Medical Master

v8 Chapter 307: You have the ability to come up!

Mystery restarts.

Under everyone's attention, a new mysterious space appeared in front of everyone.

This time the mysterious space is a mountainous land.

A glance away.

It can be seen that there are dense mountains in the entire space. Each mountain is very tall and tall. Every tree in the mountains is unusually strong. There are almost no vines in the mountain forest.

It looks like a battlefield.


"This place is good."

"This terrain is similar to the Soviet Union and Huaxia. After all, this is a common terrain in both countries."

"This battle looks good."

All the people who eat melon and watch the theater are very much looking forward to the next war.


Most looking forward to.

There is no doubt that it is the Mi side.

In the choice between their own country and the Soviet Union, Huaxia chose the Soviet Union and left them to the finale. This gave them the best opportunity to defeat China.

Regardless of the country of the United States or the Soviet Union, whoever stays in the end will certainly become the one that all countries in the world pin their hopes on.

Both countries are very strong.

The Soviet Union's war with Huaxia must be able to force Huaxia to the fullest extent possible. In this case, the Mi Guofang can take this opportunity to observe and understand the strength of the Huaxia side so as to make a final matchup. In China, we worked out a perfect plan to deal with Huaxia.

In this case, the probability of the country's victory over China will inevitably increase.

It doesn't.

Seeing the Huaxia lottery drawn to the Soviet Union, the person in charge of the Mi Guofang could not help but laughed, and ignored the face of the person in charge of the Soviet Union next to them.

The person in charge of Rice knows that this is the final battle of the group.

Although the team's final points for the battle have nothing to do with the decision of the World League's dominance, as long as China can be defeated in the team battle, the reputation of both the United States and the Soviet Union in the World League will increase greatly.

Reputation is the capital they ultimately fight for the dominance of the World Alliance.

Therefore, in order to take an initiative in the battle for the dominance of the World Alliance, the Soviet Union will not only release water, but will desperately want to win this point from the hands of Huaxia!

Knowing this well, the person in charge of the country can recklessly rejoice.

He should take a good look.

This time, to what extent can Huaxia and the Soviet Union fight.

And at the same time.

In the face of this battle in the Huaxia martial arts, although they are all looking forward to it, everyone's heart is slightly dignified.

For all Huaxia martial arts people, the Soviet Union and the Mi Kingdom are Huaxia's biggest rivals.

In the team match, Huaxia must win these two countries to reach the top.

Although Huaxia's current points can steadily enter the top three and enter the personal battles behind, but since it is to compare, it is necessary to get the best ranking, that is, to let these foreigners who come to Huaxia force palace from all over the world People take a good look, Huaxia is not something they can easily provoke!

Also paying attention to this competition is the World Underground Power Forum.

The Chinese boy who was drawn to the Soviet Union by lottery was passed to the underground power forum as soon as possible.

The emergence of this message.

All those capable of the nations who are watching the battle for the dominance of the World Alliance will be instantly excited and active.

"I heard that this time on behalf of the Soviet Union, he was a super master who had been in possession of the Soviet Union for a long time.

Not weaker or even stronger than Rick of Rice. "

"Isn't the three people in the rice country hidden for a long time?"

"Which country's master has not been hidden all the time, or if there is a battle for the leadership of the World Alliance, all countries are still hiding."

"Did you keep hiding for a long time?"

"Although that is the case, the strengths of the three contestants in the Soviet Union are obviously different from those in other countries. They have all won the same way as Huaxia, and they have not lost at all, including in the face of France and Britain I did not lose. "

"Soviet countries, rice countries and Huaxia, the war between these three countries is definitely the most intense."

"Who will win this battle?"

World Underground Forces Forum.

All capable people from all over the world look forward to this battle.

Beyond that.

Arrived at the scene, but did not participate in the battle for the leadership of the World Alliance, more than 100 countries, each also prepared to eat melon and watch the show.

Anyway, the fight for dominance has nothing to do with them, and they are naturally happy to watch.


Under great expectations.

All draws are over.

Hua Xia Fang, Wu Ming, Qing Yun and Liu Zhiyi entered the field.

Unlike before, this time the three did not stand together, but spread apart, each standing on top of a mountain, waiting for the opponent's arrival.

In the face of Soviet tactics, the three have already negotiated.

From the information gathered in the previous battles, all three knew very clearly that the three contestants of the Soviet Union were all werewolves.

