Medical Master

v8 Chapter 371: Thanks for nothing!

On the last day of 2019, thank you for your companionship to Xiaobu and this book. Thank you, Xiaobu wish you a happy New Year in advance! )

Outside Oklahoma City, west.

On a small town.

After solving the rescue mission of Oklahoma City, Rick moved in this direction. According to his rescue experience in the middle of the United States, he believes that Oklahoma City has a nirvana organization. There must be a Nirvana party.

Moreover, Oklahoma City is a very important city in the southern part of the United States, and there should be a lot of capable people around it.

In order to catch up with the unknown, he must quickly find a place to rescue other capable people.

"Well ..."

While Rick was still searching for traces of the Nirvana Remnant Party, a cell phone ringing suddenly sounded.

Rick took out his phone and took a look.

The person who dialed it is actually the person in charge of the country of Rice who is in the place of the air source.


Rick answered the phone immediately.

"The news that you have completed the second rescue has come and done very well."

The words of praise from the person in charge of Mi Guo came, and then the words turned around, and immediately added: "However, with this news, it was unknown and rescued the three teams!"


When Rick heard it, his face was suddenly distorted, and he immediately yelled, "He lied to me, didn't he say he was going to chase the six enshrined men, and he was too wordless!"

"You figure out what you want to do."

The voice of the person in charge of Mi Guo came from the phone.

"I'll stare at the nameless!"

Rick bit his teeth and asked, "Where is Anonymous now?"

"According to the information, he has just left Dallas and is rushing towards Austin."

The person in charge of Rice said.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Rick nodded immediately, then dared to go quickly in the direction of Austin.

This time.

Because the distance is too far away.

In order to catch up with the unknown, Rick directly opened all the rocket propellers all over the body, the speed soared to the limit, and there was a strong sonic boom everywhere.

under these circumstances.

The distance between Rick and Fangqiu, who was heading for Austin, kept getting closer.

at this time.

Fang Qiu has just left Dallas and is 300 kilometers away from Austin.

As a result of a war in Dallas, the six lords have fled almost 100 kilometers away, and 200 kilometers away from Austin.

Rick, who has just set out from Oklahoma City, a small town called Wichita Falls, is 400 kilometers from Austin.

under these circumstances.

All three parties are moving fast.

Due to the use of a large number of flame thrusters, Rick's speed is the fastest of the three, followed by anonymity, and the six enemies running at the front are the slowest.

a long time.

When the Six Sages were 100 kilometers from Austin, Fang Qiu had once again shortened the distance between the two to less than 70 kilometers.

However, at the moment when Divine Consciousness traced the trail of the Six Lords, Fang Qiu also noticed Rick's breath of energy.


When Frick was aware that Rick was moving towards his side, Fang Qiu could not help but frowned.

of course.

Not because of Rick.

It's because, under the sense of consciousness, Rick's speed is very fast, much faster than Fang Qiu's speed.

In doubt.

Fang Qiu continued to pursue.

At this rate, it shouldn't be long before Rick can catch up.

It doesn't.

When Fang Qiu narrowed the distance between himself and the six enshrined within 50 kilometers, Rick had already chased behind Fang Qiu.

Seeing an unknown back a kilometer away, Rick laughed immediately.

"I was finally overtaken."

Staring at the unknown, Rick grinned and continued to pursue.

Quickly rushed up, side by side with the unknown.

At this time.

Fang Qiu finally understood why Rick was so fast.

In this guy's body, Fang Qiu saw a whole flame propeller, in addition to his feet, there were six on his back and one on his left and right shoulder.

It is a flame thruster that accelerates together, and Rick's own speed, it is not surprising that this pursuit speed is not fast.

Side by side with the unknown.

Rick turned off the flame thruster immediately.

"How did you catch up?"

Fang Qiu asked.

"Things over there have been resolved, and I chase the Six Masters together, after all, biochemical information is more important."

Rick also said blushing and panting.

Fang Qiu was not speaking out.

Pursue all the way.


The six deities who had reached over Austin had a great increase in the sense of crisis in his heart. He even noticed that two people were behind him.

"Oh shit."

With a swear, the six lords said angrily: "Since you don't see the coffin and don't cry, then come on, I will prepare a great gift for you!"

Anger in my heart.

