Medical Master

v8 Chapter 336: Breakthrough smallpox is great!

"Wow ..."

Inspired by Fang Qiu, the air of heaven and earth quickly poured in from all directions, quickly condensed in front of Fang Qiu and transformed into a huge palm.

The huge energy warhammer in the sky fell down, the sword energy hidden in the air was approaching, and a silver cross pike with a sharp breaking sound burst out under the package of milky white energy, and the black flames from all directions approaching.

When all the attacks are about to fall on Fang Qiu.

"Dashed hands!"

Fang Qiu trembled and shoved the huge palm of energy condensed in front of him, and shoved forward.

This moment.

The oncoming four attacks simultaneously bombarded the palm of this tremendous energy.


The explosion sound of the sky spread.

From a distance, when the four attacks fell at the same time, the huge energy palm was blown up in an instant.

Several different energies burst into dazzling light, deeply stabbing the eyes of all spectators.

But even so.

All the spectators outside the secret world still stared at the two collision figures over the platform.

In a strong and dazzling light.

Everyone clearly saw that a figure was blown out from the strong light generated by the explosion.

Judging by the direction in which the man was bombarded.

This person should be nameless!

Soon, the dazzling explosion radiated away, and the figure still staying at the place where the explosion appeared gradually appeared.

That's right.

It's Rick!

At this moment, Rick still tightly held the silver cross spear and the black-red book, and the two mechanical arms behind him also grasped the silver-plated cross warhammer and the dagger tightly.

Even after such a powerful collision, the energy luster blooming on these artifacts is not too sharp, and it still looks very strong.

"Haha ..."

Holding an artifact, Rick laughed wildly and said, "Nameless, you can't win mine."

Between words.

Without giving Fang Qiu the opportunity to be blown out at all, he immediately burst into a stronger blood-colored energy, while covering the whole body, waving four artifacts again, fiercely hit Fang Qiu fiercely, That look is obviously trying to defeat the unknown in one fell swoop!

See this scene.

Off the court, all the people of Huaxia Martial Arts were a little panicked.

For the first time, they saw Anonymous falling into the downwind in the battle, and they were steadily suppressed. It seemed that their faces had no chance to fight back.

Anonymous, are you really going to lose?

Countless people in Huaxia Wulin couldn't help it.

Compared with the Huaxia Wulin people, the faces of capable people from all over the world are full of smiles, especially the rice country side is laughing and winning.

In their view.

Anonymous has completely fallen into the downwind, and Rick has not fully demonstrated his strength, so in any case, Anonymous must lose!

"Bang bang ..."

The deafening collision sounded again on the mysterious platform.

With the help of the potion and the four artifacts, Rick's burst out of the force completely exceeded Fang Qiu's imagination, and Fang Qiu could be retreated by almost every collision.

Coupled with the presence of Rick's robotic arm, four hands attacked Fang Qiu in turn, making Fang Qiu's response and speed good, difficult to resist.

Under the attack of Rick's company.

Fang Qiu was continually repulsed, and in just a few seconds, he was oppressed by Rick's powerful offensive and retreated to the edge of the ring.

Over here.

Fang Qiu looked dignified.

On Rick, he did feel a very strong sense of oppression, which he had never encountered before.

Different from the kind of oppression near death that Lord Nirvana gives, this is a kind of oppression that obviously has the ability to resist, but is suppressed by continuous powerful attacks.

This oppression made Fang Qiu feel very uncomfortable.

Moreover, due to the tremendous pressure given by Rick, Fang Qiu must constantly urge his inner gas to resist.

under these circumstances.

The air consumption in Fangqiu is very fast.


Seeing being forced to the edge of the ring platform, Fang Qiu knew that he could no longer continue to retreat, and found an opportunity to flash forward and rush out in the other direction.

But just then.


A bang.

As Fang Qiu flew out, preparing to escape from the dangerous area on the edge of the ring, Rick's continuous onslaught suddenly accelerated.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qiu's energy shield around him was crushed directly, and then the silver-plated gold-plated cross warhammer slammed on Fang Qiu's back.

Because he focused most of his attention on responding to the attacks of the other three artifacts, Fang Qiu intentionally exposed the flaws on his back.

It doesn't.

With this hammer fell.

Fang Qiu's body was blasted out by the silver-plated gold-plated cross warhammer in an instant.

However, this blow did not blast Fang Qiu out of the ring, but instead sent Fang Qiu to the center of the ring.