Although all three looked young, in previous competitions, no team from any country could even force them to transform.

Well known.

The transformed wolf talent is the strongest. From the time of the war to now, the three of the Soviet Union have not transformed. How strong are they? It still seems a mystery.

However, for the opponent Qiu San, it is not important how strong the Soviet Union ’s fighting power is. The most important thing is how to win this battle.

With the Fangqiu three settled.

The three of the Soviet Union also appeared in the limelight.

Staring at it.

The leader is the young man who had previously entered the ruins of Genghis Khan with Fang Qiu, a pair of golden fangs in his mouth.

Looking closely, the man's irrelevant three-dimensional, eyes are particularly deep, giving a sense of see-through.

The most important thing is that this person shows a wild nature all over him, which makes people dare not to look at him.

"I'm Andre."

Entering the mysterious space, he chose a mountain closest to the unknown to fall. The young man led by Su Guo had a smile on his mouth and said confidently.

I just finished talking.

Over there, the two silhouettes that followed immediately introduced themselves.

The second one who entered and took the initiative to meet Qingyun was also a man who looked a little bit mature and had a short inch, with very deep wrinkles on his forehead, but actually a young man.

"I'm Ilya."

As soon as the young man settled down, he introduced himself to Qingyun.

The third.

He is also a young man. He is a man with naked arms and tattoos on his arms.

"I'm Ivan."

This young man also has a clear purpose. After entering the secret space, he directly went to Liu Zhiyi.

Three people have been introduced.

"You don't need to introduce, we know your names."

As the leader

Andre smiled very confidently at the nameless, saying, "We have been watching your battles. Although we have not observed any particularly useful information so far, we know that you have always enjoyed fighting alone. , So we can cooperate with you a little bit on this point, but I have to make it clear that we will never stay. "


Fang Qiu froze slightly, then immediately shook his head and smiled and said, "This is not necessarily, once the battle begins, we will not keep our hands."

"Come on then."

Andrea's warfare skyrocketed, and he stared at Fang Qiu with a pair of eyes, as if he saw something rare to meet his adversary. He was very excited and kicked towards Fang Qiu.

The other two sides.

Qingyun and Liu Zhiyi also collided with Ilya and Ivan at the first time.



Because of the inherent disadvantages of the werewolves, although they were very powerful, they were unable to stay in the air for too long, so after a strong collision, Andrei immediately fell into the mountains below.

Seeing this, Fang Qiu did not mean to take advantage of others, and immediately rushed into the forest.

far away.

Facing Liu Zhiyi, Iwan fell directly into the mountain forest after a collision, and when he emptied again, he found that Liu Zhiyi had flew into the higher sky.

At this moment, Ivan was immediately angry.

"You have the ability to come down."

"You have the ability to come up!"

Liu Zhiyi stood up in the air, looking at Iwan lazily in the mountain forest below with a look of slackness, and said, "I said I would not keep it. If you can't get up, you'll be beaten!"

"you wanna die."

Ivan roared and kicked his legs sharply on the ground, immediately stimulating the energy in his body, keeping his body in the air as much as possible, and biting Liu Zhiyi fiercely.

"Look how long you can hold on."

Liu Zhiyi smiled, and immediately waved his sword to resist.

Look at the other side.

On a bare hill, holding a blue cloud with a three-foot green peak, was fighting with Ilya crazy.

Look closely.

Ilya didn't have any weapons on her hands, but she developed very sharp claws.

Each claw looks very sharp, and each long sword that Qingyun attacks is strictly resisted.


The two actually hit a half-pound.

If you don't look closely, you really don't see any difference.



A loud noise burst from a mountain forest.

Along with the spread of this loud noise, an extremely violent energy wave, rushing up and down from the mountains and forests, rushed out from all directions.

This wave of energy passed by, and a huge tree that was extremely strong was actually chopped down and cut off.

Countless stout numbers fell to the end, smashing the ground into a crack.

This sudden crash.

Let everyone, at this instant, turn all their attention away.

Take a closer look.

At the origin of the explosion.

The two figures are colliding furiously.

These two people are simply nameless and Andre!

Unlike the previous competition, this time Anonymous did not use a sword. Instead, he chose to use his fist directly to compete with Andre.

At this point, the arms of the two were already violently cramped, and each punch was enough to crack the stone!