The six lords turned their heads and glanced angrily at the edge of the sky. They said, "Unfortunately, none of the masters are in the rice country, and they have all gone to South America. Otherwise, you may look good!"


the other side.

With the rescue of top experts from all over the world, the underground forces forums have also started to update the news in various places.

Since these three days.

Rescue information from various places has been continuously uploaded to the underground forces forum.

The hearts of people who were disturbed by Nirvana's raid finally finally stabilized gradually, and everyone began to talk about it again in the underground power forum.

However, when the news of the unnamed rescue of six waves of people spread to the underground forces forum, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people around the world.

In the nameless rescue post, the person who posted the post recorded all the rescue situations of the nameless.

See the content of the post.

All the people on the underground power forum were shocked.

No one thought of it.

Anonymous even rescued so many people.

Moreover, it has not been more than three days before everyone rescued.

"Nameless is really too strong?"

"It is indeed the first place in the world's personal power list. So many people were saved in one shot."

"Most people haven't even rescued a wave of people, but he has already rescued a whole six waves?"

"If you count it according to the number of rescues, it is indeed six, but if you count it according to the number of people, then the number will be too much. After all, the first wave of rescue is more than 800 people."

"I was also one of the rescued by the unknown. Thanks to the unknown for the rescue. If it were not for the unknown, I would be dead now."

"I'm the same one upstairs. I'm one of those rescued by Anonymous. Anonymous is my life-saving benefactor. I will never forget his great grace in this life."

"Thanks for the namelessness. Although I am just a general, low-level person with ability, I may not see what I say here, but I am really wrong.

Chang sincerely thanked Wuming for giving him a second life. I want to thank him! "

"I know that our country has a hatred with the unknown. I used to hate it even very much, but now he completely changed my view of him, not only because he saved my life, but also Because he can put aside his prejudice against the Mi country at such a critical moment, and use his strength to save every Mi countryman, I admire his character very much. "

"Why is such a good person being constantly targeted by the rice country? I think it's the rice country's turn to think about it. What is the problem?"

In addition to a large number of shocked people, there are a lot of people rescued by the unknown who have logged in to the underground forces forum to enter this post, and thank you for your name.

Seeing the post's reply, there are so many people who thank the unknown, and everyone immediately admired the incomparable.

In their view.


From any point of view, they have no reason to resist anonymity.

of course.

With the news on the underground forces forum.

The heads of the major forces in various countries in the gas source also know the nameless record.

After hearing the news that the unknown had saved six people, the leaders of some countries were anxious.

Because, the strength shown by Anonymous is really too strong.

If this goes on.

I am afraid that the leadership of the World League will be taken away by Huaxia.

of course.

One of the most anxious is Rice.

Only China and its allies have been competing with China for the leadership of the World Alliance.

this moment.

The leaders of the three countries of Miguo, Yinglan, and Franca are gathered together. They are all very anxious. They are trying to find ways to help Rick surpass the unknown. They want to regain the dominance of the World Alliance.


They are in the place of the air source, and they do n’t know enough about the scene. No matter what happens, they can only wait for the news to come. Even if they can make a few calls and ask the local people for assistance, it is always a plan. Can't keep up with change.

Who knows what will happen in the next second on the battlefield?


They can only rest on that Rick can stare at the unknown, and then **** all the opportunities for rescue from the unknown, and stop the unknown from continuing the rescue, thus gaining the most rescued position and regaining the dominance of the World Alliance.

Outside Austin.

The six lords passing by over Austin didn't stop, but went on all the way.


Fang Qiu also felt very clearly that there was no Nirvana organization in Austin.

in fact.

Nirvana is also based in Austin.

But when Fang Qiu first came here, the black-robed men and Fu Mo beheaded were Nirvana sent to station in Austin.

In addition, after the aircraft carrier was bombed, Fang Qiu beheaded and killed the black robe man in the military base.

This led to the destruction of Nirvana in Austin.

None are left.


Why did the six deities escape in this direction?

When Fang Qiu was full of doubts, he suddenly thought of a very famous city not far from Austin.

San Antonio!

The distance between the city and Austin is only 120 kilometers.

Maybe Nirvana is more in that city?

Just as Fang Qiu guessed.

The six demonstrators, already heading for San Antonio, pulled out their cellphones in their pants pockets again.