Medical Master

v8 Chapter 367: Hunting down the six lords


Hearing the sound coming from the corner of the tent, Fang Qiu raised a brow and immediately walked in the direction of the sound.

Bypass several instruments.

Fang Qiu came to the bottom of the tent, the corner of a row of computer desks.

Take a closer look.

A pale-looking, trembling body, a biochemical researcher who looked dying, was holding the ground with both hands, and was sitting very hard against the computer desk.

"How are you?"

Fang Qiu rushed forward, grabbed the opponent's wrist, and checked the condition of the body.

turn out.

This person's heart has been broken, and even Hua Hua is alive, it is impossible to save.

However, since it was discovered, Fang Qiu naturally tried his best.

"Don't mess around, I'm a doctor, and I might be able to save you."

Fang Qiu said.

"no need."

The expert shook his head weakly and said, "I know you're here to save us, and I know I can't do it anymore."

Between words.

I felt a USB stick out of my mouth, and put it on Fang Qiu's hand, and said painfully: "This is all the information. What he took away was a fake USB stick I prepared in advance. This USB stick You must protect it and take it back. "

The words have just fallen.

The expert suddenly took a sigh of relief, then stopped breathing.

Fang Qiu hurriedly injected internal air into the opponent's body, tried to empty the heart veins which were blocked by blood near the opponent's heart, and tried to help him receive the pulse.


Just when Fang Qiu was trying to treat.

The opponent's body has gradually started to get cold.

In the end, Fang Qiu tried hard for a while, but still failed to save people.


Fang Qiu had no choice but to bury all these biochemical experts.

After burial.

Fang Qiu immediately called the person in charge of Mi Guo.


The call is connected.

In the attic of the sword pavilion, the people in charge from all over the world answered the calls from Fang Qiu together.

"All the Nirvana people on the Biochemical Base have been killed by me. When I arrived, they had fled to a valley station 100 kilometers away. Now I am in the valley station and arrested by Nirvana. All biochemical research scientists have been killed by nirvana. I can only say that they were buried on the spot. "

"I hope that you can contact the senior officials of the country and ask them to send someone here to bury these biochemical experts."

Fang Qiu's voice rang in the attic and reached everyone's ears.

"What, Nirvana was killed by you all?"

Hearing the nameless words, the person in charge of the rice country was immediately shocked.

The faces of the heads of other countries were also full of shock.

No one thought of it.

Anonymous turned out to kill Nirvana in a resident with his own strength.

"There is one left."

Fang Qiu responded: "It is the six enlisted soldiers of Nirvana. When I tried to kill Nirvana, he found a chance to escape, and I will pursue as much as possible."

"I understand."

The person in charge of Miguo nodded quickly in shock, and then said, "I will immediately inform our senior management of your request. I believe they will bury these biochemical experts, but I also hope that you can promise me one thing."


Fang Qiu asked.

"Since the six lords of Nirvana survived, the biochemical research materials that they snatched from the biochemical base must also be taken away by him. Those biochemical research materials are of great importance. They must not fall into the hands of the Nirvana organization, so I hope you will recover biochemical data. "

The person in charge of Rice said in the tone of the request.

"OK, definitely!"

Fang Qiu nodded surely.

Although the information was already in his hands, he did not say it.

hang up the phone.

Fang Qiu immediately released his consciousness and began to explore the direction in which the six deities escaped.

Under the investigation of the consciousness, Fang Qiu clearly found that the six deities had fled seventy kilometers away. Although there was no trace of the six deities, there were indeed some abnormal flows between the heavens and the earth within a kilometer range. The atmosphere of heaven and earth, and there is only one direction.


After determining the direction, Fang Qiu immediately flew up and chased him up. According to the remaining energy breath between the heavens and the earth and the guidance of the map, the direction in which the six deities ran away was directed at Dallas.

Fast forward all the way.

Not long after.

A small town called Pittsburgh appeared in the telepathy of Fangqiu.

When this town first appeared, Fang Qiu sensed the remaining energy breath of the six enlightened people, which was stronger than before.

That is.

The six lords are likely to be in this town.

Fang Qiu speeded up immediately.

On the town.


In a bar, I just sat down and drank a sip of hard liquor. The six deities who had just stabilized my mind suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.


The six sages sank, and quickly looked at the bricks.

"Six lords, from the direction you just came, someone has caught up."

