Medical Master

v8 Chapter 333: Ice and fire two days!

"Well ..."

The sharp cracking sound continued to strike.

During the rapid movement of his body, Rick had small missile launchers in several positions on his body. Eight small missiles were fired from different angles at one time, and an unknown body was locked with infrared scanning. Unnamed blocking, bombardment from the rear and side from which it could not protect.

Over here.

Fang Qiu, who was approaching forward, clearly saw the trajectory of the eight small missiles. Immediately spurring the consciousness, he quickly covered the entire secret space, and instantly locked the eight small missiles. The long sword in his hand remained Waving quickly, a burst of sharp energy burst out, sweeping the oncoming bullets out.

"So many bullets have been fired, should they be gone?"

The right hand clenching the Excalibur waved.

A sword gas waved towards the front, and all the bullets in front of it were instantly crushed.

as expected.

Rick, who had been moving dodging, suddenly stopped firing with the red barrel of his hands, then quickly flipped into two cylinders thicker than normal arms.


Immediately after the bullet rain ended, Rick immediately sprayed an extremely hot flame from the cylinder of his hands, which was a blue almost transparent flame. The shape of the entire flame was like a spear, and it was violent. Shot out and burned towards the unknown.


Seeing this blazing fire spear, Fang Qiu snorted, and a layer of extremely powerful energy broke out immediately above the sword in his hand, instantly covering Fang Qiu's entire body with the oncoming flame. The spears slammed together.


A crisp, penetrating sound came.

See you.

Fang Qiu's entire man, under the protection of Jianqi, directly penetrated into this blue flame spear, and continued to approach Rick very fast.

In just a blink of an eye, the distance between the two was narrowed to less than ten meters!

Seeing this.

Rick's hands changed again, returning to the normal palm shape.

"The high technology of your country is useless to me."


Without bullets and flames, Fang Qiu suddenly accelerated, rushing to Rick in an instant, and the sword in his hand stabbed Rick's head at a very fast speed at this moment.

Fang Qiu knew that Rick's body was mechanical, and only his head was normal, which means that attacking his body would not have much effect, unless he completely crushed his body.

Otherwise, the only way to defeat him is to directly blow his head!


Seeing Wuming rushing in front of him, Rick's expression still looked extremely calm, and even a cold smile was hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"You finally came."

Rick spoke suddenly.

After hearing this, Fang Qiu's eyes were frozen and his face changed.

He clearly felt that Rick's body had a fiery energy in restlessness, and this restless energy was exactly the same as that of the previous Miguel II seed Melina.

"Did it?"

Fang Qiu was startled.

Immediately, immediately pulled away and flew back.


A shaking roar came from Rick's mouth.

next moment.


A loud explosion sounded.

The fiery flames visible to the naked eye and the tremendous impact of energy burst out from every crack in Rick's body.

In just a moment, the fire was shining.

"Boom boom boom ..."

When the flames completely filled the mysterious space, the explosion sound continued.

Visible to the naked eye.

A series of extremely violent energy fluctuations constantly oscillated from the center of the explosion, driving the flames of the sky, making all the spectators horrified.

"Isn't this the skill of the second seed, Melina?"

"In the beginning, Melina's self-detonation eliminated all three members of the Mi country, and unexpectedly, in order to overcome the unknown, Rick transferred Melina's ability to herself.

"Such a horrible explosive force, can it withstand unknown?"

"It's terrible. Even if the explosion happened in another space, even through a secret door, it still suffocates."

"If I'm caught in it, I'm afraid it won't last for a few seconds."


Everyone was staring outside the gates of the mystery, trying to see if such a violent big bang would knock out the nameless.


Waited for a long time.

Everyone still hasn't even seen half a figure.

Inside the mysterious space.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The explosions, one after another, still kept ringing.

It is clear.

Rick is imitating Melina's physical condition, absorbing and storing a sufficient amount of fire attribute energy in her body, and then choosing to detonate it in a battle with the unknown.

Since it was decided in advance to use this type of attack, the Mi Guofang must have done enough prevention for Rick's body to ensure that he was not killed by an explosion on his body.

So what about namelessness?

Just when everyone was waiting, in the secret space of the sky, suddenly a more dazzling light shone.

It's golden light!

It is a towering golden beam of light.

