Medical Master

v8 Chapter 262: Break into the ruins!


It looks like an ancient place to pray.

On the ground are eight slabs that have been invisible and invisible. The center of the slate has a round, burning stone with a sun.

Batel stood on the stone, pinched his right hand, lifted it to the front of his left shoulder, then lowered his head slightly, leaning forward and slamming his right foot.

Just squatting down.

On the stone underneath it, suddenly there is a layer of energy fluctuations like water flow.

A closer look, this layer of water-like energy fluctuations, which are constantly spreading out in all directions, eventually covering the area around the circumference of 10 meters.

In this area, a variety of Mongolian characters are flashing, and there is even a scene in which the picture of the horses galloping on the prairie flashes.

Seeing the picture and text of this scene, some people immediately began to rush forward and tried to rush in.

Can be the result.

Just when these people rushed up.


A very strange energy volatility suddenly struck, pushing Batel in the center of the town, and blocking all those trying to rush into the ruins.

next moment.

This strange energy fluctuation suddenly rises to the sky.

In a blink of an eye, in front of everyone's eyes, a somewhat weird array of formations was formed, completely enclosing the door of the remains at the center.


Seeing this array of methods, the exiles of the countries of the United States, Britain, France and Europe could not help but tremble.

This array has been seen many times.

However, every time they failed to crack it.

If you can't crack the array, you can't get close to the door of the ruins. You can't get close to the ruins and you can't enter the ruins.

It is also because of this.

They will be forced to say things about the relics of Genghis Khan, and ask Huaxia to send someone who knows the law to come and help.

no doubt.

In the first time of this formation, the masters of all countries in the world turned their heads and looked at Fangqiu.

"Mr. Wei, it’s time for you to play a role."

Said the Sam brothers.

Wen Yan, Fang Qiu looked at everyone and saw that everyone was staring at themselves, waiting for themselves to break.

Under the eyes of the public.

Fangqiu stepped forward and walked up toward the formation.

Walking, suddenly stopped, and turned back and asked: "If I can't break this battle, what should I do?"

"Can't break?"

The Sam brothers smiled indifferently and said: "Then we will ask Huaxia to change people. Anyway, we must break this line of law anyway, and we must enter the remains of Genghis Khan."

"Yes, we have to go in."

"In order to deal with Nirvana, we are not hesitating!"

For a time, people from all over the world shouted in the arms of the people. Although they heard the righteous words, they were actually attracted to the treasures in the remains of Genghis Khan.


In order to protect the remains of Genghis Khan, Fangqiu is also prepared to pretend that it cannot be broken.

But now it seems that these people are so determined.


Even if they really pretend that they can't break, they will never give up, and the most important thing is that Nirvana has already put on the idea here.

If you choose to delay, you may give Nirvana a chance.

Thinking for a while.

Fangqiu found that it can only be broken.

After all, being photographed by so many people, the ruins of Genghis Khan will inevitably be opened. Since it will be opened, it is better to be opened by these people than to be opened by Nirvana.

Mind and this.

Fangqiu, who has already walked to the sidelines, left to begin to sink his heart and carefully observe the formation.

It stands to reason that such a pattern that hangs over the door of the ruins should not be too complicated. After all, the purpose of this formation is to block some people trying to enter it.

Of course, the difficulty of this age is not the strength of the formation, but the design of the array.

To put it simply, it is to find the key to the formation.

The array method is the same as the door lock. Each lock has a unique key, and the same is true for the formation.

Only when you find the key can you go in. If you can't find it, you can only destroy the lock.


Fangqiu observed for a while and found that this weird array is long serpentine. It is not a circular or square fixed array in the traditional sense. It seems that the shape of this array is really like a Long snake.


After carefully scrutinizing it from top to bottom, Fangqiu discovered that this array is not a long snake array, but rather a horoscope: the Big Dipper!

Seeing this, Fang Qiu’s heart suddenly had a method of cracking.

The Big Dipper is very difficult for those who don't understand the Big Dipper, but it is not difficult for people to understand the Big Dipper.

Soon, after the operation and deduction of the Big Dipper, Fangqiu quickly found the entrance to the formation.

As Fangqiu entered the array, this array was naturally broken.

The formation was broken.

Everyone was overjoyed, and immediately rushed up like a tide, trying to enter the ruins.


