disadvantages in the competition. This guy is really too late, at least let me feel a little more peace of mind."

At the same time, everyone speculated that it was also gratifying for the emergence of such a young Tianhua in Huaxia Wulin.

at the same time.

Another good news came.

"Nirvana protects the law, death!"

After the news came out, the whole martial arts network forum was suddenly excited and excited.

Every martial arts person is very happy.

"Does Nirvana protect the law from dying?"

"Great, Nirvana will kill!"

"The guy who made the sword actually killed Nirvana's great law? And is it still in the case of colleagues facing Nirvana and Dafa?"

"He is too strong, even if Nirvana and the big guards add up only one hand, even if both of them are injured, it is not easy for ordinary people to kill them!"

While excited and excited, everyone is more concerned about the person who makes the sword.


Another big news burst, so everyone in the martial arts forum was shocked.

"Nirvana protects the law, it is the head of the rain mountain gate!"

"I just got the news, hiding in the mountains of Zhangzhou, the rainy mountain gates in the dangerous places of the mountains, have been completely eradicated!"

If the news of the death of the Dabao Law is so inspiring and exciting, then the Dabao Law is the head of the Yushan Gate, and the news that the Yushan Gate has been eradicated has completely shocked everyone.

Rain Hill Gate.

Such a sect that has not been seen for decades, is still a famous name in the martial arts. In the martial arts network forum, there are still many information about Yushanmen.

Many people in the martial arts have heard of Yushanmen and know the strength of this sect.

If Yushanmen did not become a public enemy of the martial arts, it would definitely be able to enter the upper martial arts, and the ruins of Laozi would definitely be the sects that could occupy a place above the clouds.

It is said that Yushanmen is stronger than the four major families and stronger than Liyuan. No one dares to question.

Is such a very powerful martial art, even in the quiet and silent, was it removed?

who is it?

Who can do this?

What is even more frightening is that Nirvana's law of protection is actually the head of Yushanmen, that is to say, Yushanmen is the attached sect of Nirvana?

The existence of such a martial art is definitely a huge crisis lurking in the darkness for Huaxia Wulin.

But who can think of it, the rain mountain gate was actually destroyed!

In shock, all the martial arts people are secretly glad.

Laozi ruins.

The news of the first name was obtained without name, and it was transmitted in the first time.

Although everyone does not know who this sword kid is, but He Gaoming and others are very clear, he is no name!

The first time I heard the message.

All the brothers are especially happy and excited.

After reading the whole process of the first Tiancai competition, everyone is also very aware of how dangerous this Tiancai battle is. I am happy that I am happy with my name. At the same time, I have a little regret. I didn’t help when I needed it. He did not sit in the responsibility of being a brother.

This kind of regret has made all the brothers secretly make up their minds. They must practice well. They must be strong enough to have enough strength to help the unknown and help their boss!

Sword Court.

When the three old people heard the news, they all smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

Although no one said, but they have already guessed it, the kid who made the sword should be nameless.

and so.

When I heard the news of the first name, I was very happy, and for them, it was the perfect script.

Anonymous is the one they chose, the only young man who can fight against the Nirvana Lord.

If the namelessness differs greatly from the Nirvana Lord in the force and the realm, then the nameless after the first heavenly material will inevitably catch up, which will make the hope they can see even bigger!

the other side.

Although it was restricted by China, even one person could not enter the Chinese environment. However, all countries in the world have been inquiring about the news. The news spread throughout the Huaxia martial arts has finally spread to the countries of the world without a doubt.

After learning that there was a strong young man in China, the countries of the world were greatly scared.

They did not think of it.

After the death of the nameless, Huaxia actually appeared in a short period of time, and there is another young master who is comparable to the nameless. What is even more terrifying is that this young master has also got the first talent.

Who is this person?

In the absence of a conclusion, all countries in the world are wary.

they know.

The strength of this young man, let them not be small!

On the US side.

After receiving the news of the news from China, I have been hiding and constantly researching and injecting the ultimate warrior of various genes. At the request of the top, I began to increase the amount of drug stimulation, in order to seize the command of the world coalition forces!

Europe, somewhere.

In a seemingly run-down castle, a very special ceremony is underway.