With the appearance of this golden beam of light, the flames of the sky suddenly dissipated a lot.

Even with the flame blocking, all spectators can still clearly see the situation in the golden pillar of light in the mysterious platform.

See you.

A figure was shrouded in golden light, suspended in midair.

This golden beam of light, like a heart, beats rhythmically, shutting out all flames.

"The pillar of the gas source, is it OK?"

Suspended in it, Fang Qiu exhaled softly.

After seeing the battle between Liu Zhiyi and Rick, Fang Qiu knew that in the final battle, Rick would definitely use the indiscriminate attack that can cover the entire secret space.

Therefore, he was always looking for a way to deal with this attack.

If you simply use the energy shield, it will be difficult to defend, because after the outbreak of attacks covering the entire secret space, Rick will definitely continue to attack.

If you want to protect his offense, you must have an energy shield that can not only resist, but also work together to a great extent.

This made Fang Qiu think of the small vortex shield that was used to fight the huge vortex when he scrambled for the first first day material.

Coupled with the fact that one night's practice time was trying to absorb the essence of air source, Fang Qiu thought about whether he could use his own power and the attraction of the Great Desolation Hand to the air of heaven and earth to create a source of air centered on himself. The source of gas in the center of the land is exactly the same pillar of gas source?

Through the continuous upsurge of the outer energy, all the attacked energy is removed, and then the inner energy shield is used to block all the remaining energy attacks.

Obviously, Fang Qiu resisted.

However, the battle has just begun.

There, waves of fire-like energy still exploded in Rick's body, and each wave of energy would cause the entire mysterious space to explode once.

Unfortunately, every explosion was completely blocked by Fang Qiu's pillar of air around him, and Fang Qiu could not be hurt at all.

a long time.

The explosion stopped and the flames of the sky cleared.

In the distance, Rick was still staring at the namelessly. He didn't feel unhappy because this attack failed to eliminate the namelessness, but still smiled coldly.

On this side, the golden pillar of air covering Fangqiu completely dissipated as the flames of the sky disappeared.

After all, the energy column of the golden gas source consumes too much energy. Not only does it take a certain amount of power to control the air of the sky, but it also needs to consume a lot of golden inner gas to form an energy shield around the body.

In this case, even if Fang Qiu's inner spirit is vast, it cannot be sustained for a long time.


Just when Fang Qiu's protection disappeared.

"Ka-K-K-K ..."

A strange voice, accompanied by a chill, came suddenly behind me.

Fang Qiu turned his head to look.

See you.

The entire platform at the foot, and the energy surrounding the edge of the platform, started to freeze at this moment. The ice layer on the ground set up most quickly, and the entire platform was covered almost in a blink of an eye.

In less than a few seconds, the entire mysterious space completely changed into another appearance, surrounded by cold air everywhere.

I couldn't help shivering.

"Ice attribute energy?"

Fang Qiu frowned.

This Rick has just used the energy explosion of the fire attribute, and just started to exert the energy of the ice attribute in a blink of an eye?

It's not just the namelessness that is astonishing.

All the spectators outside the mysterious space were shocked when they saw this scene.

To know.

Being able to use one attribute's ability is already a very rare thing. Dual-energy energies are rare in the world, and each one is very powerful.

Crek, in this short period of time, he actually battled two energies with completely different attributes, plus the layer of blood energy covering him. This is a total of three energies!

The super-powerful warrior of the rice country, is it so fierce?

no doubt.

The vast majority of spectators were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

No one had expected that Rice could even develop the superpowered warrior to such a height, not only can he exert two kinds of energy with different attributes, but also the top of the two kinds of energy attacks.

Who knows if he will perform other energy attacks when closed?

Could it be finished by namelessness?


When everyone was shocked, Rick, who had distanced himself from Fang Qiu, suddenly drank, and the next moment's ice energy energy, under his control, immediately swept towards Fang Qiu.

Because the entire mysterious platform is covered by ice, the entire mysterious space is full of ice attributed energy. Under the control of Rick, these ice attributed energy instantly surges to the side of Fang Qiu, and the entire area Everyone was wrapped up.

next moment.

These ice properties energy suddenly turned into materialization and condensed into ice.

In the blink of an eye, an iceberg condenses out of nowhere in the entire mysterious space, completely freezing the unknown in it.