A man in a black robe quickly rushed into the empty bar and said: "According to radar surveillance, this man is very fast and is coming over here."


The six enlightened men stood up.

An expression of incredulous anger asked: "Such a fast, are all those devils eating shit?"

Say it.

A glance was given to the runner who came in to report.

"You, immediately summon all the people in this area, including all Fushimo, to stop the guy who is coming here, and kill it!"

Ordered by the six enshrined.


The man in black robe immediately nodded, then quickly ran out of the bar and called for a hand.

After the black robe man who came to report the news left.

The six lords didn't dare to stay for a moment, and quickly walked out of the bar immediately.

Over here.


There is still a distance of 60 kilometers from the small town of Pittsburgh. Fang Qiu felt the breath of the six deities escaping from the town very clearly.

Divine knowledge instantly locked on the six lords.

Pursue all the way up.

Fang Qiu found that the six deities didn't turn, as if they knew their position, and they went straight ahead, letting them pass Pittsburgh.

In Fang Qiu's sense of consciousness, it can be clearly sensed that a large number of Nirvana people are gathering in Pittsburgh, and many of them are still ambush.

Fang Qiu knew.

This is the route that the six deities can design.

The purpose is purely to escape, allowing the men in his black robes and Fu Mo to stop himself and gain time for his escape.

in fact.

Fang Qiu could completely ignore these nirvanas trying to intercept in the middle of the road, change direction, stagger the town of Pittsburgh, and chase up to the six lords.


Fang Qiu didn't think the Six Masters would be so simple.

After all, it was a small town with many ordinary people living in it.

If he did n’t encounter any interception in the end, would Nirvana attack ordinary people in the town?

Nirvana, everyone **** it!

Holding such emotions.

Fang Qiu did not choose to detour, but flew directly to Pittsburgh.

as expected.

Just five kilometers from Pittsburgh.

A large number of people in the black robes and Fumo gathered in the town, and came out of the nest.

Fang Qiu did not stop, but directly waved the Excalibur in his hand and rushed into the crowd.

"Well ..."

In the sky, golden swords lit up.

Where Jian Guang has passed.

The man in black robes and Fumo kept falling from the sky.

Under the incineration of the energy flame, before falling to the ground, it has turned into the ashes of the sky and dissipated in the sky.

Hundreds of people in black robes, and dozens of ordinary Fumo, the limits of the other Qiu are not large.

Just a few minutes.

Fang Qiu who broke out with all his strength killed all these people.

All the bodies were burned, and Fang Qiu continued to pursue.

At this point, the six deities once again extended the distance to 70 kilometers away, and had already left Fangqiu's circle of enlightenment.

And seventy kilometers away.

The strong sense of crisis in the hearts of the six enshrined remains unchanged.

Different from other people's sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis was obtained by the six deities after a long period of penance. As long as someone has a killing intention for him, he can feel it from a distance.

This danger perception ability is a nirvana that allows him to study hard, and is also a necessary escape skill for Nirvana.

Before, he always felt that this ability was useless. Anyway, his plan was perfect every time. Every time Nirvana was invincible on the battlefield, no one could threaten him.

I didn't expect it.

This time, he used it.

Fang Qiu chased all the way behind him, biting hard.

For Fang Qiu, such a large one has a great chance of beheading the Six Lords, and he will never give up.

And the six enshrined in front, can obviously feel that the speed of the unknown is much faster than his speed.

under these circumstances.

If you don't want a good solution, you will eventually be caught up by the unknown.

Run away and think all the way.

After a long time.

The six lords gritted their teeth, turned the direction directly, and hurried to another place.

In the rear, I have been pursuing the abandonment and pursuit, and noticed that the six deities changed the direction of escape, immediately raised a brow and continued to speed up the pursuit, for fear that the six deities would engage in ghosts again.

Over here.

The six deities who ran all the way, dared to go all the way to Oklahoma City after changing directions.

That city, on the southern edge of the country, is close to the middle of the country.

Fang Qiu judged.

The six deities are likely to want to escape towards the middle of the country.

After all, the influence of Nirvana in the south is almost wiped out. Only the Nirvana force in the central part of the country is still very full.

There, for him, is the place with the greatest hope for survival.


Does the Six Masters think so?

Halfway through the rapid flight.

The six deities who have been moving at full speed, as if they found something, suddenly frowned, and immediately descended from the air, using the method of hiding breath to quickly suppress their own breath, and then turned again and turned towards Flee in the other direction.