But once again, it was blocked by the gates of the remains.

This time there is no formation, but the door to the ruins is not an empty door, but an accurate opening method is needed to get into it.

People from all over the world have rushed to the point without knowing this.

They all thought that the formation method was the last obstacle. As long as the law was broken, they could directly enter the relics, but they did not expect that the entry of Genghis Khan’s remains was much more difficult than they thought.

In the end, after trying various methods, no one can open the door of the relics, the masters of the world have once again turned their heads and looked at Fangqiu.

The faces of each of them are slowly all helpless.

"Mr. Wei, please."

Rick stood up and reached out to Fangqiu, posing an elegant invitation.

Fangqiu came forward lightly.

He didn't have time to carefully observe and find the law of the door of this relic, so after he came forward, he directly reached out and pressed it on the door of the relic, directly using the method of internal air resonance.

Because the strength is much stronger than before, the realm is much higher than before. The method of internal air resonance under the skillful operation of Fangqiu quickly reached the same frequency as the door of the relic.

Frequency synchronization.

Fangqiu directly controls the integration of the inner gas and the relics of the door. On the door of the relic, the hard-skinned tears come out as a door, just like a door.

See you.

The masters of the world have rushed forward and are ready to enter.

Fangqiu flashed, and he rushed in first.

The hole that he tore out on the door of the ruins will last for a short time, enough for all the outsiders to come in.

The entrance of Fangqiu made the experts of all countries in the world anxious to rush, and they speeded up the rush into the relics.

And here.

The first to enter the ruins of Fangqiu.

At this point, it came to an end with the outside world.

All the same place.

Inside the ruins, it is also an endless grassland.

the difference is.

The world outside, the horizon is already dawning.

But in this ruin, it is late at night.

Although it was late at night, the moon hanging in the sky was very bright, and everything in the ruins was clearly seen.

"what happened?"

When I saw that the sky was not right, Fangqiu couldn't help but frowned.

For the first time, he encountered this situation. The sky outside is actually the opposite of the sky in the ruins. What is going on?

Could it be that these are the illusions?

Just when Fang Qiu was full of doubts.

The masters of all countries in the world have already entered this space.

After landing.

Everyone who enters this space is as confused as a steel ball.

Just when everyone is watching the situation around us.

Suddenly, a voice came, so that everyone could not help but tremble.


It is the sound of quicksand.

The first time I heard this voice, everyone immediately bowed his head.

turn out.

At the foot of the grassland ground, at this time, suddenly a large amount of quicksand emerged. With the appearance of these quicksands, the entire area began to slowly fall down.

It is like a swamp.

Everyone is panicked.

Many people are struggling with madness in panic.

As a result, the more you struggle, the faster you will fall.


At this time, I don't know who suddenly shouted.

Everyone heard the words, and they all rose from the sky and broke free from the underground sand.


Just when everyone thought it was safe.

The ground that has completely turned into sand has suddenly boiled up.

A huge, incomparably large hand made of sand, slammed into the sky and grabbed everyone.

Grabbed by the sand, everyone began to struggle struggling and tried to break free.

The result was found.

In the process of their struggle, this huge sand hand is forcibly absorbing the energy in their bodies. When the energy is forcibly absorbed, everyone is unable to break free.

"Mr. Weiguo, Mr. Wei, hurry up!"

In the crowd, there was a panicking noise.

For a time.

Everyone hurriedly shouted the name "Weiguo" and hoped that Fangqiu could help them break free from the sand.

Here, Fang Qiu, who was also trapped in the sand but was not in a hurry, heard the shouts from his ears and suddenly became speechless.

This group of people really regarded him as a babysitter?

However, he still has a way to solve this big trouble.

“There is no match!”

Sinking in the dark, Fangqiu directly waved.

Because of the reason in the sand, no one can see how Fangqiu made a move.

This is going to go down.

The big no one broke out immediately.

The huge impact force instantly acts on this huge sand hand, directly condensing the energy that connects the sand into hands, and instantly breaks down.

The huge sand hand was also bursting at this moment.

The quicksand is broken.

People from all over the world have finally lost a big sigh of relief. Many people look at Fangqiu’s eyes, and it is inevitable that they will be grateful, but more people don’t care.

In this regard, Fang Qiu is not surprised, after all, it has long been strange.