"Haha ..."

Seeing that Fang Qiu was hit by a hammer and flying into that embarrassing look, Rick laughed suddenly and said, "Unknown, I give you a chance to admit defeat, you can admit defeat now, if you don't want to lose That's so ugly! "


Standing in the center of Yantai, staring at Rick, Fang Qiu took a deep breath and said directly: "You can't take all the artifacts from all over the world. I didn't expect it, but you won't really think that I Did n’t stay behind? ”

Then came the words.

Rick frowned.

Outside, all the spectators couldn't help but wonder.

Anonymous and backhand?

Hearing the nameless words, all Huaxia Wulin people ignited hope. The capable people in all countries in the world are also skeptical. Only everyone in the Mi country side is still confident.

In their view, Anonymous has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and he cannot possibly hide behind it, because all the information about Anonymous has been completely analyzed. Even if there is really an afterhand, to Rick ’s The threat is not great.

"is it?"

Rick sneered, saying, "I'll make you unable to make even the second hand, and you will be eliminated!"


The words have just fallen.


At the same time as he spoke, a powerful energy burst into the sky.

Fang Qiu's whole body was immediately and completely covered by a layer of golden yellow energy.

next moment.

"Boom ..."

The air of heaven and earth in the whole secret realm started to fall over the river, and Fang Qiu was sitting in the air of heaven and earth suspended in midair.

This scene.

Let everyone hold back.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"

Those who are capable of all countries in the world are aggressive and can't understand.

And aside.

All Huaxia martial arts people are all staring.

"Nameless is breaking through."

"Unknown is about to break!"

With the sound of these two sentences, everyone at the scene suddenly realized that before the namelessness had always been the great strength of the flower field, there was no sky flower field reaching the peak of the practitioner.

Fang Qiu has already reached this stage under the circumstance of the great completion of the flower field. If he really breaks through to the flower field, his strength will inevitably skyrocket.

Will Rick still win?

This time, it is the panic of those who can turn around.

Secret Realm Taichung.


Rick also saw that Anonymous was breaking through, and immediately waved four artifacts, bursting out the strongest force in the whole body, bursting towards Fang Qiu, trying to interrupt Fang Qiu.


Just when he rushed to Fang Qiu.

Fang Qiu, who sat on the break, opened his eyes sharply.

He is not breaking through, he is just accumulating energy, because he has broken through the smallpox border once before. This breakthrough is a natural one, and there is no need to waste time.

"Big empty hand."


Fang Qiu slapped in the void.

With a layer of powerful energy waves rippling out, the entire mysterious space was suddenly completely under its control.

next moment.

The four artifacts in Rick's hand burst into an instant, as if they were hit hard.

Rick, who had already attacked Fang Qiu, also noticed this.

Immediately his face changed, and he couldn't even look for the cause, and slammed his four artifacts down to Fang Qiu's body.


Fang Qiu's footsteps disappeared directly into Rick's eyes out of thin air.

This is the state reached by Fang Qiu at its peak. Now that his strength has returned, Fang Qiu can easily do this step without having to get familiar with it.

Rick, who had lost his target, missed it in one shot.

When preparing to rediscover an unknown place.

"No match."

A familiar voice came from behind.

Then, a slap lightly slapped on his back.

next moment.

An extremely violent energy burst out from this slap with an immense force, and instantly dispelled all the **** energy in Rick's body, as well as the energy stored in the four artifacts.

For a moment, all the artifacts went out.

This scene.

It shocked everyone.

However, even more shocking is still behind.

At the moment when all the energies, and all the energies in the four artifacts were also dissipated, Fang Qiu slapped the palms on Rick's back slightly, and then patted them again.

"Dashed hands!"

With the last voice sounded.

Under Fang Qiu's seemingly light palm, Rick's body was blown out instantly.

Without all the protection, Rick couldn't stop the huge force that hit his body, and then he flew out of the ring.

The moment the body rushed out of the ring, it disappeared directly into the mysterious space and appeared outside the gate of the mysterious area.

At the scene, both the capable people of all countries in the world and all Huaxia Wulin people were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

No one had thought that the reverse would come so fast and so simply!


For Fang Qiu, it was taken for granted.

His breakthrough was not a simple one. This time the breakthrough directly healed the serious injuries Fang Qiu had suffered before, and his strength was instantly restored to a level of 83,000 miles.

In terms of recovering opponent Qiu, the combat effectiveness is not just as simple as doubling, but several times!